This is an implementation of JWT in golang!

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This is a minimal implementation of JWT designed with simplicity in mind.

What is JWT?

Jwt is a signed JSON object used for claims based authentication. A good resource on what JWT Tokens are is, and in addition you can always read the RFC.

This implementation doesn't fully follow the specs in that it ignores the algorithm claim on the header. It does this due to the security vulnerability in the JWT specs. Details on the vulnerability can be found here

What algorithms does it support?

  • HS256
  • HS384
  • HS512

How does it work?

How to create a token?

Creating a token is actually pretty easy.

The first step is to pick a signing method. For demonstration purposes we will choose HSMAC256.

algorithm :=  jwt.HmacSha256("ThisIsTheSecret")

Now we need to the claims, and edit some values

claims := jwt.NewClaim()
claims.Set("Role", "Admin")

Then we will need to sign it!

token, err := algorithm.Encode(claims)
if err != nil {

How to authenticate a token?

Authenticating a token is quite simple. All we need to do is...

if algorithm.Validate(token) == nil {

How do we get the claims?

The claims are stored in a Claims struct. To get the claims from a token simply...

claims, err := algorithm.Decode(token)
if err != nil {
_, role := claims.Get("Role")
if strings.Compare(role, "Admin") {
    //user is an admin    

How is it different from

This package contains just the logic for jwt encoding, decoding, and verification. The package does not implement the jwt specifications. Instead it is specifically tied to oauth2, requiring a TokenURL, email and can only use a specific algorithm (RSA).

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  • Double-encoding error in validateSignature

    Double-encoding error in validateSignature

    Algorithm.Sign returns an already base64 encoded string but validateSignature does it again resulting in validate always failing with an invalid signature error.

    Not sure if this is the way you'd fix it, but the following change corrects the issue for me:

    diff --git a/algorithms.go b/algorithms.go
    index 745118c..64f2772 100644
    --- a/algorithms.go
    +++ b/algorithms.go
    @@ -143,9 +143,7 @@ func (a *Algorithm) validateSignature(encoded string) error {
                    return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to sign token for validation")
    -       b64SignedAttempt := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(signedAttempt))
    -       if !hmac.Equal([]byte(b64Signature), []byte(b64SignedAttempt)) {
    +       if !hmac.Equal([]byte(b64Signature), []byte(signedAttempt)) {
                    return errors.New("invalid signature")
  • JWT uses base64 URL encoding, not std encoding

    JWT uses base64 URL encoding, not std encoding

    I ran into the following error decoding a JWT on my system:

    unable to decode base64 payload: illegal base64 data at input byte 264

    Looks like it's related to the base64 decode function being used:

    If I switch the line to: payload, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(b64Payload)

    then it works! I suspect all of the encoding/decoding needs to use this. Here's the RFC, for reference.

  • Panic when running with multiple goroutines

    Panic when running with multiple goroutines


    I've discovered that this library panics when run with multiple goroutines.

    Considering the following minimal example:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	algorithm := jwt.HmacSha256("ThisIsTheSecret")
    	var wg sync.WaitGroup
    	noRoutines := 10
    	for i := 0; i < noRoutines; i++ {
    		go decode(&algorithm, &wg)
    func decode(algorithm *jwt.Algorithm, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    	defer wg.Done()
    	claims := jwt.NewClaim()
    	claims.Set("Role", "Admin")
    	token, err := algorithm.Encode(claims)
    	if err != nil {
    	for index := 0; index < 100; index++ {
    		_, err = algorithm.Decode(token)
    		if err != nil {

    Almost every run of this program leads to a panic like

    panic: d.nx != 0
    goroutine 7 [running]:
    crypto/sha256.(*digest).checkSum(0xc42003fd10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.9.2/libexec/src/crypto/sha256/sha256.go:157 +0x29e
    crypto/sha256.(*digest).Sum(0xc420084080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60, 0x5d, 0x0)
    	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.9.2/libexec/src/crypto/sha256/sha256.go:131 +0x69
    crypto/hmac.(*hmac).Sum(0xc420052060, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5d, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.9.2/libexec/src/crypto/hmac/hmac.go:46 +0x56*Algorithm).sum(0xc42000a060, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5d, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/myGopath/jwt-test/vendor/ +0x51*Algorithm).Sign(0xc42000a060, 0xc4200e4000, 0x5d, 0x1104718, 0x1, 0xc4200d4090, 0x2c)
    	/myGopath/jwt-test/vendor/ +0xff*Algorithm).Encode(0xc42000a060, 0xc420090010, 0x110490b, 0x4, 0xc42009e1b8, 0x0)
    	/myGopath/jwt-test/vendor/ +0x1e7
    main.decode(0xc42000a060, 0xc4200160d0)
    	/myGopath/jwt-test/main.go:24 +0xca
    created by main.main
    	/myGopath/jwt-test/main.go:15 +0xf3
    exit status 2

    We should at least document how the expected concurrenct usage scenario for this library is.

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