dynamic server-side rendering using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites



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Rendora is a dynamic renderer to provide zero-configuration server-side rendering mainly to web crawlers in order to effortlessly improve SEO for websites developed in modern Javascript frameworks such as React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, etc... Rendora works totally independently of your frontend and backend stacks

Rendora's Diagram

Main Features

  • Zero change needed in frontend and backend code
  • Filters based on user agents and paths
  • Single fast binary written in Golang
  • Multiple Caching strategies
  • Support for asynchronous pages
  • Prometheus metrics
  • Choose your configuration system (YAML, TOML or JSON)
  • Container ready

What is Rendora?

Rendora can be seen as a reverse HTTP proxy server sitting between your backend server (e.g. Node.js/Express.js, Python/Django, etc...) and potentially your frontend proxy server (e.g. nginx, traefik, apache, etc...) or even directly to the outside world that does actually nothing but transporting requests and responses as they are except when it detects whitelisted requests according to the config. In that case, Rendora instructs a headless Chrome instance to request and render the corresponding page and then return the server-side rendered page back to the client (i.e. the frontend proxy server or the outside world). This simple functionality makes Rendora a powerful dynamic renderer without actually changing anything in both frontend and backend code.

What is Dynamic Rendering?

Dynamic rendering means that the server provides server-side rendered HTML to web crawlers such as GoogleBot and BingBot and at the same time provides the typical initial HTML to normal users in order to be rendered at the client side. Dynamic rendering is meant to improve SEO for websites written in modern javascript frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, etc...

Read more about dynamic rendering from these articles by Google and Bing. Also you might want to watch this interesting talk at Google I/O 2018

How does Rendora work?

Rendora is listening by default to the port 3001 but can be changed using the config file; for every request coming from the frontend server or the outside world, there are some checks or filters that are tested against the headers and/or paths according to Rendora's configuration file to determine whether Rendora should just pass the initial HTML returned from the backend server or use headless Chrome to provide a server-side rendered HTML. To be more specific, for every request there are 2 paths:

  1. If the request is whitelisted as a candidate for SSR (i.e. a GET request that passes all user agent and path filters), Rendora instructs the headless Chrome instance to request the corresponding page, render it and return the response which contains the final server-side rendered HTML. You usually want to whitelist only web crawlers like GoogleBot, BingBot, etc...

  2. If the request isn't whitelisted (i.e. the request is not a GET request or doesn't pass any of the filters), Rendora will simply act as a transparent reverse HTTP proxy and just conveys requests and responses as they are. You usually want to blacklist real users in order to return the usual client-side rendered HTML coming from the backend server back to them.

Install and run Rendora

First, run a headless Chrome instance

If Chrome/Chromium is installed in your system, you can run it using

google-chrome --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222

note: Mac users may have a google-chrome: command not found error. If that's the case, run the following command and repeat the previous step:

alias google-chrome="/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome"

or simply using docker

docker run --tmpfs /tmp --net=host rendora/chrome-headless

note: the tmpfs flag is optional but it's recommended for performance reasons since rendora/chrome-headless runs with flag --user-data-dir=/tmp

Then, run Rendora

you can build and run Rendora from source code, (NOTE: please read the configuration manual before running Rendora)

git clone https://github.com/rendora/rendora
cd rendora
make build
sudo make install
rendora --config CONFIG_FILE.yaml

or simply using docker

docker run --net=host -v ./CONFIG_FILE.yaml:/etc/rendora/config.yaml rendora/rendora


You can read the docs here or here


Configuration is discussed in detail in docs here or here

A minimal config file example

    url: "" # this is the base url addressed by the headless Chrome instance, it can be simply your website url
    url: "" # your backend server url

    userAgent: # .i.e. only whitelist useragents containing the keywords "bot", "slurp", "bing" or "crawler"
        defaultPolicy: blacklist
                - bot
                - slurp
                - bing
                - crawler

A more customized config file

    port: 3001
    type: redis
    timeout: 6000
        address: localhost:6379
    url: "" 
    url: ""
    waitAfterDOMLoad: 0
      url: http://localhost:9222
    minify: true
        defaultPolicy: blacklist
                - bot
                - slurp
                - bing
                - crawler
        defaultPolicy: whitelist
             - /users/


What is the difference between Rendora and Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is a great Node.js library which provides a generic high-level API to control headless Chrome. On the other hand, Rendora is a dynamic renderer that acts as a reverse HTTP proxy placed in front of your backend server to provide server-side rendering mainly to web crawlers in order to effortlessly improve SEO.

What is the difference between Rendora and Rendertron?

Rendertron is comparable to Rendora in the sense that they both aim to provide SSR using headless Chrome; however there are various differences that can make Rendora a much better choice:

  1. Architecture: Rendertron is a HTTP server that returns SSR'ed HTML back to the client. That means that your server must contain the necessary code to filter requests and asks rendertron to provide the SSR'ed HTML and then return it back to the original client. Rendora does all that automatically by acting as a reverse HTTP proxy in front of your backend.

  2. Caching: Rendora can be configured to use internal local store or Redis to cache SSR'ed HTML.

  3. Performance: In addition to caching, Rendora is able to skip fetching and rendering unnecessary content CSS, fonts, images, etc... which can substantially reduce the intial DOM load latency.

  4. Development: Rendertron is developed in Node.js while Rendora is a single binary written in Golang.

  5. API and Metrics: Rendora provides Prometheus metrics about SSR latencies and number of SSR'ed and total requests. Furthermore, Rendora provides a JSON rendering endpoint that contains body, status and headers of the SSR response by the headless Chrome instance.


Many thanks to @mafredri for his effort to create cdp, a great Chrome DevTools Protocols client in Golang.

Follow rendora news and releases on Twitter

George Badawi - 2018

dynamic server-side rendering using headless Chrome to effortlessly solve the SEO problem for modern javascript websites
  • Rendora cannot even render a

    Rendora cannot even render a "Hello-World" React Project

    After following this tutorial: https://hashnode.com/post/instantly-solving-seo-and-providing-ssr-for-modern-javascript-websites-independently-of-frontend-and-backend-stacks-cjpuy274b01br3zs1zr46awfz

    I realised that Rendora seemed broken. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to connect to the port listened-to by Rendora, and therefore cannot get any SSR-ed content.

    My Config:

    listen: port: 3001

    backend: url:

    target: url:

    filters: userAgent: defaultPolicy: whitelist

    Example Project: https://github.com/po-trottier/rendora-test To run the project, start 2 terminal, in the first one write "npm start" in the second one write "docker-compose up". You will need docker-desktop and node installed.

    Important Note: I also tried to run it with a VueJS Project running on NGINX and got the same result.

  • go build fail

    go build fail

    ➜ rendora git:(master) go build go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/text" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/text?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout) go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/sync" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/sync?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout) go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/sys" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/sys?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout) go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/sys" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/sys?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout) go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/sys" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/sys?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout) go: error loading module requirements

    These resource addresses are 404

  • Question: running rendora docker together with a docker nginx container

    Question: running rendora docker together with a docker nginx container

    First of all kudos for this awesome project. It solves an actual paint point while working with SPAs.

    I have a custom setup I am not able to make work and I am wondering if it is even possible.

    The VPS looks like this:

    A docker container built from a custom nginx image that serves the react files.

    The custom nginx image has a custom ngnix.conf copied to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and the react dist files copied to /var/www/html/myapp at build time.

    docker run --name my-nginx-app -d --network my-network -p 80:80 my-custom-nginx-image

    Everything works but when I try to force SSR.

    Just running rendora and the chrome headless images do nothing although I am able to render the SSR'ed content through the API, when enabled, posting to /render

    What am I doing wrong?

  • How to use Rendora as a library (inside a web framework like Beego)?

    How to use Rendora as a library (inside a web framework like Beego)?

    We built a forum software based on React + Beego: https://github.com/casbin/casnode and we want to add SSR to it.

    We don't want to use Rendora as a reverse proxy because we already have Nginx as the reverse proxy. So two proxies seem too many for us. We want to use Rendora as a library to directly integrate it into our source code (given both are Golang). Is there a way to do it? Thanks!

    /cc @Kininaru

  • Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md

    Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md

    rendora/rendora now has a Chat Room on Gitter

    @geokb has just created a chat room. You can visit it here: https://gitter.im/rendora/rendora.

    This pull-request adds this badge to your README.md:


    If my aim is a little off, please let me know.

    Happy chatting.

    PS: Click here if you would prefer not to receive automatic pull-requests from Gitter in future.

  • Bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.3.0 to 1.7.0

    Bump github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.3.0 to 1.7.0

    Bumps github.com/gin-gonic/gin from 1.3.0 to 1.7.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from github.com/gin-gonic/gin's releases.

    Release v1.7.0


    • fix compile error from #2572 (#2600)
    • fix: print headers without Authorization header on broken pipe (#2528)
    • fix(tree): reassign fullpath when register new node (#2366)


    • Support params and exact routes without creating conflicts (#2663)
    • chore: improve render string performance (#2365)
    • Sync route tree to httprouter latest code (#2368)
    • chore: rename getQueryCache/getFormCache to initQueryCache/initFormCa (#2375)
    • chore(performance): improve countParams (#2378)
    • Remove some functions that have the same effect as the bytes package (#2387)
    • update:SetMode function (#2321)
    • remove a unused type SecureJSONPrefix (#2391)
    • Add a redirect sample for POST method (#2389)
    • Add CustomRecovery builtin middleware (#2322)
    • binding: avoid 2038 problem on 32-bit architectures (#2450)
    • Prevent panic in Context.GetQuery() when there is no Request (#2412)
    • Add GetUint and GetUint64 method on gin.context (#2487)
    • update content-disposition header to MIME-style (#2512)
    • reduce allocs and improve the render WriteString (#2508)
    • implement ".Unwrap() error" on Error type (#2525) (#2526)
    • Allow bind with a map[string]string (#2484)
    • chore: update tree (#2371)
    • Support binding for slice/array obj [Rewrite] (#2302)
    • basic auth: fix timing oracle (#2609)
    • Add mixed param and non-param paths (port of httprouter#329) (#2663)
    • feat(engine): add trustedproxies and remoteIP (#2632)

    Improve performance


    • Improve performance: Change *sync.RWMutex to sync.RWMutex in context. #2351

    release v1.6.2

    Release Notes

      • fix missing initial sync.RWMutex (#2305)
      • Add set samesite in cookie. (#2306)


    release v1.6.1

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from github.com/gin-gonic/gin's changelog.

    Gin v1.7.0


    • fix compile error from #2572 (#2600)
    • fix: print headers without Authorization header on broken pipe (#2528)
    • fix(tree): reassign fullpath when register new node (#2366)


    • Support params and exact routes without creating conflicts (#2663)
    • chore: improve render string performance (#2365)
    • Sync route tree to httprouter latest code (#2368)
    • chore: rename getQueryCache/getFormCache to initQueryCache/initFormCa (#2375)
    • chore(performance): improve countParams (#2378)
    • Remove some functions that have the same effect as the bytes package (#2387)
    • update:SetMode function (#2321)
    • remove an unused type SecureJSONPrefix (#2391)
    • Add a redirect sample for POST method (#2389)
    • Add CustomRecovery builtin middleware (#2322)
    • binding: avoid 2038 problem on 32-bit architectures (#2450)
    • Prevent panic in Context.GetQuery() when there is no Request (#2412)
    • Add GetUint and GetUint64 method on gin.context (#2487)
    • update content-disposition header to MIME-style (#2512)
    • reduce allocs and improve the render WriteString (#2508)
    • implement ".Unwrap() error" on Error type (#2525) (#2526)
    • Allow bind with a map[string]string (#2484)
    • chore: update tree (#2371)
    • Support binding for slice/array obj [Rewrite] (#2302)
    • basic auth: fix timing oracle (#2609)
    • Add mixed param and non-param paths (port of httprouter#329) (#2663)
    • feat(engine): add trustedproxies and remoteIP (#2632)

    Gin v1.6.3


    • Improve performance: Change *sync.RWMutex to sync.RWMutex in context. #2351

    Gin v1.6.2


    • fix missing initial sync.RWMutex #2305


    • Add set samesite in cookie. #2306

    Gin v1.6.1


    • Revert "fix accept incoming network connections" #2294

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

  • Support for forcing HTTP status code through HTML (for SPA)

    Support for forcing HTTP status code through HTML (for SPA)

    Since, SPA handles 404 pages in the client side, it needs a mechanism to handle HTTP status code through HTML

    For example, https://github.com/GoogleChrome/rendertron#status-codes provides below syntax to pass HTTP status code from HTML:

    <meta name="render:status_code" content="??" />

    FWIW, tagging active fork authors in case if they have better solution implemented in their fork. @PureLandFlying @plan-my-binge @muhammadmuhlas @mehdipourfar

  • Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid 30: Permission denied (13)

    Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid 30: Permission denied (13)

    I am getting the following permission denied on the chrome-headless service, when running on a k8s cluster on Digital Ocean and GCP.

    Image: rendora/chrome-headless:latest

    Complete log:

    Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 100: unknown element "blank" [0811/114937.698064:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(967)] Lost UI shared context.

    DevTools listening on ws:// [0811/114937.706665:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(259)] Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid 30: Permission denied (13)

    A couple of months ago I was able to deploy and use it without any issues. Now I am getting this.



    with the configuration down below, everything looks just fine,but when I visit http://localhost:3001/, I only got **ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED**, can anyone told me how to debug with it, a lot of thanks.

    chrome-headless image

    rendora image

    local react project image


        port: 3001
        type: redis
        timeout: 6000
            address: localhost:6379
        url: "" 
        url: ""
        waitAfterDOMLoad: 0
          url: http://localhost:9222
        minify: true
            defaultPolicy: blacklist
                    - bot
                    - slurp
                    - bing
                    - crawler
            defaultPolicy: whitelist
                 - /users/
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