Instant Kubernetes-Native Application Observability


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Pixie is an open source observability tool for Kubernetes applications. Use Pixie to view the high-level state of your cluster (service maps, cluster resources, application traffic) and also drill-down into more detailed views (pod state, flame graphs, individual full-body application requests).

Why Pixie?

Three features enable Pixie's magical developer experience:

  • Auto-telemetry: Pixie uses eBPF to automatically collect telemetry data such as full-body requests, resource and network metrics, application profiles, and more. See the full list of data sources here.

  • In-Cluster Edge Compute: Pixie collects, stores and queries all telemetry data locally in the cluster. Pixie uses less than 5% of cluster CPU, and in most cases less than 2%.

  • Scriptability: PxL, Pixie’s flexible Pythonic query language, can be used across Pixie’s UI, CLI, and client APIs.

Use Cases

Network Monitoring

Network Flow Graph

Use Pixie to monitor your network, including:

  • The flow of network traffic within your cluster.
  • The flow of DNS requests within your cluster.
  • Individual full-body DNS requests and responses.
  • A Map of TCP drops and TCP retransmits across your cluster.

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Infrastructure Health

Infrastructure Monitoring

Monitor your infrastructure alongside your network and application layer, including:

  • Resource usage by Pod, Node, Namespace.
  • CPU flamegraphs per Pod, Node.

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Service Performance

Service Performance

Pixie automatically traces a variety of protocols. Get immediate visibility into the health of your services, including:

  • The flow of traffic between your services.
  • Latency per service and endpoint.
  • Sample of the slowest requests for an individual service.

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Database Query Profiling

Database Query Profilling

Pixie automatically traces a number of different database protocols. Use Pixie to monitor the performance of your database requests:

  • Latency, error and throughput (LET) rate for all pods.
  • LET rate per normalized query.
  • Latency per individual full body query.
  • Individual full-body requests and responses.

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Request Tracing

Request Tracing

Pixie makes debugging this communication between microservices easy by providing immediate and deep (full-body) visibility into requests flowing through your cluster. See:

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Continuous Application Profiling

Continuous Application Profiling

Use Pixie's continuous profiling feature to identify performance issues within application code.

For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Distributed bpftrace Deployment

Use Pixie to deploy a bpftrace program to all of the nodes in your cluster. After deploying the program, Pixie captures the output into a table and makes the data available to be queried and visualized int he Pixie UI. TCP Drops pictured. For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Dynamic Go Logging

Debug Go binaries deployed in production environments without needing to recompile and redeploy. For more details, check out the tutorial or watch an overview.

Get Started

Request Tracing

It takes just a few minutes to install Pixie. To get started, check out the Install Guides.

Once installed, you can interact with Pixie using the:

Get Involved

Pixie is a community driven project; we welcome your contribution! For code contributions, please read our contribution guide.

About Pixie

Pixie was contributed by New Relic, Inc. to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a Sandbox project in June 2021.


Pixie is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.

  • Self-Hosted Pixie Install Script

    Self-Hosted Pixie Install Script

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We would like to have an install experience for the self-hosted version of Pixie that is as easy to use as the one hosted on

    Additional context Our team has been busy at work this month open sourcing Pixie's source code, docs, website, and other assets, We are also actively applying to be a CNCF sandbox project!

    One of our last remaining items is to publish an install script to deploy a self-hosted version of Pixie.

    Who offers a hosted version of Pixie?

    New Relic currently offers a 100% free hosted version of Pixie Cloud. This hosting has no contingencies and will be offered indefinitely to the Pixie Community. All the code used for hosting is open source, including out production manifest files.

    What will the Self-Hosted install script do?

    The Self-Hosted install script will deploy Pixie Cloud so that you can use Pixie without any external dependencies. This is the exact version of Pixie Cloud we deploy, so it'll behave exactly as the hosted version, but will require management/configuration.

    What is the timeline? 

    Good question. :) We had planned to open source this script by 5/4. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it. We need more time to ensure that the Pixie Cloud deploy script will be just as easy to install Pixie Cloud as it is to install the hosted version of Pixie (in < 2 minutes!)

    But I really want to run a Self-Hosted!

    Technically you can build and run a self-hosted Pixie using Skaffold. Check out:

    These directions are not fully documented and the team is choosing to focus on quickly delivering the self-hosted install script. We'll constantly be iterating on the documentation to make the project more open source friendly.

  • google login hangs

    google login hangs

    Trying the pixie online installer. After signing up with google, login hangs forever with:

    Logging in...

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to signup, use google
    2. Login with google

    Expected behavior To be logged in

  • Modify `dns_data` table to record DNS requests with no response

    Modify `dns_data` table to record DNS requests with no response

    Problem: Sometimes DNS fails without the pod receiving DNS errors (e.g. if the network packets carrying the DNS response are being dropped).

    Solution: Change the dns_data table to record DNS requests without responses, so that you can track the number of DNS requests that remain unanswered over time.

  • [Doc issue] no ingress installed so dev_dns_updater did nothing

    [Doc issue] no ingress installed so dev_dns_updater did nothing

    Describe the bug I've been followed the document to deploy pixie cloud, and setup-dns section would update /etc/hosts if there is any ingress rules in k8s cluster. But it didn't have!

    ➜  pixie git:(main) ✗ kubectl get ing
    No resources found in default namespace.
    ➜  pixie git:(main) ✗ kubectl get ing -n plc
    No resources found in plc namespace.

    And it of course doesn't change anything:

    ➜  pixie git:(main) ✗ ./dev_dns_updater --domain-name=""  --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config --n=plc
    INFO[0000] DNS Entries                                   entries=",,," service=cloud-proxy-service
    INFO[0000] DNS Entries                          service=vzconn-service

    It didn't change /etc/hosts file!

    To Reproduce

    Expected behavior Should update /etc/hosts and we could visit in browser.



    App information (please complete the following information):

    • Pixie version: master branch
    • K8s cluster version: minikube on macOS 10.15.7 k8s version v1.22.2

    Additional context

  • Can't install pixie to completely air gapped environment

    Can't install pixie to completely air gapped environment

    Describe the bug Can't install pixie to completely air gapped environment.

    To Reproduce Currently I'm trying to install it via YAML scheme. I've already pushed all images mentioned in manifests generated on extract manifests step to my local artifactory and replaced original images links with local ones, but during installation pixie still tries to download some images (e.g. busybox:1.28.0-glibc and nats:1.3.0) from the internet.

    Expected behavior Be able to install pixie to self-hosted k8s cluster with no access to the internet.

    Logs Please attach the logs by running the following command:

    [root@localhost pixie_yamls]# kubectl get pods -n pl
    NAME                                      READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
    etcd-operator-6c6f8cb48d-q5t8q            1/1     Running                      0          43m
    kelvin-6c67584687-pwlrg                   0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    nats-operator-7bbff5c756-tt2rl            1/1     Running                      0          43m
    pl-etcd-zs25zbm5ln                        0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff        0          41m
    pl-nats-1                                 0/1     ImagePullBackOff             0          42m
    vizier-certmgr-58d97fd6b5-8wp9n           0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          42m
    vizier-cloud-connector-74c5c84487-m4bmq   1/1     Running                      1          42m
    vizier-metadata-6bc96dd78-g9brg           0/1     Init:0/2                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-bv858                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-dktqv                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-ftd66                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-gmrfq                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-j7xmx                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-jxl7j                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-kcfbf                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-mgzgj                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-pem-v7k7q                          0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    vizier-proxy-8568c9bd48-fdccm             0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          42m
    vizier-query-broker-7b74f9cbdc-265m4      0/1     Init:0/1                     0          42m
    [root@localhost pixie_yamls]# kc describe pod pl-etcd-zs25zbm5ln -n pl
    Name:         pl-etcd-zs25zbm5ln
    Namespace:    pl
      Type     Reason     Age                  From                             Message
      ----     ------     ----                 ----                             -------
      Normal   Scheduled  56m                  default-scheduler                Successfully assigned pl/pl-etcd-zs25zbm5ln to xxx
      Warning  Failed     55m                  kubelet, xxx  Failed to pull image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Warning  Failed     55m                  kubelet, xxx  Failed to pull image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Warning  Failed     55m                  kubelet, xxx  Failed to pull image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Warning  Failed     54m (x4 over 55m)    kubelet, xxx  Error: ErrImagePull
      Normal   Pulling    54m (x4 over 55m)    kubelet, xxx  Pulling image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc"
      Warning  Failed     54m                  kubelet, xxx  Failed to pull image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Normal   BackOff    45m (x43 over 55m)   kubelet, xxx  Back-off pulling image "busybox:1.28.0-glibc"
      Warning  Failed     48s (x234 over 55m)  kubelet, xxx  Error: ImagePullBackOff
    [root@localhost pixie_yamls]# kc describe pod pl-nats-1 -n pl
    Name:         pl-nats-1
    Namespace:    pl
      Type     Reason       Age                    From                             Message
      ----     ------       ----                   ----                             -------
      Normal   Scheduled    57m                    default-scheduler                Successfully assigned pl/pl-nats-1 to yyy
      Warning  FailedMount  57m (x6 over 57m)      kubelet, yyy  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "server-tls-certs" : secret "service-tls-certs" not found
      Warning  Failed       56m                    kubelet, yyy  Failed to pull image "nats:1.3.0": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Warning  Failed       56m                    kubelet, yyy  Failed to pull image "nats:1.3.0": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
      Warning  Failed       2m26s (x227 over 56m)  kubelet, yyy Error: ImagePullBackOff

    App information (please complete the following information):

    • Pixie version: Pixie CLI 0.5.8+Distribution.a09aa96.20210506210658.1
    • K8s cluster version: Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.1", GitCommit:"206bcadf021e76c27513500ca24182692aabd17e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-09-09T11:26:42Z", GoVersion:"go1.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.8", GitCommit:"9f2892aab98fe339f3bd70e3c470144299398ace", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-08-13T16:04:18Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
  • Compile error, missing HTTP Tables.

    Compile error, missing HTTP Tables.

    Describe the bug Cannot run any scripts due to a HTTP Event module not found?

    Script compilation failed: L222 : C22  Table 'http_events' not found.\n

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Install fresh version of Pixie on Minikube Cluster

    Expected behavior Pixie scripts to execute

    Screenshots image image

    Logs Please attach the logs by running the following command:

    ./px collect-logs (See Zip File) 
 App information (please complete the following information):

    • Pixie version: 0.5.3+Distribution.0ff53f6.20210503183144.1
    • K8s cluster version: v1.20.2
  • No Kafka data available

    No Kafka data available

    Describe the bug After installing Pixie in our Kubernetes cluster there seems to be no data available when running the Kafka scripts, it's empty. I used the installation scenario for Helm described in the documentation and I can see data from other scripts than Kafka, we are running Kafka using Strimzi. At the moment the rates for Kafka are like the following: 65kb/s incoming 80kb/s outgoing ~270 messages per second incoming

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install Pixie according to Helm instructions on
    2. Go to and run Kafka scripts

    Expected behavior I expected to see data from the Kafka cluster that we are running in the k8s cluster when running the Kafka scripts in the same way I can when running other scripts available.

    Screenshots pixie_kafka


    **App information (please complete the following information):**
    - Pixie operator v0.0.19
    - K8s 1.22.4 (AKS)
    - Node Kernel version 5.4.0-1065-azure
    - Browser Google chrome 98.0.4758.80 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    - Strimzi Kafka 0.24.0 and Kafka version 2.7.0
    **Additional context**
    Add any other context about the problem here.
  • JAVA profiling is not enabled by default as expected.

    JAVA profiling is not enabled by default as expected.

    I followed the tutorial. Passed the java -XX:+PreserveFramePointer

    Also while compiling used the apply plugin: 'java-library' compileJava { options.debug = true options.debugOptions.debugLevel = "source,lines,vars" }

    to enable java debug symbols.

    Still getting the hexadecimal values instead of the method names.

  • Add responseless dns requests to dns_data table.

    Add responseless dns requests to dns_data table.

    This pull request is related to which relates to including those DNS requests into the dns_data table for which a matching response was not found.

    Testing Done

    • [X] Verified that tests in are passed.

    noman@px-dev-docker:/pl/src/$ bazel test src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns/...
    INFO: Analyzed 7 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
    INFO: Found 4 targets and 3 test targets...
    INFO: Elapsed time: 3.078s, Critical Path: 2.69s
    INFO: 11 processes: 1 internal, 10 processwrapper-sandbox.
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 11 total actions
    //src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns:parse_test  PASSED in 0.0s
    //src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns:stitcher_test PASSED in 0.0s
    //src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns:types_test  PASSED in 0.0s
    INFO: Build completed successfully, 11 total actions
    noman@px-dev-docker:/pl/src/$ cat   /home/noman/.cache/bazel/_bazel_noman/4c31fb537ca0f31ab15bbd6a8445d3b6/execroot/px/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/testlogs/src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns/stitcher_test/test.log
    exec ${PAGER:-/usr/bin/less} "$0" || exit 1
    Executing tests from //src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns:stitcher_test
    I20221010 11:30:13.268741  5618] Started: /home/noman/.cache/bazel/_bazel_noman/4c31fb537ca0f31ab15bbd6a8445d3b6/sandbox/processwrapper-sandbox/21/execroot/px/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns/stitcher_test.runfiles/px/src/stirling/source_connectors/socket_tracer/protocols/dns/stitcher_test
    [==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test suite.
    [----------] Global test environment set-up.
    [----------] 2 tests from DnsStitcherTest
    [ RUN      ] DnsStitcherTest.RecordOutput
    [       OK ] DnsStitcherTest.RecordOutput (0 ms)
    [ RUN      ] DnsStitcherTest.OutOfOrderMatching
    [       OK ] DnsStitcherTest.OutOfOrderMatching (0 ms)
    [----------] 2 tests from DnsStitcherTest (0 ms total)
    [----------] Global test environment tear-down
    [==========] 2 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
    [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
    I20221010 11:30:13.269136  5618] Shutting down
  • Pixie is missing data about many pods and services in the cluster

    Pixie is missing data about many pods and services in the cluster

    Describe the bug

    I encountered an issue in a self-hosted installation where Pixie is missing information about the cluster

    E.g. When I checked the pods in a namespace using the px/namespace script from the UI and CLI, only 8 pods were shown. But when I checked from kubectl , I saw 90+ pods. Similarly, Pixie showed 6 services whereas kubectl showed 40+ services.

    Also, at times, when I try to view details of a Pod in the Pixie UI, there is no data for it. E.g. I selected a running pod from the cluster and entered it's name in the px/pod script in the UI. But nothing was shown for it. I could only see a No data available for inbound_requests table message. (All the widgets in px/pod had the same no data available error message). The start time I set in the Pixie UI was less than the pod's uptime as well. Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 20 13 25

    I also noticed that autocomplete in the Pixie UI doesn't show the correct resource at times. E.g. In px/pod, the pod that is shown by autocomplete does not exist in the cluster (Probably replaced by a new pod).

    I noticed the following in the deployment vizier-metadata pod and vizier-cloud-connector had many restarts. When I checked the pod, the state change reason for the container was shown as Error

    At times, newly created pods appear in Pixie. So this doesn't seem to be a case where Pixie is unable to get any information at all about new pods

    To Reproduce Not sure how to reproduce this

    Expected behavior Expected to see all pods and services of the cluster in Pixie

    Logs Log containing "error" in vizier-metadata. I am including all the repeated log lines as I want to show that they have been printed within a short interval (Multiple lines during some seconds as well)

    kubectl logs -f vizier-metadata-0 -n pl | grep -i Error
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:32Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:32Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:33Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:34Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:35Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:35Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:35Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:35Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:36Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:36Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:34:39Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:56:40Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T17:56:42Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"
    time="2022-07-13T18:04:05Z" level=info msg="Failed to get update version for topic" error="<nil>"

    vizier-cloud-connector had the following error repeated multiple times

    time="2022-07-13T18:34:46Z" level=info msg="failed vizier health check, will restart healthcheck" error="rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: INTERNAL_ERROR"
    time="2022-07-13T18:34:46Z" level=info msg="failed vizier health check, will restart healthcheck" error="context canceled"

    App information (please complete the following information):

    • Pixie version: 0.7.14
    • K8s cluster version: 1.21.9
    • Node Kernel version:
    • Browser version: Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    Additional context

  • gRPC-c data parsing

    gRPC-c data parsing

    Stirling now registers on perf buffers where the gRPC-c eBPF module writes data to. There are 3 buffers:

    1. gRPC events
    2. gRPC headers
    3. close events

    The logic of handling gRPC sessions works for Golang events. This logic is now used for gRPC-c events as well. The data that the gRPC-c eBPF module passes to the user-space differs from the data that the Golang gRPC eBPF module passes to the user-space. This PR is basically an abstraction layer that "translates" gRPC-c eBPF events to the known format of Golang gRPC events.

    gRPC-c events are still not enabled; They will be enabled in the next PR, where the needed probes will be attached by the UProbeManager. However, the gRPC-c eBPF program is now compiled; because in order for the code to find the perf buffers, they must exist.

  • Failed Deploy Pixie using YAML

    Failed Deploy Pixie using YAML

    Describe the bug I used self-hosted pixie. when i get to the third step “Deploy Pixie”

    i deploy Pixie using YAML

    when i Excuting an order

    kubectl apply -f pixie_yamls/ 图片

    the job 5ff7d47213a8875e3f1827d728b149498a0fdef08ba74499866d7d51a4b0147 in px-operator is not ready 图片

    The reason I found this error was ImagePullBackOff。


    how can i modify this job yaml??

    I tried to modify the job batch but got an error


    I just want to modify imagePullPolicy or image. how can i modify this job yaml??

  • - issue with the cloud secrets - issue with the cloud secrets

    Describe the bug Need addition to the documentation. Following the steps blindly doesn't work. After running the following command: ./scripts/ plc-dev dev getting the following error: Credentials path "/private/credentials/k8s/dev" does not exist. Did you slect the right secret type?

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Checkout pixie repo
    2. Follow the steps mentioned here:
    3. Under the step titled 'Load the config maps and secrets.', run the command: ./scripts/ plc-dev dev
    4. We get the following error: Credentials path "/private/credentials/k8s/dev" does not exist. Did you slect the right secret type?

    Expected behavior The setup steps should work seamlessly.

  • Add global.cluster recognition for clusterName

    Add global.cluster recognition for clusterName

    Signed-off-by: Max Lemieux [email protected]

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind feature

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    Currently, when this chart is installed as a subchart, the pixie-chart.clusterName value must still be set, although other charts may already set a required value global.cluster to store the cluster name.

    As a person installing the chart bundle as a subchart, this is not a great experience as I must enter the same value twice - only for this value.

    What is the testplan for the PR:

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes #

    Special notes for your reviewer:

    This change makes it unnecessary to set pixie-chart.clusterName for the chart bundle, as long as global.cluster is set.

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?


    Additional documentation:

  • Custom registry not used for vizier-operator pod

    Custom registry not used for vizier-operator pod

    Describe the bug Custom registry, although set, is not used for vizier-operator pod. It uses this image instead:

    When pixie-chart.registry is set, all pods should use the custom image registry. The vizier-operator pod in the px-operator namespace does not use the custom registry.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install Pixie with custom registry
    2. View description of vizier-operator pod
    3. Notice it doesn't use custom registry (and there are probably other errors related to this in a restricted environment)

    Expected behavior vizier-operator pod uses custom registry to host its app container image.

    App information (please complete the following information):

    • Pixie version: Latest New Relic bundle chart 5.0.2 with Pixie operator version 0.0.34
    • K8s cluster version: 1.25/EKS
    • Node Kernel version: 5.4.219-126.411.amzn2.x86_64
    • Browser version: Chrome latest

    Additional context I was able to host the custom image repository at $registry/ (as with the vizier images) and update the ClusterServiceVersion from the px-operator namespace to use the custom image. This seems to work, the vizier-operator pod uses the expected image, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it.

  • failed to connect to DB

    failed to connect to DB

    Describe the bug some pods are not Running

    kubectl logs pods

    logs: time="2022-12-22T09:20:38Z" level=error msg="failed to connect to DB, retrying" error="FATAL: password authentication failed for user "pl" (SQLSTATE 28P01)"

    kubectl get secrets pl-db-secrets Opaque 3 25m

    screenshot 图片



    Remark I used tag is release/cloud/prod/1670351615

  • Self-Hosted Pixie deploy, The provided credentials are invalid

    Self-Hosted Pixie deploy, The provided credentials are invalid

    Describe the bug Self-Hosted Pixie deploy, all pods are running. I use chrome to visit Login to the admin account using [email protected] for the email and admin for the password. notify:The provided credentials are invalid, check for spelling mistakes in your password or username, email address, or phone number.

    I don't modify k8s/cloud/base/ory_auth/kratos/kratos_deployment.yaml.

    To Reproduce login

    Expected behavior Login succeed

    Screenshots pixie_password pixie

    App information (please complete the following information): Version:release/cloud/prod/1670351615

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