GOLF(Go Light Filter), golf dependents Gorm and Gin.


GOLF(Go Light Filter), golf dependents Gorm and Gin. golf can help you build model query as fast as,build model query like Django Rest Framework.


define model

type testModel struct {
    ID       int    `json:"id"`
    UserID   int    `json:"user_id"`
    Username string `json:"username"`

implement Golf Query

use golf must implement this interface , map key is go struct member name

func (m *testModel) Field() map[string][]golf.Filter {
    return map[string][]golf.Filter{
        "ID":       {golf.Equal},
        "UserID":   {golf.Equal, golf.Gte},
        "Username": {golf.Equal, golf.Like},

use with Gin

TODO you can read the example

// URL path /ping?eq_id=1&like_username=test
// sql log should be  SELECT * FROM "test_model" WHERE username LIKE 'test' AND id = 1 LIMIT 10
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