Reinforcement Learning in Go

GoDoc Go Report Card


Gold is a reinforcement learning library for Go. It provides a set of agents that can be used to solve challenges in various environments. The library further contains a composable tooling for creating agents and visualizing their performance.

Quick Start

go run ./pkg/v1/agent/deepq/experiments/cartpole/main.go


  • Go >= v13.0
  • Docker
  • A browser that isn't IE


All of the agent implementations can be found in pkg/v1/agent each agent has an experiments folder providing demos across various environments.

agent algorithm
pkg/v1/agent/q Q Learning
pkg/v1/agent/deepq Deep Q learning with Double Q
pkg/v1/agent/reinforce REINFORCE aka Monte Carlo Policy Gradients
pkg/v1/agent/nes Natural Evolution Strategies
pkg/v1/agent/her Hindsight Experience Replay
pkg/v1/agent/ppo Proximal Policy Optimization ⚠️ in progress


Each package contains a README explaining the usage, also see GoDoc.


Please open an MR for any issues or feature requests.

The project is fairly simple to hack on, environments are provided through Sphere, models are provided through Goro.

Feel free to ping @pbarker on Gopher slack.


  • More agents, more environments; see Future Thoughts
  • Accelerated compute support
  • Tuning libraries
  • Deployments


  • Taxi q experiment panics

    Taxi q experiment panics

    Using go1.14.1 with I get a panic in taxi experiment:

    go run -trimpath ./pkg/v1/agent/q/experiments/taxi/main.go
    ℹ  tracking data in /var/folders/zy/lzyp__pd7vx6762s5jcgkkl80000gn/T/stats.104998610.json
    ℹ  connecting to existing container "stupefied_taussig"
    ✔  connected to server "gym"
    ✔  created env: f07159db-890d-45ca-a295-aa9e383507de
    ℹ  serving agent api/ui on http://localhost:39421
    ℹ  running for 5000 episodes
    ✖  rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Exception calling application: 'int' object has no attribute 'ravel'
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    runtime/debug.Stack(0x75, 0x0, 0x0)
            runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9d
            runtime/debug/stack.go:16 +0x22, 0x1c76e46, 0x3, 0xc0007e1f28, 0x1, 0x1)
  [email protected]/log.go:77 +0x11d
  [email protected]/log.go:64, 0x1, 0x1)
  [email protected]/log.go:109 +0xa3
            command-line-arguments/main.go:36 +0x303
    exit status 1
  • Cannot convert FauxZero

    Cannot convert FauxZero

    Cloned repository and using the quick start instructions.

    $ go run ./pkg/v1/agent/deepq/experiments/cartpole/main.go # pkg/v1/dense/value.go:57:19: cannot convert FauxZero (type float64) to type complex64 pkg/v1/dense/value.go:59:20: cannot convert FauxZero (type float64) to type complex128

    Using go v1.14 on linux/amd64

  • Exception calling application: module 'gym.envs.box2d' has no attribute 'LunarLander'

    Exception calling application: module 'gym.envs.box2d' has no attribute 'LunarLander'

    It seems that the only working environment is CartPole-v1. If I try to use LunarLander-v2 or something else from Box2D, I get an error, for example:

    	server, err := env.FindOrCreate(env.GymServerConfig)
    	if err != nil {
    	defer server.Close()
    	environment, err = server.Make("LunarLander-v2", env.WithRecorder())
    	if err != nil {


    2020/04/10 18:15:13 rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Exception calling application: module 'gym.envs.box2d' has no attribute 'LunarLander'

    I wonder whether it's expected behavior or not? Should I perform some extra steps to enable additional environments?

  • constant conversion fix

    constant conversion fix

    @JetSetIlly reported and discovered it was caused by and recommended the following fix

  • 1.14 hot fix

    1.14 hot fix

    A breaking change occurred in Go between 13.6 and 14.1 with float64 to complex64 casting, still need to investigate more closes

  • Environment Step: float or int?

    Environment Step: float or int?


    I'm trying to create my own agent, following the example here: It's an example for CartPole-v0, while I'm playing around with LunarLander-v2.

    I've come now to implementing the "step" function. And I realized that Env.Step() function takes int as an argument. Maybe that's what is needed for the CartPole-v0, but LunarLander-v2's step is float:

    # Action is two floats [main engine, left-right engines].
    # Main engine: -1..0 off, 0..+1 throttle from 50% to 100% power. Engine can't work with less than 50% power.
    # Left-right:  -1.0..-0.5 fire left engine, +0.5..+1.0 fire right engine, -0.5..0.5 off

    Pretty much everywhere in the gold library where I meet anything action-related - it's int.

    How should it be mapped to the continuous environments? Or is it not possible at the moment? If so, would it be difficult to implement it?

  • Error with build

    Error with build

    C:\Users\<...>\go\pkg\mod\\aunum\[email protected]\pkg\v1\agent\q\experiments\taxi>go run main.go
    ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ory\[email protected]+incompatible\docker\pkg\system\filesys_windows.go:113:24: cannot use uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&sd[0])) (type uintptr) as type *"".SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR in assignment

    go version go1.16.6 windows/amd64

  • Not all videos are being saved...

    Not all videos are being saved...


    I'm running a lot of episodes of LunarLander in a loop (maybe hundreds). When I call environment.End() in the end, I get all the episodes information printed, like this:

        episode_id: 15
        episode_length: 80
        reward: 20.416142
          seconds: 1588666897

    But, for some reason, it records only a few videos:

        content_type: video/mp4
        content_type: video/mp4
        episode_id: 1
        content_type: video/mp4
        episode_id: 8
        content_type: video/mp4
        episode_id: 27

    I'm having a hard time trying to find the parameter that can turn on saving video for each and every episode. Is it even possible?

  • visualize toy text problems

    visualize toy text problems

    Currently toy text problems don't have visualization because the only way they are rendered is with ansi color codes. Should provide a means of rendering that locally in the terminal.

  • build pipelines

    build pipelines was caused by a local build of the sphere container that hadn't been pushed and highlighted the need for build pipelines

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