A Go native tabular data extraction package. Currently supports .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .tsv formats.


A Go native tabular data extraction package. Currently supports .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .tsv formats.


Grate focuses on speed and stability first, and makes no attempt to parse charts, figures, or other content types that may be present embedded within the input files. It tries to perform as few allocations as possible and errs on the side of caution.

There are certainly still some bugs and edge cases, but we have run it successfully on a set of 400k .xls and .xlsx files to catch many bugs and error conditions. Please file an issue with any feedback and additional problem files.


Grate provides a simple standard interface for all supported filetypes, allowing access to both named worksheets in spreadsheets and single tables in plaintext formats.

package main

import (

    _ "github.com/pbnjay/grate/simple" // tsv and csv support
    _ "github.com/pbnjay/grate/xls"
    _ "github.com/pbnjay/grate/xlsx"

func main() {
    wb, _ := grate.Open(os.Args[1])  // open the file
    sheets, _ := wb.List()           // list available sheets
    for _, s := range sheets {       // enumerate each sheet name
        sheet, _ := wb.Get(s)        // open the sheet
        for sheet.Next() {           // enumerate each row of data
            row := sheet.Strings()   // get the row's content as []string
            fmt.Println(strings.Join(row, "\t"))


All source code is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.

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    11622   E       4.5     43983   44347   T
    13101   E       C       496     43983   44317   T
    13103   1       99      50      3       3       0.12    0.08    43983   44347   0       7144    1       1       1744
    12410   1       1111    43983   44347
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    43983   12410   E31001  123456  T       100     100

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    func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
    	trueFile, err := os.ReadFile("../testdata/testing.tsv")
    	if err != nil {
    	lines := strings.Split(string(trueFile), "\n")
    	fn := "../testdata/testing.xls"
    	wb, err := Open(fn)
    	if err != nil {
    	sheets, err := wb.List()
    	if err != nil {
    	for _, s := range sheets {
    		sheet, err := wb.Get(s)
    		if err != nil {
    		i := 0
    		for sheet.Next() {
    			row := strings.Join(sheet.Strings(), "\t")
    			if lines[i] != row {
    				t.Logf("line %d mismatch: '%s' <> '%s'", i, row, lines[i])
    	err = wb.Close()
    	if err != nil {

    ` --- FAIL: TestBasic (0.00s)

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    /Users/zeke/Programming/grate/xls/simple_test.go:71: line 4 mismatch: 'b	0	0	0' <> 'b	1	2	1'
    /Users/zeke/Programming/grate/xls/simple_test.go:71: line 5 mismatch: 'b	0	0	0' <> 'b	4	3	2'
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