Language Server Indexing Format (LSIF) generator for Go

Go LSIF indexer

Visit to learn about LSIF.


Binary downloads are available on the releases tab.

Installation: Linux

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lsif-go

Installation: MacOS

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lsif-go

Installation: Docker

docker pull sourcegraph/lsif-go:v1.2.0

Indexing your repository

After installing lsif-go onto your PATH, run the command in the root where your go.mod file is located.

$ lsif-go -v
✔ Loading packages... Done (753.22ms)
✔ Emitting documents... Done (72.76µs)
✔ Adding import definitions... Done (86.24µs)
✔ Indexing definitions... Done (16.83ms)
✔ Indexing references... Done (93.36ms)
✔ Linking items to definitions... Done (8.46ms)
✔ Emitting contains relations... Done (294.13µs)

	Wall time elapsed:   873.2ms
	Packages indexed:    14
	Files indexed:       53
	Definitions indexed: 1756
	Elements emitted:    35718
	Packages traversed:  40

Use lsif-go --help for more information.

Updating your index

To keep your index up-to-date, you can add a step to your CI to generate new data when your repository changes. See our documentation on adding LSIF to your workflows.

Code search and navigation for teams (self-hosted, OSS)
  • Add moniker support

    Add moniker support

    This PR

    • Adds moniker output to the lsif-go binary
    • Adds a new utility to add read go.mod and go.sum to and rewrite monikers for external use
    • Adds support for stdout output for lsif-go (this allows us to stream lsif-go output directly to lsif-gomod)
    • Refactors the binary arguments to act like lsif-tsc (now that we have two cmds, this was a good opportunity)
  •  indexer: prepare to index documentSymbols (do not index duplicate definitions)

    indexer: prepare to index documentSymbols (do not index duplicate definitions)

    After spending all day debugging, I think I finally understand what is going on here and answered my own issue :) PTAL @efritz


    The first commit

    This prepares the indexer to index textDocument/documentSymbols. The problem here is that indexing symbols involves emitting ranges for the symbol definitions, and so does our existing indexing for indexDefinition. LSIF ranges cannot overlap or be duplicative, so we must effectively make symbol and definition indexing work together. The idea is that symbol indexing will emit ranges for the definitions it encounters, and traditional definition indexing will merely reuse those or emit a new range if needed.

    At present, this causes all tests to fail due to the way we pre-emptively mark a range for generation during definition indexing:

    --- FAIL: TestIndexer (0.63s)
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_Parallel_function_hover_text (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:35: could not find target range
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_external_package_hover_text (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:62: could not find target range
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_errs_definition (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:94: incorrect definition count. want=1 have=0
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_wg_references (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:108: incorrect reference count. want=4 have=3
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_NestedB_monikers (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:122: could not find target range
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_typeswitch (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:143: could not find target range
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_typealias (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:209: could not find target range
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_typealias_reference (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:255: incorrection definition count. want=1 have=0
        --- FAIL: TestIndexer/check_typealias_anonymous_struct (0.00s)
            indexer_test.go:296: could not find target range
    FAIL	17.393s

    The second commit

    indexer: remove pre-emptive range marking for definitions

    Prior to this change, we would pre-emptively "mark" a range for a definition as being actively produced. This appears to have been because indexDefinition would always emit a new range, and this it was necessary to ensure that two parallel definition indexing processes would not emit the same range.

    Since my prior commit, however, indexDefinition only emits a new range if one does not exist. So pre-emptive range marking is not required anymore.

    This causes all tests to pass.

  • bug: no J2D or find-refs of switch-case blocks over an object's type

    bug: no J2D or find-refs of switch-case blocks over an object's type

    Code like the following:

    switch v := obj.(type) {
      case A: f1(v, v)
      case B: f2(v, v)

    does not get indexed properly because when processing definitions, the definition for v has a nil associated def object, since there's a different def object for the v in each branch. Then when we encounter each use of v, there is an associated def object but since it's not indexed in our definitions we only output a hover result.


    • If there's a way to know that this is why the def object is nil during the definitions pass, that would likely be the right way to solve.
    • What LSIF should we actually output here? IMO:
      • Each case branch should have a different hover result cause they have different types.
      • The def result is canonical.
      • I think the reference result should point to all uses in every branch. Kind of weird to have a reference return results with different types, but I think the experience would be weirder if you hover over one of these and only the symbols in that branch highlight. Also the definition would need to have everything as a reference result anyway.
      • Open question: what should go in the hover result when hovering the definition?

    Therefore the resulting LSIF structure should be:

    vdef -> resultSet1
    resultSet1 -> hoverResult1
    resultSet1 -> resultSetShared
    resultSetShared -> defResult1
    resultSetShared -> refResult1
    defResult1 -> vdef
    refResult1 -> vdef
    vref1 -> resultSet2
    resultSet2 -> hoverResult2
    resultSet2 -> resultSetShared
    refResult1 -> vref1
    vref2 -> resuiltSet2
    refResult1 -> vref2
    vref3 -> resultSet3
    resultSet3 -> hoverResult3
    resultSet3 -> resultSetShared
    refResult1 -> vref3
    vref4 -> resuiltSet3
    refResult1 -> vref4


    Also how does the worker process this graph?

  • inVs is null

    inVs is null

    In the dump of gorilla/mux, there is an edge

      id: '12458',
      type: 'edge',
      label: 'contains',
      outV: '96',
      inVs: null

    this is invalid, inVs should be an empty array or this edge should not be included.

  • What about a golang version of LSIF server?

    What about a golang version of LSIF server?

    I read some blogs for LSIF protocol recently, but I only found LSIF servers written in typescript. Is there any plan to write a golang version of server to serve the LSIF dumps?

  • Docker images not running go 1.16

    Docker images not running go 1.16

    Looking at the images on Docker Hub the latest one is f9c2d9cf3bdf which is running go 1.14.5 but before that image was even made the Dockerfile was updated in the repo to 1.16. Shouldn't the latest images on Docker Hub be running 1.16 as well?

  • Switch to alpine as base image for lsif-go

    Switch to alpine as base image for lsif-go

    This reduces the image size from 841MB to 346MB, should give a significant boost in startup time. Q: Do we rely on any tools other than git to be installed?

  • internal/indexer: add method for determining whether a package should be indexed

    internal/indexer: add method for determining whether a package should be indexed

    This is pulled out of - but with actual tests for it and more documentation explaining what it's doing and why.


  • Make monikers for struct fields more efficient

    Make monikers for struct fields more efficient

    Similar to the way we preload hover text (see, we can also preload nested container names for moniker paths. This saves us from re-tracing the same AST nodes.

    We piggyback on the hover text preload step and keep track of the relevant parent nodes and stash them into a map for later fast retrieval. There's still some small opportunities here for cleaner code which I'll probably tackle later (for example, we keep the entire ast path to the current node but we only look at the last three, and only look at certain node types - we can store fewer things during this traversal).

    Reviewers: The logic changes are in the first two commits. The remaining commits are code style changes, a struct rename (HoverLoader to Preloader), and test updates.

  • Convert from string to int identifiers.

    Convert from string to int identifiers.

    The lsif-tsc utility uses either strings or uuid strings, not int-like strings. This change will make our implementation mirror that a bit more closely (with some small space savings during transmission as well).

  • Feature request: Support for other build systems

    Feature request: Support for other build systems

    Hey! We use Please, which means that we don't have a go.mod in the root of our repo. Unfortunately this tool assumes that it can use go list and other go build specific commands during initialisation. Other users might be using Bazel or similar, and will encounter similar problems, where these commands won't necessarily work as expected or at all.

    Fortunately, supports plugging in a different "go list driver" (example), so in theory, the indexer should be able to glean all the information it needs. This tool likely would need to be re-worked so that it doesn't require as much information up front about the "module" and it's dependencies, as it may not be indexing a module.

  • Support private git repos

    Support private git repos

    On a repo with a private dependency, the command go mod download fails when git prompts for a username + password.

    There are a few ways to authenticate:

    • Username + password
    • GitHub token
    • SSH key

    Perhaps the info could be passed via environment variables or mounting files in the lsif-go container.

  • Can't find associated interface method in some cases

    Can't find associated interface method in some cases

    This works:

    CleanShot 2022-07-13 at 16 24 09

    This doesn't:

    CleanShot 2022-07-13 at 16 22 43

    Both have precise code intel.

  • Incorrect navigation for typealias RHS if typealias shadows it

    Incorrect navigation for typealias RHS if typealias shadows it

    It looks like when we have type X = p.X, the hover doc (and hence go to definition etc) end up referring to the X on the LHS instead of p.X. (try it here)

    incorrect hover doc

    Originally reported by Robert Lin in Slack.

  • Incorrect Go to Definition for

    Incorrect Go to Definition for "context" import

    See screen recording below. Right now, it is taking me to despite having precise code intel (sorry the 'Precise' label isn't showing in the recording; I was doing it for accessibility).

  • Incorrect Go to Definition for io.Writer from sourcegraph fork

    Incorrect Go to Definition for io.Writer from sourcegraph fork

    At, the code intel popover for Writer in io.Writer says that the code intel is "Precise". However, if I click Go to Definition, it takes me to 63b968f4f86f4c23ce92b7ac2feda4fc7ca17c8e/-/blob/src/io/multi_test.go?L84:3&subtree=true, which is not the definition of Go's io.Writer.

    Screenshot showing issue in action
  • ☂️ Support for generics

    ☂️ Support for generics

    Go 1.18 with generics will be released this month (March 2022). We need to add support for generics (e.g. Go to Definition for type parameters in type signatures) so that people can continue using precise code intel when they bump their toolchain version. I'm not entirely sure how much work this will require; if it needs to be broken up, this can be used as an umbrella issue with various sub-issues organized in a TODO list (with - [ ]).

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