Stream, Mutate and Sign Images with AWS Lambda and ECR



The ocistow codebase demonstrates a modern approach to a typical OCI image promotion workflow in AWS.

It houses a Lambda (and bonus CLI) that can efficiently stream and mutate upstream container image layers into an ECR destination and subsequently sign them with KMS. It does so by utilising code from the excellent go-containerregistry and sigstore projects.

How it works

img/ocistow.png Given an invoke payload of:

  1. A source image reference (any public container registry / private ECR)
  2. A destination image reference (private ECR)
  3. Some annotations to add

It will:

  1. Stream only the missing image layers from source registry to destination ECR whilst handling ECR authentication
  2. Do so in memory, layer-by-layer[fn:1] (with Lambda’s meagre 512mb filesystem remaining unused)
  3. Optionally mutate the image during this process to have user provided OCI annotations and legacy Docker image labels (mimicking the sort of mandatory tagging policy an organisation might have)
  4. And finally sign the image digests in AWS ECR using a KMS signing key for later assertion of provenance at runtime (e.g. using a Kubernetes admission controller like cosigned).

[fn:1]: Performance gains can be had by throwing more memory at the Lambda as this results in more allocated CPU and critically, network (at AWS’ discretion). Empirically (though not very scientifically), I saw the following with the massive 3+ gigabyte TensorFlow images from

  • Test 1 (vanilla Lambda settings 128mb memory): 8.06 minutes
  • Test 2 (maxed out Lambda settings 10240mb memory): 1.35 minutes

No shared layers existed in my destination ECR between tests—all blobs were streamed from source to destination.

NOTE: This would be interesting to give a run through the AWS Lambda Power Tuner.

Try it yourself

I can’t imagine anyone using the Lambda (nor CLI) verbatim in their workflow unless it happened to solve an exact gap (let me know if you do!), but the codebase may be a useful reference for informing your own build.

For example, a Lambda like ocistow could be that final “promotion” step in an organisation’s container image supply chain which first involves the image running a gauntlet of vulnerability/malware/compliance scans in a Step Function state machine.

However, outside of the Lambda space, CLIs like Google’s crane and Sigstore’s cosign are much more polished and suitable to a range of container image copy/mutate/sign workflows. You should check them out.


An AWS account with a KMS signing key and ECR repository for playing with. The following aws incantations will do the trick presuming you have an appropriately privileged session.

aws kms create-key \
    --key-usage SIGN_VERIFY \
    --customer-master-key-spec RSA_4096 \
    --tags TagKey=Name,TagValue=ocistow \
    --description "ocistow demo"

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name ocistow-demo

CLI (cmd/ocistow)

As I was extracting the Lambda out from some larger research to post here, I realised it would be easy to add a CLI. The ocistow CLI can do the same thing as the Lambda but from your local machine. Though, unless it fits your exact use case, you may wish to just reference it for your own CLI implementation or otherwise reach for the much more practical Google crane.

In any case, you can get a build of ocistow from the releases section or build and run yourself (the repository is a Nix flake if that’s your thing, otherwise you’ll want a local Go 1.16+ toolchain):

go <build|install|run> -h
Usage of ocistow:
  -annotations value
        destination image annotations (key=value)
  -aws-kms-key-arn string
        AWS KMS key ARN to use for signing
  -aws-region string
        AWS region to use for operations
        whether to enable AWS Xray tracing
        whether to copy the image (default true)
        debug logging
  -destination string
        destination image
        whether to sign the image (default true)
  -source string
        source image

Kick the tyres by stowing DockerHub’s busybox:latest into the demo ECR repository:

ocistow \
    -source=busybox \ \
    -aws-region=ap-southeast-2 \
    -aws-kms-key-arn="<ARN from Prerequisites>" \
    -annotations team=foo \
    -annotations owner=martin
21:09:00.000  annotations={"owner":"martin","team":"foo"} component=service method=Copy src=busybox took=2.999482083s
21:09:00.000  annotations={"owner":"martin","team":"foo"} component=service method=Sign took=878.351667ms

Lambda (cmd/ocistow-lambda)


For playing with the ocistow-lambda in your AWS account you can use the CDK deployment in this repository. There’s a Makefile target that can kick this process off (though like the CLI instructions above, either use the Nix flake or get yourself Go 1.16+ and additionally NodeJS for the CDK).

make deploy AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN="<ARN from Prerequisites>"

This will build and deploy an aarch64/Graviton version of the Lambda to your account with necessary KMS/ECR permissions. Take note of the function ARN output for later invocation.


Kick the tyres by stowing DockerHub’s busybox:latest into the demo ECR repository:

NOTE: The Lambda expects a very simple JSON schema as its payload.

aws lambda invoke \
    --function-name "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:111111111111:function:ocistow-function" --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
    --payload '{
        "DstImageRef": "",
        "Annotations":{"team":"foo", "owner":"martin"}
        }' /dev/stderr
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"

Verify signatures with cosign

AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-2 cosign verify \
    -key "<ARN from Prerequisites>" \
Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
  - Any certificates were verified against the Fulcio roots.

[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:ee16ac0396cdb32e870200cdcb30f9abcb6b95256e5b5cd57eb1fadf2d3b3c9d"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":{"team":"foo","owner":"martin"}}]


A canonical log line is output for each service method (Copy, Sign) which you’ll find on the terminal output for CLI and in CloudWatch for Lambda.

If debug logging is enabled (flag: -debug, env: DEBUG) then much more detailed output is made available from the backend libraries used.

If AWS Xray is enabled (flag: -aws-xray, env: AWS_XRAY) then detailed traces of the layer-by-layer ocistow operations are also propagated:


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