Create key value sqlite3 database from tabular data, fast.


Turn tabular data into a lookup table using sqlite3. This is a working PROTOTYPE with limitations, e.g. no customizations, the table definition is fixed, etc.


As a performance data point, an example dataset with 1B+ rows can be inserted and indexed in less than two hours (on a recent CPU and an nvme drive; database file size: 400G).

How it works

Data is chopped up into smaller chunks (defaults to about 64MB) and imported with the .import command. Indexes are created only after all data has been imported.


$ cat fixtures/sample-xs.tsv | column -t
10.1001/10-v4n2-hsf10003                    10.1177/003335490912400218
10.1001/10-v4n2-hsf10003                    10.1097/01.bcr.0000155527.76205.a2
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1996.novdec01  10.1056/nejm199312303292707
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1996.novdec01  10.1016/s0363-5023(05)80265-5
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1996.novdec01  10.1001/jama.1994.03510440069036
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.julaug01  10.1097/00007632-199612150-00003
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.mayjun01  10.1164/ajrccm/147.4.1056
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.mayjun01  10.1136/thx.38.10.760
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.mayjun01  10.1056/nejm199507133330207
10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.mayjun01  10.1378/chest.88.3.376

$ slikv -o xs.db < fixtures/sample-xs.tsv
2021/10/04 16:13:06 [ok] initialized database · xs.db
2021/10/04 16:13:06 [io] written 679B · 361.3K/s
2021/10/04 16:13:06 [ok] 1/2 created index · xs.db
2021/10/04 16:13:06 [ok] 2/2 created index · xs.db

$ sqlite3 xs.db 'select * from map'

$ sqlite3 xs.db 'select * from map where k = "10.1001/amaguidesnewsletters.1997.mayjun01" '


SQLite is likely used more than all other database engines combined. Billions and billions of copies of SQLite exist in the wild. --

Sometimes, programs need lookup tables to map values between two domains. A dictionary is a perfect data structure as long as the data fits in memory. For larger sets (hundreds of millions of entries), a dictionary will not work.

The slikv tool takes a two-column tabular file and turns it into an sqlite3 database, which you can query in your program. Depending on the size of the data, you can expect 1K-50K queries per second.


$ slikv -h
Usage of slikv:
  -B int
        buffer size (default 67108864)
  -C int
        sqlite3 cache size, needs memory = C x page size (default 1000000)
  -I int
        index mode: 0=none, 1=k, 2=v, 3=kv (default 3)
  -o string
        output filename (default "data.db")
        show version and exit


$ wc -l fixtures/sample-10m.tsv
10000000 fixtures/sample-10m.tsv

$ stat --format "%s" fixtures/sample-10m.tsv

$ time slikv < fixtures/sample-10m.tsv
2021/09/30 16:58:07 [ok] initialized database -- data.db
2021/09/30 16:58:17 [io] written 523M · 56.6M/s
2021/09/30 16:58:21 [ok] 1/2 created index -- data.db
2021/09/30 16:58:34 [ok] 2/2 created index -- data.db

real    0m26.267s
user    0m24.122s
sys     0m3.224s
  • 10M rows stored, with indexed keys and values in 27s, 370370 rows/s


  • allow tab-importing to be done programmatically, for any number of columns
  • a better name: mktabdb, mktabs, dbize
  • could write a tool for burst queries, e.g. split data into N shard, create N databases and distribute queries across files - e.g. dbize db.json with the same repl, etc. -- if we've seen 300K inserts per db, we may see 0.X x CPU x 300K, maybe millions/s.
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