Enables a FaaS experience for Knative / Cloud Native Runtimes.

Function Buildpacks for Knative

Enables a FaaS experience for Knative / Cloud Native Runtimes.

Will soon extend func to create deployable functions via CLI.


Currently Supported

  • Python
  • Java (Spring)


  • NodeJS
  • .NET
  • Rust


The buildpacks in this repository have been built, published, and included in the builder.

The builder is also built and published as an image to gcr.io -- to build an image from source, simply use the builder as shown below.

For example:

pack build 
     --path /path/to/function --builder us.gcr.io/daisy-284300/kn-fn/builder:0.0.1


For more details you can refer to language-specific documentation:

Creating the Builder from Source

  1. Build the buildpacks
make buildpacks

TODO: Tag specific versions rather than depending on latest

  1. Build the builder
make builder

Note the builder name in the output. Use this local builder in the pack build command similarly to above.


Each subdirectory has a relevant README.md describing how to use its respective files.


The function-buildpacks-for-knative project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with function-buildpacks-for-knative, please read our Developer Certificate of Origin. All contributions to this repository must be signed as described on that page. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. For more detailed information, refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.


Reporting Bugs or Vulnerabilities

VMware Tanzu
Cloud native open source from VMware
VMware Tanzu
  • Add Liveness/Readiness Endpoints to Python and Java Invokers

    Add Liveness/Readiness Endpoints to Python and Java Invokers

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: #46

    What this PR solves

    Adds default endpoint Liveness and Readiness probes to the Python Invoker and Java Invoker. The final state of the PR will involve new Invoker, Buildpack, and Builder releases.

    Details for release notes

    Add Liveness and Readiness Probes via default endpoint to Python and Java Invokers

    Describe testing done for PR


    Test by using the dev builder which includes these changes: us.gcr.io/daisy-284300/kn-fn/functions-builder:0.0.10

    Special notes for your reviewer

    Currently only available via the default endpoints.

  • Add Template Testing

    Add Template Testing

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: #29

    What this PR solves

    Adds tests for our templates

  • Make templates usable for func create

    Make templates usable for func create

    Signed-off-by: Fabian Lopez [email protected]

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Partially fixes: #30

    What this PR solves

    Makes templates usable by kn func create

    Details for release notes

    Create via kn-func can now make use the java and python templates from this repo:
    kn func create -r https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/function-buildpacks-for-knative.git -l java -t (cloudevents-maven|cloudevents-gradle|http-maven|http-gradle)
    kn func create -r https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/function-buildpacks-for-knative.git -l python -t (cloudevents|http)

    Describe testing done for PR

    Created a fork for this repo and by making the same changes in this PR to the manifest.yaml I was able to create functions by pointing to my fork with the -r flag

    Special notes for your reviewer

    As mentioned in the linked issue, there still is the problem of building the generated functions with our buildpacks

  • Add copyright notice to all files

    Add copyright notice to all files

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: # PDY-809

    What this PR solves

    Add copyright notice to all files

    Details for release notes

    Added Makefile targets to easily add the copyright and license notice at the top of files.  
    Trigger a check upon PR creation. 

    Describe testing done for PR

    Manual test of the new github actions.

    Special notes for your reviewer

  • Extract common buildpack code

    Extract common buildpack code

    Introduces a common go module from which to share code that is common among buildpacks

    • Moves python/java.FuncYaml (and tests) to common config.FuncYaml
    • Moves python.CommandRunner to common command.Runner


    • [x] Change target branch back to main after #137 is merged
  • Java buildpacks do not pick up `func.yaml`

    Java buildpacks do not pick up `func.yaml`

    Bug Report

    The Java builder/buildpack does not pick up func.yaml, resulting in the logic for func.yaml never executing: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/function-buildpacks-for-knative/blob/0962a3c438e2acefc05960df4db5c646d0d5b124/buildpacks/java/java/build.go#L50

    Expected Behavior

    func.yaml is copied over to the Java layers and can be accessed and read

    Steps to Reproduce the Bug

    1. Create a Java image that contains a func.yaml populated with envs and/or options at time of deployment.
    2. docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash <image-name> into the image
    3. Check the directories and cd /workspace for the existence of func.yaml
  • Add configuration for Python buildpack to define package to scan and which function to load

    Add configuration for Python buildpack to define package to scan and which function to load

    Feature Request

    The Python buildpack expects two environment variables MODULE_NAME and FUNCTION_NAME.

    Proposed configuration values: BP_FUNCTION: The name of the function to look for. Default: func.main

    Alternatively we can instead do: BP_FUNCTION_MODULE BP_FUNCTION_NAME

  • Add smoke tests for CloudEvents

    Add smoke tests for CloudEvents

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: #7 and PDY-527

    What this PR solves

    Add smoke tests for CloudEvents

    Details for release notes

    Added smoke testing for CloudEvents layers

    Describe testing done for PR

    Special notes for your reviewer

  • fix: Fix txt-to-pdf samples

    fix: Fix txt-to-pdf samples

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: Both Python and Java txt-to-pdf samples, docs, and video demos.

  • Suan/smoke test v2

    Suan/smoke test v2

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes

    Fixes: #15

    What this PR solves

    Revises smoke-tests to work as expected for HTTP, Cloudevents on Java, Python

    Details for release notes

    Fixes issue with smoke tests for CloudEvents
  • As a developer, I want to use my function buildpack for my code when I specify my `func.yaml`.

    As a developer, I want to use my function buildpack for my code when I specify my `func.yaml`.

    Feature Request

    Right now, we rely on the environment variable PYTHON_HANDLER to be set with a default value of handler.handler. Source

    This can create some applications not meant for functions to be picked by the buildpack. We might want to align with the guide of a template described in Template Guide. the template guide describes that all templates will have a `func.yml file.

    This file is created by the func cli tool. It is not needed to be in the templates we use to create functions, but it should be in the mechanism of the buildpacks detection.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    From the different ways to understand if the current folder/repo is a function type of the buildpacks we built, I think this is the easiest way so far and it will be aligned with the spec of a template folder for the CLI spec guide.

    Additional context

    This will probably require changes in our sample projects as well

  • fix (samples): Re-write txt-to-pdf sample to work with latest TriggerMesh

    fix (samples): Re-write txt-to-pdf sample to work with latest TriggerMesh

    Signed-off-by: Bryan Tong [email protected]

    Note: These samples require external applications (Cloud Native Runtimes, Tanzu Application Platform) Contingent on CNR updating their support for TriggerMesh. Was delayed to their 1.4 release.

  • When no default function is specified for Java but a function name exists in `func.yaml` use that.

    When no default function is specified for Java but a function name exists in `func.yaml` use that.

    Feature Request

    Since a Java class can have multiple function implementations, we won't be able to automatically determine the default function to use with /. I propose that if there is a func.yaml present and it has a name field, that we use it as the default if it wasn't specified.

  • Update Python invoker such that the function being written doesn't depend on flask's response object to return an http status

    Update Python invoker such that the function being written doesn't depend on flask's response object to return an http status

    Feature Request

    Update the Python invoker to handle http status codes. The way to do it currently is to return a Flask.Response object which makes us a leaky abstraction. We want to perhaps update the response we expect from the function to be (status_code, body) or the likes. We need to also consider the situation where we may want to have attributes returned in the case of CloudEvents or whether we want to respond with a specific header.

  • Provide a configuration option for the location of the function

    Provide a configuration option for the location of the function

    Feature Request

    A way to specify the location of a function within a directory. This is relevant to a monorepo consisting of multiple functions, possibly with multiple directories that could contain your function(s).

    This could be something like BP_FUNCTION_SEARCH_PATH or BP_FUNCTION_PATH. We can discuss on what name is appropriate in the comments.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    New repo per function and everything is top-level. Applications may have multiple moving parts that are closely related.

    ⚠️ Still in an early discovery phase

  • Python invoker throws exception when the function returns just data without attributes

    Python invoker throws exception when the function returns just data without attributes

    Bug Report

    Running a function that expects cloudevents where after processing returns only the body will cause it to throw an exception.

    Expected Behavior

    No errors + proper attributes are returned.

    Steps to Reproduce the Bug

    1. Define a function:
      from typing import Any
      def main(data: Any, attributes: dict):
          # Your function implementation goes here
          return data
    2. Run this function with the Python invoker.
    3. Send a CE via curl to function.
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