DEPRECATED: Data collection and processing made easy.

This project is deprecated. Please see this email for more details.


Data Acquisition and Processing Made Easy

Heka is a tool for collecting and collating data from a number of different sources, performing "in-flight" processing of collected data, and delivering the results to any number of destinations for further analysis.

Heka is written in Go, but Heka plugins can be written in either Go or Lua. The easiest way to compile Heka is by sourcing (see below) the build script in the root directory of the project, which will set up a Go environment, verify the prerequisites, and install all required dependencies. The build process also provides a mechanism for easily integrating external plug-in packages into the generated hekad. For more details and additional installation options see Installing.

WARNING: YOU MUST SOURCE THE BUILD SCRIPT (i.e. source TO BUILD HEKA. Setting up the Go build environment requires changes to the shell environment, if you simply execute the script (i.e. ./ these changes will not be made.


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  • (slightly) Improving deb packaging with init scripts and user creation

    (slightly) Improving deb packaging with init scripts and user creation

    As mentioned in PR: #791 there was some wishes for upstart and systemd jobs as well as an init script and there was also concerns that the install([...]) used in the PR would actually have included the files in all packaging. I've added in a CMake module that I found here: which is licensed under GPL (might be of concern? But it is only for the build system, so it should not go viral over the entire code base) This module is "needed" to execute dh_* scripts during the setup of the project - those in turn are needed to be able to use the debian packaging idioms of putting the init scripts into a debian/ folder.

    I also found a "bug" in the current deb-package setup. The listed debian dependency did not get assigned to the package, which I'll admit caused me some headache - I initially tried adding the init files in a similar fashion. Passing it in as a variable to the custom make entry seems to have made it work, though. But is it really needed to have libc6 above 2.13? It means that heka won't install on squeeze...

    Though, in the long run I would really recommend going away from having CPack do the Debian packaging. I didn't do that now since it would've involved rearranging a significant portion of the build, but if it is something you want to do with the project I think I could summon the time to do that too. :)

  • Support new InfluxDB 0.9.x line protocol write API

    Support new InfluxDB 0.9.x line protocol write API

    Well, it looks like they've decided to change the default format for the write API, per this PR: I'm logging this here to follow up on updating the functionality of the Schema InfluxDB Write Encoder to support this as the JSON format will eventually be deprecated and this provides better performance anyway.

  • Output buffer never flushed on restart

    Output buffer never flushed on restart

    With the following output config:

    type = "ESJsonEncoder"
    index = "logs-%{Type}-%{%Y.%m.%d}"
    es_index_from_timestamp = true
    type_name = "%{Type}"
    fields = ["Timestamp", "Logger", "Severity", "Payload", "Pid", "Hostname", "DynamicFields"]
      Timestamp = '@timestamp'
      #Uuid = 'heka_uuid'
      #Type = 'type' # inutile, car dans type_name
      Logger = 'heka_logger'
      Severity = 'syslog_severity_code'
      Payload = 'message'
      #EnvVersion = 'heka_env_version' # inutile
      Pid = 'pid'
      Hostname = 'host'
    message_matcher = "Type != 'heka.all-report' && Type != 'heka.memstat'"
    encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"
    server = "http://localhost:9200"
    flush_interval = 50
      max_file_size = 268435456  # 256MiB
      max_buffer_size = 536870912  # 512MiB
      full_action = "shutdown"

    After a service heka restart, the queue is not processed. It will grow untill full.

    I've looked at the code without any clue.

    I've seen that #1724 has not been merged into dev yet, but this is a different problem isn't it?

  • Add FileOutput file rotation

    Add FileOutput file rotation

    We've had several requests for FileOutput to be able to do file rotation w/o the use of an external rotation tool, in part b/c less tools, and in part b/c Heka needs to get a HUP signal to actually notice that a file has been rotated out from under it, and the person running Heka doesn't always have access to when rotation has happened and when HUP needs to be sent.

  • Implementation of a multiline splitter

    Implementation of a multiline splitter

    We work with a lot of Java and Scala stacktraces and the other options I've tried for supporting them in Heka don't work as well as I'd like. This is an implementation of a regex-based MultilineSplitter which works great for our stacktraces. The implementation is that you define a regex to use as the delimiter and a regex used to match lines that should be joined together. It first splits the buffer using the delimiter and then checks each section against the multiline regex to see if it's a match. All lines that are contiguous and match the multiline regex are joined. Because of the multiline nature, it always keeps the delimiter on the EOL.

    This is going to be notably slower than the RegexSplitter because it has to find many matches on the first pass rather than the first one. (That's limited to 99 by default and is not currently configurable without a recompile.) Secondly, it will run a second regex on all those matches. Given's Go's performance-oriented Regex implementation and reasonable logging levels it appears to be tolerable. It can, in the worst case, re-split the first lines in a very large buffer repeatedly.

    Here's an example configuration for the splitter:

    type = "MultilineSplitter"
    multiline = '(\] FATAL )|(\A\s*.+Exception: .)|(at \S+\(\S+\))|(\A\s+... \d+ more)|(\A\s*Caused by:.)|(\A\s*Grave:)'
    delimiter = '\n'

    Given a broken Kafka installation, this generates something like the following when encoded with the ESLogstashV0Encoder:

      "@fields": {
        "ContainerName": "boring_bohr",
        "ContainerID": "910f097243d6"
      "@source_host": "docker1",
      "@uuid": "bda1cb47-8aa4-420e-9316-543364afd5fc",
      "@timestamp": "2016-01-24T14:22:17",
      "@type": "message",
      "@logger": "stdout",
      "@severity": 7,
      "@message": " Connection refused\n\tat Method)\n\tat\n\tat org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNIO.doTransport(\n\tat org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$\n",
      "@envversion": "",
      "@pid": 0

    Note that this output is from a splitter-enabled Docker input plugin that I will prepare a separate PR for.

  • Raw syslog datagrams multidecoder example

    Raw syslog datagrams multidecoder example

    I am proposing to add an example to cover #1162 and the older #790.

    This is particularly interesting in the case of containers, if one does not want to run syslog/rsyslog inside the container but rather directly read /dev/log via heka.

    Although the best scenario is to let syslog/rsyslog poll /dev/log and write their own log (which is then feeded to/read by heka), I prefer this approach and I provide here a working example (tested with 0.9.0) that should also allow people to easily extend/build on.

    I am new to heka, so please tell me about possible improvements. Feedback for PR changes welcome as well :)

    NOTE: might require some refactoring of the name of sibling example.toml, if this is accepted at all

    1. Is there already a decoder that does this?
    2. If not, would this better be converted to a LUA decoder?

    I didn't write (2) as I wanted a simple message proxying feature, but for official inclusion it might be a valid option instead of a multidecoder example (also to properly parse PRI).

  • New input plugin for Docker containers: DockerLogInput

    New input plugin for Docker containers: DockerLogInput

    Solves: #1092 This is a follow-up on PR #1095

    This PR implements DockerLogInput, an input plugin based on Logspout for sending logs from Docker containers into the heka pipeline.

    @rafrombrc Something like this? I renamed the plugin to DockerLogInput and wrote some basic docs for it.

  • Can't install heka in Ubuntu13.04

    Can't install heka in Ubuntu13.04

    Hi, all!

    We use ubuntu13.04, and we install Go lang use source code under /usr/local/go and I set the path like this

     export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
     export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
    # go version
    go version go1.1.1 linux/amd64

    after finished install golang, And install heka got a error

    root@squidloganalyzer:~/heka# ./
    CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (message):
      Could NOT find Go (missing: GO_VERSION GO_PLATFORM GO_ARCH) (Required is at
      least version "1.1")
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
      /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:291 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
      cmake/FindGo.cmake:32 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
      CMakeLists.txt:16 (find_package)
    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

    Can anyone tell me. How can I install heka the right way?

  • Update Schema InfluxDB Write Encoder to use InfluxDB 0.9.x+ line protocol

    Update Schema InfluxDB Write Encoder to use InfluxDB 0.9.x+ line protocol

    This PR updates the Schema InfluxDB Write Encoder to format metrics into the line protocol instead of the JSON format that was originally proposed for the 0.9.0 release. This also makes sure that proper formatting is done for the various fields to escape spaces, commas and double quotes as defined by the line protocol. There is also a somewhat hacky implementation to overcome the fact that Lua converts float values of 0.0 into an integer based on its internal representation of numerical data types. I've also added a couple of new configuration items that provide more flexibility in the naming of measurements as they are sent to InfluxDB. There is now more emphasis on utilizing tags instead of the Graphite style "paths" to uniquely identify series, so the defaults have been blanked out to work with this recommendation more naturally.

  • Can't install built heka deb package.

    Can't install built heka deb package.

    I can run generated hekad binary file directly, but after run

    make deb
    sudo dpkg -i heka_0.10.0_amd64.deb

    OS output:

    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of heka:
     heka depends on libc6-amd64 (>= 2.15).

    However, if i install v0.10.0 directly from source, there is no this dependency at all. Is there something wrong?

  • add example decoder for linux /proc/stat

    add example decoder for linux /proc/stat

    /proc/stat is a good source for cpu utilization metric. Where /proc/loadavg is kinda tricky to work with. /proc/stat can give 1 second resolution without any issues.

    however getting the information is not so simple. You have to pull /proc/stat twice to solve the delta of the values to gauge preformance.

    This is my first time playing with lua lpeg and im still vary green to the heka project.

    This pull request is just to get some thoughs on how a good heka plugin could be created for the /proc/stat cpu metric.

    This solution is not ideal! but it's giving me good data.

    type = "ProcessInput"
    decoder = "StatDecoder"
    ticker_interval = 3
    stdout = true
    stderr = false
        bin = "/bin/sh"
        args = ["-c",'A=`head -1 /proc/stat`; sleep 1; B=`head -1 /proc/stat`; echo ${A}zzz${B}zzz;']
    {#  This would be best ...  but I dont see how I can get the diff of the previous read...
        type = "FilePollingInput"
        ticker_interval = 1
        file_path = "/proc/stat"
        decoder = "StatDecoder"
    type = "SandboxDecoder"
    filename = "lua_decoders/linux_stat.lua"
  • need opensearch bulkapi to send logs to aws opensearch

    need opensearch bulkapi to send logs to aws opensearch

    hi i tried to use the elasticsearch_bulk_api.lua in a new output file called opensearch.cfg. but i get http 400 in the logs. user/pass/endpoint is configured correctly so the only thing i can think of is that the opensearch_1,3 from aws does not support the elasticsearch_bulk_api.lua format somehow. one more thing is that as soon as the new output added to the hindsight, the current setup with elasticsearch (different output.cfg file) gets disrrupted

  • file missing file missing

    As of January 1 2019, Mozilla requires that all GitHub projects include this file in the project root. The file has two parts:

    1. Required Text - All text under the headings Community Participation Guidelines and How to Report, are required, and should not be altered.
    2. Optional Text - The Project Specific Etiquette heading provides a space to speak more specifically about ways people can work effectively and inclusively together. Some examples of those can be found on the Firefox Debugger project, and Common Voice. (The optional part is commented out in the raw template file, and will not be visible until you modify and uncomment that part.)

    If you have any questions about this file, or Code of Conduct policies and procedures, please reach out to [email protected].

    (Message COC001)

  • kafka partition issus

    kafka partition issus

    conf: `[kafkaInputTest] type = "KafkaInput" topic = "jie" addrs = [""] splitter = "KafkaSplitter" decoder = "ProtobufDecoder"

    [KafkaSplitter] type = "NullSplitter" use_message_bytes = true `

    But error:

    2018/09/17 16:01:18 Input 'kafkaInputTest' error: kafka server: In the middle of a leadership election, there is currently no leader for this partition and hence it is unavailable for writes.

  • build failed on master branch

    build failed on master branch

    [ 85%] Performing build step for 'lua_sandbox' Scanning dependencies of target lua-5_1_5 [ 1%] Creating directories for 'lua-5_1_5' [ 2%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'lua-5_1_5' Cloning into 'lua-5_1_5'... remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository '' not found

  • MySQL Slow Query Log Decoder issue

    MySQL Slow Query Log Decoder issue

    [hekad] maxprocs = 2 #base_dir = "./base_dir" share_dir = "/usr/share/heka" #log_info_filename = "logs/info.log" #log_error_filename = "logs/error.log" #log_file_max_size = 64 #log_file_max_backups = 7

    [Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] type = "LogstreamerInput" log_directory = "/data/soft/" file_match = 'mysqlslowq.log' parser_type = "regexp" delimiter = "\n(# User@Host:)" delimiter_location = "start" decoder = "MySqlSlowQueryDecoder"

    [MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] type = "SandboxDecoder" filename = "lua_decoders/mysql_slow_query.lua"

    truncate_sql = 64

    [ESJsonEncoder] index = "%{Type}-%{%Y.%m.%d}" es_index_from_timestamp = true type_name = "%{Type}" [ESJsonEncoder.field_mappings] Timestamp = "@timestamp" Severity = "level"

    [output_file] type = "FileOutput" message_matcher = "TRUE" path = "/data/mysql-output.log" perm = "666" flush_count = 100 flush_operator = "OR" encoder = "ESJsonEncoder"


    [root@oskey heka]# hekad -config="mysql.toml"

    2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [output_file] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ESJsonEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ProtobufDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ProtobufDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [ProtobufEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ProtobufEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [TokenSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [TokenSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [HekaFramingSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [HekaFramingSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Pre-loading: [NullSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [NullSplitter] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [MySqlSlowQueryDecoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [ESJsonEncoder] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [Sync-1_5-SlowQuery] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 unknown config setting for 'Sync-1_5-SlowQuery': parser_type 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Loading: [output_file] 2018/01/25 09:59:20 Error reading config: 1 errors loading plugins

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