Golang SSR-first Frontend Library


Library that brings frontend-like components experience to the server side with native html/template on steroids. Supports any serving basis (net/http/gin/etc), that provides io.Writer in response.

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This project in early development, don't use in production! In case of any issues/proposals, feel free to open an issue

Why I need this?

  • Get rid of spaghetti inside of handlers
  • Organize code into configurable components structure
  • Simple and straightforward page rendering lifecycle
  • Asynchronous DTO without goroutine mess
  • Built-in dynamics like Hotwire or Laravel Livewire
  • Everyting on top of well-known html/template
  • Get control over project setup: 0 external dependencies, just kyoto itself

Why not?

  • In active development (not production ready)
  • Not situable for pretty dynamic frontends
  • You want to develop SPA/PWA
  • You're just feeling OK with JS frameworks


As simple as go get github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto
Check documentation page for quick start: https://kyoto.codes/getting-started.html


Kyoto project setup may seem complicated and unusual at first sight.
It's highly recommended to follow documentation while using library: https://kyoto.codes/getting-started.html

This example is not completely independent and just shows what the code looks like when using kyoto:

package main

import (


type PageIndex struct {
	Navbar kyoto.Component

func (p *PageIndex) Template() *template.Template {
	return mktemplate("page.index.html")

func (p *PageIndex) Init() {
	p.Navbar = kyoto.RegC(p, &twui.AppUINavNavbar{
		Logo: `<img src="/static/img/kyoto.svg" class="h-8 w-8 scale-150" />`,
		Links: []twui.AppUINavNavbarLink{
			{Text: "Kyoto", Href: "https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto"},
			{Text: "UIKit", Href: "https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto-uikit"},
			{Text: "Charts", Href: "https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto-charts"},
			{Text: "Starter", Href: "https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto-starter"},
		Profile: twui.AppUINavNavbarProfile{
			Enabled: true,
			Avatar: `
					<svg class="w-6 h-6 text-gray-300" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M3 8l7.89 5.26a2 2 0 002.22 0L21 8M5 19h14a2 2 0 002-2V7a2 2 0 00-2-2H5a2 2 0 00-2 2v10a2 2 0 002 2z"></path></svg>
			Links: []twui.AppUINavNavbarLink{
				{Text: "GitHub", Href: "https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto/discussions/40"},
				{Text: "Telegram", Href: "https://t.me/yuriizinets"},
				{Text: "Email", Href: "mailto:[email protected]"},


Documentation: https://kyoto.codes/
UIKit: https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto-uikit
Demo project, Hacker News client made with kyoto: https://hn.kyoto.codes/
Demo project, features overview: https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto/tree/master/.demo


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  • Prototype: Multi-stage component UI update on Action

    Prototype: Multi-stage component UI update on Action

    Explore possibility to use server-sent events to deliver multiple UI updates.
    Logic must to be similar to "flush" functionality of ORM frameworks, something like kyoto.SSAFlush(p)

    Required knowledge:

    • SSE API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events)
    • SSA lifecycle theory and code (https://kyoto.codes/extended-features.html#ssa-lifecycle and https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto/blob/master/ext.ssa.go)
    • SSA communication layer code (https://github.com/yuriizinets/kyoto/blob/master/payload/src/dynamics.ts)

    Issue might be pretty hard to implement for people unfamiliar with project, but very interesting for those who want to explore project codebase.

  • Prototype of functional way to define pages/components

    Prototype of functional way to define pages/components

    Current working prototype looks like this:

    func PageIndex(b *kyoto.Builder) {
    	b.Template(func() *template.Template {
    		return template.Must(template.New("page.index.html").ParseGlob("*.html"))
    	b.Init(func() {
    		b.State.Set("Title", "Kyoto in a functional way")
    		b.Component("UUID1", ComponentUUID)
    		b.Component("UUID2", ComponentUUID)
    func ComponentUUID(b *kyoto.Builder) {
    	b.Async(func() error {
    		// Execute request
    		resp, err := http.Get("http://httpbin.org/uuid")
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		// Defer closing of response body
    		defer resp.Body.Close()
    		// Decode response
    		data := map[string]string{}
    		// Set state
    		b.State.Set("UUID", data["uuid"])
    		// Return
    		return nil
  • Component actions not being executed

    Component actions not being executed

    I have an action which I've defined on a component. The component code looks like this:

    package components
    import (
    type SignIn struct {
    	Context  *gin.Context
    	Username string
    	Password string
    	Errors   []string
    func (c *SignIn) Actions() ssc.ActionsMap {
    	return ssc.ActionsMap{
    		"DoSignIn": func(args ...interface{}) {
    			var configService service.ConfigService = service.ConfigurationService("")
    			if configService.Error() != nil {
    				log.Printf("Error while connecting to DB service. error=%s", configService.Error())
    				c.Errors = append(c.Errors, "Internal server error")
    			log.Printf("Triggered sign in")
    			var dbService service.DBService = service.SQLiteDBService("")
    			if dbService.Error() != nil {
    				log.Printf("Error while connecting to DB service. error=%s", dbService.Error())
    				c.Errors = append(c.Errors, "Internal server error")
    			var loginService service.LoginService = service.DynamicLoginService(dbService)
    			var jwtService service.JWTService = service.JWTAuthService()
    			var loginController controller.LoginController = controller.LoginHandler(loginService, jwtService)
    			c.Context.Set("Username", c.Username)
    			c.Context.Set("Password", c.Password)
    			session := service.NewSessionService(c.Context, false)
    			token := loginController.Login(c.Context)
    			session.Set("token", token)
    			err := session.Save()
    			if err != nil {
    				log.Printf("Error while saving session. error=%s", err)
    			log.Printf("Login successful. user=%s", c.Username)
    			c.Context.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")

    The template:

    {{ define "SignIn" }}
    <div {{ componentattrs . }}>
        <h1 class="title is-4">Sign in</h1>
        <p id="errorFeedback" class="help has-text-danger is-hidden">
            {{ .Username }} {{ .Password }}
        <div class="field">
            <div class="control">
                <input class="input is-medium" value="{{ .Username }}" oninput="{{ bind `Username` }}" type="text" placeholder="username">
        <div class="field">
            <div class="control">
                <input class="input is-medium" value="{{ .Password }}" oninput="{{ bind `Password` }}" type="password" placeholder="password">
        <button onclick="{{ action `DoSignIn` `{}` }}" class="button is-block is-primary is-fullwidth is-medium">Submit</button>
        <br />
        <small><em>Be nice to the auth system.</em></small>
    {{ end }}

    and is included like this:

                    <div class="column sign-in has-text-centered">
                        {{ template "SignIn" .SignInComponent }}

    Where the component inclusion looks like this:

    package frontend
    import (
    type PageSignIn struct {
    	ctx             *gin.Context
    	SignInComponent ssc.Component
    func (p *PageSignIn) Template() *template.Template {
    	return template.Must(template.New("page.signin.html").Funcs(ssc.Funcs()).ParseGlob("frontend/new_templates/*/*.html"))
    func (p *PageSignIn) Init() {
    	p.SignInComponent = ssc.RegC(p, &components.SignIn{
    		Context: p.ctx,
    func (*PageSignIn) Meta() ssc.Meta {
    	return ssc.Meta{
    		Title:       "Test kodah's blog",
    		Description: "Test description",
    		Canonical:   "",
    		Hreflangs:   nil,
    		Additional:  nil,

    When I run the DoSignIn action it is not executed though;

        <button onclick="{{ action `DoSignIn` `{}` }}" class="button is-block is-primary is-fullwidth is-medium">Submit</button>

    I realize there's not a lot of documentation but I went off of the examples and this seems right.

  • Using ParseFS and embed.FS

    Using ParseFS and embed.FS

    I've been trying to figure out a pattern to use embed.FS and template.ParseFS for delivering the HTML files

    Do you have any examples for this? I've been struggling with a couple of different errors and including the Funcs with the parsed templates

    template: \"templates/pages.home.html\" is an incomplete or empty template

    	//go:embed templates
    	Templates embed.FS
    	return template.Must(
    		template.New("templates/pages.home.html").Funcs(kyoto.TFuncMap()).ParseFS(assets.Templates, "templates/pages.home.html"),
  • Up-to-date on Using the UIKit

    Up-to-date on Using the UIKit

    Hi guys,

    First of all, just wanted to take a moment and express my gratitude to your guys for making Kyoto a reality. It's awesome and really makes a lot sense for gophers to build out frontends on the fly. That said, I was wondering if you guys had any updated docs on using the UIKit. So far all the docs and demo projects I've come across were on an older version of the codebase and the apis have changed quite a bit since then. Would love some guidance here. Thanks in advance.

    Best, Jay

  • It is not possible to use `render.Custom` per component

    It is not possible to use `render.Custom` per component

    Each render.Custom call overrides global context. With this approach it wouldn't be possible to define custom rendering on a component level.
    As an option, we can store this in the state as internal, helpers.ComponentSerialize will remove it on state serialization.

  • Better Actions protocol implementation

    Better Actions protocol implementation

    Current approach is far from ideal. State and arguments are passed in SSE query, response must to be base64 encoded to avoid newlines issue (which increases the size of the response).

    Websockets cannot be considered:

    • They don't scale well (in case of keeping connection alive all the time)
    • Sometimes it requires special configuration of networking, especially on big projects
    • In some countries/hotels/public places you can see ports/protocols whitelisting, which immediately kills this approach
  • Support `tinygo` compiler

    Support `tinygo` compiler

    tinygo may provide a lot of benefits to the project, like compiling to smaller wasm payload and using in places where payload size is critical. I also consider as an option using kyoto for creating frontend, rendered on the Edge Network (f.e. Cloudflare Workers). Workers have a lot of limitations and tinygo may satisfy them.

  • Passing Go packages to Pages/Components

    Passing Go packages to Pages/Components

    Been playing around with Kyoto and really liking the pattern once I managed to get my head around it

    But now I'm starting to wonder what are the best practices for passing Go packages to Pages/Components seen as the handlers create a new instance of the page on each page load it's not possible to pass in a dependency inside the Page/Component structs

    One way I've managed to do this is passing it into the Context but I don't really want to fill up my context with lots of dependencies but I feel like there must be a nicer way of doing this that is more scalable?

  • Question - set cookie on response to SSA call

    Question - set cookie on response to SSA call

    How is it possible to access the request context from a call to a Server-Side Action. Say, for instance you want to set a cookie in the response to an SSA call.

    In the example demo app for the form submission example (email validator) you have the following:

    type ComponentDemoEmailValidator struct {
    	Email   string
    	Message string
    	Color   string
    func (c *ComponentDemoEmailValidator) Actions() ssc.ActionMap {
    	return ssc.ActionMap{
    		"Submit": func(args ...interface{}) {
    			if emailregex.MatchString(c.Email) {
    				c.Message = "Provided email is valid"
    				c.Color = "green"
    			} else {
    				c.Message = "Provided email is not valid"
    				c.Color = "red"

    I am aware you can create an "Init" method function to access the request context i.e.

    func (c *ComponentDemoEmailValidator) Init(p ssc.Page) {
        c.Page = p
        r := ssc.GetContext(p, "internal:r").(*http.Request)
        rw := ssc.GetContext(p, "internal:rw").(http.ResponseWriter)

    But how do you access the request/response context from within the "Actions()" method so that you can, for example, set a cookie in the response. Is this possible?

  • Interaction with complex state across different adapters is uncomfortable

    Interaction with complex state across different adapters is uncomfortable

    In the struct mode it's much easier to initialize nested components and interact with them in next lifecycle steps. In case of func mode (which is default now) we need to interact with kyoto.Store instance, which is OK for simple state, but interaction with nested components is awful. You need to understand how Core.Component works and use explicit type casting.

    Needs to figure out, how to simplify work with components.

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