Redis powered simple OTS service - contains two endpoints, to create and find a secret


This is a simple service that stores and finds your secret. Small but powerfull service - does not have any unnesseccery dependencies.

Hightground overview

The service has 2 endpoints

Method Endpoint Parameters Response Description
POST /create-secret {Message: string,Password: string} {Entry:UUID,Expires:Datetime}} Saves a secret in DB for 20min
POST /secrets {Hash:string,SecretId:UUID} {Message:string} Extracts and deletes the secret from the DB

How to run locally

The easiest way to run this locally is to have docker installed. The server assumes there is a redis instance running and reachable by redisdb:6379. If you prefer to run a local redis server you can configure your /etc/hosts ( or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ) with redisdb

Run with docker

  • Run docker compose docker-compose up

Run with VSCode

  • Open the project as a dev container
  • Run go run . in the terminal


Although possible to run this service in production it is strongly discouraged. Redis is infamous for being easy pick for hackers.

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