A Go implementation of fluent-ffmpeg

Go Fluent FFmpeg GoDoc

A Go version of node-fluent-ffmpeg.


go get -u github.com/modfy/fluent-ffmpeg


You will need FFmpeg installed on your machine, or you can specify a path to a binary:

// Provide an empty string to use default FFmpeg path
cmd := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand("")

// Specify a path
cmd = fluentffmpeg.NewCommand("/path/to/ffmpeg/binary")

Quick Start

Create and run commands using an API similar to node-fluent-ffmpeg:

err := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand(""). 

You could use context to set the timeout:

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second * 5)
defer cancel()
err := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand(""). 

If you want to view the errors/logs returned from FFmpeg, provide an io.Writer to receive the data.

buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand("").
		OutputLogs(buf). // provide a io.Writer

out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(buf) // read logs

You can also get the command in the form of an exec.Cmd struct, with which you can have better control over the running process. For example, you can conditionally kill the FFmpeg command:

done := make(chan error, 1)
cmd := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand("").

go func() {
    done <- cmd.Wait()

select {
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
    fmt.Println("Timed out")
case <-done:

FFprobe is also available for use and returns a map[string]interface{} of JSON data:

data := fluentffmpeg.Probe("./video.avi")


This repo was inspired by node-fluent-ffmpeg and was built upon the work done by @bitcodr in the https://github.com/bitcodr/gompeg

Managed Version

You can deploy this codebase yourself or you an entirely managed api from the creators at https://api.modfy.video

Organization responsible for building modfy.video
  • Please add an example on how to join (append) multiple videos.

    Please add an example on how to join (append) multiple videos.

    Can someone please add a working example on appending multiple videos together.

    I can not see how to accomplish this from reading the API and it is different enough than the JavaScript fluent-ffmpeg API to not be any help.

    Is this even possible with this library binding?

  • InputOptions help

    InputOptions help

    Hi, I'm not sure whether this is not working or if I am doing it wrong. I want to pass in options so I can trim the video.

    Here is the code:

    	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    	err := fluentffmpeg.NewCommand("./ffmpeg-binaries/ffmpeg").
    		InputOptions("-ss 00:00:10").
    	if err != nil {

    This returns exit status 1.

    The above does not return an error if InputOptions is empty, but even InputOptions("") returns an error. Is this working as intended?

  • Support context for cancellation

    Support context for cancellation

    Although the user could use Build to get the underlying command, it still makes sense to support context by adding a RunWithContext() function. If you agree with this, I am willing to help with the PR. Thx

  • Need instructions to convert file in memory to file in memory

    Need instructions to convert file in memory to file in memory

    Given Go is used primarily in server environment where the file might come in request and one might want to use the file in memory without writing it to disk and the output can also be in memory file format. Can you provide instructions how one can do that using this module?


  • Resolution option doesn't work

    Resolution option doesn't work

    trying to use err := fluentffmpeg. NewCommand(""). InputPath("http://"). OutputOptions("-movflags", "isml+frag_keyframe+empty_moov"). OutputFormat("mp4"). VideoCodec("h264"). KeyframeInterval(52). Resolution("640x360"). PipeOutput(w). Run() all is ok besides the output resolution. It is always the same as the original (FullHD for example) and the Resolution option doesn't work. Any ideas on how to fix it?

  • Two Pass Encoding ?

    Two Pass Encoding ?

    Anyone have any examples of doing a two pass encode in this library? I'm looking to convert my NodeJS transcoder to this library, here's and example of a job, also when trying to use the output options and submit a single string such as c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 1400K -crf 23 i get an error, is there a delimiter we should be using ?

    `ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 1400K -crf 23 -threads 8 -speed 4
    -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1
    -an -f webm /dev/null

    ffmpeg -i -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 1400K -crf 23 -threads 8 -speed 2
    -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25
    -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -f webm out.webm`

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