Support for extending Argo CD

Argo CD Extensions

To enable Extensions for your Argo CD cluster will require just a single kubectl apply.

Here we provide a way to extend Argo CD such that it can provide resource-specific visualizations, capabilities and interactions in the following ways:

  • Richer and context-sensitive UI components can be displayed in the user interface about custom resources.
  • Custom health checks can be configured to assess the health of the resource.
  • Custom actions could be performed to manipulate resources in predefined ways.


Argo CD is commonly used as a dashboard to Kubernetes applications. The current UI is limited in that it only displays very general information about Kubernetes objects. Any special visualizations can currently only be done native Kubernetes kinds.

For custom resources, Argo CD does not by default have any special handling or understanding of CRs, such as how to assess health of the object or visualizations. When examining a resource, a user can only see a YAML view of the object, which is not helpful unless they are familiar with the object's spec and status information.

Note that Argo CD does currently have a resource customizations feature, which allows operators to define health checks and actions via lua scripts in the argocd-cm ConfigMap. However, the current mechanism of configuring resource customizations is difficult and highly error prone.

This proposal would allow operators to more easily configure Argo CD to understand custom resources, as well as provide more powerful visualization of objects.'


  • Enable new visualizations in the UI for resources that do not have baked-in support
  • Extensions can be configured by operators at runtime, without a feature being built directly into Argo CD, and with no need to recompile UI code.
  • Extensions should be easy to develop and install (via an ArgoCDExtension CR)
  • Replace current resource customizations in argocd-cm ConfigMap with extensions

Getting Started

The simplest way to install the extension controller is to use Kustomize to bundle Argo CD and the extensions controller manifests together:

kind: Kustomization

# base Argo CD components

# extensions controller component

Store the YAML above into kustomization.yaml file and use the following command to install manifests:

kubectl create ns argocd && kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f - -n argocd
  • chores: separate crd and patch manifest files

    chores: separate crd and patch manifest files

    when we install multiple argocd instances within a cluster. CRDs are shared resources across argocd instances within a cluster. The crd has to be installed in one bootstrap namespace, and argocd-extension has to be installed on the remaining account of argocd. Due to this reason, we need to separate the crd manifest from the argocd-extension patch manifest.

  • Failed to load rollout extension: Something went wrong with Extension for Rollout

    Failed to load rollout extension: Something went wrong with Extension for Rollout


    What happened/what you expected to happen?

    When clicking on the More tab on a rollout object, we are expected to see the rollout page, however it shows error: Something went wrong with Extension for Rollout instead Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 6 20 31 PM


    What Kubernetes provider are you using? GKE, 1.20

    What version of Argo CD and Argo CD Extensions are you running? ArgoCD v2.2.5+8f981cc ArgoCD Extensions v0.1.0 rollout extension v0.1.0

    # Paste the logs from the extensions controller
    I0225 01:04:27.631432       1 request.go:665] Waited for 1.040301432s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
    2022-02-25T01:04:27.835Z    INFO    setup    starting manager
    2022-02-25T01:04:27.836Z    INFO    controller.argocdextension    Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCDExtension", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
    2022-02-25T01:04:27.836Z    INFO    controller.argocdextension    Starting Controller    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCDExtension"}
    2022-02-25T01:04:27.937Z    INFO    controller.argocdextension    Starting workers    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCDExtension", "worker count": 1}
    2022-02-25T01:04:27.938Z    INFO    controller.argocdextension    Sources has not been downloaded yet, redownloading...    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCDExtension", "name": "argo-rollouts", "namespace": "argocd"}
    2022-02-25T01:04:29.346Z    INFO    controller.argocdextension    Successfully downloaded all sources.    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "ArgoCDExtension", "name": "argo-rollouts", "namespace": "argocd"}

    Also seeing this error in developer tools: Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 6 26 50 PM

    Just a guess: could this be caused by the fact that we are using WorkloadRef ?

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Integrate argocd-extensions into official argocd helm chart

    Integrate argocd-extensions into official argocd helm chart


    Integrate argocd-extensions into official argocd helm chart (put it behind variable?)

    Use Cases

    Kustomize is PITA. Please make it easier to install extensions ;)

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Arm64 : exec format error

    Arm64 : exec format error


    I deploy the Argo-CD helm chart and enable extensions :

          enabled: true


    What Kubernetes provider are you using? k3s

    What version of Argo CD and Argo CD Extensions are you running?

        Container ID:  containerd://4fe6fba7f318b161c23df5098ebe98b7436a5fec9fbb1d2be3c11eef2d2461dc
        Image ID:
        Ports:         8080/TCP, 8083/TCP
        Host Ports:    0/TCP, 0/TCP
        State:          Running
          Started:      Thu, 20 Oct 2022 13:11:41 +0200
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
          memory:  512Mi
          cpu:      100m
          memory:   128Mi
        Liveness:   http-get http://:8080/healthz delay=10s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
        Readiness:  http-get http://:8080/healthz delay=10s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
          ARGOCD_SERVER_INSECURE:                            <set to the key 'server.insecure' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                            Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_BASEHREF:                            <set to the key 'server.basehref' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                            Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_ROOTPATH:                            <set to the key 'server.rootpath' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                            Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_LOGFORMAT:                           <set to the key 'server.log.format' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                          Optional: true
          ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_LOGLEVEL:                       <set to the key 'server.log.level' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                           Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_REPO_SERVER:                         <set to the key 'repo.server' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                                Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_DEX_SERVER:                          <set to the key 'server.dex.server' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                          Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_DISABLE_AUTH:                        <set to the key 'server.disable.auth' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                        Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_ENABLE_GZIP:                         <set to the key 'server.enable.gzip' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                         Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_REPO_SERVER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:         <set to the key 'server.repo.server.timeout.seconds' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>         Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_X_FRAME_OPTIONS:                     <set to the key 'server.x.frame.options' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                     Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY:             <set to the key '' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>             Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_REPO_SERVER_PLAINTEXT:               <set to the key 'server.repo.server.plaintext' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>               Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_REPO_SERVER_STRICT_TLS:              <set to the key 'server.repo.server.strict.tls' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>              Optional: true
          ARGOCD_TLS_MIN_VERSION:                            <set to the key 'server.tls.minversion' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                      Optional: true
          ARGOCD_TLS_MAX_VERSION:                            <set to the key 'server.tls.maxversion' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                      Optional: true
          ARGOCD_TLS_CIPHERS:                                <set to the key 'server.tls.ciphers' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                         Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_CONNECTION_STATUS_CACHE_EXPIRATION:  <set to the key 'server.connection.status.cache.expiration' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>  Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_OIDC_CACHE_EXPIRATION:               <set to the key 'server.oidc.cache.expiration' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>               Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPIRATION:           <set to the key 'server.login.attempts.expiration' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>           Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_STATIC_ASSETS:                       <set to the key 'server.staticassets' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                        Optional: true
          ARGOCD_APP_STATE_CACHE_EXPIRATION:                 <set to the key '' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>          Optional: true
          REDIS_SERVER:                                      <set to the key 'redis.server' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                               Optional: true
          REDISDB:                                           <set to the key 'redis.db' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                                   Optional: true
          REDIS_USERNAME:                                    <set to the key 'redis-username' in secret 'argo-cd-argocd-redis'>                                 Optional: true
          REDIS_PASSWORD:                                    <set to the key 'redis-password' in secret 'argo-cd-argocd-redis'>                                 Optional: true
          ARGOCD_DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION:                   <set to the key 'server.default.cache.expiration' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>            Optional: true
          ARGOCD_MAX_COOKIE_NUMBER:                          <set to the key 'server.http.cookie.maxnumber' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>               Optional: true
          ARGOCD_SERVER_OTLP_ADDRESS:                        <set to the key 'otlp.address' of config map 'argocd-cmd-params-cm'>                               Optional: true
          /app/config/server/tls from argocd-repo-server-tls (rw)
          /app/config/ssh from ssh-known-hosts (rw)
          /app/config/tls from tls-certs (rw)
          /home/argocd from plugins-home (rw)
          /tmp from tmp-dir (rw)
          /tmp/extensions/ from extensions (rw)
          /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-hbqhz (ro)


        Container ID:   containerd://7a3cdb1e50e70536183c2d192e5ebd9d313994034d45100e8a5659d80cfbf238
        Image ID:
        Port:           <none>
        Host Port:      <none>
        State:          Waiting
          Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
        Last State:     Terminated
          Reason:       Error
          Exit Code:    1
          Started:      Thu, 20 Oct 2022 13:13:25 +0200
          Finished:     Thu, 20 Oct 2022 13:13:25 +0200
        Ready:          False
        Restart Count:  4
          memory:  128Mi
          cpu:        10m
          memory:     64Mi
        Environment:  <none>
          /tmp/extensions/ from extensions (rw)
          /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-hbqhz (ro)

    Paste the logs from the extensions controller

    Logs for the entire controller:

    kubectl logs -n argocd deployment/argocd-extensions-controller

    kubectl -n argocd logs -f argo-cd-argocd-server-66b874fcd9-2zq7v -c argocd-extensions
    exec /manager: exec format error

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Add Container Security Context by Default

    Add Container Security Context by Default


    Currently it seems that

        - ALL

    is missing from the container security context. If the container does not require those capabilities, would it be possible to drop them by default?

    Use Cases

    When would you use this?

    If this is implemented by default I believe that it would increase the security posture of every cluster that uses this.

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Automate updating image tags

    Automate updating image tags


    Automate updating image tags in the kustomization.yaml files.

    Use Cases

    Otherwise we'll forget. And when we don't forget, we have to manually do this:

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Check downloaded resources integrity

    Check downloaded resources integrity

    When you pull a resource down, you should check the resources hash against a known good value, in case the third-party is compromised and an attacker replaces the resource (Javascript) with something bad.

    Basically this:

    <script src=""

    Could be done like this:

    kind: ArgoCDExtension
      name: hello-world
        - git:
        - web:
            integrity: sha384-oqVuAfXRKap7fdgcCY5uykM6+R9GqQ8K/uxy9rx7HNQlGYl1kPzQho1wx4JwY8wC
  • Supporting More than one extension per resource

    Supporting More than one extension per resource


    The current ArgoCD extension supports only one extension per resource. extension.js will overwrite the previous one.

    What change needs making?

    Use Cases

    When would you use this?

    Message from the maintainers:

    Impacted by this bug? Give it a 👍. We prioritise the issues with the most 👍.

  • Add


    The Argo maintainers recently agreed to require all Argoproj Labs project repositories to contain a file which documents:

    • Contact information for reporting security vulnerabilities
    • Some minimal information about policies, practices, with possibly links to further documentation with more details

    This will help direct vulnerability reporting to the right parties which can fix the issue.

    You are free to use the following as examples/templates:

    Also, please note that in the future we are exploring a requirement that argoproj-labs projects perform a CII self-assessment to better inform its users about which security best practices are being followed.

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