Cluster API Provider for VMware Cloud Director.

Kubernetes Cluster API Provider Cloud Director


The Cluster API brings declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration and management. Cluster API Provider for Cloud Director is a concrete implementation of Cluster API for VMware Cloud Director.



The cluster-api-provider-cloud-director project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with cluster-api-provider-cloud-director, please refer to



  • not accessible not accessible

    Describe the bug

    I saw that the registry was changed in main, changed to:

    for me this is not an address that is accessible. Now my question is do I have to submit these images myself or will this be made public?

    I'm sorry I'm still a bit new to this, but the tag says it's in beta, this means the main version is still under testing and not ready for production? because this is also the transition from alpha to beta in the kubernetes api version. This is giving me a bit of confusion. Upgrading is then possible with clusterctl moving i guess? Sorry for the extra questions.

    Thanks in advance!

    Reproduction steps

    1. executing clusterctl init with main version, pods give image pull error. 
    2. Also the link is not reachable.

    Expected behavior

    Link is not available for

    Additional context

    No response

  • Loadbalancer not reconciled successfully after pivoting

    Loadbalancer not reconciled successfully after pivoting

    Describe the bug

    After pivoting from a bootstrap cluster to a VCD cluster, the capvcd-controller attempts to create a second virtual service and pool instead of using the existing resources created by the bootstrap cluster. This causes the controller to error because it cannot add the controlplane endpoint IP as a member to the new pool as it already exists as a member of the original pool.

    Reproduction steps

    1. Create a bootstrap cluster with the CAPVCD controller built from commit 003336f85f44312252553dc1369faf409e18c10b
    2. Pivot to the VCD cluster
    3. Watch the controller logs for the following error:
    I0725 13:37:38.263497       1 gateway.go:70] Obtained Gateway [vDC 73640 Firewall] for Network Name [capvcd-] of type [NSXT_FLEXIBLE_SEGMENT]
    1.6587562583347037e+09	INFO	controller.vcdcluster	Creating load balancer for the cluster at user-specified endpoint	{"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "VCDCluster", "name": "gnu", "namespace": "org-giantswarm", "host": "", "port": 6443}
    I0725 13:37:38.334736       1 gateway.go:1314] Using provided IP []
    I0725 13:37:38.334742       1 gateway.go:1391] Using VIP [] for virtual service
    I0725 13:37:38.433006       1 gateway.go:181] Using service engine group [&{STD-LB urn:vcloud:serviceEngineGroup:ff547027-ffb4-4107-ab4e-632a4ecc47f3}] on gateway [vDC 73640 Firewall]
    I0725 13:37:38.560491       1 gateway.go:676] LoadBalancer Pool [gnu-NO_RDE_0eb6b51f-ca72-4de2-8679-f2ea0ab33817-tcp] already exists
    1.658756258738859e+09	ERROR	controller.vcdcluster	Reconciler error	{"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "VCDCluster", "name": "gnu", "namespace": "org-giantswarm", "error": "Error creating create load balancer [gnu-NO_RDE_0eb6b51f-ca72-4de2-8679-f2ea0ab33817] for the cluster [gnu]: [unable to create virtual service; expected http response [202], obtained [400]: resp: [&http.Response{Status:\"400 Bad Request\", StatusCode:400, Proto:\"HTTP/1.1\", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{\"Cache-Control\":[]string{\"no-store, must-revalidate\"}, \"Content-Type\":[]string{\"application/json\"}, \"Date\":[]string{\"Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:37:38 GMT\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Ceip-Id\":[]string{\"615be85f-ab52-4989-9ba9-170efef7b206\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time\":[]string{\"106\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id\":[]string{\"ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971\"}}, Body:(*http.bodyEOFSignal)(0xc0003f5080), ContentLength:-1, TransferEncoding:[]string{\"chunked\"}, Close:false, Uncompressed:false, Trailer:http.Header(nil), Request:(*http.Request)(0xc00014fe00), TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(0xc0004da630)}]: [400 Bad Request]: [{\"minorErrorCode\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"message\":\"[ ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971 ] Overlapping subnets detected for existing virtual service virtual IP address and\",\"stackTrace\":null}]]: unable to create virtual service; expected http response [202], obtained [400]: resp: [&http.Response{Status:\"400 Bad Request\", StatusCode:400, Proto:\"HTTP/1.1\", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{\"Cache-Control\":[]string{\"no-store, must-revalidate\"}, \"Content-Type\":[]string{\"application/json\"}, \"Date\":[]string{\"Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:37:38 GMT\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Ceip-Id\":[]string{\"615be85f-ab52-4989-9ba9-170efef7b206\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time\":[]string{\"106\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id\":[]string{\"ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971\"}}, Body:(*http.bodyEOFSignal)(0xc0003f5080), ContentLength:-1, TransferEncoding:[]string{\"chunked\"}, Close:false, Uncompressed:false, Trailer:http.Header(nil), Request:(*http.Request)(0xc00014fe00), TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(0xc0004da630)}]: [400 Bad Request]: [{\"minorErrorCode\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"message\":\"[ ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971 ] Overlapping subnets detected for existing virtual service virtual IP address and\",\"stackTrace\":null}]", "errorVerbose": "unable to create virtual service; expected http response [202], obtained [400]: resp: [&http.Response{Status:\"400 Bad Request\", StatusCode:400, Proto:\"HTTP/1.1\", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{\"Cache-Control\":[]string{\"no-store, must-revalidate\"}, \"Content-Type\":[]string{\"application/json\"}, \"Date\":[]string{\"Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:37:38 GMT\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Ceip-Id\":[]string{\"615be85f-ab52-4989-9ba9-170efef7b206\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time\":[]string{\"106\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id\":[]string{\"ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971\"}}, Body:(*http.bodyEOFSignal)(0xc0003f5080), ContentLength:-1, TransferEncoding:[]string{\"chunked\"}, Close:false, Uncompressed:false, Trailer:http.Header(nil), Request:(*http.Request)(0xc00014fe00), TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(0xc0004da630)}]: [400 Bad Request]: [{\"minorErrorCode\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"message\":\"[ ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971 ] Overlapping subnets detected for existing virtual service virtual IP address and\",\"stackTrace\":null}]\nError creating create load balancer [gnu-NO_RDE_0eb6b51f-ca72-4de2-8679-f2ea0ab33817] for the cluster [gnu]: [unable to create virtual service; expected http response [202], obtained [400]: resp: [&http.Response{Status:\"400 Bad Request\", StatusCode:400, Proto:\"HTTP/1.1\", ProtoMajor:1, ProtoMinor:1, Header:http.Header{\"Cache-Control\":[]string{\"no-store, must-revalidate\"}, \"Content-Type\":[]string{\"application/json\"}, \"Date\":[]string{\"Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:37:38 GMT\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Ceip-Id\":[]string{\"615be85f-ab52-4989-9ba9-170efef7b206\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Execution-Time\":[]string{\"106\"}, \"X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id\":[]string{\"ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971\"}}, Body:(*http.bodyEOFSignal)(0xc0003f5080), ContentLength:-1, TransferEncoding:[]string{\"chunked\"}, Close:false, Uncompressed:false, Trailer:http.Header(nil), Request:(*http.Request)(0xc00014fe00), TLS:(*tls.ConnectionState)(0xc0004da630)}]: [400 Bad Request]: [{\"minorErrorCode\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"message\":\"[ ce503ec8-2a00-4c71-a9ae-6117f59a0971 ] Overlapping subnets detected for existing virtual service virtual IP address and\",\"stackTrace\":null}]]\*VCDClusterReconciler).reconcileNormal\n\t/go/src/\*VCDClusterReconciler).Reconcile\n\t/go/src/\*Controller).Reconcile\n\t/go/src/\*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\t/go/src/\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\t/go/src/\*Controller).Start.func2.2\n\t/go/src/\nruntime.goexit\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581"}*Controller).processNextWorkItem

    Expected behavior

    The existing virtual service and pool should be reconciled by the controller.

    Additional context

    No response

  • Support multiple NIC for machines

    Support multiple NIC for machines




    • [x] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [x] Yes
    • [ ] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [x] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A


    If applicable, please reference the relevant issue

    Fixes #

    This change is Reviewable

  • Workload cluster secret is wrong when deployed with secretRef

    Workload cluster secret is wrong when deployed with secretRef

    Describe the bug

    When deploying a workload cluster with secretRef, the vcloud-basic-auth secret contains the wrong information. Which means the CPI cannot connect to VCD and unset the true taint on the nodes.

    It contains the base64 encoded org name followed by a forward slash. password and refreshToken are both empty.

    Which points to the following:

    • Is UserCredentialsContext correct here?
    • Clusters use secretRefin userContext>secretRef.

    When deploying a cluster without secretRef (like in 0.5.1) and with only the refreshToken, the refreshToken is correctly in the secret in the WC, however the orgname/ is still in the username (not a blocker but buggy).

    Reproduction steps

    1. Create a secret in the management cluster
    2. Deploy a WC with secretRef
    3. Change context to the WC and check the following:
    k describe pod -n kube-system vmware-cloud-director-ccm-b5d58cd57-nnrqk
    k get secrets -n kube-system vcloud-basic-auth -oyaml

    Expected behavior

    The vcloud-basic-auth secret contains the information specified in secretRef.

    Additional context

    No response

  • Support for Private IPs (Not using Tier 0 ips) for Control Plane LB

    Support for Private IPs (Not using Tier 0 ips) for Control Plane LB

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Security requirements say you should place ControlPlane on private networks and not using Tier0 routable on the internetl.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Be able to have Control Plane LB only within the Virtual Network inside of VCD and not exposed on a Tier 0. This pattern is achieved with Private Endpoints or similar concepts on Azure where they advise you to have the ControlPlane internal only not exposing it on the internet.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Having private ips defined by provider like 10.x.x.x. on the tier0 but that will not work maybe with things like S2S vpn etc?

    Additional context

    No response

  • VCDA-3012: Allow specification of ssh key from KCP

    VCDA-3012: Allow specification of ssh key from KCP

    In KCP, the ssh key can be specified under kubeadmConfigSpec as follows:

        - name: root
          - "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAHCCo7SxtKx7o1SE2BfNiNsA+irrLyVYwtlvL4TUase [email protected]"

    This results in the jinja script having the ssh key as part of the cloud init config itself. However the current way of converting the jinja script into a shell script and embedding it into the vcd cloud init does not work. Hence I did the following:

    1. Parse the jinja and vcd cloudinit yaml files
    2. Merge the yaml files
    3. Treat the runcmd slightly specially (embed the runcmd of jinja into the vcd script)

    Testing: Created a cluster with my ssh key. After creating the dnat rule, the control plane node got the ssh key and was accessible. The worker nodes did not get the ssh key and were not accessible as a result.

    This change is Reviewable

  • VCDA-3133: pass credentials through spec

    VCDA-3133: pass credentials through spec

    Pass username/password/refreshtoken through the Spec. This combined with kuberneted rbac can be used to provide multitenant clusters

    Also make vcdmachine controller more reentrant.

    Also make some fields mandatory.

    This change is Reviewable

  • Remove redundant import, making the code base compilable again

    Remove redundant import, making the code base compilable again


    #254 erroneously re-introduced the import of io/ioutil, which had been removed previously. Go complains about it, because it is not used since 73b198a, rendering the code base uncompilable.

    This commit fixes that, and it is able to compile again.


    • [x] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A


    n/a, I could open one, if needed.

    This change is Reviewable

  • VCDA-3582, 3740: Store CRS in RDE, remove CNI

    VCDA-3582, 3740: Store CRS in RDE, remove CNI


    Please provide a brief description of the changes proposed in this Pull Request Iterate through ClusterResourceSetBindings and update RDE. Also remove CNI hardcoded


    • [X] tested locally
    • [X] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [X] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A


    If applicable, please reference the relevant issue

    Fixes #

    This change is Reviewable

  • Redo compute policy rename changes and regenerate conversion files

    Redo compute policy rename changes and regenerate conversion files

    • Revert the PR ( as zz_generated.conversion.go file is wrong
    • Redo the compute policy rename changes
    • Add omitempty to rdeId as it is optional
    • Regenerate zz_generated.conversion.go using conversion_gen tool

    This change is Reviewable

  • remove containerd proxy config

    remove containerd proxy config

    as we do the containerd proxy config via kubeadm and the build-in config overwrite our own config we have to remove it.

    Signed-off-by: Mario Constanti [email protected]

    This change is Reviewable

  • Allow users to define vm naming logic

    Allow users to define vm naming logic


    Now, VMs are named as machine.Name. In some cases, we need to name VMs with a custom logic.

    This PR adds a new field into VCDMachine CR so that users can define templates to name VMs by using Go templates and Sprig functions. .machine and .vcdMachine will refer to Machine and VCDMachine CRs in the templates.


      vmNamingTemplate: 'mycustomprefix{{.machine.Name |sha256sum | trunc 7}}'

    Open Points This field must be immutable. Otherwise, users can change it and the controller will not be able to know existing VMs. I can implement a check in the validating webhook if you are OK.


    • [x] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [x] Yes
    • [ ] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A

    This change is Reviewable

  • Update vm.VM object after updating network configuration

    Update vm.VM object after updating network configuration


    When we call vm.UpdateNetworkConnectionSection method, we update network interfaces of the VM. Then we call getPrimaryNetwork function but it uses old vm object. We need to update vm object after updating network configuration for consistency.


    • [x] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [x] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [x] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [x] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [x] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [x] No
      • [ ] N/A

    This change is Reviewable

  • [CAFV-81] Modify conversion logic to restore v1beta1 fields using data annotation

    [CAFV-81] Modify conversion logic to restore v1beta1 fields using data annotation


    Please provide a brief description of the changes proposed in this Pull Request

    • Add conversion logic to restore newly created fields using data annotation.


    • [x] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [ ] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [x] Yes
    • [ ] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [x] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [x] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [x] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [x] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [x] N/A


    If applicable, please reference the relevant issue

    Fixes #

    This change is Reviewable

  • [CAFV-95] Upgrade package to v0.4.0

    [CAFV-95] Upgrade package to v0.4.0

    Signed-off-by: ymo24 [email protected]


    Please provide a brief description of the changes proposed in this Pull Request


    • [ ] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [x] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A


    If applicable, please reference the relevant issue

    Fixes # Upgrade package to v0.4.0

    This change is Reviewable

  • [CAFV-55] Update README Document about registering the RDE Entitytype payload from the schema.json

    [CAFV-55] Update README Document about registering the RDE Entitytype payload from the schema.json


    Please provide a brief description of the changes proposed in this Pull Request

    • Added new schema file which holds the all the fields required for registering CAPVCD Entity Type.
    • Updated doc to reference to this file, along with added note indicating that the entity_type.json file contains schema and other fields with schema linked to the proper file


    • [ ] tested locally
    • [ ] updated any relevant dependencies
    • [x] updated any relevant documentation or examples

    API Changes

    Are there API changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No

    If yes, please fill in the below

    1. Updated conversions?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    2. Updated CRDs?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    3. Updated infrastructure-components.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    4. Updated ./examples/capi-quickstart.yaml?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A
    5. Updated necessary files under ./infrastructure-vcd/v1.0.0/?
      • [ ] Yes
      • [ ] No
      • [ ] N/A


    If applicable, please reference the relevant issue

    Fixes #

    This change is Reviewable

  • Add cluster ID as description in VCD resources

    Add cluster ID as description in VCD resources

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    We can identify what clusters a resource (VS, LB Pool, DNat) belongs to based on ID but if the cluster is gone it is not straightforward to make sure that the resource can be cleaned.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Add cluster name to the description field of

    • Virtual service
    • LB Pool
    • NAT Rules

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

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