An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language.

Go for Visual Studio Code


An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language.

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Open source projects and samples from Microsoft
  • After upgrade to Go 1.10 intellisense autocompletion stops working

    After upgrade to Go 1.10 intellisense autocompletion stops working

    I upgraded my Go distribution to 1.10 on Windows 7/amd64 and intellisense autocompletion stopped working for my custom packages. It is working for the standard library however. I've researched and tried solutions ( but nothing is working. I uninstalled all the Go tools and reinstalled, didn't fix it. Eventually I complete deleted all the %APPDATA% and extensions data for VS Code, uninstalled and reinstalled and this still did not fix the problem!

    My issue is pretty much like this old one:

    Using the example from that issue fails to work on my setup. That is, with a custom lib package:

    package lib
    type T struct{}
    func (t T) Do() {}

    and the following main:

    package main
    import "lib"
    type abc struct {
    	t lib.T
    func (a abc) do() {
    	// I have intellisense for a.t, but not for the Do function

    I don't get any intellisense for the lib package. FWIW the intellisense on a.t says "invalid type".

    I kept looking into this further and eventually tried running gocode directly from the command line (both from the terminal inside VS code and a powershell window outside VS code) The thing is, this works perfectly. Here's the output I get with the exact code shown above:

    PS C:\Go\workspace\src\lib\cmd> gocode -in="main.go" autocomplete c184
    Found 1 candidates:
      func Do()
    PS C:\Go\workspace\src\lib\cmd>

    I thought it might be GOPATH related but I only have one GOPATH I ever use and running Go: Current GOPATH from VS Code shows the correct one.

    I'm pretty much out of ideas but I think this shows that this is vscode-go related and not gocode. Please help. Thanks!

  • Support Go modules

    Support Go modules

    Now that vgo is available (, vscode-go will ~~remove imports~~ flag errors because it doesn't understand the module (go.mod) concept, assuming you've configured golint to do that.

    Other issues will come up as well and the only workaround I can think of is disable lint modules (possibly).

    I'm putting this out there since this is something we will definitely require .

  • Can't find any of the go tools?

    Can't find any of the go tools?

    I've been trying to install the plugin and not having any success, every time I start writing anything I see notifications like:

    The 'gocode' command is not available. Use 'go get -u' to install.

    and all the other tools it needs too. Even those these tools are in fact installed.

    I've verified $GOPATH/bin is in my $PATH and I'm running on Go 1.5.1 installed with brew.

  • You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH in latest VSCode

    You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH in latest VSCode

    Please direct general questions to:

    Please review the Wiki before filing an issue. Helpful pages include:

    Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

    What version of Go, VS Code & VS Code Go extension are you using?

    • Run go version to get version of Go
      • go1.14 darwin/amd64
    • Run code -v or code-insiders -v to get version of VS Code or VS Code Insiders
      • Above command didn't work but here is the version of VS Code: Version: 1.42.1 Commit: c47d83b293181d9be64f27ff093689e8e7aed054 Date: 2020-02-11T14:44:27.652Z Electron: 6.1.6 Chrome: 76.0.3809.146 Node.js: 12.4.0 V8: 7.6.303.31-electron.0 OS: Darwin x64 19.3.0
    • Check your installed extensions to get the version of the VS Code Go extension
      • 0.13.1
    • Run go env GOOS GOARCH to get the operating system and processor arhcitecture details
      • Darwin/AMD64

    Share the Go related settings you have added/edited

    Run Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command to open your settings.json file. { "go.formatTool": "goimports", "go.useLanguageServer": true, "go.buildOnSave": "off", "go.gopath":"/Users/igo/go/", "go.inferGopath": true }

    Describe the bug

    Since the last few days I keep on getting the following notification in VS code: You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH. Please see for information on how to set up your Go project.

    All my code runs. I did not change anything lately. It's very annoying with the pop up non-stop reminding me of having to edit my GOPATH. Even if I create a module, I get the issue. I have uninstalled and re-installed the extension and that didn't help

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. See error

    Screenshots or recordings

    If applicable, add screenshots or recordings to help explain your problem.

  • debug broken: vscode breakpoint set but not hit

    debug broken: vscode breakpoint set but not hit

    Using the Go-latest.vsix as instructed at has caused my debugging not working any more -- I'm setting the break point at the first line in my main, but this is the only thing that I get (in the debug console):

    2017/10/28 10:46:25 debugger.go:499: continuing
    continue state {"Threads":null,"NextInProgress":false,"exited":true,"exitStatus":1,"When":""}

    I.e., no break points works, and I simply cannot debug any more. Not using this Go-latest at least I can still do debugging. Is there any way I can go back?

    Once again, all my own code are not under GOPATH, as I want to distinct my own code from those I get from go get. That was the reason vscode-go was confused about GOPATH before and it might still be the reason that my debugging is not working, because after carefully examine the debug console log, I saw:

    Error on CreateBreakpoint: unknown file: /path/to/repo/gitwork/src/
    Error on CreateBreakpoint: unknown file: /path/to/repo/gitwork/src/
    All set:[null]
    All set:[null]

    However, under my normal file system, the files are just fine. E.g., both ls /path/to/repo/gitwork/src/ and file /path/to/repo/gitwork/src/ works just fine.

  •  Infinite Getting code actions from ''Go', 'Go', 'Go'' on save

    Infinite Getting code actions from ''Go', 'Go', 'Go'' on save


    when i'm trying to save go files, this will appear and it is infinitely running. How can I fix this? btw, auto-completion is not working.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Debugging goes into proc.go at every step

    Debugging goes into proc.go at every step

    I'm using go modules, and every debug step into or step over goes into a proc.go file gopark function and then goes back. You can see it in this gif.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Have some test and try to debug them.


    { "name": "Test", "type": "go", "mode": "test", "request": "launch", "remotePath": "", "port": 2346, "host": "", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/test", "env": { "GOPATH": "/Users/user/golang" }, "args": ["-test.short"], "showLog": false }

  • Auto-completion doesnt when using Go modules, if the pkg hasnt been imported

    Auto-completion doesnt when using Go modules, if the pkg hasnt been imported

    Using and the 0.6.90 version of this extension

    In the below case we dont get any completions.

    import (
    func main() {

    Update the quote. above to quote.Hello(), save the file. The next time auto-completions work

    import (
    func main() {

    @stamblerre Logging this issue here for tracking purposes as your fork doesnt support logging issues

  • Unverified breakpoint

    Unverified breakpoint

    When I place a breakpoint and then run delve through the IDE, the dots turn from red to "unverified". The debugger doesn't realise that the breakpoints are even there. When I exit debugger they go red again.

    Proviso: Occasionally it works as intended when I restart computer, but once it stops working, it never starts working again until a restart (which increases the chance of it working)

  • Use WSL go environment for tools

    Use WSL go environment for tools

    I would like to have my environment set in WSL (bash.exe) and not in Windows, can vscode-go exec bash.exe before running the tools (golint, goreturns, etc) ?

    I have the following settings but doesn't appear to work:

        "": "C:\\WINDOWS\\sysnative\\bash.exe",
        "terminal.external.windowsExec": "C:\\WINDOWS\\sysnative\\bash.exe",
        "go.goroot": "/usr/local/go"

    vscode alerts with:

    Cannot find \usr\local\go\bin\go.exe
  • Unverified breakpoint

    Unverified breakpoint

    From @1dnmr on June 9, 2016 13:18

    • VSCode Version: 1.2.0
    • OS Version: OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Install latest version of Visual Studio Code with all necessary extension for Go lang developing according to this article
    2. Set breakpoint and start debugging.

    Breakpoint become grey. If point cursor on them you will see "Unverified Breakpoint" hint appears. I've searched how to fix it but nothing is helped.

    Copied from original issue: Microsoft/vscode#7475

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