LazySSH is an SSH server that acts as a jump host only, and dynamically starts temporary virtual machines.


LazySSH is an SSH server that acts as a jump host only, and dynamically starts temporary virtual machines.

If you find yourself briefly starting a virtual machine just to SSH into it and try something out, LazySSH is an attempt to automate that flow via just the ssh command. LazySSH starts the machine for you when you connect, and shuts it down (some time after) you disconnect.

Another possible use is to have LazySSH sit in front of a build server to start specific types of machines for your build. (Think different CPU architectures or operating systems.)

Important: LazySSH is a young piece of code. If you're going to use it to create resources that cost money (like AWS EC2 instances), keep a close eye on usage. If, for example, you put your laptop to sleep at the wrong time, or LazySSH crashes for whatever reason, it may leave resources running.

Important: The security of LazySSH has not been tested in any way, so it's probably best to run it in a closed setting. (Not facing the public internet or otherwise firewalled.) The SSH server implementation is based on

License: AGPL v3


There are several ways to get LazySSH:

  • Grab a binary from the releases page.

  • Docker images are available on Docker Hub as stephank/lazyssh.

  • Nix users, whether you use flakes or not, see the documentation in flake.nix.

  • If you instead want to build LazySSH yourself, you need at least Go 1.13, then just go build.

You need to generate an SSH host key and client key. The host key is what the server uses to identify itself, while the client key is what you connect with.

# Both of these also generate a .pub file with the public half of the key pair.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f lazyssh_host_key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f lazyssh_client_key

Now create a config.hcl file that looks like:

server {
  # Set this to the contents of lazyssh_host_key generated above.
  host_key = <<-EOF

  # Set this to the contents of generated above.
  authorized_key = <<-EOF
    ssh-ed25519 [...]

The server block is followed by one or more target blocks. Here are the types of targets currently supported, and links to the documentation:

Once your config is ready, you can start the server:

./lazyssh -config ./config.hcl

Using Docker? You can start the container with, for example:

docker run \
  -p 7922:7922 \
  -v /path/to/config.hcl:/config.hcl:ro \

You usually need an entry for LazySSH in your ~/.ssh/config, because the ssh command otherwise doesn't make all options available for jump-hosts. Here is a sample config:

Host lazyssh
  Hostname localhost
  Port 7922
  User jump
  PreferredAuthentications publickey
  IdentityFile ~/path/to/lazyssh_client_key
  IdentitiesOnly yes

Now you should be ready to go:

ssh -J lazyssh user@mytarget

For more details, see the included documentation.

  • Adding initial Hetzner Cloud provider

    Adding initial Hetzner Cloud provider

    This adds initial Hetzner Cloud provider. It's mostly referenced by the AWS EC2 provider but adapted to HCloud SDK.

    In Hetzner Cloud a server name is required and unique (at least per project, which is the scope of the API token). The server gets a random numeric ID but it's not used anywhere in UI to identify the server, so I thought instead it would be better to choose a name prefix and then a random string appended to it for the ID.

  • EC2: Block Device Attachment

    EC2: Block Device Attachment

    So before I go implementing the change I figured I'd ask first.

    Given the config mapping is just based on HCL I'm wondering if you support the equiv of aws_volume_attachment or if I'll need to add that in on my own?

  • Terminate when attach volume fails. Add option to control AZ placement

    Terminate when attach volume fails. Add option to control AZ placement

    Continues this thread:

    I actually ended up in the state where I had a bunch of zombie instances! 😅

    This fixes that. It also adds the ability to specify the AZ since you can't attach EBS volumes across regions.

  • Support attaching volumes to an ec2 instance

    Support attaching volumes to an ec2 instance


    I wanted this so I could set up a archiver lazy host that uses a permanent ebs drive to act as a zfs target for backups. Cheap backups :)

    This project is really cool and there are so many cool projects to build off this thing. I already setup a lazy arm Nix builder so I can build things on beefy ec2 servers rather than my raspberry pi.

    Thanks for this

  • Docker images

    Docker images

    I'm working on this. Aiming for:

    • a 'from scratch' image with just the binary,
    • matching binaries on GitHub releases and inside the Docker image,
    • support for various architectures.
  • NixOS module

    NixOS module

    I'm working on this. Will try do the following, not sure if all of it makes sense:

    • Nix package
    • Nixpkgs overlay
    • NixOS module
    • nix-darwin module
    • home-manager module
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