Retnilnil is a static analysis tool to detect `return nil, nil`


Go Reference Test

retnilnil is a static analysis tool for Golang that detects return nil, nil in functions with (*T, error) as the return type.

func f() (*T, error) {
	return nil, nil // retnilnil detects this

retnilnil ignores a code which has an ignore comment.

func f() (*T, error) {
	//lint:ignore retnilnil reason
	return nil, nil // retnilnil doesn't detect this

retnilnil also ignores a function that has a comment includes nil, nil.

// f always returns `nil, nil`
func f() (*T, error) {
	return nil, nil // retnilnil doesn't detect this


You can get retnilnil by go install command (Go 1.16 and higher).

$ go install[email protected]

How to use

$ retnilnil ./...
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