Guardian is a tool for extensible and universal data access with automated access workflows and security controls across data stores, analytical systems, and cloud products.


test workflow License Version

Guardian is a data access management tool. It manages resources from various data providers along with the users’ access. Users required to raise an appeal in order to gain access to a particular resource. The appeal will go through several approvals before it is getting approved and granted the access to the user.

Key Features

  • Provider Management: Support various providers (currently only BigQuery, more coming up!) and multiple instances for each provider type
  • Resource Management: Resources from a provider are managed in Guardian's database. There is also an API to update resource's metadata to add additional information.
  • Appeal-based access: Users are expected to create an appeal for accessing data from registered providers. The appeal will get reviewed by the configured approvers before it gives the access to the user.
  • Configurable approval flow: Approval flow configures what are needed for an appeal to get approved and who are eligible to approve/reject. It can be configured and linked to a provider so that every appeal created to their resources will follow the procedure in order to get approved.
  • External Identity Manager: This gives the flexibility to use any third-party identity manager. User properties.


Explore the following resoruces to get started with Guardian:

  • Guides provides guidance on usage.
  • Concepts describes all important Guardian concepts including system architecture.
  • Reference contains details about configurations and other aspects of Guardian.
  • Contribute contains resources for anyone who wants to contribute to Guardian.

Running locally


  • Git
  • Go 1.15 or above
  • PostgreSQL 13.2 or above
$ git clone [email protected]:odpf/guardian.git
$ cd guardian
$ go run main.go migrate
$ go run main.go serve

Running tests

$ make test


Development of Guardian happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving Guardian.

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to Guardian.

To help you get your feet wet and get you familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started.

This project exists thanks to all the contributors.


Guardian is Apache 2.0 licensed.

Open DataOps Foundation
Building and promoting free and open-source modern data platform.
Open DataOps Foundation
  • Allow provider to configure access duration

    Allow provider to configure access duration

    Summary Currently, we can't configure the request duration in the provider. The request duration option is defined by the users on the frontend side and every provider has the same duration option like 1 day, 3 days, 30 days, permanent etc

    Proposed solution Change provider config to take request duration while registering a provider.

  • Decouple access management from appeal

    Decouple access management from appeal


    Currently, appeal acts as the information holder for approval flow and user access. We can decouple those responsibilities by creating a new entity called access that manages user access and its lifecycle.


    1. Process

    1. Once appeal is approved, guardian will create an access entry representing the current user access to the resource
    2. Access revocation will be done to access instead of appeal
    3. If a new appeal to the same resource created by the same user with the same role is approved, guardian will revoke the existing active access (if exists) and create a new one.

    2. Entity


      type Appeal struct {
      	ID            string                 
      	ResourceID    string                 
      	PolicyID      string                 
      	PolicyVersion uint                   
      	Status        string                 
      	AccountID     string                 
      	AccountType   string                 
      	CreatedBy     string                 
      	Creator       interface{}            
      	Role          string                 
      	Permissions   []string               
      	Options       *AppealOptions         
      	Details       map[string]interface{} 
      	Labels        map[string]string      
    - 	RevokedBy    string    
    - 	RevokedAt    time.Time 
    - 	RevokeReason string    
      	Policy    *Policy     
      	Resource  *Resource   
      	Approvals []*Approval 
      	CreatedAt time.Time 
      	UpdatedAt time.Time 


    +  type Access struct {
    + 	ID             string
    + 	Status         string // active | inactive
    + 	AccountID      string
    + 	AccountType    string
    + 	ResourceID     string
    + 	Permissions    []string
    + 	ExpirationDate *time.Time
    + 	AppealID       string
    + 	RevokedBy      string
    + 	RevokedAt      *time.Time
    + 	RevokeReason   string
    +       CreatedBy      string
    + 	CreatedAt      time.Time
    + 	UpdatedAt      time.Time
    +  }

    3. Lifecycle


      1. pending
        2. canceled
    -   2. active
    +   2. approved
    -     3. terminated
        2. rejected


    + 1. active
    +   2. inactive
  • Appeal request on behalf of other user

    Appeal request on behalf of other user

    Summary As a user, they want to raise an appeal for another user in Guardian. This could help the manager/supervisor to raise all access-request for a user and sometimes this access request is for integration account to other systems like metabase, tableau etc.

    Proposed solution Allow the appeal-request flow to get another user's email as input. Will trigger the approval flow for giving another user and send appeal notification to both users(in case it's a non-human account).

  • Import pre-existing access from providers

    Import pre-existing access from providers


    • Guardian to collect all pre-existing access from each resource in the provider
    • User (admin) to be able to revoke that imported access if needed


    1. Fetching access

    • ~~Option 1: add a flag in the provider config to import access~~ Pros : Under the assumption that after the provider is onboarded to guardian there will be no access created outside guardian, this approach would be just sufficient (simpler process) Cons : Will only run once when the provider is just created
    • Option 2: provide an API endpoint to trigger import access Pros : Can be triggered at any time Cons : Need to be triggered manually
    • ~~Option 3: regularly collect existing access with jobs~~ Pros : Continuously control those access created outside guardian Cons : Might increase the scope to the Track access drift feature

    2. Creating the appeals

    The appeal going to be like this:

      "id": "", // auto-generated
      "resource_id": "", // added by guardian
      "policy_id": null,
      "policy_version": 0,
      "status": "active",
      "account_type": "", // imported from provider
      "account_id": "", // imported from provider
      "role": "custom", // TODO: need to find a way to map the existing/imported permissions with the roles user defined in the provider
      "options": {},
      "resource": {}, // added by guardian,
      "approvals": [], // depends on the policy
      "details": {},
      "created_by": "", // TODO: for "user" account type, we can use that as the value here, but can't for serviceAccount or other account types
      "creator": null, // depends on the policy. Might be empty because iam config defined in the policy
      // new field(s):
      "imported": true, // imported flag to differentiate with normal (user-created) appeal
      "permissions": [] // 

    Things to note


    Policy is going to be null since there's no approval flow for the imported access

    Account Types

    We are going to import pre-existing access for account types that are defined in the allowed_account_types field in the provider config only.


    Assuming this bug has been resolved,

    • Case 1: the imported access are predefined roles in the Provider Config
      1. Suppose in the provider config we have defined a role named bq-admin which has two permissions: roles/bigquery.dataViewer and roles/bigquery.dataEditor.
      2. In case a user has following access granted outside Guardian: roles/bigquery.dataViewer and roles/bigquery.dataEditor
      3. Those access will be imported and mapped as an appeal with role:bq-admin only. Note that it will also have "permissions": ["roles/bigquery.dataViewer", "roles/bigquery.dataEditor"] in the appeal object
    • Case 2: the imported access don't have permissions defined in the provider config
      1. A user has roles/bigquery.metadataViewer access in the bigquery, but that permission was not defined in the provider config.
      2. In that case, each access will be mapped into a single appeal with "role" = "roles/bigquery.metadataViewer" and "permissions" = ["roles/bigquery.metadataViewer"]
  • Add Audit Logging

    Add Audit Logging


    • track activities related to data changes & audit logs

    Proposed solution

    Create a new table in db to store audit logs as well as create its repository and service. Audit Service will be used across other services to log the activity.

    database model

    type AuditLog struct {
    	Timestamp  time.Time
    	Action     string // example: appeal.created, provider.created, provider.updated, etc.
    	Actor      string // example: [email protected] or system
    	Data       interface{}
    	Metadata   interface{}


    1. repository implementation of this interface can be created in salt for reusability.
    type AuditRepository interface {
    	List(filters map[string]interface{}) ([]*AuditLog, error)
    	Create(*AuditLog) error
    	BulkCreate([]*AuditLog) error
    1. guardian's audit service
    type AuditAction string // typed audit action
    var (
    	ProviderCreated     AuditAction = "provider.created"
    	ResourceBulkCreated AuditAction = "resource.bulkCreated"
    	// ...
    // typed audit data for each audit action
    type ProviderCreatedData domain.Provider
    type ResourceBulkCreatedData struct {
    	CreatedResourceIDs []string
    	RemovedResourceIDs []string
    // audit service interface representation
    type AuditService interface {
            Log(actor, action, message string, payload interface{}) error
    // usage
    auditService.Log("[email protected]", audit.ProviderCreated, "message example", audit.ProviderCreatedData{...})
    auditService.Log("system", audit.ResourceBulkCreated, "message example", audit.ResourceBulkCreatedData{...})

    guardian audit log list

    Domain | Action | Actor | Payload -- | -- | -- | -- provider | create | authorized user | Provider provider | update | authorized user | Provider policy | create | authorized user | Policy resource | bulk insert | guardian | created resource IDs, (soft) deleted resource IDs resource | update | authorized user | Resource appeal | create | authorized user | Appeal appeal | cancel | authorized user | - appeal | approve | authorized user | - appeal | reject | authorized user | appeal id, reason appeal | revoke | authorized user | appeal id, reason appeal | automated revoke | guardian | - appeal | extend | authorized user | Appeal approval | approve | authorized user | approval name, appeal id approval | automated approve | guardian | approval name, appeal id approval | reject | authorized user | approval name, appeal id approval | automated reject | guardian | approval name, appeal id

  • Bulk appeal access revocation

    Bulk appeal access revocation

    Summary Guardian does not consider the user status like quit, inactive etc in org/company, there is a possibility that users can switch org while they still have active appeals in the system. These accounts pose a huge security threat. When they grow in number, they also become unmanageable for IT administrators. Hence it is essential to periodically check for inactive user accounts and take appropriate actions on them as soon as they're identified.

    Proposed solution Guardian appeal-approval workflow takes identity providers(IAM) like Shied, Ldap, and HTTP to fetch user details like name, title, manager, department, etc.
    As a solution we are proposing the following steps:

    • Identity providers to have a user status as metadata like accountStatus=active
    • a scheduled job in Guardian
      • To fetch all users having active appeals
      • fetch the status of a user using IAM
      • revoke appeal access if a user is not active

    Additional context In the future, we want to trace whether a user is idle for more than a configured duration and will mark a user as inactive and revoke its access.

  • docs: update documentation

    docs: update documentation

    • [ ] Documentation for the Provider plugins
      • [x] Add No-Op Provider
      • [x] Update BigQuery
      • [ ] Update Metabase
      • [x] Update GCS
      • [ ] Update Grafana
      • [x] Update GCloud IAM
    • [x] Add Server Jobs Reference
    • [x] Add descriptions with examples on the API reference page
    • [x] Update Introduction
  • Add custom questions in policy, to be asked when user creates an appeal

    Add custom questions in policy, to be asked when user creates an appeal

    Summary While appeal creation the user can be required to answer some questions depending on the policy of a given resource. Currently, the questions asked aren't configurable according to the policy creator. For instance providers like Github/Gitlab will require additional information of userID/username in the appeal which will be required to grant/revoke membership in the organisation.


    1. Configurable questions for appeal creation
      • Policy creator should be able to add questions related to access or security, and it can be shown to the approvers for considering their approval. An example question is "What is the purpose of accessing this resource?"
    2. Provider-specific information that requires to be filled by the appeal creator
      • this is more into the required information related to managing access to the provider itself. Like provider account username for granting access (for github)

    Proposed solution

    There are two approaches to making configurable questions.

    1. Add questions at the policy level. We will be required to contain questions specific to the provider in the policy which is attached to each resource in the provider config.
    • Pros:

      • This option will allow us to ask resource-specific questions from the user since each policy is attached at the resource level in the provider configurations.
    • Cons:

      • Redundancy: According to the current use case for the BigQuery, suppose we use a single policy (ocean) with the list of some approvers. And now we want to use the same policy for another provider say, Github. Assuming the questions being asked in each policy, ocean will also contain the question What is your Github username. This will be a redundant question for other providers which use the same policy and doesn't require the Github username (say BigQuery).
      • There is no provision to check if the policy would contain a particular question will adding that policy to the resource. For example, if we are registering the policy for the Github resource(organisation), we can't check that the policy has the question to get the username.

    Adding the Questions field in the policy.go.

      type PolicyAppealConfig struct {
      	DurationOptions	[]AppealDurationOption
    + 	Questions	[]struct{
    + 		Key		string 
    + 		Question	string
    + 		Required	bool
    + 		Description	string
    + 	}

    This is how the new policy config will look like:

    id: bigquery_approval
    version: 1
    steps: ...
        - key: "reason"
          question: "Why do you need this resource?"
          required: true

    And we are proposing to include the answers in the Options field in the Appeal struct, instead of creating a new field altogether. Thus no migrations will be required. We will not require to query the database for getting these questions, therefore we can embed the value inside the Options field.

      type AppealOptions struct {
      	ExpirationDate	*time.Time
      	Duration	string
    + 	Questions	[]struct{
    + 		Key	string // identifier to the question defined in the policy
    + 		Value	string // answer to the question, which was expected from the user in the appeal
    + 	}

    And this is how the final appeal from the user will look like:

        "account_id": "[email protected]",
        "resources": [
                "id": "e12345ab-4345-4682-8756-88655317e9ea",
                "role": "WRITER",
                        "value": "bar"

    1. Add questions at the provider level. Whenever a new provider is registered via Guardian the custom question is defined for that during the creation itself.
    • Pros:

      • We will be able to configure the questions without any redundancy while using the same policy. We can also keep a check that the provider configurations contain the mandatory questions in the provider config.
    • Cons:

      • Questions can only be asked at the provider-level

    Note: For this option, the answer to the question will still be in a similar way as discussed in option 1. The questions field in this case will be added to the providerConfig.

      type ProviderConfig struct {
    	Type                string
    	URN                 string
    	AllowedAccountTypes []string
    	Labels              map[string]string
    	Credentials         interface{}
    	Appeal              *AppealConfig
    	Resources           []*ResourceConfig
    + 	Parameters          []*ProviderParameter
    + type ProviderParameter []struct{
    + 	Key          string
    + 	Label        string
    + 	Required     bool
    + 	Description  string
    + } 


    • A unique key / ID can be added to easily query the answer of the question later.
    • We might as well add a field (regex_validation)if we want to type check the value entered (say if a userID is expected to only be a number)
    • We will also be required to update the CLI and UI on Datlantis to accept answers to custom questions while creating an appeal

    @rahmatrhd @ravisuhag @AkarshSatija @mabdh @bsushmith @singhvikash11

  • Add support for GCS provider

    Add support for GCS provider

    Summary We need to support access management of GCS.

    Proposed solution

    • [x] Provider configuration for gcs
    • [x] GCS client
    • [x] GCS resource & access management (TODO: figure out what resources that need to be granted & revoked)
    • [x] Documentation

    Proposed Provider Config:

    type: gcs/gcloud_storage
    urn: my-google-cloud-storage
      Service_account_key: base64 encoded Service Account Key
      Resource_name: projects/gcs-project-id
    -type: bucket
        id: my_bucket_policy
        version: 1
        - id: viewer
          name: viewer
          description: ...
            - roles/storage.objectViewer
        - id: owner
          name: OWNER
          description: ...
            - roles/storage.objectCreator
        - id: admin
          name: ADMIN
          description: ...
    -type: object
         id: my_object_policy
         version: 1
        - id: viewer
          name: View
          description: ...
             - reader
        - id: owner
          name: OWNER
          description: ...
             - owner

    Resource Config for Bucket

      "id": 1,
      "provider_type": "gcs",
      "provider_urn": "my-gcs",
      "type": "bucket",
      "urn": "my-bucket-name",
      "name": "my-bucket-name",
      "details": {
        "foo": "bar"

    Resource Config for Object

      "id": 1,
      "provider_type": "gcs",
      "provider_urn": "my-gcs",
      "type": "object",
      "urn": "folder/sub-folder/file.txt",
      "name": "file.txt",
      "details": {
        "foo": "bar"
  • Unauthorised access tracking

    Unauthorised access tracking

    Problem? Guardian approval flow with policies makes sure only approved users get access to resources. But if someone was authorized to access directly through the provider platform e.g users are given access to Metabase through its admin portal. Guardian does not have a way to track if access is given to the provider resources which are not being tracked or approved through guardian access workflows.


    • Periodically check authorized users at the provider level and track unauthorized access to resources.
    • Provide reports and alerts when unauthorized access is detected.
    • Raised alert severity can be based on the privacy level of resources.
  • feat: update missing cli features

    feat: update missing cli features

    Missing features to add in CLI:

    • [x] account_type flag in appeals create command
    • [x] command for showing the approval statuses (visualization)
    • [x] resource get metadata cmd
    • [x] appeal revoke
    • [x] appeal cancel
  • ability to trigger jobs through API end point

    ability to trigger jobs through API end point

    Summary support ability to trigger jobs such as grant_expiration_reminder & grant_expiration_revocation through an API endpoint whenever needed instead of only at a pre-determined cron schedule.

  • Register Dataplex policy-tags as provider

    Register Dataplex policy-tags as provider

    Summary Register DataCatalog policy tags as a provider so users can raise requests for policy tags with roles/datacatalog.categoryFineGrainedReader permission

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