GSQL is a structured query language code builder for golang.


GSQL is a structured query language code builder for golang.

Genreate SQL

= '100' err, s := gsql.Select("name", "age", "money"). From("user_info").Where("money >= ?", "100"). Build() t.Log(err) t.Log(s) } func TestSelectTag(t *testing.T) { type UserInfo struct { Name string `sql:"name"` Age int `sql:"age"` } // SELECT name, age FROM user_info WHERE money >= 999.90 AND age = 18 err, s := gsql.Select(UserInfo{}).From("user_info").Where("money >= ? AND age = ?", 999.9, 18).Build() t.Log(err) t.Log(s) } func TestSelectMix(t *testing.T) { //sql_test.go:36: missing parameters: where syntax lack of conditions //sql_test.go:37: SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info err, s := gsql.Select("name", 3.1415827, "age", 112, "money"). From("user_info"). Where("money >= ?", "100", "1").Build() t.Log(err) t.Log(s) } func TestSelectToStr(t *testing.T) { // SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding' sql := gsql.Select("name", "age", "money"). From("user_info"). Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").String() t.Log(sql) } func TestSelectAsName(t *testing.T) { // SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding' LIMIT 1 sql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")). From("user_info"). Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").Limit(1).String() t.Log(sql) } func TestSelectFilter(t *testing.T) { // offset=true SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1 // offset=false SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 1,3 syntaxSql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")). From("user_info") // SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1 sql := syntax.Limit(syntaxSql, true, 1, 3).String() t.Log(sql) } func TestSelectAlias(t *testing.T) { type UserInfo struct { Name string `sql:"name"` Age int `sql:"age"` Money float64 `sql:"money"` } sql := gsql.SelectAs(syntax.Alias(UserInfo{}, map[string]string{ "name": "用户名", "money": "金钱", })). From("user_info"). Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").Limit(1).String() t.Log(sql) syntaxSql := gsql.Select(UserInfo{}).From("user_info").Limit(2) err, s := syntax.Limit(syntaxSql, true, 1, 3).Build() t.Log(err) t.Log(s) //=== RUN TestSelectAlias //sql_test.go:92: SELECT name AS '用户名', age, money AS '金钱' FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding' LIMIT 1 //sql_test.go:98: limit syntax recurring //sql_test.go:99: SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info LIMIT 2 //--- PASS: TestSelectAlias (0.00s) //PASS } func TestSqlSelectOrderBy(t *testing.T) { type UserInfo struct { Name string `sql:"name"` Age int `sql:"age"` Money float64 `sql:"money"` } syntaxSql := gsql.SelectAs(syntax.Alias(UserInfo{}, map[string]string{ "name": "用户名", })).From("user_info") // SELECT name AS '用户名', age, money FROM user_info ORDER BY money DESC, age ASC sql := syntax.OrderBy(syntaxSql, []syntax.OrderRow{ {"money", syntax.DESC}, {"age", syntax.ASC}, }) s := syntax.Limit(sql, true, 1, 3).String() t.Log(s) } func TestCol(t *testing.T) { // name = 'Leon Ding' AND age = 19 sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").Equal("'Leon Ding'")). AND(syntax.Col("age").Equal(19)) t.Log(sql) } func TestIN(t *testing.T) { // name IN ('Jaco','Kimi') sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").In([]string{"Jaco", "Kimi"})).String() t.Log(sql) } func TestLike(t *testing.T) { // name LIKE '%Di%' sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").Like("%Di%")).String() t.Log(sql) } func TestBetween(t *testing.T) { // SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info // WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2000-01-08 00:00:00' // AND '2021-09-07 20:38:52' // AND age BETWEEN 10 AND 21 err, left := syntax.Col("created_at").Between([]interface{}{ "'2000-01-08 00:00:00'", fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")), }) err, right := syntax.Col("age").Between([]interface{}{10, 21}) sql := syntax.Condition(left).AND(right) syntaxSql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")). From("user_info").WhereBind(sql).String() if err != nil { t.Error(err) } t.Log(syntaxSql) } ">
package gsql_test

import (

func TestSelectString(t *testing.T) {
	// SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info WHERE money >= '100'
	err, s := gsql.Select("name", "age", "money").
		From("user_info").Where("money >= ?", "100").


func TestSelectTag(t *testing.T) {

	type UserInfo struct {
		Name string `sql:"name"`
		Age  int    `sql:"age"`
	// SELECT name, age FROM user_info WHERE money >= 999.90 AND age = 18
	err, s := gsql.Select(UserInfo{}).From("user_info").Where("money >= ? AND age = ?", 999.9, 18).Build()

func TestSelectMix(t *testing.T) {

	//sql_test.go:36: missing parameters: where syntax lack of conditions
	//sql_test.go:37: SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info
	err, s := gsql.Select("name", 3.1415827, "age", 112, "money").
		Where("money >= ?", "100", "1").Build()


func TestSelectToStr(t *testing.T) {

	// SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding'
	sql := gsql.Select("name", "age", "money").
		Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").String()


func TestSelectAsName(t *testing.T) {

	// SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding' LIMIT 1
	sql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")).
		Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").Limit(1).String()


func TestSelectFilter(t *testing.T) {

	// offset=true SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1
	// offset=false SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 1,3

	syntaxSql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")).

	// SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info LIMIT 3 OFFSET 1
	sql := syntax.Limit(syntaxSql, true, 1, 3).String()


func TestSelectAlias(t *testing.T) {

	type UserInfo struct {
		Name  string  `sql:"name"`
		Age   int     `sql:"age"`
		Money float64 `sql:"money"`

	sql := gsql.SelectAs(syntax.Alias(UserInfo{}, map[string]string{
		"name":  "用户名",
		"money": "金钱",
		Where("name = ?", "Leon Ding").Limit(1).String()

	syntaxSql := gsql.Select(UserInfo{}).From("user_info").Limit(2)

	err, s := syntax.Limit(syntaxSql, true, 1, 3).Build()


	//=== RUN   TestSelectAlias
	//sql_test.go:92: SELECT name AS '用户名', age, money AS '金钱' FROM user_info WHERE name = 'Leon Ding' LIMIT 1
	//sql_test.go:98: limit syntax recurring
	//sql_test.go:99: SELECT name, age, money FROM user_info LIMIT 2
	//--- PASS: TestSelectAlias (0.00s)


func TestSqlSelectOrderBy(t *testing.T) {

	type UserInfo struct {
		Name  string  `sql:"name"`
		Age   int     `sql:"age"`
		Money float64 `sql:"money"`

	syntaxSql := gsql.SelectAs(syntax.Alias(UserInfo{}, map[string]string{
		"name": "用户名",

	// SELECT name AS '用户名', age, money FROM user_info ORDER BY  money DESC, age ASC
	sql := syntax.OrderBy(syntaxSql, []syntax.OrderRow{
		{"money", syntax.DESC},
		{"age", syntax.ASC},

	s := syntax.Limit(sql, true, 1, 3).String()


func TestCol(t *testing.T) {
	// name = 'Leon Ding' AND age = 19
	sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").Equal("'Leon Ding'")).

func TestIN(t *testing.T) {
	// name IN ('Jaco','Kimi')
	sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").In([]string{"Jaco", "Kimi"})).String()

func TestLike(t *testing.T) {
	// name LIKE '%Di%'
	sql := syntax.Condition(syntax.Col("name").Like("%Di%")).String()

func TestBetween(t *testing.T) {

	// SELECT name, age, money AS '余额' FROM user_info
	// WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2000-01-08 00:00:00'
	// AND '2021-09-07 20:38:52'
	// AND age BETWEEN 10 AND 21

	err, left := syntax.Col("created_at").Between([]interface{}{
		"'2000-01-08 00:00:00'",
		fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")),

	err, right := syntax.Col("age").Between([]interface{}{10, 21})
	sql := syntax.Condition(left).AND(right)

	syntaxSql := gsql.Select("name", "age", syntax.As("money", "余额")).

	if err != nil {

Leon Ding
Jokes are truth.
Leon Ding
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