Timeout handler for http request in Gin framework

Middleware to Handle Request Timeout in Gin



go get github.com/s-wijaya/gin-timeout

Import it in your code:

import (
    // other imports
    timeout "github.com/s-wijaya/gin-timeout"


package main

import (

	timeout "github.com/s-wijaya/gin-timeout"

func  main() {
	engine := gin.New()
	responseBodyTimeout := gin.H{
		"code": http.StatusRequestTimeout,
		"message": "request timeout, response is sent from middleware"}

	engine.Use(timeout.TimeoutHandler(5 * time.Second, http.StatusRequestTimeout, responseBodyTimeout)

	engine.GET("/excedd", ExceedTimeout)

	engine.GET("/inrange", InRangeTimeout)

func ExceedTimeout(c *gin.Context) {
	timeout.APIWrapper(c, func(c *gin.Context) (int, interface{}) {
		time.Sleep(8 * time.Second) // all process is here, including log, calculation, retrieving data etc
		return http.StatusRequestTimeout, gin.H{"code": http.StatusRequestTimeout, "message": "exceed timeout limit"}

func InRangeTimeout(c *gin.Context) {
	timeout.APIWrapper(c, func(c *gin.Context) (int, interface{}) {
		time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // all process is here, including log, calculation, retrieving data etc
		return http.StatusOK, gin.H{"code": http.StatusOK, "message": "in range timeout limit"}
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