Simple AWS utilities packaged as a standalone binary

AWS Utils

This repository contains a simple CLI utility with a number of useful sub-commands implemented for working with AWS


If you the golang development tools installed upon your host, and you're running a recent version, you should be able to download and install via:

go install

Or, after having cloned this repository to your system, you can build from source with a simple:

go build .
go install .

If you don't wish to build from source you should be able to find precompiled binaries for several operating systems upon our releases page

The binary contains embedded support for bash-completion, to enable this add the following to your bash startup-file:

source <(aws-utils bash-completion)

Common Features

All of the commands accept the use of AWS credentials in the way you'd expect, be it from ~/.aws/credentials or via the use of environmental-variables:

    • For the cases when you're using assume-role.
    • The region to use.

This is documented in the Golang SDK page:

Many of the utilities also allow you to operate the same functionality upon an arbitrary number of AWS roles. In that case you'd specify the path to a file containing roles to assume, via the -roles argument.

For example:

$ aws-utils csv-instances -roles=/path/to/roles

The format of the file is one-role per line, such as:


# Lines prefixed with "#" are comments, and are ignored (as are empty-lines).


The following sub-commands are available:


Export a simple CSV-based list of running instances:

  • Account ID
  • Instance ID
  • Instance Name
  • AMI ID
  • Age of AMI in days


Show a human-friendly list of all the EC2 instances you have running.

Sample output:

i-01066633e12345567 - prod-fooapp-uk
	AMI: ami-01234567890abcdef
	Instance type: t3.medium
	Key name: sysadmin1
	Private IPv4:
	State: running
		/dev/sda1	vol-01234567890abcdef	100Gb	gp2	Encrypted:true	IOPs:300


Show security-groups which match a particular regular expression.

$ aws-utils sg-grep
sg-01234567890abcdef [eu-central-1] - launch-wizard-1 created 2021-11-19T09:39:15.473+02:00
	  Description: "launch-wizard-1 created 2021-11-19T09:39:15.473+02:00",
	  GroupId: "sg-sg-01234567890abcdef",
	  GroupName: "launch-wizard-1",
	  IpPermissions: [{
	      FromPort: 22,
	      IpProtocol: "tcp",
	      IpRanges: [{
	          CidrIp: "",
	          Description: ""
	      ToPort: 22


Show the current user, or assumed role.

$ aws-utils whoami

Or having assumed a role:

$ aws-utils whoami
  • Allow deactivation/deletion of AWS access-keys

    Allow deactivation/deletion of AWS access-keys


    thanks for this neat utility, I mostly use it to rotate AWS access-keys. To that effect, would it be possible to add flags to the rotate-keys command to allow for deactivation/deletion of the previous, now rotated keys?


  • 21 instances

    21 instances

    Correctly show instances.

    This pull-request closes #21 by correctly iterating over instances, quite how this ever worked (without the -json flag) is a mystery to me.

    Having an unset hostname was a red-herring.

  • Instance names are not always set

    Instance names are not always set

    Receiving an error with empty instances here:

    % AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 aws-utils  instances   
    errors running instance dump
    error invoking callback: error rendering template template: output:2:2: executing "output" at <.InstanceName>: can't evaluate field InstanceName in type []instances.InstanceOutput
    Steve.Kemp@Steves-MacBook-Pro .aws % 
  • Allow user to remove orphaned keys

    Allow user to remove orphaned keys

    This closes #19, by making it possible to remove the orphaned keys that might remain after generating a new one.

    If there are two keys present before things start then one will be removed as part of the generation of the new one - in that case we'll see an errors when we try to remove that a second time, but that is harmless.

  • Allow more flexible output options

    Allow more flexible output options

    This pull-request will close #17, by allowing more flexible output generation:

    • The default text/template which is used by the instances subcommand can be replaced by the user.
    • The csv-instances sub-command will accept a format-string showing which fields to output.

    In both cases the default(s) remain largely as-is, but this will allow increased flexibility for the user.

  • Allow the user to specify the columns to show for csv-instances

    Allow the user to specify the columns to show for csv-instances

    Today I was asked to provide a mapping of "name + IPv4" address for a bunch of accounts. This would have been easier if I could run:

      $ aws-utils csv-instances --fields="name,ipv4"

    Of course once I realize this I can also say that the instances and csv-instances are very very similar (which they definitely are). Merging the two commands into one almost makes sense, but I use them for different purposes and it would be nice to keep the simple nature alone.

    To close this issue:

    • Remove the duplication between the two commands, with regard to getting the data at least.
    • Allow the user to specify different fields for the CSV instnace, at least.
      • Ideally a template for the instances subcommand too.

    No changes to the default behaviour from the end-user perspective though, even if they gain the ability to change the formatting/templates.

  • 13 stacks

    13 stacks

    Update the stacks command such that we report stacks correctly.

    It was possible if a stack had been deleted, then a new stack created with the same name, that we'd fail to show it as being present (unless -all was added).

    This is because the ordering of the AWS output was random an we only maintained a map of name => state, rather than name => []state.

    This closes #13.

  • The `stacks` sub-command sometimes misses stacks

    The `stacks` sub-command sometimes misses stacks

    When a stack is present in multiple states it might get excluded.

    • Imagine you create a stack, then delete it.
    • Later you create a stack with the same name.

    This results in two stacks in the list-stack output :

    • One in DELETE_COMPLETE state
    • One in CREATE_COMPLETE state

    Depending on the random ordering this might get excluded. We need to build/maintain a list of the stack-stats not a simple key=>value hash, which will overwrite the stack-details.

  • rotate-keys trashes other profiles

    rotate-keys trashes other profiles

    This configuration file is fine:

    wc41 ~ $ cat ~/.aws/credentials 

    But the moment you have other profiles present as well things break:

     $ cat ~/.aws/credentials 

    Specifically the values of all the keys get updated, not just the first one.

    I guess we just replace the first value, not all the values, and that will solve this.

  • 9 callback approach

    9 callback approach

    This pull-request closes #9, by moving towards a callback-based solution.

    We use a helper to define a callback function, and that is either invoked once for the single (default) AWS account, or called once for each role specified in the role-file.

  • Simplify implementation of role-based commands

    Simplify implementation of role-based commands

    Several of our commands now operate either on the main AWS account, or a set of roles assumed from it:

    • csv-instances
    • instances
    • sg-grep

    Rather than duplicating all the code create a helper which does that once, and triggers a callback into the sub-command for the handling.

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