Example used to try a compose application with Docker Dev Environments


Example used to try a Compose application with Docker Dev Environments.

This example is based on the nginx-golang-mysql sample of awesome-compose repository.

Compose sample application

Go server with an Nginx proxy and a MariaDB database

Project structure:

├── backend
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── main.go
├── db
│   └── password.txt
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── proxy
│   ├── conf
│   └── Dockerfile
└── README.md


    build: backend
    image: mariadb
    build: proxy
    - 80:80

The compose file defines an application with three services proxy, backend and db. When deploying the application, docker-compose maps port 80 of the proxy service container to port 80 of the host as specified in the file. Make sure port 80 on the host is not already being in use.

Deploy with docker-compose

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "compose-dev-env_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "compose-dev-env_db-data" with default driver
Building backend
Step 1/8 : FROM golang:1.13-alpine AS build
1.13-alpine: Pulling from library/golang
Successfully built 5f7c899f9b49
Creating compose-dev-env_db_1 ... done
Creating compose-dev-env_backend_1 ... done
Creating compose-dev-env_proxy_1   ... done

Expected result

Listing containers must show three containers running and the port mapping as below:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
d6752b317e6d   compose-dev-env_proxy                 "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   compose-dev-env_proxy_1
70bf9182ea52   compose-dev-env_backend               "/server"                About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8000/tcp                            compose-dev-env_backend_1
c67de604799d   mariadb                               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   3306/tcp                            compose-dev-env_db_1

After the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:80 in your web browser or run:

$ curl localhost:80
["Blog post #0","Blog post #1","Blog post #2","Blog post #3","Blog post #4"]

Stop and remove the containers

$ docker-compose down
Docker Samples
Official Docker Samples
Docker Samples
  • README.md proxy port mismatch

    README.md proxy port mismatch

    The README.md has a port mismatch between the text here:


    And the ports defined here:


    and here:


    The change in https://github.com/dockersamples/compose-dev-env/pull/6 updated the port mapping in README.md and in .docker/docker-compose-yaml but didn't update the ports in the root-leveldocker-compose.yaml file.

    This causes the instructions in "Deploy with docker-compose" to be wrong, as following:


    Will use the root level docker-compose.yaml, causing the proxy to be exposed on port 80, not 8080, as suggested in the section "Expected result":


    The fix is presumably a one line change in the proxy ports of docker-compose.yaml to match those in .docker/docker-compose.yaml?

  • CGO has to be disabled for alpine image

    CGO has to be disabled for alpine image

    Faced this issue while running your go binary with in alpine container. Export the following variable before building your bin

    docker run backend
    sh: can't open '/run.sh': No such file or directory
  • Fix port in README.md

    Fix port in README.md

    @glours When creating a dev env from this repo the compose file used is .docker/docker-compose.yaml and not the one at the root of the directory. Therefore we need to update the README.md accordingly to update the proxy port to 8080 instead of 80.

    curl localhost:8080
    ["Blog post #0","Blog post #1","Blog post #2","Blog post #3","Blog post #4"]
  • CGO has to be disabled for alpine image

    CGO has to be disabled for alpine image

    Faced this issue while running your go binary with in alpine container. Export the following variable before building your bin

    docker run backend
    sh: can't open '/run.sh': No such file or directory
  • A thank you note

    A thank you note

    Hi! Thanks so much for your work on these resources. As a teacher, I appreciate your commitment to teaching and learning. I know it takes plenty of time and energy to design quality learning material.

    I am learning Docker, and it's going well! I noticed a few things that piqued my curiosity, so I asked a few questions inside commit discussions. Cheers 🍺!

  • Exit status 17: backend: no such file or directory

    Exit status 17: backend: no such file or directory

    While trying to load this commit as a Dev Environment with Docker Desktop 4.2.0 (70708) on Mac OS 11.6, I get this non-intermittent failure:

    Detecting main repo language...
    Detected 'Go' as the main repository language.
    could not find /var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-charming_wright/proxy/var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-charming_wright/proxy: stat /var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-charming_wright/proxy/var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-charming_wright/proxy: no such file or directory
    exit status 17

    This is reproducible even with clicking the link under "Try running a sample" on the dashboard: image

    Although, this time it complained about a different folder missing:

    Detected 'Go' as the main repository language.
    could not find /var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-pensive_wozniak/backend/var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-pensive_wozniak/backend: stat /var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-pensive_wozniak/backend/var/folders/1f/wfpcf_k14gx_kx8sxsw3473m0000gn/T/volume-compose-dev-env-pensive_wozniak/backend: no such file or directory
    exit status 17
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