Google Go Client and Connectors for Redis


Go Clients and Connectors for Redis.

The initial release provides the interface and implementation supporting the (~) full set of current Redis commands using synchrnous call semantics. (Pipelines and asychronous goodness using the goroutines and channels is next.)

Hope to add rigorous tests as soon as I have a better understanding of the Go language tools. Same applies to the makefile.
Also am not sure regarding the efficiency of the implementation (for the obvious reasons), but definitely a goal is to make this a high performance connector.


The code is consolidated into a single 'redis' package and various elements of it are usable independently (for example if you wish to roll your own API but want to use the raw bytes protocol handling aspects).


Both Go and Redis are dynamic projects and present a challenge in fully covering the possible combinations in the wild. Given the release of Go 1, this project will focus on Go 1 based Redis compatibility; we'll deal with the far off prospect of renewed major weekly changes in Go if and when that arises.

Current status is compatible with Redis 2.4.n (2.4.9 tested) and Go 1. Redis feature set is not fully covered and is WIP.

(Always refer to compliance_note.txt for current (accurate) status for specific branches.)

Getting started:

Get, build, and startup Redis:

chmod +x redis-server
./redis-server redis.conf


alphazero[13]:entrevous$ telnet localhost 6379
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Trying fe80::1...
telnet: connect to address fe80::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.



Connection closed by foreign host.

get, and install, Go-Redis

Go-Redis is built using the Go tool. The tool assumes the code will be in a folder $GOPATH/src/redis .

cd $GOPATH/src
git clone git:// redis
cd redis
go install

Confirm the install has created redis.a in your $GOPATH/pkg/ folder:

ls -l $GOPATH/pkg/"$GOOS"_"$GOARCH"/redis.a

e.g. on my Mac OS X (64b)

ls -l <my-gopath>/pkg/darwin_amd64

run the benchmarks

Basic benchmarks are in ~/bench. Use Go tool (go run ) to run the individual bench apps.

cd bench
# run the asyncbench.go 
go run asyncbench.go


Ciao.go is a sort of hello world for redis and should get you started for the barebones necessities of getting a client and issuing commands.

cd examples
go run ciao.go
  • support latest version of go r60 (released 2011/09/07)

    support latest version of go r60 (released 2011/09/07)

    support latest version of go r60 (released 2011/09/07)

    Added goinstall instruction to readme.

    Removed a debug output.

    tkawachi: Changed a response type for KEYS to MULTI_BULK simonjefford hopefully, this will now work with goinstall

  • not usable with go get

    not usable with go get

    I know this project has a lot of followers, it would be great if it could be installed with go get. The best way to do this is probably by renaming the repository to 'redis'. I did this here: For my own personal use.


  • Support goinstall

    Support goinstall

    goinstall allows you to auto-install github repos. I'm new to Go so I'm not sure what the underlying problem is. This would make it easy for noobs like me to install and use your project quickly.

    > goinstall -u
    goinstall: package has no files
  • GetResponse sometimes returns a NIL object

    GetResponse sometimes returns a NIL object

    I have a long-running web service that uses Go-Redis. Once on a while I get the following stack trace:

    SIGSEGV: segmentation violation Faulting address: 0x20 PC=0x40a44d

    redis·_connHdl·ServiceRequest+0x28b /home/mike/workspace/Go-Redis/src/pkg/redis/connection.go:263 redis·_connHdl·ServiceRequest(0x7947e1a0, 0x7fae, 0x4b5d60, 0x0, 0x785cd7d0, ...) redis·_syncClient·Llen+0xfc /home/mike/workspace/Go-Redis/src/pkg/redis/synchclient.go:442 redis·_syncClient·Llen(0x79479930, 0x7fae, 0x785d7ba0, 0x7fae, 0x16, ...)

    It seems that GetResponse in protocol.go sometimes returns a nil object. However, connection.go always assumes it's not nil. Perhaps a check should be added in connection.go that tests if the response is nil?

  • LREM command argument order

    LREM command argument order

    The LREM command of Redis server in version 5.0.3 expects three arguments in the order key count value. See the docs for more information.

    Currently, the commend seems to be implemented with the arguments in the wrong order (key value count) and therefore does not work.

    For replication of this problem try the following code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	spec := redis.DefaultSpec().Host(redis.DefaultRedisHost).Port(redis.DefaultRedisPort).Password(redis.DefaultRedisPassword).Db(1)
    	client, err := redis.NewSynchClientWithSpec(spec)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer client.Quit()
    	client.Lpush("test", []byte("Test"))
    	client.Lpush("test", []byte("Test"))
    	client.Lpush("test", []byte("Test"))
    	removedItems, err := client.Lrem("test", []byte("test"), 0) // current implementation
    	// removedItems, err := client.Lrem("test", 0, []byte("test")) // Should be implemented like this
    	if err != nil {

    Thanks in advance for your help with this problem! schoeppi5

  • Go Redis will get slow query (1 s) when application load is heavy

    Go Redis will get slow query (1 s) when application load is heavy

    I have a web API written in Go using Go redis. the API will connection to redis,fetch the newest 5 items in a 20-items list,do some iter computation,and reture the result. (I will use RPUSH to store the list )

    However,when a use http_load to run benchmark,the log shows that redis is slow. The slow rate is about 0.1%. Every time I run the benchmark,there will be slow log

    When I use Python script ,the redis response always in ms! How is that?

    the init connection code is as this:

    spec := redis.DefaultSpec().Host(host).Port(port).Db(db)
    conn, e := redis.NewAsynchClientWithSpec(spec)
    if e != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error creating client for worker: ", e)

    And the Lrange code is as this:

    futureData,err = (*Redis).Lrange("my redis key",- 5,-1)
    timeout := 100*time.Millisecond
    t := time.Now()
    mydata,err,timedout  := futureData.TryGet(timeout)
    if time.Since(t) > time.Second {
        log.Println("slow redis query[fetch result]")
  • Simple change to the benchmark import description.

    Simple change to the benchmark import description.

    Quick change that allows the benchmark files to be run without modifying GOPATH. With this change it should be possible to run the following series of commands

    go get echo "requirepass go-redis" | redis-server - & for i in src/*.go ; do go run $i done kill %1

    The idea is to make it super simple to run.

    Tested using the above commands.

  • Leave flag.Parse() to the main().

    Leave flag.Parse() to the main().

    Calling flag.Parse() in our init() inhibits others from using the flag module.

    All flag definitions must happen before flag.Parse() is called, and flag.Parse() can only effectively be called once. So a client pulling in Go-Redis also using the flag module would get an error of the form: flag provided but not defined: -the-client-app-flag

    We can't effectively coerce that flag.Parse() must happen, unless we use sync.Once to call it in our own API guarded by a call to flag.Parsed().

  • Make package installable using

    Make package installable using "go get"

    Please make the package installable using "go get" instead of the manual steps described in the readme. The go tool is the standard way to download and install packages. It does not look like anything in your package should prevent the use the go tool for installation.

  • adds automatic connection reconnecting

    adds automatic connection reconnecting

    Adds reconnect() methods for connHdl and asyncConnHdl which get called when connHdl.ServiceRequest() or asyncConnHdl.QueueRequest() fail. Adds basic implementation of asyncConnHdl.disconnect().

  • Use of flags in init() short circuits argument parsing

    Use of flags in init() short circuits argument parsing

    calling flag.Parse() in init() breaks flags module

    $ cat test/test_redis.go package main import ( "fmt" "flag" redis "Go-Redis" ) func main() { var configfile string flag.StringVar(&configfile, "config", "/etc/config.ini", "configuration file") flag.Parse() fmt.Println("Config file", configfile)

    spec := redis.DefaultSpec()
    _ = spec

    --- output ---

    go run test/test_redis.go -config /etc/config.ini flag provided but not defined: -config Usage of /tmp/go-build929316002/command-line-arguments/_obj/a.out: -redis:d=false: debug flag for go-redis exit status 2

  • confuse about description and example code in filte redis.go?

    confuse about description and example code in filte redis.go?

    Is there mismatch between description and code example? 1,From my understanding when introducing sync,async code is used,and introducing async,a old version async code is used.I can't find method "NewRedisPipeline(spec)".

    2, AsyncClient equals pipeline,right? and you didn't give a method named like "flush" or "batchCommit" for committing batched commands,the "futureBytes.Get()" is equivalent,right?

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