Ditto is a CLI testing tool that helps you verify if multiple HTTP endpoints have the same outputs.


Go Report Card

Ditto is a CLI testing tool that helps you verify if multiple HTTP endpoints have the same outputs.

One of the use case of Ditto is regression testing between two or more HTTP endpoints.


  1. Works with normal HTTP REST API and GraphQL endpoints with various stringifiable response bodies.
  2. Parallel test execution.
  3. Configurability.


Make sure that you have Go installed in your machine.

Ditto comes with two separate binaries, ditto and ditto-gen. ditto is the core of Ditto that executes your tests while ditto-gen is a utility tool that helps you write tests for ditto.

You can install Ditto by executing the following command in your terminal.

go install github.com/Namchee/ditto/cmd/ditto

To install ditto-gen instead, you can execute the following command.

go install github.com/Namchee/ditto/cmd/ditto-gen

Test Structure

When Ditto is being executed, Ditto will try to search for test definitions that should be stored in the test directory folder.

A test is defined as a JSON file with the following format.

Key Type Description
name string Test name. Used when reporting test run results.
endpoints []Endpoints List of endpoints that should be tested. There must be at least two endpoints for a valid test definition.

An endpoint is defined as an object with the following format.

Key Type Description
host string Host name. Must be an IP or an URL.
method string Case-sensitive HTTP method. Must be either GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE
query object Query object to be sent when sending HTTP request.
body object Request body to be sent when sending HTTP request.
headers object Request headers to be sent when sending HTTP request.
timeout integer Endpoint timeout in seconds. A test will automatically fail if an endpoint timeouts.

Please refer to ditto-test directory for test samples.



The ditto command is a command that runs predefined tests in the current working directory. This command does not accept any extra inputs.


The ditto-gen command is a utility command that helps you create your test definitions. ditto-gen can be executed from your terminal with the following command.

ditto-gen <file_name> <test_name>

ditto-gen accepts the following arguments:

Name Type Description
filename string Test file name. Should be suffixed with .json.
testname string Test name. Used on reporting and test execution logs.


When Ditto is executed, Ditto will try to look for ditto.config.json at the current working directory. If the corresponding file is found, Ditto will use the file as a configuration file that modifies the behavior of Ditto.

Below are the list of possible configuration for Ditto.

Name Type Default Description
test_directory string ditto-test Test directory which stores all test definitions that are going to be executed by Ditto.
log_directory string ditto-log Test execution log directory which stores all test logs when one or more tests are failing.
strict boolean false Determine if Ditto should stop test execution when one or more test definitions are invalid.
workers integer Determine the maximum number of tests that should be executed in parallel.
status boolean false Determine if passing tests should also require the same HTTP response status.

Test Logs

When a test fails, Ditto will attempt to log the test execution result in a folder with the same name as log_directory in JSON format. A test log will be named with the test name corresponding to the test data.

Test logs is an object with the following properties.

Name Type Default Description
name string ditto-test Test name.
err string ditto-log Test errors when calling the endpoint.
result []Endpoint Fetch result.


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Software Engineer | Loves Open Source and Community Movement | Inactive? Probably machine broke or RL stuff
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