Use SQL to instantly query resources, data sources and more from Terraform code. Open source CLI. No DB required.


Terraform Plugin for Steampipe

Use SQL to query data from Terraform configuration files.

Quick start

Install the plugin with Steampipe:

steampipe plugin install terraform

Configure your config file.

Run steampipe:

steampipe query

Query all resources in your Terraform files:

  jsonb_pretty(arguments) as args
> select name, type, jsonb_pretty(arguments) as args from terraform_resource;
| name       | type           | args                                       |
| app_server | aws_instance   | {                                          |
|            |                |     "ami": "ami-830c94e3",                 |
|            |                |     "tags": {                              |
|            |                |         "Name": "ExampleAppServerInstance" |
|            |                |     },                                     |
|            |                |     "instance_type": "t2.micro"            |
|            |                | }                                          |
| app_volume | aws_ebs_volume | {                                          |
|            |                |     "size": 40,                            |
|            |                |     "tags": {                              |
|            |                |         "Name": "HelloWorld"               |
|            |                |     },                                     |
|            |                |     "availability_zone": "us-west-2a"      |
|            |                | }                                          |
| app_bucket | aws_s3_bucket  | {                                          |
|            |                |     "acl": "private",                      |
|            |                |     "tags": {                              |
|            |                |         "Name": "Test bucket",             |
|            |                |         "Environment": "Dev"               |
|            |                |     },                                     |
|            |                |     "bucket": "my-app-bucket"              |
|            |                | }                                          |




git clone
cd steampipe-plugin-terraform

Build, which automatically installs the new version to your ~/.steampipe/plugins directory:


Configure the plugin:

cp config/* ~/.steampipe/config
vi ~/.steampipe/config/terraform.spc

Try it!

steampipe query
> .inspect terraform

Further reading:


Please see the contribution guidelines and our code of conduct. All contributions are subject to the Apache 2.0 open source license.

help wanted issues:

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  • Re-add secret detection examples to terraform_local and terraform_output table docs once quals bug is fixed

    Re-add secret detection examples to terraform_local and terraform_output table docs once quals bug is fixed

    Examples for secret scanning would be great, but there's currently a bug that prevents it from working ( Once this bug is fixed, or a workaround is made available, these examples can be re-added.

  • Add File Watcher support for `paths` argument in terraform config

    Add File Watcher support for `paths` argument in terraform config

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

  • Update plugin to discover all the TF files present in CWD by default. Closes #6

    Update plugin to discover all the TF files present in CWD by default. Closes #6


    • Update paths default to ["*.tf"], so TF files in the current directory are loaded (non-recursively)
    • paths arg is no longer commented out by default
    • Add support for ~ expansion in paths
    • Add support for ** to support matching recursively
    • Remove file extension matching when using wildcards, e.g., if paths = [ "*" ], files not ending in .tf will be loaded as well, which would cause a parsing error
    • The plugin will still fail to initialize if paths is not defined (as a warning to users)
  • Querying the `terraform_local` table sometimes results in a conversion error

    Querying the `terraform_local` table sometimes results in a conversion error

    Describe the bug When querying any column from terraform_local, sometimes a conversion error is returned:

    Error: Failed to convert value map[_kics__default:{16 []} _kics_array:{21 [map[_kics__default:{21 []}] map[_kics__default:{21 []}] map[_kics__default:{0 [map[_kics__default:{21 []}] map[_kics__default:{0 [map[_kics__default:{21 []}]]}]]}]]} _kics_faz:{17 []} _kics_faz1:{18 []} _kics_myInt:{19 []} _kics_myNum:{20 []} _kics_simple_array:{22 [map[_kics__default:{22 []}]]}] due to unknown type: map[string]model.LineObject (SQLSTATE HV000)

    Steampipe version (steampipe -v) v0.11.2

    Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) v0.0.2

    To reproduce Create a TF file with at least one locals block and run select * from terraform_local (may need to run multiple times, as this only occurs sometimes).

    Expected behavior Queries should not return an error

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • Can we discover TF files in the current working directory by default?

    Can we discover TF files in the current working directory by default?

    Terraform users are used to the idea of running TF commands in the current working directory for their files. It's inconvenient and unintuitive that we require the paths to be configured first. Can we discover files in the current working directory by default?

    The obvious snag is operation when in service mode - we'd need to think about that a bit more carefully as part of this.

  • [WIP] Add support to read files from  directories and various sources using a URL and add file watcher support for `paths` arguments

    [WIP] Add support to read files from directories and various sources using a URL and add file watcher support for `paths` arguments

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • Add CHANGELOG for v0.2.0

    Add CHANGELOG for v0.2.0

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • Recompile plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v3.3.2

    Recompile plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v3.3.2

      jsonb_pretty(arguments) as args
    | name                                                 | type                                          | args                                                                                                                               
    | example                                              | aws_api_gateway_method_settings               | {                                                                                                                                  
    |                                                      |                                               |     "settings": {                                                                                                                  
    |                                                      |                                               |         "logging_level": "INFO",                                                                                                   
    |                                                      |                                               |         "caching_enabled": true,                                                                                                   
    |                                                      |                                               |         "metrics_enabled": true,                                                                                                   
    |                                                      |                                               |         "cache_data_encrypted": true                                                                                               
    |                                                      |                                               |     },                                                                                                                             
    |                                                      |                                               |     "stage_name": "${aws_api_gateway_stage.named_test_resource.stage_name}",                                                       
    |                                                      |                                               |     "method_path": "*/*",                                                                                                          
    |                                                      |                                               |     "rest_api_id": "${}"     
  • Add CHANGELOG for v0.1.0

    Add CHANGELOG for v0.1.0

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • Update golangci-lint workflow to the latest version and add stale workflow

    Update golangci-lint workflow to the latest version and add stale workflow

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • add an example to

    add an example to

    Show how to convert an argument's text to JSON and address within it

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • Update `tfConfigList` to remove the extra check to validate the exact match

    Update `tfConfigList` to remove the extra check to validate the exact match

    Integration test logs

    Add passing integration test logs here

    Example query results

    Add example SQL query results here (please include the input queries as well)
  • Add information about go-getter support to `config/terraform.spc` example config file

    Add information about go-getter support to `config/terraform.spc` example config file

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When viewing config/terraform.spc (or the copy that gets created locally when installing the plugin), it's not clear I can insert GitHub or S3 URLs.

    Describe the solution you'd like It should include a brief mention and link to the Hub site (

    Describe alternatives you've considered Viewing

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

  • Add table terraform_module

    Add table terraform_module

    Add an additional table for terraform_module as tracked here #14

    Example query results

    steampipe query "select name, source, version from terraform_module"

    | name     | source                             | version |
    | eks      | terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws      | 18.7.2  |
    | key_pair | terraform-aws-modules/key-pair/aws | 1.0.1   |
    | eks_env  | cloudposse/label/null              | 0.25.0  |
    • as for the integration test logs etc: happy to provide / look into if somebody could advice what exactly is wanted.
  • Add table terraform_module

    Add table terraform_module

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When using modules in my TF config files, the plugin does not parse them correctly

    Describe the solution you'd like Terraform plugin should know how to parse module blocks

    Describe alternatives you've considered None

    Additional context Module examples -

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