Schema based, typed Redis caching/memoize framework for Go

cacheme - Redis Caching Framework For Go

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  • Statically Typed - 100% statically typed using code generation.
  • Scale Efficiently - thundering herd protection via pub/sub.
  • Cluster Support - same API for redis & redis cluster.
  • Memoize - dynamic key generation based on code generation.
  • Versioning - cache versioning for better management.
  • Pipeline - reduce io cost by redis pipeline.

Read this first: Caches, Promises and Locks. This is how caching part works in cacheme.


go get

After installing cacheme-go codegen, go to the root directory of your project, and run:

go run init

The command above will generate cacheme directory under root directory:

└── cacheme
    ├── fetcher
    │   └── fetcher.go
    └── schema
        └── schema.go

Add Schema

Edit schema.go and add some schemas:

package schema

import (

	cacheme ""

var (
	// default prefix for redis keys
	Prefix = "cacheme"

	// store schemas
	Stores = []*cacheme.StoreSchema{
			Name:    "Simple",
			Key:     "simple:{{.ID}}",
			To:      "",
			Version: 1,
			TTL:     5 * time.Minute,

More details here

Store Generation

Run code generation from the root directory of the project as follows:

go run generate

This produces the following files:

└── cacheme
    ├── fetcher
    │   └── fetcher.go
    ├── schema
    │   └── schema.go
    └── store.go

store.go is generated based on schemas in schema.go. Adding more schemas and run generate again.

Add Fetcher

Each cache store should provide a fetch function in fetcher.go:

func Setup() {
	cacheme.SimpleCacheStore.Fetch = func(ctx context.Context, ID string) (string, error) {
		return ID, nil

Use Your Stores

Create a client and get data, fetch function will be called if cache not exist:

import (

func example() (string, error) {
	ctx := context.TODO()
	client := cacheme.New(
			Addr:     "localhost:6379",
			Password: "",
			DB:       0,
	store := client.SimpleCacheStore
	result, err := store.Get(ctx, "foo")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return result, err

Redis Cluster:

import (

func example() (string, error) {
	ctx := context.TODO()
	client := cacheme.NewCluster(
			Addrs: []string{
	store := client.SimpleCacheStore
	result, err := store.Get(ctx, "foo")
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return result, err

Invalid your cache:

err := store.Invalid(ctx, "foo")

Update your cache:

err := store.Update(ctx, "foo")

Redis pipeline(using same client, skip client creation here):

import cachemego ""

pipeline := cachemego.NewPipeline(client.Redis())
ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
var ps []*cacheme.SimplePromise
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	ps = append(ps, promise)
err = pipeline.Execute(ctx)

for _, promise := range ps {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)

Mixed pipeline:

import cachemego ""

// same pipeline for different stores
pipeline := cachemego.NewPipeline(client.Redis())

ids := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
var ps []*cacheme.SimplePromise // cache string
var psf []*cacheme.FooPromise // cache model.Foo struct
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.SimpleCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	ps = append(ps, promise)
for _, i := range ids {
	promise, err := client.FooCacheStore.GetP(ctx, pipeline, i)
	psf = append(psf, promise)
// execute only once
err = pipeline.Execute(ctx)
// simple store results
for _, promise := range ps {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)
// foo store results
for _, promise := range psf {
	r, err := promise.Result()
	fmt.Println(r, err)

Invalid all cache with version:

// invalid all version 1 simple cache
client.SimpleCacheStore.InvalidAll(ctx, 1)

Schema Definition

Each schema has 5 fields:

  • Name - store name, will be struct name in generated code, capital first.
  • Key - key with variable using go template syntax, Variable name will be used in code generation.
  • To - cached value, type of value will be used in code generation. Examples:
    • string: ""
    • int: 1
    • struct: model.Foo{}
    • struct pointer: &model.Foo{}
    • slice: []model.Foo{}
    • map: map[model.Foo]model.Bar{}
  • Version - version number, for schema change.
  • TTL - redis ttl using go time.
  • Singleflight - bool, if true, concurrent requests to same key on same machine will call Redis only once


  • Duplicate name/key is not allowed.

  • If set Singleflight to true, Redis GET command will be wrapped in a singleflight, so concurrent requests to same key will call Redis only once. Let's use some example to explain this:

    • you have some products to sell, and thousands people will view the detail at same time, so the product key product:1:info may be hit 100000 times per second. Now you should turn on singleflight, and the actually redis hit may reduce to 5000.
    • you have cache for user shopping cart user:123:cart, only the user himself can see that. Now no need to use singleflight, becauese there should't be concurrent requests to that key.
    • you are using serverless platform, AWS Lambda or similar. So each request runs in isolated environment, can't talk to each other through channels. Then singleflight make no sense.
  • Full redis key has 3 parts: prefix + schema key + version. Schema Keycategory:{{.categoryID}}:book:{{.bookID}} with prefix cacheme, version 1 will generate key:


    Also you will see categoryID and bookID in generated code, as fetch func params.

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  • Add GetMany method to store

    Add GetMany method to store

    The pipeline and GetP method are generic, one pipeline can include multiple stores and multiple keys, so we can't apply store's Singleflight config here. So I will add another method GetMany to each store, this method can get multiple keys from same store with 1 redis hit. And benefit from Singleflight option. Also this method should be unordered. That means ["a", "b"] and ["b", "a"] should be in same singleflight call, because they ask for same elements, just in different order.

    Two options in my mind:

    • param struct:
    // FooParams is created by code generation
    FooStore.GetMany(ctx, []FooParams{{ID: "a", Name: "a"}, {ID: "b", Name: "b"}})
    // will return []model.Foo{...}


    • call chain:
    FooStore.GetM("a", "a").GetM("b", "b").Do(ctx)
    // will return []model.Foo{...}

    Both options should return reuslts directly, same order as input.

  • add store package

    add store package

    This update will split stores to a sub package, code regeneration is required after update. Also some old import path won't work, need to fix fetcher.go manually

  • Add get many method

    Add get many method

    Add GetM API:

    qs, err := FooStore.GetM("a").GetM("b").GetM("c").Do(ctx)
    // get results as slice, same order as inputs
    qs.GetSlice() // return slice {"a", "b", "c"}
    qs, err := FooStore.GetM("b").GetM("c").GetM("a").Do(ctx)
    // get results as slice, same order as inputs
    qs.GetSlice() // return slice {"b", "c", "a"}
    // get single result
    v, err := qs.Get("a")
    v, err := qs.Get("b")
    // not exist, err != nil
    v, err := qs.Get("q")
  • Support schema version function

    Support schema version function

    So we can update version dynamically:

    Example: model.go

    // when you change Foo struct, also update version here.
    // with version function, no need to generate cache store again.
    const FooCacheVersion = 1
    type Foo struct {}


    			Name:    "Foo",
    			Key:     "foo:{{.ID}}:info",
    			To:      model.Foo{},
    			Version: func() int {return model.FooCacheVersion},
    			TTL:     5 * time.Minute,
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