Exploring Postgres Write Ahead Logs (WAL)

Exploring Postgres Write Ahead Logs (WAL)

I interact with Postgres on a daily basis, albeit typically managed by a service provider like AWS RDS. Hot take - here you pay a premium for RDS to accomodate the luxury of your ignorance - rightfully so. RDS abstracts the internals of Postgres allowing you to view it more and more like an intuitive store of data rather than dwelling on the implementation details.

Some features of personal interest these services typically offer are:

  • Point in time recovery (PITR)
  • Heated (or ready to go) backup replica's
  • Logical replication

I learnt however that these are offered via proxy of ease rather than PostgresQL component expansion.

With this study into Postgres WAL recently and it has given me the ability to clearly appreciate Postgres providing service's offerings.

WAL Introduction

Database systems intend to garantuee data validity. In turn we find that this directly assumes that database transactions (units of change done) behave correctly. Correctly here is defined by four properties known as ACID. WAL is a technique that directly targets atomocity and durability.

With such a significant influence on the data validity of a database system, you can understand my interest in it.

WAL in Postgres - all modifications are written to a log before they are applied. Both redo and undo information is stored in the log.

Where do they live:

 % docker-compose up --detach postgres
Creating network "postgres-wal_default" with the default driver
Creating postgres-wal_postgres_1 ... done
 % docker-compose exec postgres bash
root@5bfadf672170:/# cd $PGDATA/pg_wal
root@5bfadf672170:/var/lib/postgresql/data# ls -l
total 16388
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 17 21:59 000000010000000000000001
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres     4096 Oct 17 21:59 archive_status


  • LSN derived filename convention here, leading 8 hexadecimal values represent a time element (epoched to when the DB cluster first started). Remaining 16 values increment as needed.
  • WAL files are binary files with allocation of 16MB - this is changeable.

You can --follow these WAL files;

root@5bfadf672170:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_wal# pg_waldump 000000010000000000000001 -f

And in another terminal create DB changes

 % pgcli -h localhost -U postgres postgres
Password for postgres:
Server: PostgreSQL 14.0 (Debian 14.0-1.pgdg110+1)
Version: 3.2.0
Home: http://pgcli.com
postgres@localhost:postgres> CREATE TABLE tmp(val int);
Time: 0.005s
postgres@localhost:postgres> INSERT INTO tmp(val) SELECT g.id FROM generate_series(1, 10) as g(id);
Time: 0.005s

You can see how these WAL files are written before the query is returned in the earlier terminal session.

Why do we have WAL files?

tldr: faster when adhering to strict data integrity requirements.

If we follow this procedure, we do not need to flush data pages to disk on every transaction commit, because we know that in the event of a crash we will be able to recover the database using the log: any changes that have not been applied to the data pages can be redone from the log records. (This is roll-forward recovery, also known as REDO.) - documentation


  • checkpointer hard limit (max 2min) adhering dirty buffer flusher at intervals. pauses everything, figures out what it can and can not flush.
  • background writer flushes based on LRU algo increasing clean pages to go around cheaply.

Streaming these WAL files (principle behind backups)

Postgres exports a utility pg_receivewal that acts as a read once, immutable message queue allowing you to stream these wall files to.. anywhere (for example archiving).

 % docker-compose exec postgres bash
root@03c55a788579:/# su postgres
postgres@03c55a788579:/$ cd $PGDATA/
postgres@03c55a788579:~/data$ cd ..
postgres@03c55a788579:~$ mkdir stream
postgres@03c55a788579:~$ pg_receivewal -D stream/

In another terminal you can view these files

root@03c55a788579:/# ls -l $PGDATA/../stream/
total 16384
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 17 23:36 000000010000000000000001.partial

.partial files are actively streaming the current WAL file being written to. Once this WAL file is either filled up or switched for example;

postgres@localhost:postgres> select pg_switch_wal();
| pg_switch_wal   |
| 0/16FAC80       |
Time: 0.041s

You'll notice

root@03c55a788579:/# ls -l $PGDATA/../stream/
total 32768
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 17 23:41 000000010000000000000001
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 17 23:41 000000010000000000000002.partial

Although this is just simple archiving, you will see how this is an important concept to know about when it comes to general archiving, backing up and interestingly, the fundamental tool behind: DB replication.

Replication Servers

Colloquially known as replication slots, are mechanisms that more formally wrap pg_receivewal that offers easy replication connections with the aim of providing a consistent interface among replication connectors.

You can create these replication slots via

postgres@localhost:postgres> select * from pg_create_physical_replication_slot('replica');
| slot_name   | lsn    |
| replica     | 
Time: 0.018s
postgres@localhost:postgres> select slot_name, active from pg_replication_slots
| slot_name   | active   |
| replica     | False    |
Time: 0.009s


Interestingly, you can also use pg_receivewal to stream WAL files to somewhere too! Which technically chains pg_receivewal. -S, --slot-name to point to a replication slot.

postgres@993e83a382c4:~$ pg_receivewal -D stream/ -S replica

Logical Replication

By default WAL file provides just enough information for basic replica support, which writes enough data to support WAL archiving and replication, including running read-only queries on a standby server. This is informed physically which uses exact block addresses and byte-by-byte replication. We can change the wal_level to allow logical decoding of the WAL files allowing a more generic consumer (difference between logical and physical replication).

edit postgres.conf to change wal_level

root@73d37a504686:/# cd $PGDATA/
root@73d37a504686:/var/lib/postgresql/data# vim postgresql.conf

inside postgresql.conf

  1. search "WRITE-AHEAD LOG"
  2. find option wal_level and change this to logical

Let postgres cluster react to this config change by cluster restart

root@73d37a504686:/var/lib/postgresql/data# su postgres
postgres@73d37a504686:~/data$ pg_ctl restart
waiting for server to shut down....
 % docker-compose up postgres

pg_receivewal works just the same, you will just notice each log line containing added logical language describing what has happened. We can extract and interpret these WAL files via pg_recvlogical although pg_recvlogical relies on replication slots directly, (ie we cannot directly wrap pg_receivewal).

We can use pg_recvlogical directly to create a logical replication slot;

su postgres
pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot extract --create-slot
pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot extract --start -f -

Notice: logical streams differentiate logs from different databases

inserting some stuff into postgres database

 % pgcli -h localhost -U postgres postgres
Password for postgres:
Server: PostgreSQL 14.0 (Debian 14.0-1.pgdg110+1)
Version: 3.2.0
Home: http://pgcli.com
postgres@localhost:postgres> create table tmp(val int);
Time: 0.006s
postgres@localhost:postgres> INSERT INTO tmp(val) SELECT g.id FROM generate_series(1, 10) as g(id);
Time: 0.006s

And in the previous terminal you will notice logical output of what is happening, far easier to understand than the physical level logging we got before.

table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:1
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:2
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:3
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:4
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:5
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:6
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:7
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:8
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:9
table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:10

Now ofcourse you can do this inside Postgres via pg_create_logical_replication_slot (see Replication Functions).

Since you've already created a replication slot above - you can utulise it right away (seek more complete example here);

postgres@localhost:postgres> -- \df pg_logical_slot_get_changes
postgres@localhost:postgres> SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('extract', NULL, NULL);
| lsn   | xid   | data   |
Time: 0.018s
postgres@localhost:postgres> INSERT INTO tmp(val) SELECT g.id FROM generate_series(1, 10) as g(id);
Time: 0.006s
postgres@localhost:postgres> SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('extract', NULL, NULL);
| lsn       | xid   | data                                      |
| 0/17143F8 | 737   | BEGIN 737                                 |
| 0/17143F8 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:1  |
| 0/1714748 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:2  |
| 0/1714788 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:3  |
| 0/17147C8 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:4  |
| 0/1714808 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:5  |
| 0/1714848 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:6  |
| 0/1714888 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:7  |
| 0/17148C8 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:8  |
| 0/1714908 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:9  |
| 0/1714948 | 737   | table public.tmp: INSERT: val[integer]:10 |
| 0/17149B8 | 737   | COMMIT 737                                |
Time: 0.015s
postgres@localhost:postgres> SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('extract', NULL, NULL);
| lsn   | xid   | data   |
Time: 0.016s

As JSON changesets

Via wal2json via -P, --plugin flag.

su postgres
pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot test_slot --create-slot -P wal2json
pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot test_slot --start -o pretty-print=1 -o add-msg-prefixes=wal2json -f -

And you will now receive more rich, json messages.


pg_recvlogical has


  • integration of tom arrells messaging queue?

Interesting utulisations of knowledge above

  • unlogged tables (why you would)
  • asynchronous commits
  • publications
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