Pattern matchings for Go.

Go pattern matching

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It's just another implementation of pattern matching in Go. I have been inspired by Python pattern matching, that's why I wanted to try writing something similar in Go :) For now the following matching are implemented :

  • Simple types (like int, int64, float, float64, bool..).
  • Struct type.
  • Slices (with HEAD, TAIL, OneOf patterns).
  • Dictionary (with ANY, OneOf pattern).
  • Regexp.
  • Additional custom matching (ability to add special matching for some, structs for example).


Fibonacci example:

func fib(n int) int {
	_, res := match.Match(n).
		When(1, 1).
		When(2, 1).
		When(match.ANY, func() int { return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }).

	return res.(int)

Simple types:

isMatched, mr := match.Match(42).
                When(42, 10).
// isMatched - true, mr - 10

With Structs:

  • Simple check value by type
val := TestStruct{1}

isMatched, _ := Match(val).
    When(func(TestStruct) {},  1).
  • Check value by type and condition
val := TestStruct{1}

isMatched, _ := Match(val).
	When(func(ts TestStruct) bool { return ts.value == 42 }, 1).
	When(func(ts AnotherStruct) bool { return ts.stringValue == "hello" }, 2).

With Maps:

isMatched, mr := match.Match(map[string]int{
                	"rsc": 3711,
                	"r":   2138,
                	"gri": 1908,
                	"adg": 912,
                	"rsc": 3711,
                	"r":   2138,
                	"gri": 1908,
                	"adg": match.ANY,
            	}, true).

With Slices:

isMatched, mr := match.Match([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}).
            	When([]interface{}{match.HEAD, 3, match.OneOf(3, 4), 5, 6}, 125).

With regexps:

isMatched, mr := match.Match("gophergopher").
            	When("gophergopher", func() interface{} { return true }).

Without result:

func main() {
	When(42, func() { fmt.Println("You found the answer to life, universe and everything!") }).
	When(ANY, func() { fmt.Println("No.. It's not an answer.") }).


Just go get this repository in the following way:

go get

Full example

package main

import (

func main() {
    isMatched, mr := match.Match([]int{1, 2, 3}).
        When(42, false).
        When([]interface{}{match.HEAD, 2, 3}, true).

    if isMatched {
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    func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
    	isMatched, _ := Match([]string{"one", "two", "three"}).
    		When(OneOf([]string{"one", "two", "three"}), true).
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    Do you have any idea on what is the fix for this? My task involve matching a slice of string with some pattern groups, in which Match is a perfect match. For a workaround, I can try writing a wrapper like:

    func OneOfWrapper(items ...interface{}) boolean {
    	isMatched, _ := ...
    	return isMatched || OneOfWrapper(items[1:]...)

    But it is not a preferable way, I suppose.

    Thanks for the awesome library!

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    Go version

    go version go1.19.1 darwin/amd64

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