Source code analyzer that helps you to make your Go programs more consistent.


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Source code analyzer that helps you to make your Go programs more consistent.

Quick start / Installation

This install go-consistent binary under your $GOPATH/bin:

go get

If $GOPATH/bin is under your system $PATH, go-consistent command should be available after that.
This should print the help message:

go-consistent --help

You can pass package names and separate Go filenames to the go-consistent tool:

go-consistent foo.go bar.go mypkg

You can also use std, ./... and other conventional targets that are normally understood by Go tools.

  • If you want to check consistency of a single file or package, just provide their name
  • If you want to check the whole project, you should pass all its packages as an arguments

Suppose your project occupies separate $GOPATH, then you can check the entire project by doing:

cd $(go env GOPATH)/src
go-consistent -v ./...


To understand what go-consistent does, take a look at these 3 lines of code:

lit1 := map[K]V{}
lit2 := map[K]V{}
m := make(map[K]V)

lit1, lit2 and m are initialized to an empty, non-nil map. The problem is that you have at least 2 ways to do it:

  1. lit1 and lit2 use the first option, the map literal
  2. m uses the second option, the make function

Neither of these are the "best", but on the package or project level, you might want to prefer only one of them, for consistency reasons.

go-consistent tool detects that map literal used more frequently (2 vs 1) in the example above, so it suggest you to replace m initialization expression to use map literal instead of make function.

There are many similar cases where you have 2 or more options of expressing the same thing in Go, go-consistent tries to handle as much patterns as possible.

Project traits

  • Zero-configuration. Defaults should be good enough for most users. Other configuration is performed using command line arguments.
  • Can handle projects of any size. This means that there should be no significant memory consumption growth with the increased number of packages being checked. There can be "fast, but memory-hungry" option that can work best for small-average projects, but it should be always possible to check huge projects on the developer machine.

Complete list of checks performed

  1. unit import
  2. zero val ptr alloc
  3. empty slice
  4. empty map
  5. hex lit
  6. range check
  7. and-not
  8. float lit
  9. label case
  10. untyped const coerce
  11. arg list parens
  12. non-zero length test
  13. default case order

unit import

// A: no parenthesis
import "fmt"

// B: with parenthesis
import (

zero val ptr alloc

// A: new call

// B: address of literal

empty slice

// A: make call
make([]T, 0)

// B: slice literal

empty map

// A: make call

// B: map literal

hex lit

// A: lower case a-f digits

// B: upper case A-F digits

range check

// A: left-aligned
x > low && x < high

// B: center-aligned
low < x && x < high


// A: using &^ operator (no space)
x &^ y

// B: using & and ^ (with space)
x & ^y

float lit

// A: explicit int/frac parts

// B: implicit int/frac parts

label case

// A: all upper case

// B: upper camel case

// C: lower camel case

untyped const coerce

// A: LHS type
var x int32 = 10
const y float32 = 1.6

// B: RHS type
var x = int32(10)
const y = float32(1.6)

arg list parens

// A: closing parenthesis on the same line

// B: closing parenthesis on the next line

non-zero length test

// A: compare as "number of elems not equal to zero"
len(xs) != 0

// B: compare as "more than 0 elements"
len(xs) > 0

// C: compare as "at least 1 element"
len(xs) >= 1

default case order

// A: default case is the first one
switch {
	return "?"
case x > 10:
	return "more than 10"

// B: default case is the last one
switch {
case x > 10:
	return "more than 10"
	return "?"
  • go-consistent should ignore generated files

    go-consistent should ignore generated files

    Sometimes, generated files will be caught by go-consistent, since the source of these files should not be checked. See golang/go#13560 for more information about the standard way to detect generated code.

  • Fix multiple matches for different op variants

    Fix multiple matches for different op variants

    Single node can cause multiple variants to be matched. This increases multiple counters for conflicting variants => this is a bug. Variants should be matched sequentially, one after another, until any of them matches.

  • update to fix error on go 1.14

    update to fix error on go 1.14

    From go 1.14, an error occurs:

    internal error: nil Pkg importing "go/ast" from " []"

    To fix this, update x/tools:

    go get && go mod tidy


  • Investigate duplicated checker output

    Investigate duplicated checker output

    During the check, there were duplicated warning messages. Seems like go/packages is still not used properly.

    go-consistent output:

    $GOPATH/src/ empty map: use make(map[K]V)
    $GOPATH/src/ arg list parens: align `)` to a same line with last argument
    $GOPATH/src/ empty map: use make(map[K]V)
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ empty map: use make(map[K]V)
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ empty map: use make(map[K]V)
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis
    $GOPATH/src/ unit import: wrap single-package import spec into parenthesis

    For example, lint_private.go:20:25: empty map: use make(map[K]V) reported twice there.

  • Handle types that are not defined inside checked files

    Handle types that are not defined inside checked files

    With the current approach, typeof functions can't return proper types for types imported from the other packages.

    This leads to incomplete type info which in turn makes go-consistent report fewer warnings than it should.

  • Check scope constraints

    Check scope constraints

    Some checks need to be constrained to the function body. See #4 for example. It's illegal to use := outside of the function, so it should not be applied to every var decl.

  • arg list slice doesn't detect all cases

    arg list slice doesn't detect all cases

    Found only 3:

    ./heatmap/add_profile_test.go:399:13: arg list parens: align `)` to a same line with last argument
    ./heatmap/add_profile_test.go:436:13: arg list parens: align `)` to a same line with last argument
    ./heatmap/add_profile_test.go:455:13: arg list parens: align `)` to a same line with last argument


  • extend empty slice

    extend empty slice

    I see the empty slice section

    does it make sense to include a var initialisation too? eg

    	a := make([]int, 0)
    	b := []int{}
    	var c []int

  • Module rename has broken indirectly golangci-lint

    Module rename has broken indirectly golangci-lint

    Your latest commit s/Quasilyte/quasilyte might have broken projects that reference indirectly (maybe even directly, not sure) go-consistent since go mod is case-sensitive and checks the paths (see this issue).

    I am not sure if this is the right place to report it, but since it is the source of the error, I just wanted to warn you in case it is an unexpected side effect. The dependency chain is golangci-lint -> go-critic -> go-consistent.

    To reproduce:

    GO111MODULE=on go get -u              
    go: finding master                                                                      
    go: finding master                                                                                    
    go: finding master                                                                                        
    go: finding latest
     go: finding latest
    go:[email protected]: parsing go.mod: unexpected module path ""
    go: finding latest
    go: finding latest
    go: finding latest
    go get: error loading module requirements     
  • Add Errformat to ReviewDog

    Add Errformat to ReviewDog

    Currently it seems that Reviewdog doesn't support go-consistent.

    Here is the error that Reviewdog spews out:

    reviewdog: "goconsistent" is not supported. consider to add new errrorformat to

    While it is possible to workaround this by defining a custom error format for Reviewdog, this is error-prone since whenever the output of the tool changes Reviewdog will fail to parse the output. For the same reason I think any non-maintainer that tries to make a PR to Reviewdog for adding error format for go-consistent will run into the same concern.

    I hope the maintainers of go-consistent will consider this!

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