Matching Engine for Limit Order Book in Golang

Go orderbook

Improved matching engine written in Go (Golang)

Go Report Card GoDoc Stability: Active Build Status


  • Standard price-time priority
  • Supports both market and limit orders
  • Supports order cancelling
  • High performance (above 300k trades per second)
  • Optimal memory usage
  • JSON Marshalling and Unmarsalling
  • Calculating market price for definite quantity


To start using order book you need to create object:

import (
  ob ""

func main() {
  orderBook := ob.NewOrderBook()

Then you be able to use next primary functions:

func (ob *OrderBook) ProcessLimitOrder(side Side, orderID string, quantity, price decimal.Decimal) (done []*Order, partial *Order, err error) { ... }

func (ob *OrderBook) ProcessMarketOrder(side Side, quantity decimal.Decimal) (done []*Order, partial *Order, quantityLeft decimal.Decimal, err error) { .. }

func (ob *OrderBook) CancelOrder(orderID string) *Order { ... }

About primary functions


// ProcessLimitOrder places new order to the OrderBook
// Arguments:
//      side     - what do you want to do (ob.Sell or ob.Buy)
//      orderID  - unique order ID in depth
//      quantity - how much quantity you want to sell or buy
//      price    - no more expensive (or cheaper) this price
//      * to create new decimal number you should use decimal.New() func
// Return:
//      error   - not nil if quantity (or price) is less or equal 0. Or if order with given ID is exists
//      done    - not nil if your order produces ends of anoter order, this order will add to
//                the "done" slice. If your order have done too, it will be places to this array too
//      partial - not nil if your order has done but top order is not fully done. Or if your order is
//                partial done and placed to the orderbook without full quantity - partial will contain
//                your order with quantity to left
//      partialQuantityProcessed - if partial order is not nil this result contains processed quatity from partial order
func (ob *OrderBook) ProcessLimitOrder(side Side, orderID string, quantity, price decimal.Decimal) (done []*Order, partial *Order, err error) { ... }

For example:

ProcessLimitOrder(ob.Sell, "uinqueID", decimal.New(55, 0), decimal.New(100, 0))

asks: 110 -> 5      110 -> 5
      100 -> 1      100 -> 56
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      90  -> 5
      80  -> 1      80  -> 1

done    - nil
partial - nil

ProcessLimitOrder(ob.Buy, "uinqueID", decimal.New(7, 0), decimal.New(120, 0))

asks: 110 -> 5
      100 -> 1
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      120 -> 1
      80  -> 1      90  -> 5
                    80  -> 1

done    - 2 (or more orders)
partial - uinqueID order

ProcessLimitOrder(ob.Buy, "uinqueID", decimal.New(3, 0), decimal.New(120, 0))

asks: 110 -> 5
      100 -> 1      110 -> 3
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      90  -> 5
      80  -> 1      90  -> 5

done    - 1 order with 100 price, (may be also few orders with 110 price) + uinqueID order
partial - 1 order with price 110


// ProcessMarketOrder immediately gets definite quantity from the order book with market price
// Arguments:
//      side     - what do you want to do (ob.Sell or ob.Buy)
//      quantity - how much quantity you want to sell or buy
//      * to create new decimal number you should use decimal.New() func
// Return:
//      error        - not nil if price is less or equal 0
//      done         - not nil if your market order produces ends of anoter orders, this order will add to
//                     the "done" slice
//      partial      - not nil if your order has done but top order is not fully done
//      partialQuantityProcessed - if partial order is not nil this result contains processed quatity from partial order
//      quantityLeft - more than zero if it is not enought orders to process all quantity
func (ob *OrderBook) ProcessMarketOrder(side Side, quantity decimal.Decimal) (done []*Order, partial *Order, quantityLeft decimal.Decimal, err error) { .. }

For example:

ProcessMarketOrder(ob.Sell, decimal.New(6, 0))

asks: 110 -> 5      110 -> 5
      100 -> 1      100 -> 1
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      80 -> 1
      80  -> 2

done         - 2 (or more orders)
partial      - 1 order with price 80
quantityLeft - 0

ProcessMarketOrder(ob.Buy, decimal.New(10, 0))

asks: 110 -> 5
      100 -> 1
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      90  -> 5
      80  -> 1      80  -> 1
done         - 2 (or more orders)
partial      - nil
quantityLeft - 4


// CancelOrder removes order with given ID from the order book
func (ob *OrderBook) CancelOrder(orderID string) *Order { ... }

asks: 110 -> 5
      100 -> 1      110 -> 5
--------------  ->  --------------
bids: 90  -> 5      90  -> 5
      80  -> 1      80  -> 1
done         - 2 (or more orders)
partial      - nil
quantityLeft - 4


The MIT License (MIT)


Karlson Lee
Trained as physicist, now software engineer/data scientist, do Go and Python, left Java
Karlson Lee
  • If matching server crash, orders will be lost ?

    If matching server crash, orders will be lost ?


    Is there a way to recover orders in case of server crashed for some reasons ?

    300k orders processed per second is this right ? What are the characteristics of the server used for that (RAM, Processor etc.) ?

    Thank you

  • ProcessMarketOrder do not have UniqID argument

    ProcessMarketOrder do not have UniqID argument


    Limit order function contain UniqID argument but not ProcessMarketOrder ?

    Generating order ID and pass it to the function is better and let you backup it before returning the final result after matching.

  • Task - add travis file

    Task - add travis file

    Context; We currently have some great tests, but we are not running them everytime when we merge!

    Solution: Add travis CI that automaticlly run tests and linter for us, in order to avoid regression and keep high code quality

    Tests: Tests passing

  • Create Changelog

    Create Changelog

    Context: Previously, we don't have versioning and no documents for documenting changes or compatibility being broken

    Solution: Add changelog and start release cycle process

  • Adding a tabular representation of the orderbook

    Adding a tabular representation of the orderbook

    In some cases, users should see a brief overview of the orderbook. For instance, user A should see the following representation of both the queues in the orderbook:

             Asks (  qty,   price)                              Bids ( qty,   price)
                          2       1.5                                             4     1
                          3       1.8                                              3     0.8
                          3        2                                                2     0.75

    In the suggested changes, I have added a MarketView method that delivers the expected info in the map[string]decimal.Decimal in which keys are prices and the values are quantities.

    Why strings as the keys? I used built-in string type rather than decimal.Decimal since the latter creates two objects for very same numbers:

    	a := decimal.NewFromFloat(1)
    	b := decimal.NewFromFloat(1)
    	fmt.Printf("%v and %v are equal? %v\n", a, b, a == b)
            //  1 and 1 are equal? false
  • Trying to implement it to a real project

    Trying to implement it to a real project


    I wanted to implement it to a real project, but it's a bit complicated.

    Is there a way that for each rotation, I will get this rows: -> Complete result for each BUY orders processed -> Complete result for each SELL orders processed

    Returning both of them no matter it is a BID or ASK.

    SO I can for example update users balance, send notifications via websocket to update orderbook, update database order history etc...

    Your help will be appreciated !

  • Any sample implementation with an Exchange?

    Any sample implementation with an Exchange?

    Thanks for sharing. I wonder if you could share a sample code of an implementation with an exchange for e.g. with Binance Go API. I appreciate if you do.

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