Smart and simple CSV processing on the command line


smart and simple CSV processing on the command line

Are you looking for a way to process CSV data with standard UNIX shell commands?

Are you running into problems with embedded commas and newlines that mess everything up?

Do you wish there was some way to add some CSV intelligence to these UNIX tools?

  • awk, sed
  • cut, join
  • head, tail
  • sort, uniq
  • wc, split

This program can be used at the start and end of a text processing pipeline so that regular unix command line tools can properly handle CSV data that contain commas and newlines inside quoted data fields.

Without this program, embedded special characters would be incorrectly interpretated as separators when they are inside quoted data fields.

By using csvquote, you temporarily replace the special characters inside quoted fields with harmless nonprinting characters that can be processed as data by regular text tools. At the end of processing the text, these nonprinting characters are restored to their previous values.

In short, csvquote wraps the pipeline of UNIX commands to let them work on clean data that is consistently separated, with no ambiguous special characters present inside the data fields.

By default, the program expects to use these as special characters:

" quote character  
, field delimiter  
\n record separator  

It is possible to specify different characters for the field and record separators, such as tabs or pipe symbols.

Note that the quote character can be contained inside a quoted field by repeating it twice, eg.

field1,"field2, has a comma in it","field 3 has a ""Quoted String"" in it"

Typical usage of csvquote is as part of a command line pipe, to permit the regular unix text-manipulating commands to avoid misinterpreting special characters found inside fields. eg.

csvquote foobar.csv | cut -d ',' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | csvquote -u

or taking input from stdin,

cat foobar.csv | csvquote | cut -d ',' -f 7,4,2 | csvquote -u

other examples:

csvquote -t foobar.tsv | wc -l

csvquote -q "'" foobar.csv | sort -t, -k3 | csvquote -u

csvquote foobar.csv | awk -F, '{sum+=$3} END {print sum}'


To install using go, clone the repo and then build it:

> go build -o csvquote cmd/cvsquote/main.go
> cp ./csvquote /usr/local/bin

To install using Earthly (linux):

cp ./csvquote /usr/local/bin

Install on MacOS (X86)

cp ./csvquote /usr/local/bin

Install on Windows

# Then add to your path


This is a fork of original version in C by Dan Brown found here:

More specifically, this is a fork of a fork of the C version. It is based on a GoLang version Dan wrote at some point. Go makes cross-compilation easier.

Adam Gordon Bell
have a podcast about software development and work on software builds
Adam Gordon Bell
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  • Documentation could benefit from a few more examples.

    Documentation could benefit from a few more examples.

    Documentation does not let me conclude whether or not csvquote is the utility for the task I have in mind.

    How to use csvquote (and awk) to filter the rows of a CSV file where column "p_value" has values under 0.05?

    Users would appreciate that as it is such a common task.

    Thank you.

  • Remove quotation marks?

    Remove quotation marks?

    Hello! I love this tool! I thought of a small potential improvement:

    If the intention is that I am supposed to be able to work with CSV fields in awk, sed etc. one problem I'm hitting is that I need to deal with the actual quotation marks wrapping the columns. Would it be possible to skip the quotation marks around the fields and then readd them with csvquote -u (if needed?)?

    A problem/usecase: I have a CSV file containing a file of financial transactions. It looks likes this:

    "2022-06-02","Burger King","42"

    Unfortunately I'm not in control of the format of this file - that is I can't control the quotation. I would like to negate the amounts. My initial take was to do this with cat file.csv | csvquote | awk '{$3=-$3;print}' | csvquote -u. However, this doesn't work as $3 in awk is "22", not 22.

    Workaround: I can of course do gsub(/"/, "", $3);$3=-$3;$3="\"" $3 "\""; or something but it's pretty hacky. I could also of pipe my file through csvformat which I think should use minimal quoting, but it would be really nice to not have to do that.

    Proposal: Remove the output quotations because I think they aren't needed. Readd them when doing csvquote -u again (if needed?).

    Does this make sense?

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