goveralls - Go integration for continuous code coverage tracking system.


Go integration for continuous code coverage tracking system.


goveralls requires a working Go installation (Go-1.2 or higher).

$ go get


First you will need an API token. It is found at the bottom of your repository's page when you are logged in to Each repo has its own token.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ goveralls -repotoken your_repos_coveralls_token

You can set the environment variable $COVERALLS_TOKEN to your token so you do not have to specify it at each invocation.

You can also run this reporter for multiple passes with the flag -parallel or by setting the environment variable COVERALLS_PARALLEL=true (see coveralls docs for more details).

Continuous Integration

There is no need to run go test separately, as goveralls runs the entire test suite.

Github Actions

shogo82148/actions-goveralls is available on GitHub Marketplace. It provides the shorthand of the GitHub Actions YAML configure.

name: Quality
on: [push, pull_request]
    name: Test with Coverage
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Set up Go
      uses: actions/setup-go@v1
        go-version: '1.13'
    - name: Check out code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        go mod download
    - name: Run Unit tests
      run: |
        go test -race -covermode atomic -coverprofile=covprofile ./...
    - name: Install goveralls
        GO111MODULE: off
      run: go get
    - name: Send coverage
        COVERALLS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      run: goveralls -coverprofile=covprofile -service=github
    # or use shogo82148/actions-goveralls
    # - name: Send coverage
    #   uses: shogo82148/actions-goveralls@v1
    #   with:
    #     path-to-profile: covprofile

Test with Legacy GOPATH mode

If you want to use Go 1.10 or earlier, you have to set GOPATH environment value and the working directory. See for more detail.

Here is an example for testing package.

name: Quality
on: [push, pull_request]
    name: Test with Coverage
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Set up Go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
          go-version: '1.10'

      # add this step
      - name: Set up GOPATH
        run: |
          echo "GOPATH=${{ github.workspace }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          echo "${{ github.workspace }}/bin" >> "$GITHUB_PATH"

      - name: Check out code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          path: src/ # add this
      - name: Run Unit tests
        run: |
          go test -race -covermode atomic -coverprofile=covprofile ./...
        working-directory: src/ # add this
      - name: Install goveralls
          GO111MODULE: off
        run: go get
      - name: Send coverage
          COVERALLS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        run: goveralls -coverprofile=covprofile -service=github
        working-directory: src/ # add this

Travis CI

GitHub Integration

Enable Travis-CI on your github repository settings.

For a public github repository put bellow's .travis.yml.

language: go
  - tip
  - go get
  - $GOPATH/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci

For a public github repository, it is not necessary to define your repository key (COVERALLS_TOKEN).

For a private github repository put bellow's .travis.yml. If you use travis pro, you need to specify -service=travis-pro instead of -service=travis-ci.

language: go
  - tip
  - go get
  - $GOPATH/bin/goveralls -service=travis-pro

Store your Coveralls API token in Environment variables.

COVERALLS_TOKEN = your_token_goes_here

or you can store token using travis encryption keys. Note that this is the token provided in the page for that specific repository on Coveralls. This is not one that was created from the "Personal API Tokens" area under your Coveralls account settings.

$ gem install travis
$ travis encrypt COVERALLS_TOKEN=your_token_goes_here --add

travis will add env block as following example:

    secure: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

For others:

$ go get
$ go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=profile.cov
$ goveralls -coverprofile=profile.cov -service=travis-ci

Store your Coveralls API token in Environment Variables:


Replace the go test line in your Commands with these lines:

$ go get
$ goveralls -service

goveralls automatically use the environment variable COVERALLS_TOKEN as the default value for -repotoken.

You can use the -v flag to see verbose output from the test suite:

$ goveralls -v -service


Store your Coveralls API token as an Environment Variable.

In your circle.yml add the following commands under the test section.

    - go get
    - go test -v -cover -race -coverprofile=/home/ubuntu/coverage.out
    - /home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=/home/ubuntu/coverage.out -service=circle-ci -repotoken=$COVERALLS_TOKEN

For more information, See


Store your Coveralls API token in Environment Variables:


More instructions on how to do this can be found in the Semaphore documentation.

Replace the go test line in your Commands with these lines:

$ go get
$ goveralls -service semaphore

goveralls automatically use the environment variable COVERALLS_TOKEN as the default value for -repotoken.

You can use the -v flag to see verbose output from the test suite:

$ goveralls -v -service semaphore

Jenkins CI

Add your Coveralls API token as a credential in Jenkins (see Jenkins documentation).

Then declare it as the environment variable COVERALLS_TOKEN:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Test with coverage') {
            steps {
                sh 'go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic'
        stage('Upload to') {
            environment {
                COVERALLS_TOKEN     = credentials('coveralls-token')
            steps {
                sh 'goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.txt'

See also related Jenkins documentation.

It is also possible to let goveralls run the code coverage on its own without providing a coverage profile file.


Store your Coveralls API token in Environment Variables:


Setup build steps:

$ go get
$ export
$ goveralls -service teamcity -jobid -jobnumber %build.number%

goveralls will automatically use the environment variable COVERALLS_TOKEN as the default value for -repotoken.

You can use the -v flag to see verbose output.

Gitlab CI

Store your Coveralls API token as an Environment Variable named COVERALLS_TOKEN.

  timeout: 30m
  stage: test
      - coverage.txt
    - build:env
  when: always
    - go test -covermode atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./...
    - go get
    - goveralls -service=gitlab -coverprofile=coverage.txt

Coveralls Enterprise

If you are using Coveralls Enterprise and have a self-signed certificate, you need to skip certificate verification:

$ goveralls -insecure


  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto (a.k.a. mattn)
  • haya14busa


under the MIT License:

Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++
  • coveralls with github actions

    coveralls with github actions

    I have tried to integrate coveralls into github actions and run into several issues:

    • Actions support is not documented anywhere. It is unclear what -service to pass if any
    • I think the proper setup requires the user to export GIT_BRANCH and (maybe) GIT_TAG. Without it, goveralls thinks the build was for a detached head
    export GIT_BRANCH="${GITHUB_REF/refs\/heads\//}"
    export GIT_TAG="${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}"
    if [[ "$GIT_TAG" != "$GITHUB_REF" ]]; then
       export GIT_BRANCH=$GIT_TAG
    • Long Ids from actions (i.e. DFF1E976041AF8B5B09349FABC9882E9E5B813D1) are too long and goveralls doesn't show them nice on some resolutions . Maybe we can just take a substring short enough to make it nicer looking but long to be unique enough?
  • Unable to run on multiple packages

    Unable to run on multiple packages

    I am unable to use this tool with multiple packages

    goveralls -package ./... XXXXXXXXXXXX cannot use test profile flag with multiple packages error: %v exit status 1 17:58:08 gocov.go:132: Error loading gocov results: exit status 1

  • Discrepancy between gocov/go test -coverprofile and goveralls

    Discrepancy between gocov/go test -coverprofile and goveralls

    I'm trying to use Goveralls to report on my test coverage but I seem to be getting wildly different coverage values depending on which tool I run and how I run it.

    I hope I'm doing something wrong or misunderstanding how to use goveralls and would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.

    Using go test

    go test -coverprofile=cover.out
    # removed for brevity
    coverage: 90.2% of statements
    ok   0.409s

    90.2% coverage

    I also have a cover.out file in the current directory that allows me to do go tool cover -html=cover.out and everything looks correct.

    Using gocov

    gocov test | gocov report
    # removed for brevity        ---------------------------     90.20% (368/408)

    90.2% coverage again. Awesome.

    Using goveralls

    $ goveralls skal80cDbbobV3oSWMYAQpnf3Bwsa2WOy
    ok   0.407s
    Job #9.1

    goveralls (or Coveralls) seem to think that the coverage percentage is 93.76% which makes no sense.

    Using goveralls with gocov JSON

    $ gocov test > out.json
    ok   0.431s
    $ goveralls -gocovdata=out.json skal80cDbbobV3oSWMYAQpnf3Bwsa2WOy
    Job #11.1

    This still reports that I have 93.76% coverage, which is wrong, despite gocov still thinking it is 90.2%:

    $ gocov report out.json        ---------------------------     90.20% (368/408)

    Using goveralls with go test -coverprofile

    $ goveralls -coverprofile=goveralls.out skal80cDbbobV3oSWMYAQpnf3Bwsa2WOy
    Job #14.1

    Goveralls (or Coveralls) seems to think here that I have 79.27% coverage, which is even more strange.

    Extra Info

    Goveralls version: 2bc52d4d83a9049cc72b50c46042b201e4da93ca Gocov version: a683f3072f5f857b3cdbb7c19551824a24ca0403 Go version: 1.2 My package:

    Also interesting is that the total number of lines seem to fluctuate on Coveralls between runs, which is also incorrect, depending on the source.

  • cannot use test profile flag with multiple packages

    cannot use test profile flag with multiple packages

    Hello all.

    I used goveralls to build coverage reports for my repository in Travis-CI and Coveralls, and it worked good right up to the present day (even yesterday).

    Unfortunately the latest build failed with an error:

    $ $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci ./...
    exit status 1: cannot use test profile flag with multiple packages

    I assure that everything worked before it and there was no any major changes in the project structure. Thank you for considering my request.

    UPD: I've repaired my CI with the plenty of new tools (along with goveralls). If anyone run into this issue too, have a look at my .travis.yml

  • Crashes with bogus

    Crashes with bogus "flag redefined" panic

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Fetch mvdan/sh at this commit:
    • Run goveralls (latest version) inside the root of the repo
    exit status 1: warning: no packages being tested depend on
    warning: no packages being tested depend on
    /tmp/go-build510370213/ flag redefined: p
    panic: /tmp/go-build510370213/ flag redefined: p
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    flag.(*FlagSet).Var(0xc4200480c0, 0x623ae0, 0xc4200127aa, 0x56c48d, 0x1, 0x5738ad, 0x26)
            /home/mvdan/tip/src/flag/flag.go:793 +0x415
    flag.(*FlagSet).BoolVar(0xc4200480c0, 0xc4200127aa, 0x56c48d, 0x1, 0xc420035e00, 0x5738ad, 0x26)
            /home/mvdan/tip/src/flag/flag.go:566 +0x70
    flag.(*FlagSet).Bool(0xc4200480c0, 0x56c48d, 0x1, 0x623400, 0x5738ad, 0x26, 0x51b7fc)
            /home/mvdan/tip/src/flag/flag.go:579 +0x7f
    flag.Bool(0x56c48d, 0x1, 0xc42000a300, 0x5738ad, 0x26, 0xc42000a3a0)
            /home/mvdan/tip/src/flag/flag.go:586 +0x5e
            <autogenerated>:1 +0x5f
    FAIL   0.003s

    Happens on Travis too:

  • Exit 1 with no output on travis-ci with go1.14

    Exit 1 with no output on travis-ci with go1.14


    But the same build on go1.13 works fine.


    language: go
    sudo: false
      - linux
      - windows
      - "1.13"
      - "1.14"
      - go mod vendor
      - go get
      - $GOPATH/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci -race -show -debug

    Also originally had -path but removed to see if that made a difference (it didn't).

    No output even with -debug seems to suggest it's not even running?

  • gocover.go:58: Profile FileName is different

    gocover.go:58: Profile FileName is different

    I'm trying to integrate coveralls for my project However, I am getting the following error on Travis.

    $ $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci
    08:33:53 gocover.go:58: Profile FileName is different

    This is reproducible locally as well. Do you know what causes this error?

  • Fix undercounting of coverage for lines in multiple blocks.

    Fix undercounting of coverage for lines in multiple blocks.

    The coverprofile format uses both lines and columns. It can report coverage for the same line across multiple blocks, if the column ranges do not overlap. The coverage counts should be summed, not assigned.

    Here is an example:


    package c
    func False() bool { return false }
    func F() int {
        if False() {
            return 1
        return 2


    package c
    import "testing"
    func TestF(t *testing.T) { F() }

    The return 1 is never tested, but the call to False() is tested.

    The coverprofile is:

    mode: set
    test/c/c.go:3.19,3.35 1 1
    test/c/c.go:5.14,6.13 1 1
    test/c/c.go:9.2,9.10 1 1
    test/c/c.go:6.13,8.3 1 0

    Line 6, the condition of the if-statement, is accounted for in two blocks. The first refers to the statement False(), the second refers to the beginning { of the block. The count of 0 for the un-covered return 1 was over-writing the count of 1 for the covered False(), causing the coverage to be under-counted.

    Fixes #61

  • builds stopped working builds stopped working


    Today my builds using goveralls stopped working. You can check the output.

    Is it fixable on my side or something broke while implementing changes for Go 1.2 tools support?

    Thank you!

  • Not Supported by Github Actions

    Not Supported by Github Actions

    There is an error here when trying to use with default GitHub actions.

    The issue is that GitHub Actions checks the code out into a non-GOPATH location.

    I have to force a checkout of the code into a GOPATH location, and then coveralls runs. Notice the commands to go get my own repo. This is different than the default Golang runners they have, which errors (I had to bypass it).

  • Adding branch coverage support

    Adding branch coverage support

    Hi @mattn, we're rolling out branch coverage support for and have landed it in two other integration libraries:



    There are more details about the new branches parameter here:

    I wanted to get it on your radar now in case you or another maintainer has spare time to add this support to goveralls.

    Thank you!

  • add goveralls binary to release assets?

    add goveralls binary to release assets?

    Thank you always for maintaining goveralls!

    Could you add binary to release assets? I encounted a case failed to go install when is not working. ref: To avoild the case, I would appreciate it if you could consider.

  • go mod tidy -compat=1.17

    go mod tidy -compat=1.17

    I tryed to run go mod tidy, because the dependency cannot resolve like below.

    go: downloading v0.0.11
    panic: internal error: can't find reason for requirement on[email protected]
  • got 500 on running with `-parallel-finish` option in circleci

    got 500 on running with `-parallel-finish` option in circleci

    The coveralls return 500 when goveralls is executed with -parallel-finish option. I describe the issue with a simplified example as follows.

          - run: goveralls -parallel xxxxx
          - run: goveralls -parallel-finish
              - coverage:
                     name: coverage-foo
              - coverage:
                     name: coverage-bar      
              - coverage-finish:
                 - requires:
                       - coverage-foo
                       - coverage-bar

    Job coverage-foo and coverage-bar submit the coverage report concurrently, and the job coverage-finish marks the coverage submit as done once the former two jobs finish.

    In CircleCI, the coverage-finish job fails with an response status code of 500 from server.

  • Multiple travis CI builds against the same PR are failed by on a public repo

    Multiple travis CI builds against the same PR are failed by on a public repo

    We have been hitting a goveralls build failure where the api returns a failure for a different build on the same PR on a CI build in travis with a below error response:

    bad response status from coveralls: 422
    {"message":"service_job_id (571646577) must be unique for Travis Jobs not supplying a Coveralls Repo Token","error":true}

    This check seems to have been introduced recently. The first build passes but any subsequent one fails (for example adding a commit to the PR after review fixes).

    AFAIK this is because goveralls uses the TRAVIS_JOB_ID which remains same for subsequent CI builds on the same PR. The TRAVIS_BUILD_ID however is unique for each subsequent build on the same PR.


    A full build log of the above is available here

    I did try forcing my goveralls invocation in my CI script to use the TRAVIS_BUILD_ID instead of TRAVIS_JOB_ID, something like COVERALLS_SERVICE_JOB_ID=$TRAVIS_BUILD_ID, but it did not work, error pasted below:

    bad response status from coveralls: 422
    {"message":"Travis API Error: #\u003cCoveralls::Mash message=\"The job(251255975) couldn't be found\"\u003e. ","error":true}

    A full build log of the above is available here

    It seems keeps the build details based on the travis job id.

    I also contemplated using the coveralls repo token, but does not give me a token for public github repos.

    Any recommended solution or a workaround will be of huge help; our CI is sort of broken because of this

    The list of available TRAVIS default env vars are available here.

  • Comment Job execution link as a comment to the PR

    Comment Job execution link as a comment to the PR

    Hi 👋

    Great Action! Thanks :)

    I integrated it to my workflow and it works great. I am trying to comment into the PR chat the link to the codecoverage website. Maybe this could be a nice addition for this too.

    Code except

        - name: Send coverage
          id: send-coverage
            COVERALLS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          run: |
            goveralls -coverprofile=covprofile -service=github > code_coverage_link
            coverage="$(cat code_coverage_link)"
            echo "::set-output name=coverage::$coverage"
        - name: Find Comment
          uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v2
          id: fc
            token: ${{secrets.GOVERNANCE_BOT_TOKEN}}
            issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
            comment-author: 'carbonautMustache'
            body-includes: Code coverage link
        - name: Create or update comment
          uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v2
            token: ${{secrets.GOVERNANCE_BOT_TOKEN}}
            comment-id: ${{ steps.fc.outputs.comment-id }}
            issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
            body: |
              Code coverage link: ${{ steps.send-coverage.outputs.coverage }}
            edit-mode: replace

    I am unable to retrieve the link and only get this output: 'Code coverage link: Job #2250989753.1' no idea how to get the website link.. I looked into the API defenition but could find a way to http request it.

    The link is printed to the action execution but I am unable to store it in a variable..

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    I am happy to document this in this repo's readme if that's interesting

    Cheers Leo

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