LuaHelper is a High-performance lua plugin, Language Server Protocol for lua.

Lua Helper Guide



Lua is very popular in game development because of its simple syntax and flexible use. However, its ecology is not perfect, and IDE tools and support are few, which affects Lua's development efficiency and quality. LuaHelper complies with Microsoft Language Server Protocol and is a cross-platform Lua code editing and testing tool developed in go language. Compared with other Lua plugins currently on the market, it has the following improvements:

  • 1. Coroutine development, real-time detection, millisecond output detection results
  • 2. Support large-scale Lua projects, perfectly support editing and testing of 1000+ file project
  • 3. Comprehensive error type detection, including: grammar detection, semantic detection
  • 4. Various types of reference search, including: multi-file reference search, multi-layer reference search
  • 5. Rich configurable items, including: multiple alarm information configurations, ignorable file settings
  • 6. Low memory consumption, low-performance machines can still run smoothly

Lua因其语法简单、使用灵活,在游戏开发中十分流行。但其生态并不完善,IDE开发工具及配套支持较少,一定程度上影响了Lua的开发效率及质量。LuaHelper遵从微软Language Server Protocol协议,是采用go语言开发的一种跨平台Lua代码编辑及检测工具。


  • 1.协程开发,实时检测,毫秒级输出检测结果
  • 2.支持大型Lua项目,完美支持1000+文件项目工程的编辑与检测
  • 3.全面的错误类型检测,包括:语法检测、语义检测
  • 4.多种类引用查找,包括:多文件引用查找、多层引用查找
  • 5.丰富的可配置项,包括:多种告警信息配置、可忽略文件设定
  • 6.内存消耗低,低性能机器仍可流畅运行


Background [项目背景] | Configuration [检查配置] | Manual [源码介绍] | Annotate [注解功能]

Feature Summary

Code Editing

Code Detection

Debug lua

调试功能集成了腾讯开源LuaPanda的调试组件,采用了Debug Adapter Protocol调试协议。debugger主体使用lua语言开发,调试程序只要引入LuaPanda.lua文件,即可方便开启调试功能。


App Market Installation




  • luago-books, go语言生成lua的AST,修改了源码(对AST的每个节点增加了列的属性,同时也优化了性能)。
  • LuaFormatter, c++写的Lua代码格式化库,性能较高。
  • LuaPanda, 集成了LuaPanda的调试组件,LuaPanda的作者stuartwang也给我们提供了很多帮助。
  • EmmyLua, 作者阿唐对我们整个插件的实现提供很多帮助和建议。


If you have any questions, please refer to FAQ. If you have any questions, please use issues. We will follow and reply. 如有问题先参阅 FAQ ,如有问题建议使用 issues ,我们会关注和回复。

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


  • return定义的的类型无法传递出来了!


    ---@class MyModel
        local myModel = class('MyModel')
        ---@return MyModel
        function getMyModel()
            return myModel
        local model = getMyModel()  -- type is any ??

    麻烦作者抽看看一下,是不是之前改出bug了? 这还是非常常用的提示功能,听影响coding的。

  • [bug] 执行文件时未加入双引号以及“luaPath”定义无效

    [bug] 执行文件时未加入双引号以及“luaPath”定义无效

    VSCode Version: 1.62.2 Extension Version: v0.2.2

    问题描述: 在独立文件调试模式中

    1. 当系统登陆用户名含有空格时,其路径事例类似:”C:/Users/USER 1“,这种情况下当Lua Helper执行自身路径下的Lua5.4.exe时未加入双引号,致使CMD/PS因存在空格无法执行对应文件,表现为 'c:/Users/USER' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。 建议加入双引号或者使用%USERPROFILE%

    2. 为了解决问题1,我尝试修改launch.json中的luaPath为 %USERPROFILE%/.vscode/extensions/yinfei.luahelper-0.2.2/debugger/luasocket/win/x64/lua5.4/lua54.exe 后执行调试发现没有变化,遂改成说明中默认的 "C:/lua5.3/lua.exe" 发现执行调试时的命令行依旧无变化 提示该配置没有起到正确作用

  • 插件一直报错,连接已关闭






    • 系统:Windows 11
    • 网络:广东电信 / 香港梯子(国内白名单模式)
    • VSCode Insider 版本
    • Lua Helper:v0.2.11


    [Info  - 09:06:18] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
    [Error - 09:06:18] Request textDocument/documentHighlight failed.
    Error: Connection got disposed.
        at Object.dispose (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\connection.js:1061:27)
        at Object.dispose (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:73:35)
        at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:2474:42)
        at LanguageClient.handleConnectionClosed (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\node\main.js:159:15)
        at closeHandler (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:2461:18)
        at CallbackList.invoke (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\events.js:55:39)
        at (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\events.js:117:36)
        at closeHandler (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\connection.js:260:26)
        at CallbackList.invoke (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\events.js:55:39)
        at (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\events.js:117:36)
        at StreamMessageReader.fireClose (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\messageReader.js:40:27)
        at Socket.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Akkariin\.vscode-insiders\extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.11\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\messageReader.js:125:42)
        at Socket.emit (node:events:402:35)
        at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:687:12)
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x68 pc=0xf4cea9]
    goroutine 600 [running]:
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).findGlobalVar(0xc0002cf680, 0xc00023330b, 0xc, 0x3, 0x0, 0x3, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000400000, ...)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_search.go:378 +0x549
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).findNameStr(0xc0002cf680, 0xc00040be60, 0x0)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_search.go:430 +0x23d
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).cgNameExp(0xc0002cf680, 0xc00040be60, 0x0)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_exp.go:69 +0x65
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).cgExp(0xc0002cf680, 0xff7180, 0xc00040be60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_exp.go:22 +0x2eb
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).cgFuncCallStat(0xc0002cf680, 0xc00058d720)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_stat.go:47 +0x71
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).cgStat(0xc0002cf680, 0xff6f00, 0xc00058d720)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_stat.go:14 +0x4bd
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).cgBlock(0xc0002cf680, 0xc000216690)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis_block.go:10 +0x77
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis.(*Analysis).HandleTermTraverseAST(0xc0002cf680, 0x4, 0xc000426a50, 0x0)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/analysis/analysis.go:412 +0x132
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check.(*AllProject).handleFindferences(0xc000183110, 0xc0002cf5e0)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/check_lsp_references.go:29 +0x1f3
    luahelper-lsp/langserver/check.(*AllProject).FindReferences(0xc000183110, 0xc000546840, 0x59, 0xc000129930, 0x3, 0xc00020acf0, 0x1, 0x1)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/check/check_lsp_references.go:128 +0x805
    luahelper-lsp/langserver.(*LspServer).TextDocumentHighlight(0xc00019c140, 0x110ea20, 0xc00020ac30, 0xc0005467e0, 0x5d, 0x21000000c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    	G:/companyproject/LuaHelper/github/LuaHelper/luahelper-lsp/langserver/textdocument_highlight.go:39 +0x247, 0xc00006d050, 0x13, 0x108a7e1, 0x4, 0xc00020ac60, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc00020ac60, 0x199, ...)
    	D:/Go/src/reflect/value.go:476 +0x907
    reflect.Value.Call(0x1019640, 0xc00006d050, 0x13, 0xc00020ac60, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc00020ac60, 0x1)
    	D:/Go/src/reflect/value.go:337 +0xc5, 0xc00020ac30, 0xc0004be140, 0x1058680, 0xc00020ac30, 0x101db00, 0x1359c40)
    	D:/Go/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/handler/handler.go:240 +0x1fb, 0x110ea20, 0xc00020ac30, 0xc0004be140, 0x0, 0x0, 0x110ea20, 0xc00020ac30)
    	D:/Go/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/handler/handler.go:23 +0x4b*Server).invoke(0xc0001a0000, 0x110e978, 0xc0004be180, 0x1109300, 0xc00006f440, 0xc0004be140, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    	D:/Go/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:351 +0x1ae*Server).dispatch.func1.1()
    	D:/Go/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:233 +0xec
    created by*Server).dispatch.func1
    	D:/Go/gopath/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:236 +0x15e
  • err vscodeRoot: is not exist

    err vscodeRoot: is not exist

    How to reproduce the bug Method 1:

    1. open a new vscode window (CTRL+SHIFT+O)
    2. CTRL + O
    3. Select the .lua file

    Method 2:

    1. Open Windows File Explorer
    2. Open the .lua file with a double click


  • Run lua-format failed with exit code: 3221225595

    Run lua-format failed with exit code: 3221225595

    插件版本:0.2.9 VSCode版本: 1.62.3 OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19043

    格式化报错,开启日志也没有报错输出。 直接执行 extensions\yinfei.luahelper-0.2.9\server\win32\lua-format.exe 提示 “应用程序无法正常启动(0xc000007b)”


    可能是插件自带 lua-format.exe 有问题?

  • LuaHelper-DebugFile


    LuaHelper-DebugFile 一闪而过 不起作用,麻烦给看看休息 ,luaPath/packagePath填写什么呢 { "type": "LuaHelper-Debug", "request": "launch", "name": "LuaHelper-DebugFile", "luaPath": "", "packagePath": [], "luaFileExtension": "cocos2dx", "connectionPort": 8818, "stopOnEntry": true, "useCHook": true, "logLevel": 1 }

  • for 循环没有注释提示

    for 循环没有注释提示

    ---@class Cat
    local Cat = class()
    function Cat:test()
    ---@type table<string, Cat>
    local catsMap = {}
    ---@return table<string, Cat>
    function getCatsMap()
        return catsMap
    ---@param catData Cat
    for catId, catData in pairs(getCatsMap()) do
        catData:test()  -- 这句打的时候没提示

    如题,这是一个简单的例子,for循环中的提示还是蛮常用的,期待这个支持能早日向emmet一样。 这是我在vscod中用到的最好用的插件了,所以很期待能早日解决这个需求,感激不尽~谢谢辛苦付出的作者

  • todo highlight on multi dashes

    todo highlight on multi dashes

    The change made within the json file makes the todo work on comments with multible dashes like this,

    -- todo: some things
    --- todo: these things
    ---------------                          todo: or these things
  • 当方法里 local 与 self 同名时,修正 self 指向正确的位置,通过 scope 寻找合适的 variable 位置

    当方法里 local 与 self 同名时,修正 self 指向正确的位置,通过 scope 寻找合适的 variable 位置

    修正下面这样的场景,hover 或 define foo:test() 中的 self:bar() 时,无法定位到 foo:bar()

    local AnyLib = require("anylib")
    local foo = {}
    function foo:test()
        local foo = {}
    function foo:bar()
  • 函数注解


    ---@param p1 number @
    ---@param p2 number | nil @
    local function func(p1, p2)
        p2 = p2 or 100
        print(p1, p2)

    期望p2可以不写,不写的话会自动给一个默认值 如果加了注解但是不写p2的话 会报错 这种应该怎么写

  • 无法调试



    PS D:\UserProfiles\Menu\Desktop\test> lua -e "package.path = 'c:/Users/MengyuZhang/.vscode/extensions/yinfei.luahelper-0.2.7/debugger/?.lua;'.. package.path; package.cpath = 'c:/Users/MengyuZhang/.vscode/extensions/yinfei.luahelper-0.2.7/debugger/luaso/MengyuZhang/.vscode/extensions/yinfei.luahelper-0.2.7/debugger/luasocket/win/x64/lua5.3/?.dll;'.. package.cpath; require('LuaPanda').start('',8818);" "d:/UserProfiles/MengyuZhang/Desktop/test/test.lua" [LuaPanda] [Error] reGetSock fail [LuaPanda] [Error] Start debugger but get Socket fail , please install luasocket! C:\Program Files\lua\lua.exe: error loading module 'socket.core' from file 'c:/Users/MengyuZhang/.vscode/extensions/yinfei.luahelper-0.2.7/debugger/luasocket/win/x64/lua5.3/socket\core.dll':
    %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。

    require socket的时候可以看到这个报错。单个文件调试的时候会这样。 项目里也不能调试,可能也是这个原因

  • [BUG] 多行注释格式化问题

    [BUG] 多行注释格式化问题

    Date: 2023年1月5日
    Author: msc
    local name = "msc"


    Date: 2023年1月5日
    Author: msc
    --]] local name = "msc"
  • Why does the extension needs to access Tencent Cloud?

    Why does the extension needs to access Tencent Cloud?


    Is there a way to optout?


  • Read config from .editorconfig for formatter.

    Read config from .editorconfig for formatter.

    charset = utf-8
    indent_style = space
    indent_size = 2
    insert_final_newline = true
    trim_trailing_whitespace = true
    max_line_length = 80
    quote_type = single

  • linuxlualsp进程占满CPU



    插件版本:v0.2.19 系统信息:Linux debian 5.10.0-19-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.149-2 (2022-10-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux

  • 能否添加类对象返回自身的类型推断


    如题,目前luaHelper 对于返回self的方法没办法自动推断类型,希望增加支持

    `---@class myClass local myClass = class("myClass")

    function myClass:GetSelf() return self -- deduce return type is any now, not myClass end `

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