gif effects CLI. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.


Composable GIF effects CLI, with reasonable defaults. Made for custom Slack/Discord emoji :)


Get it

Alternative 1: go get

go get -u

Alternative 2: just download the binary

Either from the releases page, or from the shell:

# Linux
curl -L | tar xz

# OS X
curl -L | tar xz

# Windows
curl -LO

NOTE: To use the optimize command, you'll also need the giflossy fork of gifsicle installed:

brew install giflossy

You'll likely also want to have the binary in your $PATH. You can achieve this by adding this to your .bashrc (or .zshrc, ...):

export PATH=<directory-containing-the-gif-binary>:$PATH

Alternative 3: docker

docker pull
docker tag gif # (optional)

Use it

<doc/yeet.png gif fried | gif wobble  >doc/yeet.gif

before after

gif emoji aubergine | gif wobble >doc/eggplant_wobble.gif

before after

Hall of Fame

Post a GIF made using yeetgif with either the

Best Most utterly demented ones end up below!

No entries yet. Be the first :)


Usage: gif [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]

  -n                 Duplicate a single input image this many times (default 30)
  -q, --quiet        Disable all log output (stderr)
  -p, --pad          Pad images (default true)
      --write-meta   Write command line options into output GIF metadata (default true)
  -r, --raw          Raw (lossless, *not* GIF) image output, for re-piping to yeetgif
  -d, --delay-ms     Frame delay in milliseconds (default [25])
  roll               (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
  wobble             🍆( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🍆
  pulse              ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
  zoom               (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)
  shake              ˵(˵ ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆˵)˵
  woke               💯  W O K E F L A R E S ( ͡ 🅱️ ͜ʖ ͡ 🅱️ ) 💯
  fried              fr͍͈i̗̟̲̻e͕̗d̬ m̷͔͊e̶̪̿m̷̙̈́é̵̤s̷̺͒
  hue                ( ͡☆ ͜ʖ ͡☆)
  tint               🎨༼ຈل͜ຈ༽
  resize             (° ͜ʖ°)¯\_( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)_/¯
  crop               ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)
  optimize           👌( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )👌
  compose            (ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ*:・゚✧
  crowd              (⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄) ͜ʖ ͡°)( ° ͜ʖ( ° ͜ʖ °)
  erase              ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  chop               ✂️( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )🔪
  text               🅰️乁(˵ ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉˵)┌🅱️
  emoji              ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*🤔
  rain               。°。°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)°。°。°
  scan               ( ͡ ⿳ ͜ʖ ͡ ⿳ )
  noise              ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥( ͡▓▒ ͜ʖ ͡█░ )*̩̩͙:͙
  cat                /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
  meta               (🧠 ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)┌
Run 'gif COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Conventions & tips

  • To find out how a given example was made, try running gif meta show on it (e.g. will print the shell pipe of gif effects used to create yeet.gif).
  • Use the --raw (-r) option for intermediate pipe steps -- this is faster than re-encoding as GIF every time. Also it's lossless.
  • Options with bracketed default values (e.g. --noise of fried) can take comma-separated values - the points will be spread over the animation length, with intermediate values linearly interpolated.
  • To figure out what a parameter does, try out some values around its default value, as well as much larger/smaller ones.
  • To reduce GIF size, try specifying a smaller number of duplicates for static images (e.g. gif -n 20), gif optimize, and dropping frames gif chop drop every .



Usage: gif roll [OPTIONS]

(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
  -r, --revolutions   (default 1)
  -s, --scale         (default 1)
  -p, --phase         (default 0)
  -c, --crop-scale    (default 1)



Usage: gif wobble [OPTIONS] [CUSTOM]

🍆( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🍆
  CUSTOM            comma-separated angles (°), e.g. 0,10,0,60,0 (default [])
  -f, --frequency   (default 1)
  -a, --amplitude   (default 20)
  -p, --phase       (default 0)
  -t, --type        one of [sine snap saw sticky] (default sine)
      --custom      (deprecated) (default [])



Usage: gif pulse [OPTIONS] [ZOOM_LEVELS_CSV]

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
  ZOOM_LEVELS_CSV   (default [])
  -0, --from        (default 0.9)
  -1, --to          (default 1)
  -f, --frequency   (default 1)
  -p, --phase       (default 0)



Usage: gif zoom [OPTIONS] [ZOOM_LEVELS_CSV]

(⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)
  ZOOM_LEVELS_CSV   e.g. 1.0,1.5 to zoom from 100% to 150% (default [])



Usage: gif shake [OPTIONS]

˵(˵ ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆˵)˵
  -f, --frequency   (default [1])
  -a, --amplitude   (default [7])
  -r, --random      🌀 (default [0.75])



Usage: gif woke [OPTIONS] POINTS

💯  W O K E F L A R E S ( ͡ 🅱️ ͜ʖ ͡ 🅱️ ) 💯
  POINTS                  flare locations, JSON, e.g. "[[123,456],[-100,23]]" (default &[])
  -c, --clip              clip flares to image alpha (default true)
  -t, --type              (default full)
  -s, --scale             (default 0.9)
  -u, --hue               (default 0.8)
  -l, --lightness         (default 1)
  -a, --alpha             (default 0.8)
  -p, --alpha-pow         (default 2)
      --alpha-threshold   (default 0.15)
  -r, --random            🌀 (default 0.5)



Usage: gif fried [OPTIONS]

fr͍͈i̗̟̲̻e͕̗d̬ m̷͔͊e̶̪̿m̷̙̈́é̵̤s̷̺͒
      --clip         (default true)
  -w, --walk         🌀 (default 10)
  -i, --iterations   (default 1)
  -a                 🅰️ (default [0.33])
  -b                 🅱️ (default [0.2])
  -c                 🆑 (default [0.9])
  -n, --noise        🌀️ (default [1])
      --noise1       🌀️ (default [0.02])
      --noise2       🌀️ (default [0.5])
      --noise3       🌀 (default [0.1])
  -j, --jpeg         [0,100] (default [84])
  -u, --saturation   (default [3])
  -o, --contrast     (default [6])
  -t, --tint         tint (default [0.4])



Usage: gif hue [OPTIONS] [HUE_OFFSETS_CSV]

( ͡☆ ͜ʖ ͡☆)
  HUE_OFFSETS_CSV   (default [])
  -f, --frequency   (default 1)
  -a, --amplitude   (default 0.1)
  -x                (default [1])
  -y                (default [1])
  -m, --mode        one of [mul add sub pow sin] (default add)



Usage: gif tint [OPTIONS] [TINT_HUE_CSV]

  TINT_HUE_CSV      (default [])
  -f, --frequency   (default 1)
  -a, --amplitude   (default 0.95)
  -x                (default [1])
  -y                (default [1])
  -m, --mode        one of [mul add sub pow sin] (default add)
  -c, --center      (default 0.8608454902138696)


Usage: gif resize [OPTIONS]

(° ͜ʖ°)¯\_( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)_/¯
  -s, --scale    (default 1)
  -x, --width    width (pixels) (default 0)
  -y, --height   height (pixels) (default 0)


Usage: gif crop [OPTIONS]

┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)
  -t, --threshold   (default 0)


Usage: gif optimize [OPTIONS]

👌( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )👌
      --kb          target file size (KB) (default 128)
  -n, --no-resize   don't resize the image
  -x, --width       target width (pixels) (default 0)
  -y, --height      target height (pixels) (default 0)



Usage: gif compose [OPTIONS] INPUT

(ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ*:・゚✧
  -x               (default [0])
  -y               (default [0])
  -z, --z-order    one of [under over] (default over)
  -p, --position   one of [center left right top bottom abs] (default center)
  -s, --scale      (default [1])



Usage: gif crowd [OPTIONS]

(⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄) ͜ʖ ͡°)( ° ͜ʖ( ° ͜ʖ °)
  -n             crowd size (default 3)
      --flip     🌀 flip (default true)
  -x             🌀 x (default 0.5)
  -y             🌀 y (default 0.25)
  -s, --scale    🌀 [0.0,1.0] (default 0.25)
  -r, --rotate   🌀 [0.0,1.0] (default 0.1)
  -a, --alpha    🌀 [0.0,1.0] (default 0)
  -o, --offset   🌀 [0.0,1.0] (default 1)



Usage: gif erase [OPTIONS]

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  -x, --sample-x    (default 3)
  -y, --sample-y    (default 3)
  -t, --tolerance   (default 0.2)
  -u                (default 1)
  -s                (default 0.5)
  -l                (default 1)


Usage: gif chop COMMAND [arg...]

✂️( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )🔪
  dup, duplicate   
  rev, reverse     
Run 'gif chop COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.



woke | text | fried

Usage: gif text [OPTIONS] [TEXT]

🅰️乁(˵ ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉˵)┌🅱️
  TEXT                       (default "#yeetgif")
  -a, --background-alpha     (default 0.7)
  -s, --font-size            (default 18.5)
  -y, --text-y               (default 0.3)
  -p, --background-padding   (default 3)



emoji | compose <(emoji) | compose <(emoji) | wobble | fried

Usage: gif emoji [OPTIONS] EMOJI...

╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*🤔
  EMOJI              one or more glob expressions
  -e, --exact        match the query exactly
  -p, --pipe         overlay the emoji over input images (instead of just creating one)
  -l, --list-only    just list matches
  -s, --size         (default [128])
  -a, --pipe-alpha   (default [1])



emoji | rain


emoji | roll | rain <(emoji) <(emoji)


emoji | pulse | rain <(emoji) | compose | fried

Usage: gif rain [OPTIONS] [INPUT...] [OPTIONS]

。°。°( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)°。°。°
  -d, --density                    (default 0.75)
  -b, --bounciness                 (default [0.3])
  -g, --gravity                    (default 900)
  -s, --size                       (default 400)
  -a, --bounds-alpha-threshold     (default 0.0625)
  -v, --initial-linear-velocity    (default 300)
  -l, --animation-length-factor    (default 1)
  -x, --static-x                   (default 0.5)
  -y, --static-y                   (default 0.5)
      --wrap-max-overlap           (default 48)
      --wrap-max-overlap-frames    (default 24)
      --initial-angular-velocity   (default 2)
      --bounds-points              (default 16)


Usage: gif cat [INPUT...]




$ <doc/yeet.gif gif meta show

[2018-10-05T13:08:57+02:00] gif fried
[2018-10-05T13:08:58+02:00] gif wobble
[2018-10-05T13:08:58+02:00] gif crop
[2018-10-05T13:08:58+02:00] gif optimize -x 0

$ <doc/yeet.gif gif meta show -p

gif fried | gif wobble | gif crop | gif optimize -x 0

$ <doc/yeet.gif gif meta show --raw


Usage: gif meta COMMAND [arg...]

(🧠 ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)┌
  show         show 🧠
  add          add 🧠
  clear        remove 🧠
Run 'gif meta COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


Sergey Grebenshchikov
non-stop through desert, salisbury steak sweater
Sergey Grebenshchikov
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    I tried installing it, both through the go get command as well as through the curl command. I'm on Mac OSX High Sierra.

    After installing, I can't actually run gif because it always says command not found.

  • Need more information about how to use images/inputs

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    I've been staring at your readme and help documentation for going on an hour and cannot figure out for the life of me how your inputs work. I'm familiar with CLI programs but this reads like hieroglyphs to me. I'm using the windows version, but I'm not even sure it works on windows. Windows doesn't like <> in commands, and REALLY doesn't like arguments coming before the program execution. Could you provide an example of a line of code in command prompt or powershell?

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    Using default tag: latest
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    It took me a little while to realize that piping is happening outside of gif's parsing of the command and requires further calls to the application. For instance:

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