Dapper is a CLI toolkit for compiling, deploying, and managing Algorand applications

🕴️ Dapper

Decentralized Application Manager for the Algorand Blockchain

Dappman is a Golang CLI toolkit for compiling, deploying, and managing Algorand applications. It is a thin wrapper built on top of goal app

🚧 Dapper is currently under development

Fetch from GitHub

The easiest is to clone Dappman in a directory outside of GOPATH, as in the following example:

mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/connorjcantrell/dapper.git
cd dapper
go install

Getting Started

algod address and token

Connect to a node using algod: How to obtain an algod address and token

Set environment variables:

  • $ALGOD_ADDRESS - Algod REST endpoint IP address
  • $ALGOD_TOKEN - Algod access token

Store path to boilerplate directory

  • You can clone the dapper-boilerplate-code repo to get started.
  • Alternatively, you can create your own boilerplate directory, however be sure to follow the following file structure:
│   │   
│   └───default
│       │    approval_program.py
│       │    clear_state_program.py
        │    index.rsh

Set DAPPER_BOILERPLATE_DIR environment variable to the absolute path of your boilerplate directory

  • The project structure of $DAPPER_BOILERPLATE_DIR/{language}/{template} Note: Dapper CLI gives you the ability to add your own boilerplate code with the dapper boilerplate command

Store secret passphrase (FOR TESTNET ONLY!)

Dapper is a work in progress, and therefore should not be used in production. Do not store your secret passphrase of any wallet that you are useing on mainnet.

  • $ALGORAND_PASSPHRASE - 25-word mnemonic is the most user-friendly representation of the private key


Initialize dapper inside a project directory:

dapper init --global-byteslices 0 -global-ints 0 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 0 --boilerplate pyteal

This will generate the following project structure:

    │   config.json 
    │   approval_program.py
    │   clear_state_program.py

.config.json is a local representation of the application details that exist on the Algorand Blockchain. This file will be referenced/ modified during create, update and delete commands. Application ID is initially set to 0 to signify the app has not yet been created.

Do not manually modify .config.json


	"application_id": 0,
	"block": 0,
	"creator": "",
	"revision": 0,
	"deleted": false,
	"global_state_schema": {
		"num_byte_slice": 0,
		"num_uint": 10
	"local_state_schema": {
		"num_byte_slice": 0,
		"num_uint": 0


dapper compile pyteal
  1. Searches for approval_program.py and clear_state_program.py in /src directory
  2. Compiles PyTeal down to TEAL, writes TEAL programs to /public directory
    │   config.json 
│   │   approval_program.teal
│   │   clear_state_program.teal
    │   approval_program.py
    │   clear_state_program.py


Issue a transaction that creates an application

dapper create

.config.json modifications

application_id will be changed from 0 revision will be increased by 1


Issue a transaction that updates an application's ApprovalProgram and ClearStateProgram

dapper update

.config.json modifications

revision will be increased by 1


dapper delete

.config.json modifications

deleted changed to true

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