Use SQL to instantly query users, groups, applications and more from Okta. Open source CLI. No DB required.


Okta Plugin for Steampipe

Use SQL to query infrastructure including users, groups, applications and more from Okta.

Quick start

Install the plugin with Steampipe:

steampipe plugin install okta

Run a query:

select login, id, email, created from okta_user;




git clone
cd steampipe-plugin-okta

Build, which automatically installs the new version to your ~/.steampipe/plugins directory:


Configure the plugin:

cp config/* ~/.steampipe/config
vi ~/.steampipe/config/okta.spc

Try it!

steampipe query
> .inspect okta

Further reading:


Please see the contribution guidelines and our code of conduct. All contributions are subject to the Apache 2.0 open source license.

help wanted issues:

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  • High API usage

    High API usage

    Describe the bug We are hitting rate limiting and triggering alerts when doing "straight forward" lookups with the new okta_app_assigned_group table. This may be happening with other tables too but I have only verified it with this tabled based on our testing.

    I set logging to trace and change the okta url to localhost to see what it was doing and it looks like it is getting all apps which would be costly with the size of our org and I am passing an app_id qualifier.

    > 2022-01-20T09:48:00.939-0800 [TRACE] steampipe: Got Session with PID: 86911
    2022-01-20T09:48:00.939-0800 [TRACE] steampipe: Session with PID: 86911 - returning
    > select app_id,id as group_id,jsonb_array_elements_text(profile->'samlRoles') as roles from okta.okta_app_assigned_group where app_id = '<redacted>' limit 1;
    2022-01-20T09:48:04.109-0800 [TRACE] steampipe: resolveQuery select app_id,id as group_id,jsonb_array_elements_text(profile->'samlRoles') as roles from okta.okta_app_assigned_group where app_id = '<redacted>' limit 1; args <empty>
    2022-01-20T09:48:04.109-0800 [TRACE] steampipe: Got Session with PID: 86911
    2022-01-20T09:48:04.109-0800 [TRACE] steampipe: Session with PID: 86911 - returning
    Error: Get "https://localhost/api/v1/apps": dial tcp [::1]:443: connect: connection refused (SQLSTATE HV000)

    I cant find where the list api ( call is being done (is it related to the parent hydrate code?)

    I believe for this table if app_id is specified it should just make a paginated call to api/v1/apps/<app_id>/groups for each app_id specified


    Should that be app_id and not user_id? If you could explain how user_id is related that would be appreciated. I am trying to get up to speed so I can make some PRs.

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) Example: v0.11.2

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) Example: v0.4.0

    To reproduce run a query with on okta_app_assigned_group with app_id qualifier

    select app_id,id as group_id,jsonb_array_elements_text(profile->'samlRoles') as roles from okta.okta_app_assigned_group where app_id = '<someappid>' limit 1;

    Expected behavior Not listing ALL apps before getting results

    Additional context none

  • profile data not available in okta_application table

    profile data not available in okta_application table

    Describe the bug With the removal of the 'assigned_groups' field in the 'okta_application' table the profile data we used to have access to is no longer available.

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) Example: v0.11.2

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) Example: v0.3.0

    To reproduce With the 0.2 version of the plugin we were able to run:

    Begin transaction;
    create temp table if not exists t1 on commit drop as select jsonb_array_elements(assigned_groups)#>>'{id}' as groupid, jsonb_array_elements(assigned_groups)#>>'{profile,samlRoles}' as roles from okta.okta_application where filter = ' eq "xxxxxxxxxxxx"' AND label = 'foo';
    create temp table if not exists t2 on commit drop as select name,id from okta.okta_group where id in (select groupid from t1);
    select,t1.groupid, jsonb_array_elements_text(t1.roles::jsonb) as samlRole from t1,t2 where t1.groupid =;

    which would give us the first 20 group assignments (see issue #47) for an app with the associated samlRoles assigned to each group Note: with issue #40 fixed we dont have to use the "where filter" clause anymore (we can just do "where id = ....")

    Expected behavior Some way yo access the profile.SamlRoles data in the okta_application table or okta_app_assigned_group (or maybe a whole other table)

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • Add table okta_domain

    Add table okta_domain


    branch having some initial code -

  • assigned_groups field in okta_application is limited to the first 20 groups

    assigned_groups field in okta_application is limited to the first 20 groups

    Describe the bug When getting the 'assigned_groups' field of from okta_application table, the data is limited to the first 20 groups and the api calls are not pagenating. Also there is no way to pass the query param 'limit' (ie: “/api/v1/apps/${APPID}/groups?limit=200”) to work around the current default pagenation size of 20 (to reduce api calls).

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) v0.10.0

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) v0.2.0

    To reproduce have an okta application with more than 20 groups assigned to it and query its assigned groups

    select jsonb_pretty(assigned_groups) as groups from okta.okta_application where filter = ' eq "xxxxxxxxx"' AND label = 'foo'

    query is formatted with the where and condition due to issue #40

    Expected behavior all groups to be returned in the 'assigned_groups' field

    Additional context Use case is to get all group assignments for an application and then convert the returned group ids to the group name for auditing/reporting.

    I believe something similar to will need to be done around

    but not sure (not too familiar with this code base still)

    equiv functionality we are trying to reproductince in steampipe is

    set -e
    function okta_api() {
    curl -s -X GET \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: SSWS ${OKTA_API_TOKEN}" \
    #get application group assignments
    okta_api "api/v1/apps/${APPID}/groups?limit=200" > blob.json
    #convert groupids to names
    for I in $(jq -r '.[].id' blob.json); do
      NAME=$(okta_api "api/v1/groups/${I}" | jq -r | tr ' ' '_')
      jq -r '.[] | select(.id == "'${I}'") | .profile.samlRoles[]' blob.json > ${NAME}.txt
  • Fix GET API call for okta_app_assigned_group.

    Fix GET API call for okta_app_assigned_group.

    Example query results

    > select * from okta_app_assigned_group where id = '00g3e9b6esCUiHSkK5d7' and app_id = '0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7';
    | id                   | app_id               | last_updated              | priority | links                                                                                                                
    | 00g3e9b6esCUiHSkK5d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-17T13:21:17+05:30 | 1        | {"app":{"href":""},"group":{"href":"https://dev-2131499
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_group where app_id = '0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7';
    | id                   | app_id               | last_updated              | priority | links                                                                                                                
    | 00g3e9b6esCUiHSkK5d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-17T13:21:17+05:30 | 1        | {"app":{"href":""},"group":{"href":"https://dev-2131499
    | 00g33kzj6xOZvlBUQ5d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-24T11:16:23+05:30 | 2        | {"app":{"href":""},"group":{"href":"https://dev-2131499
    | 00g1kchdmqwsZEGG65d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-24T11:16:25+05:30 | 3        | {"app":{"href":""},"group":{"href":"https://dev-2131499
    > select
      id as group_id,
    | group_id             | app_id               | last_updated              | priority |
    | 00g1kchdmqwsZEGG65d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-24T11:16:25+05:30 | 3        |
    | 00g33kzj6xOZvlBUQ5d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-24T11:16:23+05:30 | 2        |
    | 00g3e9b6esCUiHSkK5d7 | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2022-01-17T13:21:17+05:30 | 1        |
    > select as name,
      grp.description as description,
      jsonb_pretty(grp.group_members) as group_members
      okta_group grp
    full outer join okta_app_assigned_group ag on =
    where is null or is null;
    | name | description | group_members |
    > select as app_name, as app_id,
      app.created as app_created,
      app.status as app_status, as group_id, as group_name,
      grp.description as group_description,
      jsonb_pretty(grp.group_members) as group_members
      okta_application app
    left join okta_app_assigned_group ag on = ag.app_id
    left join okta_group grp on =;
    | app_name            | app_id               | app_created               | app_status | group_id             | group_name    | group_description              | group_members                          |
    | okta_enduser        | 0oa1kchdrfcXTbEzV5d7 | 2021-08-26T09:56:36+05:30 | ACTIVE     | <null>               | <null>        | <null>                         | <null>                                 |
    | okta_browser_plugin | 0oa1kcigd9Kob07k05d7 | 2021-08-26T09:56:36+05:30 | ACTIVE     | <null>               | <null>        | <null>                         | <null>                                 |
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mf49z9iZurdzA5d7 | 2021-08-31T18:01:44+05:30 | ACTIVE     | <null>               | <null>        | <null>                         | <null>                                 |
    | saasure             | 0oa1kchdmerpZir9y5d7 | 2021-08-26T09:56:28+05:30 | ACTIVE     | <null>               | <null>        | <null>                         | <null>                                 |
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2021-08-31T18:16:30+05:30 | ACTIVE     | 00g1kchdmqwsZEGG65d7 | Everyone      | All users in your organization | [                                      |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     {                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "id": "00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7",  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "email": "[email protected]",   |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "login": "[email protected]"    |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     },                                 |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     {                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "id": "00u33m8oarePFyaTm5d7",  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "email": "[email protected]", |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "login": "[email protected]"  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     },                                 |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     {                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "id": "00u3e9oo5e7hR6X815d7",  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "email": "[email protected]", |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "login": "[email protected]"  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     }                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                | ]                                      |
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2021-08-31T18:16:30+05:30 | ACTIVE     | 00g33kzj6xOZvlBUQ5d7 | TestGroup     | This is a test group           | [                                      |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     {                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "id": "00u33m8oarePFyaTm5d7",  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "email": "[email protected]", |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "login": "[email protected]"  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     }                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                | ]                                      |
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mf9l3dw26foa25d7 | 2021-08-31T18:16:30+05:30 | ACTIVE     | 00g3e9b6esCUiHSkK5d7 | Another Group | This is another group          | [                                      |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     {                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "id": "00u33m8oarePFyaTm5d7",  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "email": "[email protected]", |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |         "login": "[email protected]"  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                |     }                                  |
    |                     |                      |                           |            |                      |               |                                | ]                                      |
  • Update tables for better use of API filters, context cancellation in list calls and page limiting for limit clause in query closes #65

    Update tables for better use of API filters, context cancellation in list calls and page limiting for limit clause in query closes #65

    Changes made for the tables

    1. okta_app_assigned_group
    2. okta_app_assigned_user
    3. okta_application
    4. okta_auth_server
    5. okta_factor
    6. okta_group
    7. okta_idp_discovery_policy

    Example query results

    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user
    | id                   | user_name         | app_id               | created                   | status | email             | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated              
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | <null>            | 0oa1kcfvy3rRLMLYC5d7 | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 | ACTIVE | <null>            |             | <null>     | <null>    | <null>    | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 | ACTIVE | [email protected] |             | Partha     | Behera    | <null>    | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where app_id = '0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7';
    | id                   | user_name         | app_id               | created                   | status | email             | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated              
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 | ACTIVE | [email protected] |             | Partha     | Behera    | <null>    | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where user_naem = '[email protected]'
    Error: column "user_naem" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where user_name = '[email protected]'
    | id                   | user_name         | app_id               | created                   | status | email             | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated              
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 | ACTIVE | [email protected] |             | Partha     | Behera    | <null>    | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where first_name = 'Partha'
    | id                   | user_name         | app_id               | created                   | status | email             | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated              
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 | ACTIVE | [email protected] |             | Partha     | Behera    | <null>    | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where last_name = 'Behera'
    | id | user_name | app_id | created | status | email | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated | password_changed | scope | status_changed | sync_state | links | profile | title 
    > select * from okta_app_assigned_user where email = '[email protected]'
    | id                   | user_name         | app_id               | created                   | status | email             | external_id | first_name | last_name | last_sync | last_updated              
    | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 | ACTIVE | [email protected] |             | Partha     | Behera    | <null>    | 2022-02-11T13:36:29+05:30 
    > select * from okta_application
    | name                | id                   | label               | created                   | filter | last_updated              | status | sign_on_mode   | settings                                  
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1me6urfbwt5Mjw5d7 | Service Client Name | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | okta_browser_plugin | 0oa1kcfw4jCRniSph5d7 | Okta Browser Plugin | 2021-08-26T09:52:54+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:54+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | saasure             | 0oa1kcfvy3rRLMLYC5d7 | Okta Admin Console  | 2021-08-26T09:52:48+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:51+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | okta_enduser        | 0oa1kcfw58aNTCvke5d7 | Okta Dashboard      | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | My API Services App | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    > select * from okta_application where name = 'oidc_client'
    | name        | id                   | label               | created                   | filter | last_updated              | status | sign_on_mode   | settings                                          
    | oidc_client | 0oa1me6urfbwt5Mjw5d7 | Service Client Name | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network":{"conn
    | oidc_client | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | My API Services App | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network":{"conn
    > select * from okta_application where status = 'ACTIVE'
    | name                | id                   | label               | created                   | filter | last_updated              | status | sign_on_mode   | settings                                  
    | saasure             | 0oa1kcfvy3rRLMLYC5d7 | Okta Admin Console  | 2021-08-26T09:52:48+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:51+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1mds05a7V0Gkbb5d7 | My API Services App | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T14:02:28+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | okta_browser_plugin | 0oa1kcfw4jCRniSph5d7 | Okta Browser Plugin | 2021-08-26T09:52:54+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:54+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | okta_enduser        | 0oa1kcfw58aNTCvke5d7 | Okta Dashboard      | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-26T09:52:55+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    | oidc_client         | 0oa1me6urfbwt5Mjw5d7 | Service Client Name | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | <null> | 2021-08-31T15:02:50+05:30 | ACTIVE | OPENID_CONNECT | {"app":{},"notifications":{"vpn":{"network
    > select * from okta_auth_server
    | name    | id                   | created                   | description                                        | issuer                                       | issuer_mode | last_updated             
    | default | aus1kcfvzjch1gpKh5d7 | 2021-08-26T09:52:50+05:30 | Default Authorization Server for your Applications | | ORG_URL     | 2021-08-26T09:52:50+05:30
    > select * from okta_auth_server where name = 'default'
    | name    | id                   | created                   | description                                        | issuer                                       | issuer_mode | last_updated             
    | default | aus1kcfvzjch1gpKh5d7 | 2021-08-26T09:52:50+05:30 | Default Authorization Server for your Applications | | ORG_URL     | 2021-08-26T09:52:50+05:30
    > select * from okta_factor where user_id = '00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7'
    | id                   | user_id              | user_name         | factor_type         | created                   | last_updated              | provider | status             | embedded | verify | titl
    | mbl1m6472anhxTgOE5d7 | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | sms                 | 2021-08-30T18:24:44+05:30 | 2021-08-30T18:24:44+05:30 | OKTA     | PENDING_ACTIVATION | <null>   | <null> | mbl1
    | ost1m64qvuJk6dICv5d7 | 00u1kcfw5yDiVG80P5d7 | [email protected] | token:software:totp | 2021-08-30T18:23:16+05:30 | 2021-08-30T18:23:16+05:30 | OKTA     | PENDING_ACTIVATION | <null>   | <null> | ost1
  • Update tables for better use of API filters, context cancellation in list calls and page limiting for limit clause in query

    Update tables for better use of API filters, context cancellation in list calls and page limiting for limit clause in query

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

  • Fix GET API call in table okta_application

    Fix GET API call in table okta_application

    Describe the bug The GET API call is throwing an error: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type okta.App

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) Example: v0.10.0

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) Example: v0.1.0

    To reproduce

    > select * from okta_application where id = '0oa1kchdmerpZir9y5d7'
    Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type okta.App
  • The `profile` column in the `okta_application` table does not contain any information

    The `profile` column in the `okta_application` table does not contain any information

    Describe the bug For any rows from the okta_application table, the profile column never has data

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) v0.10.0

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) v0.1.0

    To reproduce Run select name, profile from okta_application while having at least 1 application

    Expected behavior The profile column should have data or not be defined if the API doesn't return any data for it

    Additional context Application type -

  • Add table okta_factor. Closes #17

    Add table okta_factor. Closes #17

    Example query results

    > select
    2021-09-01T22:09:21.631+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor in
    ⠇ Loading results... 2021-09-01T22:09:23.484+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: restartInteractiveSession
    2021-09-01T22:09:23.484+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: Close prompt - then 1
    2021-09-01T22:09:23.484+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor out
    | id                   | user_id              | factor_type         | created             | status             |
    | mbl1l5dh18Js2io3S5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | sms                 | 2021-08-27 10:03:19 | PENDING_ACTIVATION |
    | ost1l5cklwIRvLzUY5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | token:software:totp | 2021-08-27 09:56:43 | ACTIVE             |
    | uft1l5e40d7dkyGXM5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | token:software:totp | 2021-08-27 10:02:26 | ACTIVE             |
    > select
      status = 'PENDING_ACTIVATION';
    2021-09-01T22:09:31.522+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor in
    2021-09-01T22:09:31.526+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: restartInteractiveSession
    2021-09-01T22:09:31.526+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: Close prompt - then 1
    2021-09-01T22:09:31.526+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor out
    | id                   | user_id              | factor_type | created             | status             |
    | mbl1l5dh18Js2io3S5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | sms         | 2021-08-27 10:03:19 | PENDING_ACTIVATION |
    > select
      provider = 'OKTA';
    2021-09-01T22:09:39.173+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor in
    2021-09-01T22:09:39.175+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: restartInteractiveSession
    2021-09-01T22:09:39.175+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: Close prompt - then 1
    2021-09-01T22:09:39.175+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor out
    | id                   | user_id              | factor_type         | created             | provider | status             |
    | mbl1l5dh18Js2io3S5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | sms                 | 2021-08-27 10:03:19 | OKTA     | PENDING_ACTIVATION |
    | ost1l5cklwIRvLzUY5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | token:software:totp | 2021-08-27 09:56:43 | OKTA     | ACTIVE             |
    > select
      id = 'ost1l5cklwIRvLzUY5d7' and user_id = '00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7';
    2021-09-01T22:09:47.439+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor in
    2021-09-01T22:09:47.806+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: restartInteractiveSession
    2021-09-01T22:09:47.806+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: Close prompt - then 1
    2021-09-01T22:09:47.806+0530 [TRACE] steampipe: executor out
    | id                   | user_id              | factor_type         | created             | status |
    | ost1l5cklwIRvLzUY5d7 | 00u1kcigdvWtR96HY5d7 | token:software:totp | 2021-08-27 09:56:43 | ACTIVE |
  • Add table okta_network_zone closes #13

    Add table okta_network_zone closes #13

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results


    Basic info

    | name          | id                   | created             | status | system | locations                                                                               | proxy_type    | usage     |
    | BlockedIpZone | nzo1kcfw1rkgD4Ctm5d7 | 2021-08-26 04:22:51 | ACTIVE | true   | <null>                                                                                  |               | BLOCKLIST |
    | ind-022       | nzo1kefi33MO8ZrK85d7 | 2021-08-26 06:34:25 | ACTIVE | false  | [{"country":"AF","region":"AF-BAL"},{"country":"AS"},{"country":"AU","region":"AU-NT"}] | TorAnonymizer | POLICY    |
    | LegacyIpZone  | nzo1kcfw1qwLaONDt5d7 | 2021-08-26 04:22:51 | ACTIVE | true   | <null>                                                                                  |               | POLICY    |

    List TorAnonymizer proxy type network zone

      proxy_type = 'TorAnonymizer';
    | name    | id                   | created             | status | system | proxy_type    |
    | ind-022 | nzo1kefi33MO8ZrK85d7 | 2021-08-26 06:34:25 | ACTIVE | false  | TorAnonymizer |

    List network zones location and region details

      l -> 'country' as country,
      l -> 'region' as region
      jsonb_array_elements(locations) as l;
    | name    | id                   | country | region   |
    | ind-022 | nzo1kefi33MO8ZrK85d7 | "AF"    | "AF-BAL" |
    | ind-022 | nzo1kefi33MO8ZrK85d7 | "AS"    | <null>   |
    | ind-022 | nzo1kefi33MO8ZrK85d7 | "AU"    | "AU-NT"  |
  • Bug: `okta_user` and `okta_factor` table fails with `context canceled` error.

    Bug: `okta_user` and `okta_factor` table fails with `context canceled` error.

    Describe the bug okta_user and okta_factor table fails with context canceled errors. It seems to fail due to a timeout issue for a larger number of users in the account.

    There should be a better mechanism to retry for such errors.

     WITH OKTA_MFA as (
        status = 'ACTIVE'
        factor_type IN ('push','token:software:totp')
      ORDER BY
        user_id, factor_type
    OKTA_USERS as (
      ORDER BY
        id, email
    SELECT as resource,
            WHEN U.status <> 'ACTIVE' THEN 'skip'
            WHEN COUNT(F.user_id) = 0 THEN 'alarm'
            ELSE 'ok'
        END AS status,
            WHEN U.status <> 'ACTIVE' THEN 'User ' || || ' is not active.'
            WHEN COUNT(F.user_id) = 0 THEN 'User ' || || ' does not have MFA configured.'
            ELSE 'User ' || || ' is ok'
        END AS reason,,
        OKTA_USERS U
    LEFT JOIN OKTA_MFA F on F.user_id =
    2022-09-09 07:50:11.972 UTC [WARN] PluginManager setPluginCacheSizeMap: 6 connections.
    2022-09-09 07:50:11.972 UTC [WARN] Total cache size 0Mb
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709814946: listOktaUsers: list_users_error="Get "": context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709814927: listOktaUsers: list_users_error="Get "": context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709814927: streamRows error chan select: Get "": context canceled
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [WARN] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [WARN] 1662709814927: Execute call failed - cancelling pending item in cache
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709814927: streamRows error chan select: Get "": context canceled
    2022-09-09 07:50:14.481 UTC [WARN] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [WARN] 1662709814927: Execute call failed - cancelling pending item in cache
    2022-09-09 07:50:24.004 UTC [WARN] PluginManager setPluginCacheSizeMap: 6 connections.
    2022-09-09 07:50:24.004 UTC [WARN] Total cache size 0Mb
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.971 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context deadline exceeded"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.972 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context deadline exceeded"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: streamRows error chan select: context deadline exceeded
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: error chan select: context deadline exceeded
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context deadline exceeded"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [WARN] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [WARN] 1662709826246: Execute call failed - cancelling pending item in cache
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context deadline exceeded"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.973 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.974 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.974 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaUsers: list_users_paging_error="context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.974 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context canceled"
    2022-09-09 07:50:58.975 UTC [ERROR] steampipe-plugin-okta.plugin: [ERROR] 1662709826246: listOktaFactors: list_factors_error="context canceled" (edited) 

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) Example: v0.3.0

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) Example: v0.5.0

    To reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior (please include relevant code and/or commands).

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Additional context Slack thread

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