KinK is a helper CLI that facilitates to manage KinD clusters as Kubernetes pods. Designed to ease clusters up for fast testing with batteries included in mind.

kink Logo


A helper CLI that facilitates to manage KinD clusters as Kubernetes pods.

Apache 2.0 Go Report Build Status GitHub release Go Mod


Table of Contents


Before getting started into the kink, we should talk about a bit KinD first who is not familiar with this project. KinD is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container _ nodes_. KinD was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI.

So, what is kink then, where does this idea come from?

kink is a CLI application that facilitates to run KinD cluster in Kubernetes Pod and also manages the whole lifecycle of these clusters such as by listing them, deleting them, etc. There is a very detailed guide about how you can run KinD cluster in a Pod, for more detail, please see because this is where the idea came from.

The idea is that when you want to run ephemeral clusters by using projects like KinD in your CI/CD system instead of having Kubernetes clusters, because it might cost more, you might want to run your KinD cluster in a Pod, especially if you are using Gitlab as a CI/CD solution and running your jobs as Kubernetes Pod. This project specifically aims to solve that problem. By using kink, you can easily manage whole lifecycle of your KinD cluster no matter how many they are as Kubernetes Pod.

How it works ?

Architectural Diagram


kink is a just a wrapper around managing Docker images which are purposely built to run KinD on Kubernetes clusters inside a Pod. As I mentioned above, there is very detailed guide that explains all the necessary details to run Kind on Kubernetes clusters inside Pod. So, there are some Docker images which we maintained it here. In this repository, we are providing Docker images for different version of Docker and Kubernetes . Then, kink allows you to create Kubernetes Pods based on Docker images we provide and connect to the cluster running inside a Pod. In order the connect to the cluster running inside a Pod, kink does some tricks such as creating Kubernetes Service and adding node IP which is scheduled on to the CERT_SANS addresses to make the connection secure over HTTPS.

kink uses labels to follow the user activities because we have to provide multi-tenancy support for our users in order to avoid stepping each other toes in same Kubernetes environment, you can see the label which we are currently using to achieve uniqueness.



If you have Go 1.16+, you can directly install by running:

$ go install

and the resulting binary will be placed at $HOME/go/bin/kink.


If you have brew installed, then you can easily download this with the following commands:

brew tap trendyol/trendyol-tap
brew install kink

Quick Start

$ kink --help
A helper CLI that facilitates to manage KinD clusters as Kubernetes pods

  kink [command]

Available Commands:
  completion              Generate completion script
  delete                  Ephemeral cluster could be deleted by delete command
  help                    Help about any command
  list                    List all ephemeral cluster
  list-supported-versions List all supported k8s versions
  run                     Ephemeral cluster could be created by run command

This shows how to:

  • list supported Kubernetes versions
  • pick one of these versions and run KinD cluster
  • list KinD clusters
  • delete KinD clusters

List supported Kubernetes versions

$ kink list-supported-versions

Run KinD cluster

  • Choose one of your favorite Kubernetes distribution such as KinD, Minikube, k0s, k3s, etc and run it first.

Create custer with kind

$ kind create cluster

Run kink

$ kink hello-world run --timeout 360
[1/1] Creating Pod hello-world... 100% [===============] (0.001 kB/s)KUBECONFIG file has been written to
the directory: /var/folders/pf/6h9t0mnd4d342ncgpjq_3zl80000gp/T/kink_kubeconfig3638074110/kubeconfig
Thanks for using kink!
Pod hello-world and Service hello-world created successfully!

You can view the logs by running the following command:
$ kubectl logs -f hello-world -n default

KUBECONFIG file generated at path '/Users/batuhan.apaydin/workspace/projects/trendyol/k8s-common/kubeconfig'.
Start managing your internal KinD cluster by running the following command:
$ KUBECONFIG=/Users/batuhan.apaydin/workspace/projects/trendyol/k8s-common/kubeconfig kubectl get nodes -o wide

List KinD clusters

  • You can list all the KinD cluster provisied by yourself:
$ kink list
default     pod/hello-world   5m5s   generated-uuid=99596236-4b08-4e09-82ec-db3158840a1c,runned-by=batuhan.apaydin_C02DM1U3MD6R

Delete KinD clusters

  • You can delete all the KinD clusters that you provisioned:
$ kink delete --all --force
Deleting Pod hello-world
Deleting Service hello-world
  • or you can delete one of them by speficying its name in the -name flag.

Autocompletion Support

To load completions:


$ source <(kink completion bash)

# To load completions for each session, execute once:
# Linux:
$ kink completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/kink
# macOS:
$ kink completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/kink


# If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment,
# you will need to enable it.  You can execute the following once:

$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ kink completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_kink"

# You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


$ kink completion fish | source

# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ kink completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/


PS> kink completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

# To load completions for every new session, run:
PS> kink completion powershell > kink.ps1
# and source this file from your PowerShell profile.
Trendyol Open Source
Trendyol Open Source
  • Can't install kink via the tap on a mac m1

    Can't install kink via the tap on a mac m1

    I tried installing kink using homebrew, but got the following error:

    Error: Invalid formula: /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/trendyol/homebrew-trendyol-tap/kink.rb
    formulae require at least a URL
    Error: Cannot tap trendyol/trendyol-tap: invalid syntax in tap!

    This is on a MacM1, MacOS 11.5 and Homebrew 3.2.12

    Updated issue to indicate that it's related to arm vs amd64.

  • feat: codecov support

    feat: codecov support

    What this PR does / why we need it: This PR adds codecov integration on unit testing

    Which issue(s) this PR related: Implements second task on #7

    Special notes for your reviewer: This is my first PR to Trendyol open source, so i am very open to any kind of feedbacks!

  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5.

    • bb82b55 Update dependencies to v0.25.5 tag
    • a278901 Merge pull request #114320 from liggitt/net-1.25
    • 66a7f88 Update 1e63c2f
    • a776e13 Merge pull request #113425aimuz/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112693
    • 31b32c7 Fixed (CVE-2022-27664) Bump to v0.1.1-0.20221027164007-c6301...
    • 7462d0d Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 101579e Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 0c43086 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • a4bfb3e dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • a7c4059 Update go.mod to go1.19
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.5.

    • e10d1ea Update dependencies to v0.25.5 tag
    • b2883ba Merge pull request #114320 from liggitt/net-1.25
    • fcb591b Update 1e63c2f
    • b63afdf Merge pull request #113425aimuz/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112693
    • 5aa9be7 Fixed (CVE-2022-27664) Bump to v0.1.1-0.20221027164007-c6301...
    • 166ab05 Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 4b5a638 Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 1904631 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • 8f4eb75 Merge pull request #112336enj/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112017
    • e278668 dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4.

    • 9ec5463 Update dependencies to v0.25.4 tag
    • 7462d0d Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 101579e Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 0c43086 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • a4bfb3e dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • a7c4059 Update go.mod to go1.19
    • ba42b40 Merge pull request #111677 from dims/stop-panic-in-govet-levee
    • ad85f5b run lint-dependencies and follow directions
    • 4a4c331 Stop panic in govet-levee CI job
    • 9139cfd Merge pull request #110495 from alexzielenski/atomic-objectreference
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.4.

    • 7226b15 Update dependencies to v0.25.4 tag
    • 166ab05 Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 4b5a638 Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 1904631 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • 8f4eb75 Merge pull request #112336enj/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112017
    • e278668 dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • 1874bc6 exec auth: support TLS config caching
    • db7e2d8 Merge pull request #112055aanm/automated-cherry-pick-of-#111752
    • c9008f3 client-go/rest: check if url is nil to prevent nil pointer dereference
    • 1a46dfd Revert "client-go: remove no longer used finalURLTemplate"
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.1

    build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.1

    Bumps from 3.8.5 to 3.12.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.0

    build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.0

    Bumps from 3.8.5 to 3.12.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    ... (truncated)

    • b6c19ea update ci
    • ea7804c update deps
    • 4c315a5 Merge pull request #142 from Mr1X/dev.exit
    • dd105e1 feat: exit the bar to keep current state
    • 3ad62b6 Merge pull request #140 from janpfeifer/master
    • 087d45b Fixes case where bar was being cleared on finished even with clearOnFinish==f...
    • 9e099d3 Merge pull request #137 from LeoVie/master
    • a08b713 #86 Add option to write description at end of line instead of begin of line
    • 9ee549e Merge pull request #136 from howeyc/long-running
    • 405949e downgrade uniseg
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3.

    • 62756ee Update dependencies to v0.25.3 tag
    • 166ab05 Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 4b5a638 Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 1904631 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • 8f4eb75 Merge pull request #112336enj/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112017
    • e278668 dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • 1874bc6 exec auth: support TLS config caching
    • db7e2d8 Merge pull request #112055aanm/automated-cherry-pick-of-#111752
    • c9008f3 client-go/rest: check if url is nil to prevent nil pointer dereference
    • 1a46dfd Revert "client-go: remove no longer used finalURLTemplate"
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.3.

    • 00398ec Update dependencies to v0.25.3 tag
    • 7462d0d Merge pull request #112808cheftako/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112689
    • 101579e Updated vendor to the new preferred versions.
    • 0c43086 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • a4bfb3e dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • a7c4059 Update go.mod to go1.19
    • ba42b40 Merge pull request #111677 from dims/stop-panic-in-govet-levee
    • ad85f5b run lint-dependencies and follow directions
    • 4a4c331 Stop panic in govet-levee CI job
    • 9139cfd Merge pull request #110495 from alexzielenski/atomic-objectreference
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.2

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.25.2

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.25.2.

    • 593f096 Update dependencies to v0.25.2 tag
    • 1904631 Merge pull request #112161pohly/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112129
    • 8f4eb75 Merge pull request #112336enj/automated-cherry-pick-of-#112017
    • e278668 dependencies: update to ginkgo v2.1.6 and gomega v1.20.1
    • 1874bc6 exec auth: support TLS config caching
    • db7e2d8 Merge pull request #112055aanm/automated-cherry-pick-of-#111752
    • c9008f3 client-go/rest: check if url is nil to prevent nil pointer dereference
    • 1a46dfd Revert "client-go: remove no longer used finalURLTemplate"
    • b3e4a40 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into release-1.25
    • c2f61ae Update removal warnings to 1.26
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.26.0.

    • c03910a Update dependencies to v0.26.0 tag
    • 4e662dd Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into release-1.26
    • caf2d40 Update 1e63c2f
    • 982d368 update to fix util tracing panic
    • cf309f8 Escape terminal special characters in kubectl (#112553)
    • 76d40a0 Merge pull request #112693 from aimuz/fix-GO-2022-0969
    • 39e2103 Fixed (CVE-2022-27664) Bump to v0.1.1-0.20221027164007-c6301...
    • 175ec90 Merge pull request #113256 from oscr/enable-gocritic-check
    • 8dd401d hack/tools enable additional linter in golangci-lint
    • b6a5653 Merge pull request #112988 from alexzielenski/update-kube-openapi
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.2

    build(deps): bump from 3.8.5 to 3.12.2

    Bumps from 3.8.5 to 3.12.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog:


    What's Changed

    ... (truncated)

    • c8cf82e update deps
    • 502db75 Merge pull request #146 from oerlikon/fix-full-width-test
    • b2ea7ac Fix TestOptionFullWidth not always working
    • f9d6be8 Add actual check to TestOptionSetElapsedTime
    • 23b4ee3 update deps
    • 82603fe Merge pull request #145 from oerlikon/fix-full-width
    • aef324e Add minor fix for full width mode
    • 6204e0e change branch for badge
    • 84d4294 Merge pull request #144 from oerlikon/fix-vet-tests
    • 56c5e5b Merge pull request #143 from oerlikon/use-strings-builder
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • Enable discussions?

    Enable discussions?

    This is a request to enable discussions, mostly because I wanted to ask a question, and don't really have a better place than right here to ask.

    What did you use to make the architectural diagram? I like the "hand-drawn sketch" look.

  • build(deps): bump from 2.3.2 to 2.3.6

    build(deps): bump from 2.3.2 to 2.3.6

    Bumps from 2.3.2 to 2.3.6.

    Release notes

    Sourced from's releases.


    No release notes provided.


    No release notes provided.


    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:


    No release notes provided.

    • 55474c3 Add a RemoveSelectAll and RemoveSelectNone config to multi-select (#439)
    • e47352f Fix README formatting for select descriptions (#426)
    • c2be27f Added an option to add a comment to every select's option (#418)
    • 93657ef Enable compilation under Go 1.18 (#417)
    • 459523e Add terminal.Cursor error handling on Windows (#414)
    • 6cbb195 Fix Survey output on Windows (#413)
    • c07023a Skip vi-dependent tests when there is no vi in PATH (#397)
    • 099a968 Fix multiple validator inconsistency (#401)
    • 1b28f27 fix: ensure terminal has required read settings in non-canonical mode (#409)
    • bcabe24 Stricter error handling in tests (#404)
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.24.4

    build(deps): bump from 0.22.1 to 0.24.4

    Bumps from 0.22.1 to 0.24.4.

    • 97e5df2 fix remove implicit copy of a lock
    • 6550efd Merge pull request #109102 from liggitt/darwin-tls
    • 00f0711 Merge pull request #109031 from Jefftree/openapiv3beta
    • 53a85ef Tolerate additional error messages in TLS unit tests
    • 9b5b68c generated: Update kube-openapi and vendor
    • 31e52c9 Merge pull request #108126 from sanposhiho/doc/generatedname
    • 3b8fb46 Merge pull request #108713 from jiahuif-forks/feature/openapi/intstr-any-of
    • dd2f21c fix the doc about generateName conflict
    • 2866f23 oneOf types for IntOrString
    • 7b6c37e oneOf types for Quantity
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark

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Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
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Please see Our Documentation for more in-depth installation etc. kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes".

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Kubectl plugin to run curl commands against kubernetes pods

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Viewnode displays Kubernetes cluster nodes with their pods and containers.

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PolarDB Stack is a DBaaS implementation for PolarDB-for-Postgres, as an operator creates and manages PolarDB/PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes. It provides re-construct, failover swtich-over, scale up/out, high-available capabilities for each clusters.
PolarDB Stack is a DBaaS implementation for PolarDB-for-Postgres, as an operator creates and manages PolarDB/PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes. It provides re-construct, failover swtich-over, scale up/out, high-available capabilities for each clusters.

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Manage large fleets of Kubernetes clusters
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Deletes completed pods that are owned by ArgoWorkflow.

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A kubectl plugin to evict pods

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Kubectl Locality Plugin - A plugin to get the locality of pods

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vcluster - Create fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters - Each cluster runs inside a Kubernetes namespace and can be started within seconds
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