MetaCall: The ultimate polyglot programming experience.


MetaCall Polyglot Runtime | Install | Docs

MetaCall allows calling functions, methods or procedures between multiple programming languages.

def sum(a, b):
  return a + b


const { sum } = require('./');

sum(3, 4); // 7


metacall main.js

MetaCall is a extensible, embeddable and interoperable cross-platform polyglot runtime. It supports NodeJS, Vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, C#, Java, WASM, Go, C, C++, Rust, D, Cobol and more.


The easiest way to install MetaCall is the following:

curl -sL | sh

For more information about other install methodologies and platforms or Docker, check the install documentation.


You can find a complete list of examples in the documentation. If you are interested in submitting new examples, please contact us in our chats.

  • Review the design of the extensions

    Review the design of the extensions

    We should take into account that extensions can fail to load, this is not shown in the current design as the entry point of each extension returns void. In order to avoid this, we should return an int or maybe better, an enum with some different states (in case of using the enum it should be published in some place in order to have it available in the extension API or metacall API). Once this is done, we should refactor the load_extension in order to have that into account and check for errors.

    Related to the path inside the load_extension, I think it is fine to have it there, but then we should change the deploy path from the extensions (i.e where are they installed, and where are they built) so it works properly.

    We should also add some test for the load_extension.

    This is related to:


  • MSVC GitHub Action failing to install NodeJS

    MSVC GitHub Action failing to install NodeJS

    🐛 Bug Report

    rd : Cannot find path 'D:\a\core\core\runtimes\nodejs\node-v14.18.2-win-x64' because it does not exist.
    At D:\a\core\core\tools\metacall-environment.ps1:261 char:2
    +     rd "$RuntimeDir\node-v$NodeVersion-win-x64"
    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (D:\a\core\core\...14.18.2-win-x64:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundEx 
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand

  • Dynamic execution path and load from file function

    Dynamic execution path and load from file function


    • java loader execution_path - Add execution path function and bootstrap_execution_path functions
    • java_load_from_file - compiling class and storing in an handle

    Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. List any dependencies that are required for this change.

    Fixes #(issue_no)

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] This change requires a documentation update
    • [ ] Documentation update


    • [ ] My code follows the style guidelines (clang-format) of this project.
    • [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [ ] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [ ] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] If my change is significant or breaking, I have passed all tests with ./ &> output and attached the output.
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [ ] I have run make clang-format in order to format my code.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here

  • signal handlers are not working when using node loader

    signal handlers are not working when using node loader

    🐛 Bug Report

    I am using metacall shared library to embed nodejs code into my c++ application inside my nodejs code I am spawning a child process and I am connecting signal handlers inside c++ when the child process which is invoked from nodejs is finished SIGCHLD handler is not called in C++

    Steps to Reproduce

    Using the attached The sample has three cases

    1. run nodejs executable with JS file that spawn "ps" process
    2. run metacall python loader and run py code that spawn "ps" process
    3. run metacall node loader and run JS code that spawn "ps" process

    the C++ SIGCHLD handler will be called for cases 1 & 2 and will not be called for case#3

    To reproduce:

    1. Prepare build environment setenv GCC_PATH <path to gcc directory that contains bin & lib directories> setenv NODE_EXE <path to node executable> setenv METACALL_BUILD <path to metacall build that contains lib directory>

    The used metacall build has node loader and py loader

    1. cd child_process_sample
    2. make
    3. ./
    4. the three cases will be run sequentially, you can notice that the log message "c++: received signal SIGCHLD" will be printed for cases 1 & 2 and will not be printed for case#3

    Context (Environment)

    OS: CentOS Linux 7 Metacall: 0.2.22 gcc: 5.4.0 nodejs: 10.19.0

  • add base support for cli plugin architecture

    add base support for cli plugin architecture


    add base support for cli plugin architecture add support for building metacallcli-bootstrap

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [x] This change requires a documentation update
    • [ ] Documentation update


    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [x] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [ ] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] If my change is significant or breaking, I have passed all tests with ./ build &> output and attached the output.
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER or ./ test &> output and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [x] I have run make clang-format in order to format my code and my code follows the style guidelines.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here.

  • Add metacall include path and metacall library path in c loader

    Add metacall include path and metacall library path in c loader


    Add metacall include path so including metacall/metacall.h #include <metacall/metacall.h> works. Add metacall library path so libtcc can find

    Fixes #(issue_no)

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] This change requires a documentation update
    • [ ] Documentation update


    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [ ] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [ ] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] If my change is significant or breaking, I have passed all tests with ./ build &> output and attached the output.
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER or ./ test &> output and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [ ] I have run make clang-format in order to format my code and my code follows the style guidelines.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here.

  • All Python code exits with a `SystemError` after an exception has occurred

    All Python code exits with a `SystemError` after an exception has occurred

    🐛 Bug Report

    When running python code through the CLI, once there's a python error (for example, a TypeError), all subsequent python calls, even to the same function, fail with:

    Python Error: [Type: <class 'SystemError'>]: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault returned a result with an error set

    Expected Behavior

    Subsequent correct python code should run as expected.

    Current Behavior

    No python code runs after an exception has occurred,

    Possible Solution

    The error/exception needs to be cleared. Not sure how.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create a python file named with:
      def add(a, b):
          return a + b
      print("Hello world")
    2. Run the following in metacallcli:
      load py
      call add(5, 10)
      call add(1, "a")
      call add(1, 1)
    3. Notice that the first call runs correctly giving the output 15
    4. The 2nd call fails with:
      Error: Python Error: [Type: <class 'TypeError'>]: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
      Traceback not available
    5. The 3rd and all subsequent calls fail with:
      Error: Python Error: [Type: <class 'SystemError'>]: _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault returned a result with an error set
      Traceback not available

    Context (Environment)

    I built metacall from source with python loader support. I was trying out metacall with a simple python example when this issue occurred.

    Detailed Description


    Possible Implementation


  • completed copy for exception_create

    completed copy for exception_create


    Implemented copy for exeception_create function.

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] This change requires a documentation update
    • [ ] Documentation update


    • [x] My code follows the style guidelines (clang-format) of this project.
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [ ] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [x] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here

  • Implementing LLVM loader

    Implementing LLVM loader

    🚀 Feature

    See the ideas page for more information.

    To Do The following checklists will become more specific in future [ ] import llvm libraries [ ] initialize [ ] introspect

  • Types like function, class, object not mentioned on docs

    Types like function, class, object not mentioned on docs

    📚 Documentation

    The types Future, Function, Class, Object are not mentioned in the documentation of Type System under Reflect.

    These are present in the codebase (under reflect module)

    Is there any specific reason for this? I can add them if needed :)

  • Unable to compile source with cmake

    Unable to compile source with cmake

    When trying to compile with the latest version of cmake (3.20.0) it gives the following errors and warnings:

    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:31 (string): string no output variable specified

    CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_definitions): Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_definitions): Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_definitions): Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_definitions): Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_definitions): Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

    -- Lib version CMake Error at version/CMakeLists.txt:21 (include): include could not find requested file:


    CMake Error at version/CMakeLists.txt:27 (include): include could not find requested file:


    CMake Error at version/CMakeLists.txt:33 (string): string no output variable specified

    CMake Error at version/CMakeLists.txt:34 (string): string no output variable specified

    CMake Error at version/CMakeLists.txt:57 (source_group_by_path): Unknown CMake command "source_group_by_path".

    CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt: No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)

    should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000". This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

  • tsconfig.json not detecting properly while interop with rust

    tsconfig.json not detecting properly while interop with rust

    🐛 Bug Report

    While interoping Rust with .tsx the tsconfig.json is not picked up properly and throws this error when ran cargo run:

    Exception in load_from_file /home/tamizh/Metacall_React-Actix_Example/target/debug/App.js:6
        return (<h1> Hello {text}</h1>);
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

    Expected Behavior

    The app directory looks something like this: image

    The app/App.tsx looks like this:

    import React from 'react';
    import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
    export function hello(text: string): string {
    	return renderToString(<h1>Hello {text}</h1>);

    Its called in Rust like this:

        let scripts = ["app/App.tsx".to_string()];
        if let Err(e) = metacall::load_from_file("ts", &scripts) {
            println!("{}", e);

    When cargo run was ran it should properly parse the tsx and provide the desired result

    Current Behavior

    Instead when cargo run is ran it throws the above mentioned error and panics like this:

    Exception in load_from_file /home/tamizh/Metacall_React-Actix_Example/target/debug/App.js:6
        return (<h1> Hello {text}</h1>);
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
        at Object.compileFunction (node:vm:360:18)
        at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1088:15)
        at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1123:27)
        at Object.writeFile (/usr/local/lib/bootstrap.ts:181:15)
        at Object.writeFile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:17502:14)
        at printSourceFileOrBundle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:100995:16)
        at emitJsFileOrBundle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:100873:13)
        at emitSourceFileOrBundle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:100796:13)
        at forEachEmittedFile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:100517:34)
        at Object.emitFiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.js:100776:9)
    MetaCall failed to load script from file
    thread 'main' panicked at 'explicit panic', src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

    However when I place the contents in app/ in the root directory like this: image It works as expected

    Possible Solution

    The metacall module should be able to detect the tsconfig.json file inside the specifed paths too

  • Reference counter atomic API

    Reference counter atomic API


    • Basic API for the ref count

    Type of change

    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [x] This change requires a documentation update


    • [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [ ] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [ ] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] If my change is significant or breaking, I have passed all tests with ./ build &> output and attached the output.
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER or ./ test &> output and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [ ] I have run make clang-format in order to format my code and my code follows the style guidelines.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here.

  • Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning

    Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning

    Hi metacall/core!

    This is a one-off automatically generated pull request from :robot:. You might have heard that we’ve integrated LGTM’s underlying CodeQL analysis engine natively into GitHub. The result is GitHub code scanning!

    With LGTM fully integrated into code scanning, we are focused on improving CodeQL within the native GitHub code scanning experience. In order to take advantage of current and future improvements to our analysis capabilities, we suggest you enable code scanning on your repository. Please take a look at our blog post for more information.

    This pull request enables code scanning by adding an auto-generated codeql.yml workflow file for GitHub Actions to your repository — take a look! We tested it before opening this pull request, so all should be working :heavy_check_mark:. In fact, you might already have seen some alerts appear on this pull request!

    Where needed and if possible, we’ve adjusted the configuration to the needs of your particular repository. But of course, you should feel free to tweak it further! Check this page for detailed documentation.

    Questions? Check out the FAQ below!


    Click here to expand the FAQ section

    How often will the code scanning analysis run?

    By default, code scanning will trigger a scan with the CodeQL engine on the following events:

    • On every pull request — to flag up potential security problems for you to investigate before merging a PR.
    • On every push to your default branch and other protected branches — this keeps the analysis results on your repository’s Security tab up to date.
    • Once a week at a fixed time — to make sure you benefit from the latest updated security analysis even when no code was committed or PRs were opened.

    What will this cost?

    Nothing! The CodeQL engine will run inside GitHub Actions, making use of your unlimited free compute minutes for public repositories.

    What types of problems does CodeQL find?

    The CodeQL engine that powers GitHub code scanning is the exact same engine that powers The exact set of rules has been tweaked slightly, but you should see almost exactly the same types of alerts as you were used to on we’ve enabled the security-and-quality query suite for you.

    How do I upgrade my CodeQL engine?

    No need! New versions of the CodeQL analysis are constantly deployed on; your repository will automatically benefit from the most recently released version.

    The analysis doesn’t seem to be working

    If you get an error in GitHub Actions that indicates that CodeQL wasn’t able to analyze your code, please follow the instructions here to debug the analysis.

    How do I disable

    If you have LGTM’s automatic pull request analysis enabled, then you can follow these steps to disable the LGTM pull request analysis. You don’t actually need to remove your repository from; it will automatically be removed in the next few months as part of the deprecation of (more info here).

    Which source code hosting platforms does code scanning support?

    GitHub code scanning is deeply integrated within GitHub itself. If you’d like to scan source code that is hosted elsewhere, we suggest that you create a mirror of that code on GitHub.

    How do I know this PR is legitimate?

    This PR is filed by the official GitHub App, in line with the deprecation timeline that was announced on the official GitHub Blog. The proposed GitHub Action workflow uses the official open source GitHub CodeQL Action. If you have any other questions or concerns, please join the discussion here in the official GitHub community!

    I have another question / how do I get in touch?

    Please join the discussion here to ask further questions and send us suggestions!

  • Non-deterministic address sanitizer error in `metacall-cli-core-plugin-await-test`

    Non-deterministic address sanitizer error in `metacall-cli-core-plugin-await-test`

    🐛 Bug Report

    I hope this is nothing related to set implementation but it can happen. We must intensively test the set implementation to see if it has leaks in some edge case. Also, take into account this:

    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331116Z ----------------- FUNCTIONS -----------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331389Z Allocations: 23
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331634Z Deallocations: 22
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331874Z Increments: 25
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4332092Z Decrements: 24

    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4176650Z 136/162 Test #136: metacall-cli-core-plugin-await-test ..............***Failed    1.83 sec
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4177485Z ==39524==AddressSanitizer: libc interceptors initialized
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4178049Z || `[0x10007fff8000, 0x7fffffffffff]` || HighMem    ||
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4178468Z || `[0x02008fff7000, 0x10007fff7fff]` || HighShadow ||
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4178855Z || `[0x00008fff7000, 0x02008fff6fff]` || ShadowGap  ||
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4179263Z || `[0x00007fff8000, 0x00008fff6fff]` || LowShadow  ||
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4179654Z || `[0x000000000000, 0x00007fff7fff]` || LowMem     ||
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4180096Z MemToShadow(shadow): 0x00008fff7000 0x000091ff6dff 0x004091ff6e00 0x02008fff6fff
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4180475Z redzone=16
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4180776Z max_redzone=2048
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4181111Z quarantine_size_mb=256M
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4181481Z thread_local_quarantine_size_kb=1024K
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4181842Z malloc_context_size=30
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4182170Z SHADOW_SCALE: 3
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4182503Z SHADOW_GRANULARITY: 8
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4182828Z SHADOW_OFFSET: 0x7fff8000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4183198Z ==39524==Installed the sigaction for signal 11
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4183914Z ==39524==Installed the sigaction for signal 7
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4184336Z ==39524==Installed the sigaction for signal 8
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4185030Z ==39524==T0: FakeStack created: 0x7fe318f2b000 -- 0x7fe319a34000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4185589Z ==39524==T0: stack [0x7ffffbd8e000,0x7ffffcd8e000) size 0x1000000; local=0x7ffffcd8a644
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4186196Z AddressSanitizer: reading suppressions file at /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/sanitizer/lsan.supp
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4186702Z ==39524==AddressSanitizer Init done
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4187076Z [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4187573Z [----------] Global test environment set-up.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4188102Z [----------] 1 test from metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4189050Z [ RUN      ] metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.DefaultConstructor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4190156Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 153 | metacall_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c ] @Debug : MetaCall default logger to stdout initialized
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4190840Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 163 | metacall_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c ] @Debug : Initializing MetaCall
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4191292Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe319634060 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4191911Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 77 | configuration_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/configuration/source/configuration.c ] @Debug : Global configuration loaded from /home/runner/work/core/core/build/configurations/global.json
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4205457Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 44 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin: rapid_json_seriald
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4205968Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3197350a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4206539Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 57 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin symbol: dynlink_symbol_rapid_json_serial_impl_interface_singleton
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4207260Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 215 | metacall_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c ] @Information : Set MetaCall log level to Debug
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4207983Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 77 | loader_manager_impl_script_paths_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_manager_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader script path: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/scripts/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4208530Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe31963a060 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4209075Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 190 | loader_initialization_register_plugin | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader __metacall_host__ registered at position (0) in thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4209735Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 137 | loader_initialize | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader host initialized
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4210351Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 44 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin: ext_loaderd
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4210806Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3197390a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4211363Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 57 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin symbol: dynlink_symbol_ext_loader_impl_interface_singleton
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4212070Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 247 | loader_get_impl_plugin | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Created loader (ext) implementation <0x607000000410>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4212826Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 305 | loader_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading 1 file(s) (ext) from path(s): plugin_extension ...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4213835Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 813 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin_extension
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4214508Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 190 | loader_initialization_register_plugin | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader ext registered at position (1) in thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4215177Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 153 | loader_initialization_debug | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader initialization order:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4215812Z -----------------------------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4216100Z 0) __metacall_host__ #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4216349Z 1) ext #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4216592Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe31973d0a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4217529Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 840 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe317de42a0 - Loader handle: 0x6030000013c0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4218189Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 846 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader handle impl: 0x621000007900
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4218945Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 101 | plugin_load_from_path | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp ] @Debug : Loading plugin: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/backtrace_plugin/metacall.json
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4219516Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3198351e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4219785Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe319836260 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4220080Z ==39524==unpoisoning: 0x7fe3198372e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4220369Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3198372e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4220935Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 305 | loader_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading 1 file(s) (ext) from path(s): /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin ...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4221740Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 813 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4222253Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3197410a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4223023Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 840 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe317de42a0 - Loader handle: 0x603000001b70
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4223666Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 846 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader handle impl: 0x62100000b500
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4224473Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 101 | plugin_load_from_path | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp ] @Debug : Loading plugin: /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/plugins/await_test/metacall.json
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4225085Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe31983d1e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4225371Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe31983e260 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4225648Z ==39524==unpoisoning: 0x7fe31983f2e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4225940Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe31983f2e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4226424Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 44 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin: node_loaderd
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4226873Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3197450a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4227410Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 57 | plugin_descriptor_create | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/plugin/source/plugin_descriptor.c ] @Debug : Loading plugin symbol: dynlink_symbol_node_loader_impl_interface_singleton
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4228216Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 247 | loader_get_impl_plugin | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Created loader (node) implementation <0x607000000e20>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4229224Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 305 | loader_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading 1 file(s) (node) from path(s): /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/plugins/await_test/await_test.js ...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4230119Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:47] #39524 [ 813 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/plugins/await_test/await_test.js
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4230969Z ==39524==T1: FakeStack created: 0x7fe311f8f000 -- 0x7fe312a98000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4231502Z ==39524==T1: stack [0x7fe312a99000,0x7fe313a97f40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe313a97e44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4232123Z ==39524==T2: FakeStack created: 0x7fe310485000 -- 0x7fe310f8e000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4232572Z ==39524==T2: stack [0x7fe310f8f000,0x7fe311f8df40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe311f8de44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4233181Z ==39524==T3: FakeStack created: 0x7fe30e97b000 -- 0x7fe30f484000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4233607Z ==39524==T3: stack [0x7fe30f485000,0x7fe310483f40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe310483e44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4234214Z ==39524==T4: FakeStack created: 0x7fe30ce71000 -- 0x7fe30d97a000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4234663Z ==39524==T4: stack [0x7fe30d97b000,0x7fe30e979f40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe30e979e44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4235251Z ==39524==T5: FakeStack created: 0x7fe30b367000 -- 0x7fe30be70000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4235703Z ==39524==T5: stack [0x7fe30be71000,0x7fe30ce6ff40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe30ce6fe44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4236309Z ==39524==T6: FakeStack created: 0x7fe30985d000 -- 0x7fe30a366000 stack_size_log: 20; mmapped 11300K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4236744Z ==39524==T6: stack [0x7fe30a367000,0x7fe30b365f40) size 0xffef40; local=0x7fe30b365e44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4237332Z ==39524==T7: FakeStack created: 0x7fe308a91000 -- 0x7fe308b42800 stack_size_log: 16; mmapped 710K, noreserve=0 
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4237765Z ==39524==T7: stack [0x7fe318b03000,0x7fe318b05f40) size 0x2f40; local=0x7fe318b05e44
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4238338Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 190 | loader_initialization_register_plugin | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader node registered at position (2) in thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4239014Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 153 | loader_initialization_debug | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader initialization order:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4239519Z -----------------------------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4239799Z 0) __metacall_host__ #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4240048Z 1) ext #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4240258Z 2) node #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4240986Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 840 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe3188b0700 - Loader handle: 0x6060005295e0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4241643Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 846 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader handle impl: 0x6210001d2500
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4242404Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 101 | plugin_load_from_path | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp ] @Debug : Loading plugin: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/metacall.json
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4242957Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3198451e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4243245Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe319846260 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4243536Z ==39524==unpoisoning: 0x7fe3198472e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4243899Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3198472e0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4244464Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 305 | loader_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading 1 file(s) (ext) from path(s): /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin ...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4245257Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 813 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4245768Z ==39524==poisoning: 0x7fe3197490a0 1000
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4246573Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 840 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe317de42a0 - Loader handle: 0x603000005b30
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4247296Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 846 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader handle impl: 0x6210001cd500
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4247909Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 325 | loader_load_from_memory | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading buffer from memory (node):
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4248402Z console.log('hello world')
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4248884Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 937 | loader_impl_load_from_memory | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading from memory console.lo...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4249290Z hello world
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4250024Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39524 [ 970 | loader_impl_load_from_memory | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe3188b0700 - Loader handle: 0x60600066e660
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4250704Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39526 [ 305 | loader_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loading 1 file(s) (node) from path(s): scripts/nod.js ...
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4251337Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:48] #39526 [ 813 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loading scripts/nod.js
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4252220Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 840 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader interface: 0x7fe3188b0700 - Loader handle: 0x60600066cbc0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4252870Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 846 | loader_impl_load_from_file | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Loader handle impl: 0x6210001db100
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4253273Z [Function]
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4253740Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function await <0x606000670a60> value <0x606000671028>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4265556Z {"ext":[{"name":"plugin_extension","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[{"name":"plugin_load_from_path","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Int","id":3}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}},{"name":"","type":{"name":"Pointer","id":11}}]},"async":false},{"name":"await__test","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"await_cb","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false}],"classes":[],"objects":[]}},{"name":"plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[],"classes":[],"objects":[]}},{"name":"plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[{"name":"inspect","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"String","id":7}},"args":[]},"async":false},{"name":"call","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Pointer","id":11}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}}]},"async":false},{"name":"clear","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Int","id":3}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}},{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}}]},"async":false},{"name":"await","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Pointer","id":11}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}}]},"async":false},{"name":"eval","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Int","id":3}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}},{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}}]},"async":false},{"name":"load","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"Int","id":3}},"args":[{"name":"","type":{"name":"String","id":7}},{"name":"","type":{"name":"Array","id":9}}]},"async":false}],"classes":[],"objects":[]}}],"node":[{"name":"scripts/nod.js","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[{"name":"lambda","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[]},"async":false},{"name":"object_pattern_evil_right","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"_arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg1","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg2","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg3","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg4","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg5","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"all_mixed","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"__arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"throw_await","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[]},"async":true},{"name":"default_values","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"hello_boy_await","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":true},{"name":"call_test","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"object_pattern_evil_left","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"__arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"__arg1","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"__arg2","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg1","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg2","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"object_pattern_evil_repeat","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"____arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"__arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"___arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"get_random_data","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"token","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"serial","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"range","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":true},{"name":"inline_lambda","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"hello_boy_nested_await","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":true},{"name":"hello_boy","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"a","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"b","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"object_pattern","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"_arg0","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg1","type":{"name":"","id":20}},{"name":"_arg2","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false},{"name":"return_await","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[]},"async":true}],"classes":[],"objects":[]}},{"name":"0x607000000e20-0x607000004178-27-364171840","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[],"classes":[],"objects":[]}},{"name":"source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/plugins/await_test/await_test.js","scope":{"name":"global_namespace","funcs":[{"name":"await__test","signature":{"ret":{"type":{"name":"","id":20}},"args":[{"name":"await_cb","type":{"name":"","id":20}}]},"async":false}],"classes":[],"objects":[]}}],"__metacall_host__":[]}
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4272697Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 723 | loader_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Begin to destroy all the loaders
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4273312Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 153 | loader_initialization_debug | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader initialization order:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4278147Z -----------------------------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4278436Z 0) __metacall_host__ #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4278669Z 1) ext #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4278894Z 2) node #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4279343Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 683 | loader_unload_children | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader unloading (node) from thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4279966Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 1476 | loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroy loader implementation node
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4280780Z [active_handles] - [base_active_handles] - [extra_active_handles] + [active_reqs] + [closing]
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4281304Z        15        -           15          -            0           +       0       +     0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4281796Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle scripts/nod.js
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4282443Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function lambda <0x606000669d40> value <0x606000669dc8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4283105Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function lambda <0x606000669d40>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4283799Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_right <0x606000669c20> value <0x606000669348>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4284510Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_right <0x606000669c20>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4285192Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function all_mixed <0x606000669860> value <0x606000669a08>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4285838Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function all_mixed <0x606000669860>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4286488Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function throw_await <0x606000666080> value <0x606000666108>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4287155Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function throw_await <0x606000666080>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4287821Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function default_values <0x606000669740> value <0x606000669a68>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4288493Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function default_values <0x606000669740>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4289143Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy_await <0x6060006682a0> value <0x606000668388>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4289894Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy_await <0x6060006682a0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4290561Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function call_test <0x60600066a1c0> value <0x60600066a2a8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4291218Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function call_test <0x60600066a1c0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4291894Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_left <0x606000668ba0> value <0x606000669b28>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4292577Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_left <0x606000668ba0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4293347Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_repeat <0x606000669440> value <0x6060006696a8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4294043Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern_evil_repeat <0x606000669440>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4294729Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function get_random_data <0x606000668e40> value <0x606000668fe8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4295398Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function get_random_data <0x606000668e40>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4296065Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function inline_lambda <0x606000669e60> value <0x606000669f48>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4296720Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function inline_lambda <0x606000669e60>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4297392Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy_nested_await <0x606000665ea0> value <0x606000665f88>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4298080Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy_nested_await <0x606000665ea0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4298754Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy <0x60600066ab80> value <0x60600066ac68>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4299415Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function hello_boy <0x60600066ab80>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4300952Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern <0x606000668480> value <0x606000668628>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4301631Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function object_pattern <0x606000668480>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4302291Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function return_await <0x60600066a040> value <0x60600066a0c8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4303038Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function return_await <0x60600066a040>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4304166Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle 0x607000000e20-0x607000004178-27-364171840
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4305304Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/plugins/await_test/await_test.js
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4306425Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function await__test <0x6060006739a0> value <0x606000671808>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4307777Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39526 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function await__test <0x6060006739a0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4308461Z ==39524==T3 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4309132Z ==39524==T3 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4309357Z ==39524==T5 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4309580Z ==39524==T6 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4309785Z ==39524==T5 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4310006Z ==39524==T6 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4310225Z ==39524==T4 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4310433Z ==39524==T4 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4310650Z ==39524==T2 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4310867Z ==39524==T2 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4311070Z ==39524==T1 TSDDtor
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4311289Z ==39524==T1 exited
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4311914Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 5283 | node_loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/node_loader/source/node_loader_impl.cpp ] @Information : NodeJS execution return status 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4312863Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 683 | loader_unload_children | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader unloading (ext) from thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4313614Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 1476 | loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroy loader implementation ext
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4314288Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4315092Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 325 | ext_loader_impl_clear | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Storing handle: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin <0x625002dd4900> in destroy list
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4315875Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function inspect <0x606000670640> value <0x6060006706c8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4316537Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function inspect <0x606000670640>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4317180Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function call <0x6060006708e0> value <0x6060006709c8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4318149Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function call <0x6060006708e0>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4318923Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function clear <0x606000670760> value <0x606000670848>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4319567Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function clear <0x606000670760>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4320354Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function await <0x606000670a60> value <0x606000670b48>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4321017Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function eval <0x606000670c40> value <0x606000670d28>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4321657Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function eval <0x606000670c40>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4322301Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function load <0x606000670d60> value <0x606000670e48>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4323022Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function load <0x606000670d60>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4323691Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4324488Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 325 | ext_loader_impl_clear | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Storing handle: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin <0x625000007900> in destroy list
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4325254Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 574 | loader_impl_destroy_handle | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c ] @Debug : Destroying handle plugin_extension
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4325949Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 325 | ext_loader_impl_clear | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Storing handle: plugin_extension <0x625000005100> in destroy list
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4326674Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | value_type_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_value_type.c ] @Debug : Destroy function plugin_load_from_path <0x606000002900> value <0x6060000029e8>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4327364Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 666 | function_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c ] @Debug : Destroy function plugin_load_from_path <0x606000002900>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4328127Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 371 | ext_loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Unloading handle: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/backtrace_plugin/backtrace_plugin <0x625000007900>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4329003Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 371 | ext_loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Unloading handle: /home/runner/work/core/core/build/plugins/cli/cli_core_plugin/cli_core_plugin <0x625002dd4900>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4329786Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 371 | ext_loader_impl_destroy | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp ] @Debug : Unloading handle: plugin_extension <0x625000005100>
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4330483Z [Wed Oct  5 17:09:49] #39524 [ 683 | loader_unload_children | /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c ] @Debug : Loader unloading (__metacall_host__) from thread #39524
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331116Z ----------------- FUNCTIONS -----------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331389Z Allocations: 23
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331634Z Deallocations: 22
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4331874Z Increments: 25
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4332092Z Decrements: 24
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4332442Z ----------------- CLASSES -----------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4332723Z Allocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4332946Z Deallocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4333183Z Increments: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4333412Z Decrements: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4333814Z ----------------- OBJECTS -----------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4334094Z Allocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4334334Z Deallocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4334560Z Increments: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4334788Z Decrements: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4335156Z ----------------- EXCEPTIONS -----------------
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4335430Z Allocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4335667Z Deallocations: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4335906Z Increments: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4336120Z Decrements: 0
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4336470Z [       OK ] metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.DefaultConstructor (1435 ms)
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4337021Z [----------] 1 test from metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test (1435 ms total)
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4337488Z [----------] Global test environment tear-down
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4337883Z [==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (1435 ms total)
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4338173Z [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4338436Z ==39535==Processing thread 39524.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4338901Z ==39535==Stack at 0x7ffffbd8e000-0x7ffffcd8e000 (SP = 0x7ffffcd8a1f8).
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4339355Z ==39535==TLS at 0x7fe31c5a4000-0x7fe31c5a50c0.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4339651Z ==39535==Processing thread 39534.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4340085Z ==39535==Stack at 0x7fe318b03000-0x7fe318b05f40 (SP = 0x7fe318b05dc0).
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4340514Z ==39535==TLS at 0x7fe318b05f40-0x7fe318b07000.
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4340823Z =================================================================
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4341385Z ==39524==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4341764Z Indirect leak of 120 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4342196Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4342684Z     #1 0x7fe31cbec501 in bucket_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_bucket.c:127
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4343136Z     #2 0x7fe31cbe3993 in set_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_set.c:93
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4343627Z     #3 0x7fe31cbfe938 in signature_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_signature.c:90
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4344150Z     #4 0x7fe31cc00dc1 in function_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:90
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4344663Z     #5 0x7fe31cc2b71d in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:152
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4345154Z     #6 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4345679Z     #7 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4346279Z     #8 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4346860Z     #9 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4347392Z     #10 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4347900Z     #11 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4348413Z     #12 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4349123Z     #13 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4349732Z     #14 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4350441Z     #15 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4350970Z     #16 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4351467Z     #17 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4351942Z     #18 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4352658Z     #19 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4353486Z     #20 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4354354Z     #21 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4354918Z Indirect leak of 64 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4355327Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4355815Z     #1 0x7fe31cbec893 in bucket_alloc_pairs /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_bucket.c:159
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4356302Z     #2 0x7fe31cbed3b8 in bucket_insert /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_bucket.c:246
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4356769Z     #3 0x7fe31cbe5335 in set_insert /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_set.c:222
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4357205Z     #4 0x7fe31cbe5335 in set_insert /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_set.c:195
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4357687Z     #5 0x7fe31cbff520 in signature_set /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_signature.c:246
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4358204Z     #6 0x7fe31cc2b7c7 in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:171
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4358695Z     #7 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4359211Z     #8 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4359764Z     #9 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4360334Z     #10 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4360860Z     #11 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4361367Z     #12 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4361878Z     #13 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4362420Z     #14 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4363024Z     #15 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4363624Z     #16 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4364139Z     #17 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4364642Z     #18 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4365182Z     #19 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4365858Z     #20 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4366674Z     #21 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4367449Z     #22 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4368077Z Indirect leak of 56 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4368493Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4368992Z     #1 0x7fe31cc00c7a in function_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:56
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4369509Z     #2 0x7fe31cc2b71d in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:152
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4370012Z     #3 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4370519Z     #4 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4371079Z     #5 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4371647Z     #6 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4372196Z     #7 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4372692Z     #8 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4373198Z     #9 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4373739Z     #10 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4374360Z     #11 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4374949Z     #12 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4375472Z     #13 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4375978Z     #14 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4376467Z     #15 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4377127Z     #16 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4377937Z     #17 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4378719Z     #18 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4379279Z Indirect leak of 48 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4379767Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4380223Z     #1 0x7fe31cbe3894 in set_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/adt/source/adt_set.c:80
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4380712Z     #2 0x7fe31cbfe938 in signature_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_signature.c:90
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4381228Z     #3 0x7fe31cc00dc1 in function_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:90
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4381736Z     #4 0x7fe31cc2b71d in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:152
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4382231Z     #5 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4382812Z     #6 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4383365Z     #7 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4383935Z     #8 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4384460Z     #9 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4384966Z     #10 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4385485Z     #11 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4386017Z     #12 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4386644Z     #13 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4387238Z     #14 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4387758Z     #15 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4388248Z     #16 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4388865Z     #17 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4389550Z     #18 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4390376Z     #19 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4391157Z     #20 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4391716Z Indirect leak of 48 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4392133Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4392632Z     #1 0x7fe31cbfe915 in signature_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_signature.c:84
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4393153Z     #2 0x7fe31cc00dc1 in function_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:90
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4393651Z     #3 0x7fe31cc2b71d in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:152
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4394249Z     #4 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4394774Z     #5 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4395346Z     #6 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4395899Z     #7 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4396439Z     #8 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4396944Z     #9 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4397533Z     #10 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4398064Z     #11 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4398681Z     #12 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4399282Z     #13 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4399800Z     #14 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4400290Z     #15 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4400772Z     #16 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4401449Z     #17 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4402261Z     #18 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4403037Z     #19 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4403581Z Indirect leak of 6 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4404012Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4404507Z     #1 0x7fe31cc00ca7 in function_create /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:67
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4405025Z     #2 0x7fe31cc2b71d in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:152
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4405514Z     #3 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4406034Z     #4 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4406586Z     #5 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4407147Z     #6 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4407677Z     #7 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4408189Z     #8 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4408769Z     #9 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4409320Z     #10 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4409932Z     #11 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4410534Z     #12 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4411055Z     #13 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4412853Z     #14 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4413406Z     #15 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4414088Z     #16 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4414911Z     #17 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4415702Z     #18 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4416267Z Indirect leak of 1 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4416680Z     #0 0x7fe31d78b808 in __interceptor_malloc ../../../../src/libsanitizer/asan/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4417180Z     #1 0x7fe31cbff38f in signature_set /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_signature.c:224
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4417688Z     #2 0x7fe31cc2b7c7 in loader_host_register /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:171
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4418197Z     #3 0x7fe31cc1efe7 in loader_register_impl /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:218
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4418705Z     #4 0x7fe31cc36ce3 in metacall_register_loaderv /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1493
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4419260Z     #5 0x7fe30866a1f4 in cli_core_plugin /home/runner/work/core/core/source/cli/plugins/cli_core_plugin/source/cli_core_plugin.cpp:352
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4419825Z     #6 0x7fe317d9c809 in ext_loader_impl_discover /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loaders/ext_loader/source/ext_loader_impl.cpp:348
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4420373Z     #7 0x7fe31cc27003 in loader_impl_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_impl.c:856
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4420869Z     #8 0x7fe31cc1f275 in loader_load_from_file /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:307
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4421384Z     #9 0x7fe31cc1fa26 in loader_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader.c:475
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4421933Z     #10 0x7fe31cc2d7fc in metacall_load_from_configuration /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:367
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4422556Z     #11 0x7fe318d9ee82 in plugin_load_from_path(unsigned long, void**, void*) /home/runner/work/core/core/source/extensions/plugin_extension/source/plugin_extension.cpp:103
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4423145Z     #12 0x7fe31cc2b559 in function_host_interface_invoke /home/runner/work/core/core/source/loader/source/loader_host.c:64
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4423666Z     #13 0x7fe31cc021be in function_call /home/runner/work/core/core/source/reflect/source/reflect_function.c:609
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4424173Z     #14 0x7fe31cc337ef in metacallfv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:1025
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4424744Z     #15 0x7fe31cc3396c in metacallhv_s /home/runner/work/core/core/source/metacall/source/metacall.c:433
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4425407Z     #16 0x55c172a7f04c in metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test_DefaultConstructor_Test::TestBody() /home/runner/work/core/core/source/tests/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test/source/metacall_cli_core_plugin_await_test.cpp:92
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4427902Z     #17 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4428885Z     #18 0x55c172b0d720 in void testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::Test, void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) googletest/src/
    2022-10-05T17:09:49.4429645Z SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 343 byte(s) leaked in 7 allocation(s).
  • add base support for exporting objects and classes in node_loader

    add base support for exporting objects and classes in node_loader


    add base support for exporting objects and classes in node_loader

    Fixes #(issue_no)

    Type of change

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    • [ ] This change requires a documentation update
    • [ ] Documentation update


    • [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
    • [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
    • [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
    • [ ] My changes generate no new warnings.
    • [ ] I have added tests/screenshots (if any) that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
    • [ ] I have tested the tests implicated (if any) by my own code and they pass (make test or ctest -VV -R <test-name>).
    • [ ] If my change is significant or breaking, I have passed all tests with ./ build &> output and attached the output.
    • [ ] I have tested my code with OPTION_BUILD_SANITIZER or ./ test &> output and OPTION_TEST_MEMORYCHECK.
    • [ ] I have tested with Helgrind in case my code works with threading.
    • [ ] I have run make clang-format in order to format my code and my code follows the style guidelines.

    If you are unclear about any of the above checks, have a look at our documentation here.

  • Handling kill signals while running python with metacall

    Handling kill signals while running python with metacall

    🐛 Bug Report

    On pressing Ctrl-C the kill signal doesnt behave the way it should when previously a python program is loaded


    Expected Behavior

    Should exit on pressing Ctrl-C

    Current Behavior

    A Python keyboard interrupt is thrown instead

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Open the metacall Cli by typing metacall on your terminal
    2. Type load py (It doesnt matter if it passes or fails)
    3. Press Ctrl-C The error is shown
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