Like Go channels over the network

libchan: like Go channels over the network

Circle CI

Libchan is an ultra-lightweight networking library which lets network services communicate in the same way that goroutines communicate using channels:

  • Simple message passing
  • Synchronization for concurrent programming
  • Nesting: channels can send channels

Libchan supports the following transports out of the box:

  • In-memory Go channel
  • Unix socket
  • Raw TCP
  • TLS
  • Websocket

This provides great flexibility in scaling an application by breaking it down into loosely coupled concurrent services. The same application could be composed of goroutines communicating over in-memory channels; then transition to separate unix processes, each assigned to a processor core, and communicating over high-performance IPC; then to a cluster of machines communicating over authenticated TLS sessions. All along it benefits from the concurrency model which has made Go so popular.

Not all transports have the same semantics. In-memory Go channels guarantee exactly-once delivery; TCP, TLS, and the various HTTP socket families do not guarantee delivery. Messages arrive in order but may be arbitrarily delayed or lost. There are no ordering invariants across channels.

An explicit goal of libchan is simplicity of implementation and clarity of spec. Porting it to any language should be as effortless as humanly possible.

Focused on not reinventing the wheel

Because remote libchan sessions are regular HTTP2 over TLS sessions, they can be used in combination with any standard proxy or authentication middleware. This means libchan, when configured properly, can be safely exposed on the public Internet. It can also be embedded in an existing rest API using an http1 and websocket fallback.

How is it different from RPC or REST?

Modern micro-services are not a great fit for classical RPC or REST protocols because they often rely heavily on events, bi-directional communication, stream multiplexing, and some form of data synchronization. Sometimes these services have a component which requires raw socket access, either for performance (file transfer, event firehose, database access) or simply because they have their own protocol (dns, smtp, sql, ssh, zeromq, etc). These components typically need a separate set of tools because they are outside the scope of the REST and RPC tools. If there is also a websocket or ServerEvents transport, those require yet another layer of tools.

Instead of a clunky patchwork of tools, libchan implements in a single minimalistic library all the primitives needed by modern micro-services:

  • Request/response with arbitrary structured data

  • Asynchronous events flowing in real-time in both directions

  • Requests and responses can flow in any direction, and can be arbitrarily nested, for example to implement a self-registering worker model

  • Any message serialization format can be plugged in: json, msgpack, xml, protobuf.

  • Raw file descriptors can be "attached" to any message, and passed under the hood using the best method available to each transport. The Go channel transport just passes os.File pointers around. The unix socket transport uses fd passing which makes it suitable for high-performance IPC. The tcp transport uses dedicated http2 streams. And as a bonus extension, a built-in tcp gateway can be used to proxy raw network sockets without extra overhead. That means libchan services can be used as smart gateways to a sql database, ssh or file transfer service, with unified auth, discovery and tooling and without performance penalty.

Example usage

Here's an example implementing basic RPC-style request/response. We gloss over error handling to tersely demonstrate the core concepts.

On the client:

var ch libchan.Sender

// Send a message, indicate that we want a return channel to be automatically created
ret1, err := ch.Send(&libchan.Message{Data: []byte("request 1!"), Ret: libchan.RetPipe})

// Send another message on the same channel
ret2, err := ch.Send(&libchan.Message{Data: []byte("request 2!"), Ret: libchan.RetPipe})

// Wait for an answer from the first request.  Set flags to zero
// to indicate we don't want a nested return channel.
msg, err := ret1.Receive(0)

On the server:

var ch libchan.Receiver

// Wait for messages in a loop
// Set the return channel flag to indicate that we
// want to receive nested channels (if any).
// Note: we don't send a nested return channel, but we could.
for {
	msg, err := ch.Receive(libchan.Ret)
	msg.Ret.Send(&libchan.Message{Data: []byte("this is an extremely useful response")});


Solomon Hykes

Additional Implementations


Javascript / Node.js

Copyright and license

Code and documentation copyright 2013-2014 Docker, inc. Code released under the Apache 2.0 license. Docs released under Creative commons.

Docker provides a simple and powerful developer experience, workflows and collaboration for creating applications.
  • New channel interface

    New channel interface

    Add a new single channel interface for sending receiving with support for dynamic types. Any type can contain channels or bytestreams as field values and communicate them over a channel. This is a work in progress and up for early review.

  • Update listener to use stream session

    Update listener to use stream session

    Listener is currently broken when multiple connections are created, using sessions allows proper separation of each connection. A sync condition is added around stream chans to avoid race conditions between setting stream chans and reading them. The original behavior used the global stream chan when the stream was not found, however that led to synchronization issues when sender/receivers sometimes got back different channels.

  • Streamchan implementation

    Streamchan implementation

    The network implementation is not transport agnostic. Netchan makes use of the stream provider and encoding interface.

    This PR may be split up and dependent on other PRs for new msgpack implementation, protocol updates, and encoding interface. Created this PR now to being reviewing interface.

    Depends on #85

  • New msgpack implementation

    New msgpack implementation

    I mark this as a work in progress since it is not ready to be merged. The code design may be reviewed since I plan on using this structure.


    • Different msgpack implementation
    • New raw message type
    • New extension implementation

    What this enables:

    • More efficient proxying
    • Zero copy in-memory channels
    • Partial Decoding
    • Sending/receiving non struct/map objects
  • Suggested order of implementation for the libchan protocol

    Suggested order of implementation for the libchan protocol

    I'm in the process of researching and designing a node.js/javascript implementation of libchan (i'm calling it Graft).

    I'm planning to use node streams as the base of the abstraction, and i'm aiming for a api similar in usage to gulp.

    What I'm wondering is, what you would consider the simplest proof of concept to bootstrap this implementation, so that I can iterate on the various components from there.

    So I guess, what does 'hello world' look like for libchan?

  • Fix references to dotcloud repo.

    Fix references to dotcloud repo.

    Fixes running tests in clean environment.

    go test ./...
    inmem_test.go:9:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        /Users/pnasrat/Library/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/pnasrat/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    FAIL [setup failed]
    inmem_test.go:9:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        /Users/pnasrat/Library/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/pnasrat/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    FAIL [setup failed]
    inmem_test.go:9:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        /Users/pnasrat/Library/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/pnasrat/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
    FAIL [setup failed]
    ok  0.006s
    ok 0.045s
  • request free ports from the OS

    request free ports from the OS

    Tests were hardcoded to ports that may not be available on the system. Some ports were reused in subsequent tests which caused tests to occasionally fail when the system didn't release these ports.

  • Clarify channel semantics

    Clarify channel semantics

    The readme says:

    network services communicate in the same way that goroutines communicate using channels:

    And the Golang spec, regarding asynchronous channels, says:

    elements are received in the order they are sent

    How does libchan enforce the ordering/delivery properties of golang channels when the underlying transport is disrupted--e.g., when re-establishing a TCP link that dropped, how does the channel state machine negotiate redelivery of incomplete in-flight messages? Do libchan channels yield at-least-once delivery? At-most-once? Exactly once? Are there any ordering invariants, or can messages be arbitrarily reordered? If ordering is preserved, what are the space costs on both sides of the network?

  • http2 fd too many files

    http2 fd too many files


    i'm implementing a server with libchan and http2, they work well, but they fail after some minutes with the error fd too many files open,when debug see the descriptor for libchan.Message.Fd create by the http2.StreamReceiver.Receive method used on the server, they grow and grow.. look, simple test, ulimit -n 80 then running de server the Fd grow:

    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:14 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{9 0})}
    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:15 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{13 0})}
    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:15 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{15 0})}
    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:17 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{23 0})}
    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:29 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{29 0})}
    • ...
    • adialer-handler2014/07/09 00:01:34 msg.Fd &{%!s(*os.file=&{72 0})}

    and boom!, i'm find a solution and it's closing the descriptor (msg.Fd.Close()) when then server finish the response,

    there a better way?


  • Use new msgpack implementation

    Use new msgpack implementation

    This change include use of a new msgpack implementation based on a fork of The changes were to support libchan were extended types, interface encoding, raw messages, and removing of a non-standard time encoding.

    Additional cleanup changes to support this PR include removing of the raw connection encoding in the spdy implementation which was never defined in the libchan protocol.


    • Different msgpack implementation
    • New raw message type
    • New extension implementation

    What this enables:

    • More efficient proxying
    • Zero copy in-memory channel transfer
    • Partial Decoding
    • Sending/receiving non struct/map objects

    fixes #47

  • [WIP] Bus implementation

    [WIP] Bus implementation

    Implementation of a bus using libchan to pass messages. There is a simple registration and message model to facilitate routing messages to clients connected to the bus. The design and implementation is in progress as this is just a prototype. There is also a higher level plugin interface being prototyped using this but not included in this PR.

Fix error formatting based on best practices from Code Review Comments

    Fix error formatting based on best practices from Code Review Comments

  • How to migrate code from v.0.1.0 version ?

    How to migrate code from v.0.1.0 version ?

    I'm trying to do the build of code and I am getting the following errors:

    • undefined: spdy.NewTransportListener
    • undefined: spdy.NoAuthenticator

    The code is:

    listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port))
    if err != nil {
    tl, err := spdy.NewTransportListener(listener, spdy.NoAuthenticator)
    if err != nil {

    This code run with v.0.1.0 of libchain

    I haven't found documentation of changes to be made in code when we want to migrate to the current version of libchain.

  • Encoding interface

    Encoding interface

    Adds encoding package to define encoding interface. Updates spdy package msgpack encoding to using new interface. Moves msgpack encoding into separate package.

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