Common case conversions covering common initialisms.


go get ""

Package kace provides common case conversion functions which take into consideration common initialisms.


func Camel(s string) string
func Kebab(s string) string
func KebabUpper(s string) string
func Pascal(s string) string
func Snake(s string) string
func SnakeUpper(s string) string
type Kace
    func New(initialisms map[string]bool) (*Kace, error)
    func (k *Kace) Camel(s string) string
    func (k *Kace) Kebab(s string) string
    func (k *Kace) KebabUpper(s string) string
    func (k *Kace) Pascal(s string) string
    func (k *Kace) Snake(s string) string
    func (k *Kace) SnakeUpper(s string) string


import (


func main() {
    s := "this is a test sql."




    customInitialisms := map[string]bool{
        "THIS": true,
    k, err := kace.New(customInitialisms)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error




    // Output:
    // thisIsATestSQL
    // ThisIsATestSQL
    // this_is_a_test_sql
    // this-is-a-test-sql
    // thisIsATestSql
    // THISIsATestSql
    // this_is_a_test_sql
    // this-is-a-test-sql

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benchmark                 iter       time/iter   bytes alloc        allocs
---------                 ----       ---------   -----------        ------
BenchmarkCamel4        2000000    947.00 ns/op      112 B/op   3 allocs/op
BenchmarkSnake4        2000000    696.00 ns/op      128 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkSnakeUpper4   2000000    679.00 ns/op      128 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkKebab4        2000000    691.00 ns/op      128 B/op   2 allocs/op
BenchmarkKebabUpper4   2000000    677.00 ns/op      128 B/op   2 allocs/op
  • User-defined initialisms.

    User-defined initialisms.

    From @natefinch in #2

    I'd also like to have any functions that need to use the intiialisms list to have an alternate form that takes a customized list.

  • snake->camel/pascal misuses initialisms

    snake->camel/pascal misuses initialisms

    for example:

    foo_identifier gets turned into FooIDentifier instead of FooIdentifier

    I tried to look at the code to propose a fix but I honestly can't follow what it's doing.

  • Suggest splitting CamelCase into 2 functions

    Suggest splitting CamelCase into 2 functions

    It can make a big difference in usability to avoid using booleans in function signatures, since it's impossible to tell what true or false mean when you're just reading code.

    I suggest using CamelCase and PascalCase as function names (where PascalCase is the first upper and camel is first lower).

    I'd also like to have any functions that need to use the intiialisms list to have an alternate form that takes a customized list.

    I'm happy to make PRs for any of this.

  • Camel case

    Camel case

    Transformation to lower camel case does not work if your first character is upper case.

    e. g. Camel("NotAwesome",false) returns "NotAwesome" instead of "notAwesome".

  • Split Camel into two functions

    Split Camel into two functions

    This change splits the Camel into two functions, to avoid using a boolean to define behavior. Now it is two functions - Camel for lowercase first letter and Pascal for uppercase first letter.

    Also some small tweaking of doc strings.

  • Common initialisms in kace.Snake

    Common initialisms in kace.Snake


    Thanks for sharing this package. Do you think it is possible to support common initialisms in kace.Snake as well? For example:

    fmt.Println(kace.Pascal("http url"), kace.Snake(kace.Pascal("http url")))
    // HTTPURL httpurl

    The expected output is HTTPURL http_url. This is needed for generating SQL column names from Go field names.

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