Powerful Blockchain streaming data engine, based on StreamingFast Firehose technology.

Substreams - A streaming data engine for The Graph - by StreamingFast


Think Fluvio for deterministic blockchain data.

The successor of https://github.com/streamingfast/sparkle, enabling greater composability, yet similar powers of parallelisation, and a much simpler model to work with.

Install client

This client will allow you to interact with Substreams endpoints, and stream data in real-time.

Get a release.

From source:

git clone [email protected]:streamingfast/substreams
cd substreams
go install -v ./cmd/substreams

From source without checkout:

go install github.com/streamingfast/substreams/cmd/substreams@latest

Install dependencies to build Substreams

This will allow you to develop Substreams modules locally, and run them remotely.

Install rust

We're going to be using the Rust programming language, to develop some custom logic.

There are several ways to install Rust, but for the sake of brevity:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Run remotely

Using StreamingFast's infrastructure

Dump that somewhere like .bashrc:

export STREAMINGFAST_KEY=server_YOUR_KEY_HERE  # Ask us on Discord for a key
function sftoken {
    export FIREHOSE_API_TOKEN=$(curl https://auth.dfuse.io/v1/auth/issue -s --data-binary '{"api_key":"'$STREAMINGFAST_KEY'"}' | jq -r .token)

Then in your shell, load a key in an env var with:


Then, try to run the PancakeSwap Substreams from our Substreams Playground project

The below commands will be run from substreams-playground

cd ./pcs-rust/ && ./build.sh
cd ../eth-token/ && ./build.sh
cd ..
substreams run -e bsc-dev.streamingfast.io:443 ./pcs-rust/substreams.yaml pairs,block_to_pairs,volumes,totals,db_out -s 6810706 -t 6810711

Run locally

You can run the substreams service locally this way:

Get a recent release of the Ethereum Firehose, and install sfeth.

Alternatively, you can use this Docker image: ghcr.io/streamingfast/sf-ethereum:6aa70ca, known to work with version v0.0.5-beta of the substreams release herein.

Get some data (merged blocks) to play with locally (here on BSC mainnet):

# Downloads 2.6GB of data
sfeth tools download-from-firehose bsc-dev.streamingfast.io:443 6810000 6820000 ./localblocks
sfeth tools generate-irreversible-index ./localblocks ./localirr 6810000 6819700

Then run the firehose service locally in a terminal, reading blocks from your disk:

sfeth start firehose  --config-file=  --log-to-file=false  --common-blockstream-addr=  --common-blocks-store-url=./localdata --firehose-grpc-listen-addr=:9000* --substreams-enabled --substreams-rpc-endpoint=https://URL.POINTING.TO.A.BSC.ARCHIVE.NODE/if-you/want-to-use/eth_call/within/substreams

And then run the substreams command against your local deployment (checkout substreams-playground in the Run remotely section above):

substreams run -k -e localhost:9000 wasm_substreams_manifest.yaml pairs,block_to_pairs,db_out,volumes,totals -s 6810706 -t 6810711
StreamingFast is a protocol infrastructure company that provides a massively scalable architecture for streaming blockchain data
  • Process history in parallel, download linearly at high speeds

    Process history in parallel, download linearly at high speeds

    Goal: be able to do parallel processing and high-speed download of the processed output.

    At the moment, parallelism is triggered when you depend on a store at a block number later than that store's first block. It is done in the background, and reports progress but doesn't push the data out.

    A system like graph-node needs high-speed historical processing, but also a way to get all the produced output at high-speed.

    Two options exist:

    1. Inside the same request stream that orchestrates everything and reports progress, saturating that request's network pipe with the output produced in parallel.
    2. As a separate process, potentially running on multiple machines, that can saturate multiple network interface. This puts more burden on the client, which is now responsible to compute segments to retrieve, stitch them together, etc. This is possible right now with a few run commands.

    Solution 1

    This can be linearized with relatively good efficiency.

    This has the benefit of being very simple for the consumer.

    This also allows the data to be sent as soon as it is ready.

    This requires changes to the Request/Response messages.

    i) The scheduler will need to be able to handle modules of any type (map, stores)
    ii) A new component of the orchestrator needs to keep track of the data produced, and stream it linearly to the end user. One instance of that component per module being streamed out, with some sort of cursor or progress marker per module.

    Current implementation hypothesis:

    • Watch module’s output files and stream out the data linearly
    • Observe the progress (via GRPC) of the back-process and get the files when ready.
    substreams run substream.yaml graph_out -s 15_000_000 -t +1 --download-history

    Here's an example of what things could look like from the proto's perspective:

     message Request {
       Modules modules = 6;
    -  repeated string output_modules = 7;
    -  repeated string initial_store_snapshot_for_modules = 8;
    +  repeated ModuleRequest requested_modules = 7;
    +  // repeated string initial_store_snapshot_for_modules = 8;
    +  // repeated ModuleAt historical_output_modules = 9; // store_mints@0, map_volumes@12000000
    +message ModuleRequest {
    +  string module_name = 1;
    +  optional int64 download_history_from_block_num = 2;  // 0 = activates history download from module's initial block, non-0 but present = activates history download FROM that block
    +  bool send_initial_snapshot = 3;

    WARN: that would be a breaking change from the network protocol, so we'll want to rehash it, in the light of other features we want to add, before taking that route.

    From the CLI, what would it look like to continue a broken history download?

    substreams run spkg store_mints@800000 -s 12M --download-history
    substreams run spkg store_mints,store_accounts -s 12M -t +1 -i
    # backfill les caches jusqu'à 12M, il me dump TOUS les _stores_ qui sont sur la ligne de commande.
    substreams run spkg store_mints+snapshot@1200000,store_accounts -s 12M -t +1 --download-history
    substreams run spkg store_mints+snapshot+history@120000,store_accounts -s 12M -t +1 --download-history
    #  backfill les caches jusqu'à 12M, il me dump TOUS les _stores_ qui sont sur la ligne de commande.
    substreams run spkg store_mints -s 12M -t +1
    # check les caches pour les stores dépendants, jusqu'à 12M, outputter le contenu de `store_mints` going forward

    Solution 2

    Two steps back-processing, and then download in parallel.

    Currently when the back processing is scheduled (by specifying a start_block later then the manifest start_block), all of the output is sent to the tier 1. Tier 1 absorbs the data and never sends it back to the consumer. Currently the consumer would need to re-run the same request to get the data that was processed from cache.

    i) A client runs a back-processing job until the HEAD block you want

    substreams run substream.yaml graph_out -s 15_000_000 -t +1

    ii) client to download the data in parallel once the back processing is completed. This is a two commands process, you are essentially preparing the data, and then downloading it.

    substreams run substream.yaml graph_out -t 15_000_000
  • Store size limit to 1GiB

    Store size limit to 1GiB

    • store total size is now limited to 1GiB.
    • TotalSizeBytes is calculated on load (during the unmarshal) and modified on every kv operation to avoid recalculation
  • Various small tweaks for Documentation

    Various small tweaks for Documentation

    • [x] Augment https://substreams.streamingfast.io/concept-and-fundamentals/modules/outputs to discuss the fact that only 1 output is possible today and it must be of a proto type (no literal like String or bool, if a single value is required, wrap in a Proto message)
    • [x] Make list of https://substreams.streamingfast.io/reference-and-specs/examples more discoverable by linking it, maybe in https://substreams.streamingfast.io/getting-started/your-first-stream in Next Steps and maybe somehwere in https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/overview section?
    • [x] Throughout https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/, there is some old module name reference mainly block_to_transfers and nft_state, they need to be changed because they are not aligned with substreams-template. All occurrences should be renamed
      • Update also https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/creating-your-manifest#module-definitions so that modules have either map_ and store_ prefixes, we have settled more or less for this convention.
      • We also need to have this loose "convention" documented at various places in the documentation maybe, maybe as a "note" element. Not sure exactly where, probably where first introduction to creating a new module is made and maybe in "reference" page.
    • [x] Updated https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/setting-up-handlers to use latest ways of defining modules. If you compare with substreams-template/Cargo.toml, you will see the file is a bit different now. Copying the differences over will also update dependencies like substreams and substreams-ethereum to their latest version
      • https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/setting-up-handlers#rust-toolchain also needs to be updated
    • [x] In https://substreams.streamingfast.io/developer-guide/running-substreams, let's remove the content about running locally, not important in this section.
  • Adding flag to specify output-dir for pack command

    Adding flag to specify output-dir for pack command

    Added an optional flag to specify output-dir for pack command. Also changed all occurrences of /tmp/ folder paths to use os.TempDir() instead to allow cli tool to work on windows OS.

  • StreamingFast: ReadME

    StreamingFast: ReadME

    Remove the second paragraph of "Features", touting Search and Lifecycle as products. Remove all "Top-tier products" in the Overview section. Update "Protocols", to include Solana, NEAR. Start with Ethereum. Also include as "Contributed by third-parties", the ones by Figment (https://github.com/figment-networks/firehose-cosmos which includes the Cosmos Hub and Osmosis network). Remove the EOSIO one from the Protocols list. Links to Docs should point to: the FIrehose docs (firehose.streamingfast.io) and Substreams (to substreams.streamingfast.io) Remove the "Common interfaces" section. Grab Google's CODE_OF_CONDUCT doc from somewhere, and tweak it to reflect our name, and put it in this repository. When we have a code of conduct linked somewhere, we can ask GitBook for a free "open-source project" license. Change the "about" and "website" section of the GitHub repository, to point to streamingfast.io and our latest company name.

  • Sustreams: Change History Review

    Sustreams: Change History Review

    Review the change history of the Substreams repository https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams and ask the team what's new, find a way to present the new things in the change-log, sync the GitHub releases page with what's new.

    Let's plan together how we could best communicate what is new. Our release process is not so strictly defined, so we can figure out what's best together.

  • Blocks are not streaming

    Blocks are not streaming

    Hi guys, one question regarding a custom sink that I've written similar to this one here https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams-playground/tree/master/consumers/rust.

    I have managed to create my substreams modules build a package and I can see my consumer successfully processing, and in my case, storing the indexed data into a DB. However, I've noticed something interesting; at some point the stream does not push any new output results from substream. More specifically, it syncs until some recent block and then it stops.

    For example, I'm running a local firehose-aptos node, and I see some block being streamed

    FIRE BLOCK_END 156383
    FIRE BLOCK_END 156384
    FIRE BLOCK_END 156384

    However my consumer stop at block 154794.

    There is nothing specific about those block numbers. The point is that if I start the consumer from block 0 again (and reseting the last processed cursor) it always syncs correctly but always stop close to the block that firehose has processed. So for example the second time I run this it stops at block 155132 and so on. Also I don't reset the cursor and start the consumer then it remains stack doesn't receive any block results.

    An update on this matter. I've been trying a lot of things but nothing had worked so far. The latest test I made was using substreams directly without the custom sink.

    So I run this command

    substreams run -p -e aptos-firehose.local:18015 substreams.yaml db_out --start-block 0 --stop-block 100000000000000000

    An it just got stack at block 174599.

    Then I run substreams run -p -e aptos-firehose.local:18015 substreams.yaml db_out --start-block 174599 --stop-block 100000000000000000

    It doesn't do anything. It simply shows the following:

    Connected - Progress messages received: 1203 (0/sec)
    Backprocessing history up to requested target block 174599:
    (hit 'm' to switch mode)
    store_floor_price                 0  ::  0-174000 
    store_listings                    0  ::  0-174598 
    store_nft_volume_from_lis         0  ::  0-174000 
    store_nft_volume_from_off         0  ::  0-174000 
    store_offers                      0  ::  0-174598 

    I can verify that my local aptos-firehose node is running because I'm seeing constant flow of logs of this type

    FIRE BLOCK_END 176050

    It feels like it stops when it reaches a block height which is 500 behind the latest block firehose stores. at this point I really don't know how to troubleshoot this. I would really appreciate if someone could provide some hint at least.

    The only way to make it run again is to restart it from a block number that is divisible by 100. So in the above example:

    This fails

    substreams run -p  -e aptos-firehose.local:18015 substreams.yaml db_out --start-block 174599 --stop-block 100000000000000000

    but this works

    substreams run -p  -e aptos-firehose.local:18015 substreams.yaml db_out --start-block 174500 --stop-block 100000000000000000 
  • Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: INTERNAL_ERROR

    Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: INTERNAL_ERROR

    Had an instance where substreams hangs at a block, eventually terminating with an internal error.

    Haven't been able to reproduce the error, but wanted to capture it for diagnosing.

    substreams run -e api-dev.streamingfast.io:443 substreams.yaml map_market_cap -s 13000002 -t +10
    Connected - Progress messages received: 0 (0/sec)
    Backprocessing history up to requested target block 13000002:
    (hit 'm' to switch mode)
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,002 (13000002) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,003 (13000003) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,004 (13000004) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,005 (13000005) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,006 (13000006) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,007 (13000007) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,008 (13000008) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,009 (13000009) ---------------
    ----------- NEW BLOCK #13,000,010 (13000010) ---------------
    Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: INTERNAL_ERROR

    originally posted: https://github.com/messari/substreams/issues/61

  • When importing module using substreams.yaml, substreams is looking for binary in the incorrect folder

    When importing module using substreams.yaml, substreams is looking for binary in the incorrect folder


    I have two substreams (erc721 and uniswap) with the following folder structure:

    - erc721
      - substreams.yaml
      - target/.../substreams_erc721.wasm
    - uniswap
      - substreams.yaml
      - target/.../substreams_uniswap.wasm

    When I import the erc721 substream in uniswap's substreams.yaml, and build, I see the following error:

    ~/go/bin/substreams protogen ./substreams.yaml --exclude-paths="sf/ethereum,sf/substreams,google"
    Error: reading manifest "./substreams.yaml": error loading imports: importing "../erc721/substreams.yaml": failed to convert manifest to pkg: failed to read source code "./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substreams_erc721.wasm": open ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/substreams_erc721.wasm: no such file or directory

    However, if I copy erc721/target/.../substreams_erc721.wasm to under uniswap/target/.../substreams_erc721.wasm the error goes away. I think substreams is looking for the binary in the main substreams.yaml instead of the imported substreams.yaml.

    See https://github.com/messari/substreams/blob/2ef4b9278c8a6d372c48e1df8c4be869081f481b/uniswap-v2/substreams.yaml#L8 or https://github.com/messari/substreams/commit/2ef4b9278c8a6d372c48e1df8c4be869081f481b

  • Formalize Substreams Libraries

    Formalize Substreams Libraries

    We need to formalize the Rust create we provide the user. Currently we offer

    https://crates.io/crates/substreams https://crates.io/crates/substreams-ethereum

    Most likely we would need to add:

    • crate that would expose the graph-node entities as well as helpful macros.
    • create that would export substreams database intergations
    • we need to centralize and standardize all the data transaction and conversion we do constantly in all the substreams
  • Substreams: README

    Substreams: README

    Review the top-level README.md therein, and see what's still useful, and if the links are not broken. Beware this repository is the one under GitBook management.

  • [DO NOT MERGE] Fix/multiple boundaries, simplify code

    [DO NOT MERGE] Fix/multiple boundaries, simplify code

    • fix boundaries in prod mode vs dev mode for stores and maps


    • missing: we have to remove the calculations around multiple mappers (there is only one mapper of interest, the outputModule..)
    • missing: we have to add the concept of an "incomplete" store on disk, which does not end on a boundary -- it should contain the traceID in it so we don't end up with a race condition
    • missing: we have to write more tests for the changes here...
  • Add Map Vs Stores section and populate with first draft content

    Add Map Vs Stores section and populate with first draft content

    Add Map Vs Stores section and populate with first draft content.

    Please review this initial draft content and let me know if you see any issues, what changes need to be made, and what needs to be added, andprovide a few bullet points for the map area; look for Need Input 01, etc.

  • Update `substreams` README.md in repo a bit

    Update `substreams` README.md in repo a bit

    https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams#tooling Really wondering why that “Tooling” section made it to the top-level README.md :slightly_smiling_face: Clearly doesn’t belong there. Perhaps its own section under “CLI Reference”? Maybe we give a few hints at what the tools sub-commands do.

  • Updated various elements of Substreams docs

    Updated various elements of Substreams docs

    Each header is a general comment that might require further discussions


    prerequisites: this page says “myriad technologies”.. there’s no benefit in having multiple techs, it’s rather scary. Let’s say “uses a few technologies”, and highlight ease of use. Something like: “Substreams leverages powerful technologies, including:”

    the phrase “Substreams can be used by blockchain, subgraph, Rust, JavaScript, Python, and other types of developers.” doesn’t belong there.. we’re talking pre-requisites, not personas.

    One would expect instructions in such a page, not just a bulletpoint list of named techs. A bullet-point list of techs might belong to the Substreams overview in the first sections. The “Dependency Installation” already gives those instructions. So there’s nothing left for that page to exist. I suggest just moving the bullet-point list in “What is Substreams”, under a heading like “Substreams leverages powerful technologies”, and note something about these techs being mature, well documented and widely deployed.


    Arriving at the home page, I expect to find a clear, concise definition of what Substreams is. Perhaps swapping the first two sentences would do it. It’s more important to understand what it is, than who developed the technology.

    The README.md https://github.com/streamingfast/substreams has a good 3-liner intro that we should use for the docs.

    I’d also very much like to find here, right after Welcome, somethign exxttreeemly simple that can help bootstrap the mental model for Substreams. Something that includes a 3-lines mapper module, the presence of a Sink, a blockchain node. Something like the diagram in “Conceptual Diagram”.. It makes sense that it be up there.. so people can know where this whole thing fits.

    We need at least the first paragraph of https://substreams.streamingfast.io/concept-and-fundamentals/definition on the first page.


    I’d love to have just two things under “Getting Started”:

    • Installing the CLI
    • Quick Start

    The “Start Streaming” page has things that belong to a “Basics” section (which exists in the “Chain-agnostic Tutorial” (to become “Quick Start”).

    I shrank the “Start Streaming” section, now it can become the first section in the Quick Start guide.. which makes sense. The fastest way to get started, is to just try it.. and then, write your very first thing.

    Right now one needs to navigate and click a lot.. lots of pages, with similar sounding names: “Substreams” (first page), “What is Substreams” (hoped to find that on first page), “Conceptual Diagram” (and that’s not in What is Substreams?), “Fundamentals” (the first three pages didn’t cover the fundamentals?). Fundamentals could be named “How it works”, as it details some of the lower-level internals. People will want to get more into details in a “How it works” page.. and know what to expect. And we’ll know what to put there. That page can be longer, provided the headings are meaningful. For example “Key Steps” isn’t a meaningful navigation element. Same with “Working with Substreams Fundamentals” .. (working with the page? ooh.. sort of How to work with substreams fundamentals”).

    Let's rename "Using the CLI” page -> “CLI Reference”

    • “Using the CLI” reads more like a tutorial-esque thing.
    • But this section is about Reference & Specs. More of a declarative format and extensive list-styles.
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