📦 An independent package manager for compiled binaries.

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An independent package manager for compiled binaries.

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  • Easily distribute binaries across teams and private repositories.
  • Get the latest releases ahead of other package managers.
  • Rapidly browse, install, and experiment with different projects.
  • Install binaries from GitHub releases or directly from URLs
  • Isolated ~/.stew/ directory.
  • No need for sudo.
  • Portable Stewfile with optional pinned versioning.



Stew supports Linux, macOS, and Windows:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marwanhawari/stew/main/install.sh | sh


# Install from GitHub releases
stew install junegunn/fzf              # Install the latest release
stew install junegunn/[email protected]       # Install a specific, tagged version
stew install junefunn/fzf sharkdp/fd   # Install multiple binaries in a single command

# Install directly from a URL
stew install https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v2.4.0/gh_2.4.0_macOS_amd64.tar.gz

# Install from an Stewfile
stew install Stewfile

# Browse github releases and assets with a terminal UI
stew browse sharkdp/hyperfine

# Upgrade a binary to its latest version (only for binaries from GitHub releases)
stew upgrade rg           # Upgrade using the name of the binary directly
stew upgrade --all        # Upgrade all binaries

# Uninstall a binary
stew uninstall rg         # Uninstall using the name of the binary directly
stew uninstall --all      # Uninstall all binaries

# List installed binaries
stew list                              # Print to console
stew list > Stewfile                   # Create an Stewfile without pinned tags
stew list --tags > Stewfile            # Pin tags
stew list --tags --assets > Stewfile   # Pin tags and assets


Why couldn't stew automatically find any binaries for X repo?

The repo probably uses an unconventional naming scheme for their binaries. You can always manually select the release asset.

I've installed stew but the command is still not found.

The stew install script attempts to add ~/.stew/bin to PATH in your .zshrc or .bashrc file. You will also need to start a new terminal session for the changes to take effect. Make sure that ~/.stew/bin is in your PATH environment variable.

Will stew work with private GitHub repositories?

Yes, stew will automatically detect if you have a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable and allow you to access binaries from your private repositories.

How do I uninstall stew?

Simply run rm -rf $HOME/.stew/ and optionally remove this line

export PATH="$HOME/.stew/bin:$PATH"

from your .zshrc or .bashrc file.

  • Feature Request: Include Forks

    Feature Request: Include Forks

    stew search lazydocker does not return lazydocker-high-contrast, which is a fork of lazydocker, for instance. An option to search through forks would be nice.

  • Support the XDG Base Directory Specification

    Support the XDG Base Directory Specification

    Currently stew stores all binaries and data in a $HOME/.stew directory but I would like to support the XDG Base Directory Specification instead.

    This would mean moving ~/.stew to $XDG_DATA_HOME/stew (or $HOME/.local/share/stew if $XDG_DATA_HOME is not set).

  • renaming binaries

    renaming binaries

    Hey again! opening another issue to keep things tidy.

    A really nice addition would be the ability to store binaries under a different name, i.e. renaming a binary foobar to kubectl-foobar.

  • multiple binaries per project

    multiple binaries per project

    Hey there,

    really like the project! (I actually had an old abandoned python project doing pretty much the same: https://github.com/AFriemann/ghbin)

    one thing I noticed while testing is that I can't easily use it for projects that come with multiple binaries like for example ksniff: https://github.com/eldadru/ksniff

    I had to manually remove the zip and re-install it. A multi select in the initial installation would be an awesome addition!

  • [Feature Request] Autoupdating Stewfile

    [Feature Request] Autoupdating Stewfile

    Hi, thanks for stew, its been really useful.

    I sync my Stewfile between workstations: when I install or update a binary on one PC, I manually regenerate a new Stewfile to propagate the changes to the other.

    Could we set a Stewfile to be updated automatically after every operation? Something like stew file ~/dotfiles/Stewfile. I could contribute a PR for this.

  • add ability to install from stewfile.lock.json

    add ability to install from stewfile.lock.json

    Closes #14. This PR adds the ability to install from a given Stewfile.lock.json.

    Its worth mentioning that the given lock file is assumed to be different from the local Stewfile.lock.json that exists in the stewPath. If necessary, I can include a check to ensure the local $stewPath/Stewfile.lock.json cannot be used.

  • Allow user configuration and support XDG spec by default

    Allow user configuration and support XDG spec by default

    This PR introduces the ability for users to configure the stewPath (which is where stew data is stored - originally hardcoded as ~/.stew) and the stewBinPath (which is where binaries are actually installed - originally harcoded as ~/.stew/bin). There are 3 ways to configure these:

    1. Upon initial installation with the install.sh script, it will prompt you to configure these.
    2. If you install the stew binary without the install.sh script or later realize you want to change them, you can use the new stew config subcommand.
    3. You can manually edit the stew config file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/config.json or ~/.config/stew/config.json on Linux/macOS and ~/AppData/Local/stew/Config/config.json on Windows)

    Additionally, the new default locations for stewPath and stewBinPath follow the XDG spec:

    | | Linux/macOS | Windows | | ------------ | ------------ | ---------- | | stewPath | $XDG_DATA_HOME/stew or ~/.local/share/stew | ~/AppData/Local/stew | | stewBinPath | $XDG_DATA_HOME/stew/bin or ~/.local/share/stew/bin | ~/AppData/Local/stew/bin |

  • Allow renaming of binaries

    Allow renaming of binaries

    This PR adds a rename subcommand to allow users to rename binaries. This is preferred over using an alias in your .zshrc or .bashrc because renaming a binary with rename will update the Stewfile.lock.json as well as the binary name itself. This means that commands like stew uninstall <renamedBinary> and stew upgrade <renamedBinary> will work, which is not true if you use an alias.

    Users will also automatically be prompted to rename a binary if:

    1. The asset itself is the binary. Often these have names like binary-v0.0.1-darwin-arm64, which is not the name that people want to type into the command line.
    2. If the binary is not automatically detected inside an archived asset (which can happen if 0 or >1 executable files are found in an archive). After selecting the binary, they will be prompted to rename it.

    Finally, this PR switch out any usage of the path library in favor of the filepath library which uses / or \ in an operating-system compatible way. path only uses /.

  • Config updates

    Config updates

    Stabilized configuration updates.

    • Changed config.json -> stew.config.json
    • Changed default stewBinPath to ~/.local/bin
    • Warn user if stewBinPath not in PATH
    • Prompt user to set up config values if stew.config.json not found
    • Update curl install script accordingly

    Added brew tap as an installation option.

    Update docs.

  • [Proposal] Extract binaries from archives

    [Proposal] Extract binaries from archives

    It is common when, at release, a binary is packed with man file and some others into an archive. Like zoxide, btop and many others. It will be awesome if stew will be able to unpack such archives and allow choosing a binary to install.

  • [Proposal] Add keys shortcut in stew search to open selected repository in browser

    [Proposal] Add keys shortcut in stew search to open selected repository in browser

    When we run stew search, it could be beneficial to have an ability to press, for example, Ctrl-o to jump to repo's page for more details. What do you think?

  • stew upgrade --all throwing errors

    stew upgrade --all throwing errors

    stew upgrade --all command throwing error, if there is no update found. including this command in topgrade (r-darwish/topgrade) also throwing error status. screenshot_20220331214444

  • support mechanism of validating the content hashes of binaries

    support mechanism of validating the content hashes of binaries

    Great tool! Adding the ability for content hashes to be collected would be a great step to help ensure supply chains remain unaltered.

    Perhaps extend your Stewfile to include a sha256 of the binary? you may want to consider some sort of registry to help prevent tampering (for example, newly installed binaries could trigger some automation to collect and save sha information into something you could look up against).

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