Gospider - Fast web spider written in Go


GoSpider - Fast web spider written in Go

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go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider


  • Fast web crawling
  • Brute force and parse sitemap.xml
  • Parse robots.txt
  • Generate and verify link from JavaScript files
  • Link Finder
  • Find AWS-S3 from response source
  • Find subdomains from response source
  • Get URLs from Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, Virus Total, Alien Vault
  • Format output easy to Grep
  • Support Burp input
  • Crawl multiple sites in parallel
  • Random mobile/web User-Agent




Fast web spider written in Go - v1.1.5 by @thebl4ckturtle & @j3ssiejjj

  gospider [flags]

  -s, --site string               Site to crawl
  -S, --sites string              Site list to crawl
  -p, --proxy string              Proxy (Ex:
  -o, --output string             Output folder
  -u, --user-agent string         User Agent to use
                                  	web: random web user-agent
                                  	mobi: random mobile user-agent
                                  	or you can set your special user-agent (default "web")
      --cookie string             Cookie to use (testA=a; testB=b)
  -H, --header stringArray        Header to use (Use multiple flag to set multiple header)
      --burp string               Load headers and cookie from burp raw http request
      --blacklist string          Blacklist URL Regex
      --whitelist string          Whitelist URL Regex
      --whitelist-domain string   Whitelist Domain
  -t, --threads int               Number of threads (Run sites in parallel) (default 1)
  -c, --concurrent int            The number of the maximum allowed concurrent requests of the matching domains (default 5)
  -d, --depth int                 MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs. (Set it to 0 for infinite recursion) (default 1)
  -k, --delay int                 Delay is the duration to wait before creating a new request to the matching domains (second)
  -K, --random-delay int          RandomDelay is the extra randomized duration to wait added to Delay before creating a new request (second)
  -m, --timeout int               Request timeout (second) (default 10)
  -B, --base                      Disable all and only use HTML content
      --js                        Enable linkfinder in javascript file (default true)
      --subs                      Include subdomains
      --sitemap                   Try to crawl sitemap.xml
      --robots                    Try to crawl robots.txt (default true)
  -a, --other-source              Find URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com)
  -w, --include-subs              Include subdomains crawled from 3rd party. Default is main domain
  -r, --include-other-source      Also include other-source's urls (still crawl and request)
      --debug                     Turn on debug mode
      --json                      Enable JSON output
  -v, --verbose                   Turn on verbose
  -l, --length                    Turn on length
  -L, --filter-length             Turn on length filter
  -R, --raw                       Turn on raw
  -q, --quiet                     Suppress all the output and only show URL
      --no-redirect               Disable redirect
      --version                   Check version
  -h, --help                      help for gospider

Example commands

Quite output

gospider -q -s "https://google.com/"

Run with single site

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1

Run with site list

gospider -S sites.txt -o output -c 10 -d 1

Run with 20 sites at the same time with 10 bot each site

gospider -S sites.txt -o output -c 10 -d 1 -t 20

Also get URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com)

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --other-source

Also get URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com) and include subdomains

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --other-source --include-subs

Use custom header/cookies

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --other-source -H "Accept: */*" -H "Test: test" --cookie "testA=a; testB=b"

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --other-source --burp burp_req.txt

Blacklist url/file extension.

P/s: gospider blacklisted .(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico) as default

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --blacklist ".(woff|pdf)"

Show and Blacklist file length.

gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1 --length --filter-length "6871,24432"   


Gospider is made with by @j3ssiejjj & @thebl4ckturtle and it is released under the MIT license.



Jaeles Project
The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
Jaeles Project
  • Help to install the script on Mac

    Help to install the script on Mac


    can you please explain how can I install this tool in Mac?


    Pentest@tools ~ % sudo go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider
    Pentest@tools~ % gospider -s "https://google.com/" -o output -c 10 -d 1
    zsh: command not found: gospider
  • Too many open files

    Too many open files

    Command: gospider -S "urls files" -o outuputfles -c 5 -t 100 -d 2 --other-source -v --robots --sitemap -u web

    Error: [0024] ERROR Failed to open file to write Output: open *********/target_folder : too many open files

  • go get installation errors

    go get installation errors

    go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider
    # github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core
    go/src/github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core/crawler.go:27:17: unknown field 'MaxConnsPerHost' in struct literal of type http.Transport
    go/src/github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core/crawler.go:183:15: undefined: strings.ReplaceAll
    go/src/github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core/crawler.go:296:20: undefined: strings.ReplaceAll
    go/src/github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core/linkfinder.go:14:12: undefined: strings.ReplaceAll
    go/src/github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/core/linkfinder.go:15:12: undefined: strings.ReplaceAll

    This appens when downloading directly with go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider

    Any advice? Wrong Go version?

    OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x86_64 Kernel: 4.15.0-76-generic Go Version: go version go1.10.4 linux/amd64

  • Add features and fixes

    Add features and fixes

    Added features :

    • Show length and add length filter
    • Show Raw source code
    • Crawl all subdomains

    Fixes :

    • Fix linkfinder (relative path, js in js, output ..)
    • Fix subdomains
    • Fix href output
    • Fix case sensitive for Duplicate
    • delay all requests
  • GoSpider doesn't seem to honor the delay parameter

    GoSpider doesn't seem to honor the delay parameter

    Hi @j3ssie and team,

    From what I can tell, setting the -k/--delay parameter doesn't delay anything. GoSpider still requests URL faster than expected.

    Can you replicate this issue?

  • Empty output specifying HTTP(S) port

    Empty output specifying HTTP(S) port


    Web I try to run gospider on an URL specifying also the HTTP port, sometimes I don't know why exactly it doesn't crawl the target.

    Go version

    go version go1.16.2 linux/amd64

    Gospider Version

    1.1.5 (In the last commit of https://github.com/jaeles-project/gospider/blob/2e610b3fd79e1ac0945b694385edd88028f821ce/core/version.go the version is wrong btw)

    Test case 1 - Not specifying http or https port

    ./gospider -q -s https://shippingmanager.bpost.be/ --debug
    [0000]  INFO Start crawling: https://shippingmanager.bpost.be/
    [0000]  INFO Found robots.txt: https://shippingmanager.bpost.be//robots.txt
    [0000]  INFO Done.

    Test case 2 - Specifying the port:

    ./gospider -q -s https://shippingmanager.bpost.be:443/ --debug


  • Include response length in output

    Include response length in output

    It would be useful if the response length was included in the output, or even better, have a way to filter the output by response length (!=, <, >). This would allow the user to filter out expected responses during enumeration.

  • Subdomains are not shown in output

    Subdomains are not shown in output

    Hey, since the last update the gospider tool is not showing subdomains in output. I have checked this with multiple flags but it's not working.


    The line with the pointed arrow is now missing from gospider output.

    Can you please add it back?


  • Missing License

    Missing License

    Hello, I didn't find license information. Can you add a LICENSE file or add the license information in the README.md?

    I would like to package it for Kali Linux: https://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=6514


  • Update README.md

    Update README.md

    Installing executables with "go get" in module mode is deprecated. "go install pkg@version" should be used instead. For more information, see https://golang.org/doc/go-get-install-deprecation

  • removing lower case conversion of paths and parameters

    removing lower case conversion of paths and parameters

    Gospider was converting case-sensitive paths and parameters to lowercase which results in lots of valid case-sensitive paths and parameters being 404 not found. For example a path found in HTML or JavaScript source: /SearchLive.php?Param=1 converts to: /searchlive.php?param=1

  • Output only URLs

    Output only URLs


    At first, congratulations for this project. I am have an issue, maybe by my mistake, but I'd want to send to stdout only URLs, without flags like [url] and [code-200]. Is it possible?


  • RAM usage

    RAM usage

    Gospider uses a lot of RAM. It's ram usage keeps increasing with time . And it chokes my server if it keeps running for a few hours even with low threads (2-3).

    Is there any solution to this? or can you kindly solve this issue if possible?


  • Add Dockerfile

    Add Dockerfile

    Add Dockerfile

    FROM golang:1.17.8-alpine3.14 AS build-env
    RUN apk add --no-cache build-base
    RUN go install github.com/jaeles-project/gospider@latest
    FROM alpine:3.15.0
    RUN apk add --no-cache bind-tools ca-certificates
    COPY --from=build-env /go/bin/gospider /usr/local/bin/gospider
    ENTRYPOINT ["gospider"]

    Run Docker

    docker build -t gospider .
    docker run --rm -t gospider -q -s "https://google.com/"
  • issue with URLs containing dashes

    issue with URLs containing dashes

    URLs containing dashes in a list can not be parsed: http://ec2-XXX-XX-XX-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com

    gospider -S test.txt -v [0000] ERROR Failed to parse domain

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