A Go linter to check that errors from external packages are wrapped


Go Report Card

A simple Go linter to check that errors from external packages are wrapped during return to help identify the error source during debugging.

More detail in this article


Go >= v1.16

$ go install github.com/tomarrell/wrapcheck/v2/cmd/wrapcheck@v2

Wrapcheck is also available as part of the golangci-lint meta linter. Docs and usage instructions are available here. When used with golangci-lint, configuration is integrated with the .golangci.yaml file.


You can configure wrapcheck by using a .wrapcheck.yaml file in either the local directory, or in your home directory.

# An array of strings which specify substrings of signatures to ignore. If this
# set, it will override the default set of ignored signatures. You can find the
# default set at the top of ./wrapcheck/wrapcheck.go.
- .Errorf(
- errors.New(
- errors.Unwrap(
- .Wrap(
- .Wrapf(
- .WithMessage(


To lint all the packages in a program:

$ wrapcheck ./...


This linter is tested using analysistest, you can view all the test cases under the testdata directory.


If you've ever been debugging your Go program, and you've seen an error like this pop up in your logs.

time="2020-08-04T11:36:27+02:00" level=error error="sql: error no rows"

Then you know exactly how painful it can be to hunt down the cause when you have many methods which looks just like the following:

func (db *DB) getUserByID(userID string) (User, error) {
	sql := `SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = $1;`

	var u User
	if err := db.conn.Get(&u, sql, userID); err != nil {
		return User{}, err // wrapcheck error: error returned from external package is unwrapped

	return u, nil

func (db *DB) getItemByID(itemID string) (Item, error) {
	sql := `SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = $1;`

	var i Item
	if err := db.conn.Get(&i, sql, itemID); err != nil {
		return Item{}, err // wrapcheck error: error returned from external package is unwrapped

	return i, nil

The problem here is that multiple method calls into the sql package can return the same error. Therefore, it helps to establish a trace point at the point where error handing across package boundaries occurs.

To resolve this, simply wrap the error returned by the db.Conn.Get() call.

func (db *DB) getUserByID(userID string) (User, error) {
	sql := `SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = $1;`

	var u User
	if err := db.Conn.Get(&u, sql, userID); err != nil {
		return User{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get user by ID: %v", err) // No error!

	return u, nil

func (db *DB) getItemByID(itemID string) (Item, error) {
	sql := `SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = $1;`

	var i Item
	if err := db.Conn.Get(&i, sql, itemID); err != nil {
		return Item{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get item by ID: %v", err) // No error!

	return i, nil

Now, your logs will be more descriptive, and allow you to easily locate the source of your errors.

time="2020-08-04T11:36:27+02:00" level=error error="failed to get user by ID: sql: error no rows"

A further step would be to enforce adding stack traces to your errors instead using errors.WithStack() however, enforcing this is out of scope for this linter for now.


Errors in Go are simple values. They contain no more information about than the minimum to satisfy the interface:

type Error interface {
  Error() string

This is a fantastic feature, but can also be a limitation. Specifically when you are attempting to identify the source of an error in your program.

As of Go 1.13, error wrapping using fmt.Errorf(...) is the recommend way to compose errors in Go in order to add additional information.

Errors generated by your own code are usually predictable. However, when you have a few frequently used libraries (think sqlx for example), you may run into the dilemma of identifying exactly where in your program these errors are caused.

In other words, you want a call stack.

This is especially apparent if you are a diligent Gopher and always hand your errors back up the call stack, logging at the top level.

So how can we solve this?


Wrapping errors at the call site.

When we call into external libraries which may return an error, we can wrap the error to add additional information about the call site.



func (db *DB) createUser(name, email, city string) error {
  sql := `INSERT INTO customer (name, email, city) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);`

  if _, err := tx.Exec(sql, name, email, city); err != nil {
    // %v verb preferred to prevent error becoming part of external API
    return fmt.Errorf("failed to insert user: %v", err)

  return nil


This solution allows you to add context which will be handed to the caller, making identifying the source easier during debugging.


As with most static analysis tools, this linter will likely miss some obscure cases. If you come across a case which you think should be covered and isn't, please file an issue including a minimum reproducible example of the case.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Tom Arrell
Senior Backend Engineer @sumup — Lover of Rust and Go, hack around building keyboards when I'm bored
Tom Arrell
  • Configuration to define what is external

    Configuration to define what is external

    Thanks for the nice linter!

    I was curious if you considered cases where the meaning of external could mean something other than outside the current package. In my case I would like to find cases where errors from outside the current module or -local string are not wrapped. I see the levels being package, module, organization. If this interests you I'd like to work on it with you otherwise I could simply fork the project

  • Proposal: ignore returning value of specify package's function

    Proposal: ignore returning value of specify package's function

    Hello 👋 Thank you for developing such a great tool!

    I'm using a library that wraps and manages errors like below.

    https://github.com/morikuni/failure https://github.com/pkg/errors

    Currently, wrapcheck also reports for these librarie's function.


    error returned from external package is unwrapped (wrapcheck)
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to do something")

    This is, of course, the correct behavior. But I don't need these report from wrapcheck. So, I ignore these reports with golangci-lint's exclude-rules like below.

       - source: "errors"
            - wrapcheck
        - source: "failure"
            - wrapcheck


    It would be very helpful to be able to configure these settings on the wrapcheck side.

    (This proposal may be similar to #2)


  • Consider whitelisting cases where function has single error return case

    Consider whitelisting cases where function has single error return case

    With the following code:


    I think the linter should allow to skip error wrapping, as the caller should do the wrapping. If error occurs, it is known that the error comes from this line. What do you think? Or maybe this should be somehow configurable?

  • ignorePackageGlobs doesn't appear to be working

    ignorePackageGlobs doesn't appear to be working

    Hey, great tool! This has been really useful to track down places I can apply some new error context packages I've been working on to provide additional structured information to errors.

    After applying error contexts across our project I noticed a few places where it was unnecessary so I decided to disable reporting of imports from local packages (/pkg, etc)

    However, maybe I'm misunderstanding this config option, but it doesn't appear to do what I expected.

    Here's the configuration file: https://github.com/Southclaws/storyden/blob/main/.golangci.yml#L28

    And here are the offending lines:

    • https://github.com/Southclaws/storyden/blob/main/pkg/transports/http/bindings/threads.go#L39
    • https://github.com/Southclaws/storyden/blob/main/pkg/transports/http/bindings/threads.go#L52

    I assumed that a ignorePackageGlobs value of github.com/Southclaws/storyden/* would ignore these two lines as they are functions that are imported from within this pattern:

    • i.thread_svc.Create: github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/services/thread.Service.Create
    • i.thread_svc.ListAll: github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/services/thread.Service.Create

    The actual output from running golangci-lint run:

    storyden on  main [!] via 🐹 v1.18.3 on ☁️  (eu-central-1) 
    ❯ golangci-lint run
    pkg/transports/http/bindings/threads.go:39:10: error returned from interface method should be wrapped: sig: func (github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/services/thread.Service).Create(ctx context.Context, title string, body string, authorID github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/resources/account.AccountID, categoryID github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/resources/category.CategoryID, tags []string) (*github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/resources/thread.Thread, error) (wrapcheck)
                    return err
    pkg/transports/http/bindings/threads.go:52:10: error returned from interface method should be wrapped: sig: func (github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/services/thread.Service).ListAll(ctx context.Context, before time.Time, max int) ([]*github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/resources/thread.Thread, error) (wrapcheck)
                    return err

    I wondered if it was golangci lint just using an outdated version but this occurs on the latest standalone version of wrapcheck too.

    I tried with a .wrapcheck.yaml file with:

      - github.com/Southclaws/storyden/*
      - github.com/Southclaws/storyden/pkg/*
      - pkg/*
      - ./pkg/*

    but I can't seem to get any patterns to ignore correctly.


  • dev: refactor `regexp` usage

    dev: refactor `regexp` usage

    This PR intends to bring the next features/fixes to wrapcheck:

    1. avoid compiling regexp rules into regexp.Regexp for checking each error returning function.
    2. removing os.Exit(1) in case fail to compile regexp rule from the codebase ( we can't handle such cases in golangci-lint: output is hidden, so no log messages received, which ends in no issues or errors comes from wrapcheck if bad regexp provided).

    P.S. The rest of the coding is changed by gofumpt automatically. P.P.S. It would be also great to release fix changes asap (so we update golangci-lint).

  • Great linter! Just one question about %w vs %v

    Great linter! Just one question about %w vs %v


    Forgive my question but I think there is a reason you are using %v rather than %w on errorf to wrap errors but I am not sure I understand it.

    I have always been using %w with returning to new errors that wrap previous ones but I notice here you are using %v.

    What is the reason ?

    Thanks again!

  • wrapcheck on goerr113 wrapping %w

    wrapcheck on goerr113 wrapping %w

    Wrapcheck on goerr113 wrapping %w

    I understand that Wrapcheck linter is all about wrapping the error coming from external packages but I think the error coming from the external package should never be used as %w reason being that this forces DevUsers to import the package A where the error is being returned as well as the internal package B where the error is being thrown and possible where the Sentinel lives if we ever need to check on the error type with Error.Is and Error.As creating a form of coupling to the internal detail implementation of package A

    import "pkg/Process"
    var ErrProccesFailed = "process failed due"
    err := Process()
    return fmt.Errorf("%w : %v", ErrProccesFailed,err)

    I think Sentinel errors need to be created to wrap the err coming from the external package so only one import is needed to check on the Error.Is or Error.As meanwhile, we make sure the external package error is wrapped into a more meaningful error at this package level without exposing any type of possible coupling

  • New release?

    New release?

    I'd like to use the new ignorePackageGlobs feature


    But it wasn't released yet.

    Do you plan to release it?

  • Support for errors.Wrap(f)

    Support for errors.Wrap(f)


    In our project we use golangci-lint and have a lot of similar code:

    func foo() (object, error)
      err := doSomething()
      if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "action failed for %v", anyAdditionalInfo)

    Starting from version golangci-lint 1.39.0 built from 9aea4aee on 2021-03-26T08:02:53Z all those lines cannot pass wrapcheck:

    foo/bar:42:16: error returned from external package is unwrapped (wrapcheck)
                             return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "action failed for %v", anyAdditionalInfo)

    Is that a false positive error ? Or am I missing something ?


  • false positive messages on legal errors from the same file

    false positive messages on legal errors from the same file

    file internal/modifier/modifiers_aggregate.go contains code:

    var (
        ErrPlaylistsNotTwo = errors.New("playlists not two")
    if len(playlists) != 2 {
        return nil, ErrPlaylistsNotTwo

    causes the following: internal/modifier/modifiers_aggregate.go:197:15: error returned from external package is unwrapped (wrapcheck) return nil, ErrPlaylistsNotTwo

  • Linter triggers on wrapper functions

    Linter triggers on wrapper functions

    Considering following code:

    // Deploy checks current status of deployed group of instances and updates them if there is some
    // configuration drift.
    func (a *apiLoadBalancers) Deploy() error {
      return a.containers.Deploy()

    Right now linter triggers on it, but it seems very counter-intuitive.

    Used via golangci-lint version v1.39.0

  • Support Gorm-style error checking

    Support Gorm-style error checking

    Gorm uses non-standard error format to support it's chainable API. It would be nice if there was a way to configure wrapcheck to match a *.\.Error regex

    tx := tx.Find(&customer)
    if tx.Error != nil {
        return nil, tx.Error // wrapcheck should warn here
    abc := tx.Find(&customer)
    if abc.Error != nil {
        return nil, abc.Error // wrapcheck should warn here
  • Embedded interfaces are hard to ignore

    Embedded interfaces are hard to ignore

    When an interface is embedded, the reported interface name isn't what you need to ignore. Concretely, extend wrapcheck/testdata/config_ignoreInterfaceRegexps/main.go with the following, and run the test.

    type embedder interface {
    func embed(fn embedder) error {
    	var str string
    	return fn.Decode(&str) // errorer interface ignored as per `ignoreInterfaceRegexps`

    Unexpectedly, you'll see the following:

    --- FAIL: TestAnalyzer (5.40s) --- FAIL: TestAnalyzer/config_ignoreInterfaceRegexps (0.25s) analysistest.go:452: /home/murman/src/wrapcheck/wrapcheck/testdata/config_ignoreInterfaceRegexps/main.go:33:9: unexpected diagnostic: error returned from interface method should be wrapped: sig: func (_/home/murman/src/wrapcheck/wrapcheck/testdata/config_ignoreInterfaceRegexps.errorer).Decode(v interface{}) error

    Note that the ignores include errorer and the reported interface is config_ignoreInterfaceRegexps.errorer. However to suppress this you actually need to suppress embedder.

    I believe this comes down to the difference between name and fnSig in reportUnwrapped, which come from sel.Sel and sel.X respectively, but the path forward is unclear to me. https://github.com/tomarrell/wrapcheck/blob/213318509af6a003be2be752da826d269149ba4d/wrapcheck/wrapcheck.go#L257-L260

  • Flag to ignore main module

    Flag to ignore main module

    As has been requested, ignoring the main module in a project via a flag to prevent having to configure the package ignore for each project.

    Something along the lines of ignore: go list -m.

  • False-positive for anonymous functions

    False-positive for anonymous functions

    Wrapcheck throws an error for the next case:

    import "errors"
    func Test_AnonFunc(t *testing.T) {
    	test := func() error {
    		return errors.New("test")

    error returned from external package is unwrapped: sig: func errors.New(text string) error

  • Named return values not reported

    Named return values not reported

    Try this out

    package main
    import (
    func somethingDangerous() error {
    	return errors.New("fake err")
    func run() (err error) {
    	err = somethingDangerous()
    func main() {
    	if err := run(); err != nil {

    You'll see that wrap check does not detect that err is not being wrapped.

  • consider flagging errors.Wrap(err) where err is known to be nil

    consider flagging errors.Wrap(err) where err is known to be nil

    I found several cases in my codebase (https://github.com/kopia/kopia/pull/747) that follow the following buggy pattern:

    err := doSomething()
    if err != nil {
      return result, errors.Wrap(err, "something failed")
    if somethingElse {
      return result, errors.Wrap(err, "something else failed")

    The second errors.Wrap() is incorrect, because it's not wrapping any error (but it's easy to copy/paste it as such).

    This is quite hard to spot in code reviews because lines that return errors will always have errors.Wrap() and it looks ok at first glance, until you notice that in this case is err is always nil. Because errors.Wrap(nil, "something") always returns nil this one returns success, which is unintended.

    Based on flow analysis, it should be possible to determine that err == nil in this case, and it would be really amazing if the linter could flag this pattern is as misuse.

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