This is a cloud-native application that focuses on the DevOps area.

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Get started

  1. Install KubeSphere via kk (or other ways). This is an optional step, basically we need a Kubernetes Cluster and the front-end of DevOps.
  2. Install ks-devops via chart
  3. Replace the images of ks-apiserver and ks-controller-manager. In current phase, we need to use a temporary images of KubeSphere which comes from the branch remove-devops-ctrl:
  • kubespheredev/ks-apiserver:remove-devops-ctrl
  • kubespheredev/ks-controller-manager:remove-devops-ctrl

Want to go into deep? Please checkout the documentation.

Install it as a Helm Chart

First, please clone this git repository. Then run command: make install-chart

Run it locally

Technically, apiserver and controller are all binary files. So, it's possible to run them in your local environment. You just need to make sure that the connection between your environment and a Kubernetes cluster works well. This is a default config file of these components, please see also the sample file.

Development locally

  • Run kind in local or remote machine

  • Make sure that you can access cluster via kubectl command in local machine

  • Execute the following command to install our CRDs:

make install
  • Debug code...

  • Execute the following command to uninstall our CRDs:

make uninstall

Create Pipeline via CLI

ks is an official client of KubeSphere. You can create a Pipeline by it.

ks pip create --ws simple --template java --project default --skip-check -b good


For example, you can access an API like:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxx" \

Please get a token from Kubernetes cluster, and replace xxxx with it.

Code contribution

If you're going to update or add CRD go struct, please run the following command once done with that:

make manifests generate generate-listers

then, it can generate CRDs and DeepCopy methods.

Lint your codes

We are using golangci-lint as our code linter. Before you make some code changes, please execute following command to check code style:

golangci-lint run
# Or with specified folder, e.g.
golangci-lint run controllers/jenkinsconfig


  • A separate front-end project of ks-devops
  • Install ks-devops via helm chart in ks-installer
  • Auth support
    • OIDC support as a default provider

Experimental support

octant-ks-devops is a plugin of octant. It provides a dashboard for Kubernetes and ks-devops.


FOSSA Status

Available communication channels:

  • upgrade 3.2.1, run  pipeline  failure

    upgrade 3.2.1, run pipeline failure

    centos 7.9系统,一个master,多个worker节点,, 使用kk直接安装k8s和 kubesphere ;升级也是使用kk升级的。

    安装的时候kk版本是 v1.2.0; 升级的时候 kk版本是v1.2.1

    orgin version: k8s 1.20.4 kuebsphere 3.2.0

    upgrade versions: k8s 1.21.5 kubesphere 3.2.1

    build the orgin pipeline failure. and the pods of kubesphere-devops-worker is been ContainerCreating-->Terminating --->Destroy 。 升级过后,devops项目中运行流水线,一直卡在如下的界面,查看了下pods,发现 相关devops-worker的pods也是一直在创建和销毁中循环。



  • integrate external jenkins into kubesphere,    jenkins  Operate in full accordance with the tutorial, but you can't synchronize the pipeline to Jenkins

    integrate external jenkins into kubesphere, jenkins Operate in full accordance with the tutorial, but you can't synchronize the pipeline to Jenkins

    Tutorial link:

    I operate according to the tutorial above. The current error is: after creating a new Devops project and pipeline in the project on kubesphere, click the pipeline to report an error like the picture below: FC9EFF8F-D094-4d9d-99A8-36D4B99263B3

    And, the pipeline created by kubesphere cannot be synchronized to the external Jenkins!

    Now I want to know the following questions:

    1. Does the kubesphere Jenkins auth plug-in of Jenkins need to configure the kubesphere account and password? If necessary, where to configure it? Now I click test connection and an error will occur:
    1. In kubesphere configuration, the configuration in configmap: kubesphere system / kubesphere config: how to fill in devops.password: fill in the plaintext or ciphertext of the login password?

    Kubesphere and Jenkins can't see the log of errors. Please provide me with ideas to solve the problem. Thank you very much!

  • Kubesphere in version 3.2 uses external Jenkins (version 2.320). Which configuration file of kubesphere needs to be modified?

    Kubesphere in version 3.2 uses external Jenkins (version 2.320). Which configuration file of kubesphere needs to be modified?

    Now I want to use kubesphere 3.2 connects external Jenkins. I follow the connection tutorial( )Jenkins has been set up well.

    Now i need to configure the of kubesphere: do I need to modify kubesphere config or Devops config? Or do both configurations need to be modified? Now kubesphere config is configured as follows: is my configuration correct? Do i need to modify the devopsserviceaddress and endpoint, enable? Note: This is the external Jenkins address

    devops: devopsServiceAddress: devops-apiserver. kubesphere-devops-system:9090 enable: false endpoint: http://devops-apiserver.kubesphere-devops-system:9090 host: maxConnections: 100 password: 1133c93065ca0e6948c4455edec15b7525 username: liuhuining

    thanks very much!

  • Add FluxCD Application Management

    Add FluxCD Application Management

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind feature /kind design

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    • Extend the CRD to Support FluxApp.
    • Add fluxcd/application-controller to maintain the fluxcd Kustomization and HelmRelease.
    • Update the config/rbac/role.yaml
    • Add sample files in config/samples/gitops directory.

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes #717 , #718

    Special notes for reviewers:

    Please check the following list before waiting reviewers:

    • [ ] Already committed the CRD files to the Helm Chart if you created some new CRDs
    • [ ] Already added the permission for the new API
    • [x] Already added the RBAC markers for the new controllers

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change??

  • The pipelined task cannot be run and terminated properly.

    The pipelined task cannot be run and terminated properly.


    1. Terminating the mission is wrong. A parameter in url is undefined.
    2. I think it is due to the failure of the task to create successfully.
    3. After I switched the mirror back to 3.20, the task was running and terminated normally.

    Versions Used kubespheredev/devops-controller:master kubespheredev/devops-apiserver:master Kubernetes: 1.20

    How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Click the stop run button (All branches behave the same)
  • Fix that the controller did not use creator's token to trigger a Jenkins job

    Fix that the controller did not use creator's token to trigger a Jenkins job

    What dose this PR?

    1. Add into annotations of PipelineRun
    2. Trigger PipelineRun with specific token which is issued by

    Why do we need it?

    At present, if we trigger a Pipeline using non-admin account, we will get message Started by admin always.

    Steps to test

    Docker images for test:

    1. Create a Workspace, DevOps Project, Pipeline using admin account
    2. Create another account tester and invite him/her into that Workspace and DevOps Project
    3. Trigger that Pipeline using tester account
    4. See the Last Message column


    /kind bug /milestone v3.2 /cc @kubesphere/sig-devops

  • fix: when branch name is invalid, report a error message

    fix: when branch name is invalid, report a error message

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind bug /kind hacktoberfest /kind hacktoberfest-accepted

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Before save resource, we should check branch name whether is valid, and build the label selector to query target PipelineRuns, we should check the branch name of request also.

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes #104

  • Failed to create pipeline and credential in a multi-cluster environment

    Failed to create pipeline and credential in a multi-cluster environment


    host 3.1 + member 3.1

    How To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to workspace 'ws3'
    2. Go to devops project 'dev3-1'
    3. Create credential and pipeline

    Expected behavior Pipeline and credential created successfully

    Actual behavior Failed to create pipeline and credential image image image

    /priority high /area devops /cc @kubesphere/sig-devops /kind bug /milestone 3.1.0

  • Change default docker registry into for charts

    Change default docker registry into for charts

    Currently, the default docker registry of ks-devops charts is, which is too slow if you are in Chinese network.

    See also:


    Change the default docker registry from into


  • Fix the problem caused by strange branch names that contain special characters

    Fix the problem caused by strange branch names that contain special characters

    What this PR dose

    • Replace label of SCM ref name with field indexer.
    • Remove branch name validation

    Why we need it

    Please see:

    • #104
    • #397

    Which issue this PR fixes

    Fix #397

    How to test it

    Docker images for test:

    1. Create Multi-branch Pipeline, using repo
    2. Click Branches tab and see all branches. image
    3. Click into branch naming 中文测试分支 image

    Please note that KubeSphere console didn't escape the branch name, so we cannot click branch naming feat/featureA util console fixes it: image

    /kind bug /cc @kubesphere/sig-devops /cc @mangoGoForward

  • Refactor: use JSON-based payload to create Jenkins pipeline

    Refactor: use JSON-based payload to create Jenkins pipeline

    What I did in this PR:

    1. Add jenkins-cli to the client.
    2. Add createJobInFolder in jenkins-cli.
    3. Create jenkinsClient to the client.
    4. replace create project pipeline with the new function.
  • Suggest to add more information for continuous deployment parameters

    Suggest to add more information for continuous deployment parameters

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?


    What happened?

    截屏2022-12-15 16 06 38

    Users can not understand the parameters when create continuous deployment, they should open the doc together:

    Suggest to add some info around the parameters, then users can use the create page only

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional information

    No response

  • Modify the Chinese version of argocd application status

    Modify the Chinese version of argocd application status

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?


    What happened?

    截屏2022-10-25 19 44 06

    degrade, 建议改成 被降级, 这里表示 某些资源未达到 健康状态。(healthy 是 100% 所有资源都是健康的, 所以其实 degrade 也算 部分健康 ) missing, 建议改成 缺失, 这里就是表明 没找到资源, 丢失感觉有点主观概念。 suspended,建议改成 已暂停,比如一个 cronjob,暂停,会处于这种状态,翻译成已下架 不太合适。

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional information

    No response

  • Optimize user experience for multi branch pipeline

    Optimize user experience for multi branch pipeline

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?


    Describe this feature

    截屏2022-12-07 15 42 09

    User need scan the repo first, then show the branch, and is able to run.

    Now there is a run on console just after create the multi branch pipeline, user will click the run, and it will show an error.

    Additional information

    No response

  • Pipelinerun status display in console change to not running after cancel it

    Pipelinerun status display in console change to not running after cancel it

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?


    What happened?


    pipeline {
      agent {
        node {
          label 'java'
      stages {
        stage('stage-pk518') {
          agent none
          steps {
            input(message: 'release image with tag?', submitter: 'stark2')
            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', 
            doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
            submoduleCfg: [],
            extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 1, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true]],
            userRemoteConfigs: [[
              url: ''
    截屏2022-12-07 15 18 05

    Max build record set to 2.

    Run some pipelineruns, the pipelinerun need to review, When cancel the pipelinerun, the build will be deleted by jenkins, then it will change to not running status

    截屏2022-12-07 15 19 32 截屏2022-12-07 15 19 40

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional information

    No response

  • Keep the same status with console & add run id  for pipelinerun custom resource

    Keep the same status with console & add run id for pipelinerun custom resource

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?


    Describe this feature

    # kubectl get pipelinerun -n starkxhqxb | grep stark-
    stark-4z2zh    Pending     48m
    stark-59zll    Pending     48m
    stark-846zm    Running     127m
    stark-8scb7    Running     127m
    stark-l4kkf    Running     127m
    stark-n7ckp    Failed      48m
    stark-ngddd    Pending     36m
    stark-p7kxm    Running     127m
    stark-q9j9p    Running     128m
    截屏2022-12-07 15 02 50

    It is hard to match pipelinerun cr with run records in console.

    Backend feature:

    1. Add run id in pipeline cr.
    2. Keep the same status between pipeline cr with run records in console.

    Frontend feature:

    1. Able to show run id for not running pipelinerun, if it has run id in pipelinerun cr
    # kubectl get pipelinerun stark-q9j9p -n starkxhqxb -o yaml
    kind: PipelineRun
      annotations: admin "14" "null" "null"
      creationTimestamp: "2022-12-07T04:54:03Z"

    Additional information

    No response

  • continuous deployment support rollback

    continuous deployment support rollback

    What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue?


    How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution?

    No response

    Describe this feature

    we only use cd in devops, is there any plan to that continuous deployment support rollback?

    Additional information

    No response

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