Kratix is a framework for building Platform-as-a-Product



κρατήστε μια υπόσχεση | kratíste mia ypóschesi | Keep a promise

Kratix is a framework for building Platform-as-a-Product. Kratix enables platform teams to easily deliver a curated Kubernetes-native platform API, over fleets of Kubernetes clusters, to increase flow across your organisation.

The Problem Kratix Solves

See the "Crossing the Platform Gap" article on

Work with Kratix's originators, Syntasso, to deliver your organisation's Platform-as-a-Product.

The Value of Kratix

A Platform Team can:

  • Curate a bespoke platform API to offer a compelling Platform as a Product.
  • Codify their organisation's policies and opinions (security, compliance, etc) into their as-a-Service software supply chain.
  • Provide usable on-demand services composed from lower-level Kubernetes "operators".
  • Use familiar Kubernetes tools and native constructs.
  • Start small on a laptop and expand to multi-team multi-cluster multi-region multi-cloud with a consistent API everywhere.
  • Discover and share on-demand multi-cluster software (Promises) with the Kratix ecosystem.

A Steam-Aligned / Application Team can:

  • Discover and consume the services in their organisation on-demand using standard Kubernetes APIs.
  • Consume as-a-Service from the platform, safe in the knowledge that the service is fit for purpose in their organisation.

Getting Started

In order to understand the power of internal platforms, let's build a demonstration platform using Kratix!

First, we're going to assume the role of a platform team member. We're going to create an internal platform for our steam-aligned teams (SATs, a.k.a. "application" or "development" teams). Our first step is to create a "platform" Kubernetes cluster to host our internal platform, and install Kratix on our platform cluster to power our platform API. We're now ready to add functionality to our platform.

Next, we will create a "worker" Kubernetes cluster to host the workloads delivered, X-as-a-Service, to our SATs. It is possible to add as many clusters as you wish to Kratix, and to dynamically create new clusters when desired, but right now we'll stick with one worker cluster for demonstration purposes. We'll also configure our worker cluster to join the platform cluster's Kratix topology. We're now ready to host workloads for our SATs.

Then we're going to add a sample Postgres Promise to our Kratix-powered platform API, so our SATs can request instances of Postgres "on demand" from our platform. The Postgres Promise encapsulates the knowledge of:

  • The information the platform team needs to know from the SAT to create a PostGres instance on-demand (name, databases, etc).
  • Which resources need to be present on the worker cluster to host instances (the Postgres operator).
  • How to security check, scan, validate, and mutate etc. from the SAT's instance request to a set of per-instance Kubernetes resources to be applied on the worker cluster (a simple yaml transformation in this example). The Promise enables the platform team to promise an organisationally-relevant Postgres service - or whichever services are of value in their platform - to the SATs, and to keep their promise.

Lastly, we're going to assume the role of a SAT member, make a request to the platform API for an instance of Postgres, and watch the instance get created in real time on the worker cluster. Postgres is now delivered X-as-a-service from the platform team to our SATs.

Quick Start

We recommend that you follow the tutorial below to see the power of Kratix's multi-cluster deployment capabilities. We understand that some users require a simpler getting started experience. For those who wish to deploy Kratix in "single-cluster" mode, or a non-KinD installation, follow this guide.


  • A reasonably powerful computer. We test on:
    • Linux(Mint), i7, 16GB, KinD on native Docker.
    • Mac, i7, 32GB, KinD on a Docker Desktop VM(6 vCPU / 24GB).
  • Install Kubernetes-in-Docker(KinD). See the KinD quick start guide to install KinD. Tested on 0.9.0 and 0.10.0. Use the Kratix Quick Start for non-KinD installations.
    • Ensure no KinD clusters are currently running. kind get clusters should return "No kind clusters found."
  • Install Kubectl. See the install guide. Tested on 1.16.13 and 1.21.2.

Clone Kratix

  • git clone

Setup Platform Cluster and Install Kratix

Getting Started Step One

This will create our platform cluster and install Kratix. We'll also install Minio to power our GitOps pipelines to the worker clusters. For production installations, Git or S3 can easily be used instead, depending on your preference.

  • kind create cluster --name platform
  • kubectl apply -f distribution/kratix.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f hack/platform/minio-install.yaml

The Kratix API should now be available.

  • kubectl get crds
NAME                                     CREATED AT              2021-09-03T11:59:16Z                 2021-09-03T11:59:16Z

Setup Worker Cluster

This will create a cluster for running the X-as-a-service workloads, and install GitOps Toolkit components to continuously converge the worker cluster on the desired state.

  • kind create cluster --name worker
  • kubectl apply -f hack/worker/gitops-tk-install.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f hack/worker/gitops-tk-resources.yaml

Once Flux is installed and running (this may take a few minutes), the Kratix resources should now be visible on the worker cluster.

  • kubectl get ns kratix-worker-system
NAME                   STATUS   AGE
kratix-worker-system   Active   4m2s

Apply Postgres-as-a-Service Promise on the Platform Cluster

Getting Started Step Two

Now we have Kratix available to power our platform API, we need to put it to good use. We should spend time with our SATs to understand their needs, combine those needs with the organisation's needs around security, governance, and compliance, and encode this knowledge in a Promise. For the purpose of this walkthrough let's install the provided Postgres-as-a-service Promise.

  • kubectl config use-context kind-platform
  • kubectl apply -f samples/postgres/postgres-promise.yaml

We should now see that our platform cluster offers the ability to create Postgres instances.

  • kubectl get crds
NAME                                     CREATED AT   2021-09-03T12:02:20Z

Review created Postgres cluster-scoped resources on the Worker Cluster

If we examine the worker cluster, after our configuration has been applied (may take a few moments), we see that the cluster-level resources necessary to host Postgres instances (the operator) have been deployed. Also notice that there are currently zero Postgres instances.

  • kubectl config use-context kind-worker
  • kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-operator-55b8549cff-s77q7   1/1     Running   0          51s

Request a Postgres Instance on the Platform Cluster

Getting Started Step Three

We now assume the role of a member of a stream-aligned team, and request a Postgres server from the platform API.

  • kubectl config use-context kind-platform
  • kubectl apply -f samples/postgres/postgres-resource-request.yaml

We can see the request on the platform cluster.

  • kubectl get
NAME                   AGE
acid-minimal-cluster   27s

Review created Postgres Instance on the Worker Cluster

Once the GitOps Toolkit has applied the new configuration to the worker cluster (this may take a few moments), the Postgres instance will be created.

  • kubectl config use-context kind-worker
  • kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
acid-minimal-cluster-0               1/1     Running   0          94s
acid-minimal-cluster-1               1/1     Running   0          58s
postgres-operator-55b8549cff-s77q7   1/1     Running   0          2m46s

What have we learned?

We created an internal platform API, and a worker cluster to host workloads for our stream-aligned teams. We then decorated our platform API by Promising Postgres-as-a-service. Finally, we adopted the role of a stream-aligned team member and requested a Postgres instance from the platform. The Postgres instance was created on the worker cluster.

Where Next?

Known Issues

  • Very large (in terms of bytes of yaml) Promises may fall foul of Kubernetes's annotations size limit when using kubectl apply. A workaround is to use kubectl create. We will address this in the future with dependency management between Promises.
  • The demonstration installation relies upon the platform cluster running on and making Minio available on port 31337 to the worker cluster. This works on default settings but may conflict with custom installations.
  • The demonstration installation exercises the "happy path" only. Any functionality beyond setup, applying a Promise, and creating an instance, is untested.
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    Our current workshop falls over on kubernetes 1.25 as the postgres operator isn't supported for 1.25

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