Prophecis is a one-stop machine learning platform developed by WeBank



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Prophecis is a one-stop machine learning platform developed by WeBank. It integrates multiple open-source machine learning frameworks, has the multi tenant management capability of machine learning compute cluster, and provides full stack container deployment and management services for production environment.


  • Overall Structure


    Five key services in Prophecis:

  • Prophecis Machine Learning Flow:Distributed machine learning modeling tool, with stand-alone and distributed mode model training functions, supports Tensorflow, Python, XGBoost and other machine learning frameworks, and supports the complete pipeline from machine learning modeling to deployment;

  • Prophecis MLLabis:Machine learning development and exploration tools, providing development and exploration services. MLLabis is an online IDE based on Jupyter Lab. It also supports machine learning tasks for GPU and Hadoop clusters, supports Python, R, and Julia, and integrates Debug and TensorBoard plugins;

  • Prophecis Model Factory: MF provides machine learning model storage, model deployment, AB Test, model management and other services;

  • Prophecis Data Factory: DF provides feature engineering tools, data labeling tools and material management services;

  • Prophecis Application Factory:AF is jointly developed by the big data platform team and AI Department of Webank. It is based on QingCloud's open source system KubeSphere custom development, providing CI/CD and DevOps tools, GPU cluster monitoring and warning capabilities.

  • Features


  • Whole Machine Learning Life Cycle Support:Prophecis's MLFlow can be nested into the workflow of DataSphere Stdudio through AppJoint. Support the entire machine learning process from data upload, data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, model evaluation, model release to model deployment.


  • One-Click Model Deployment Service:Prophecis MF supports deploying models generated by Prophecis Machine Learning Flow and Propheics MLLabis as restful API or RPC interface with one click, so as to realize seamless connection between model and business system.

  • Comprehensive Management Platform:Based on the community open source program customization, Prophecis provides complete, reliable, and highly flexible enterprise-level machine learning application release, monitoring, service management, log collection and query management tools, and realizes the full control of machine learning applications to meet the needs of enterprises Learn to apply all the work requirements of the online production environment.

Quick Start Guide


  • Read the Develop Guide guide to quickly get how to develop Prophecis.


  • See our Roadmap for what's coming soon in Prophecis.


Contributions are warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated.


If you desire immediate response, please kindly raise issues to us or scan the below QR code by WeChat and QQ to join our group: :



Prophecis is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

  • 创建notebook一直是waiting状态


    • helm version:version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.2.1", GitCommit:"fe51cd1e31e6a202cba7dead9552a6d418ded79a", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.10"}
    • docker version:
    Client: Docker Engine - Community
     Version:           19.03.9
     API version:       1.40
     Go version:        go1.13.10
     Git commit:        9d988398e7
     Built:             Fri May 15 00:25:27 2020
     OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
     Experimental:      false
    Server: Docker Engine - Community
      Version:          19.03.9
      API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.12)
      Go version:       go1.13.10
      Git commit:       9d988398e7
      Built:            Fri May 15 00:24:05 2020
      OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
      Experimental:     false
      Version:          1.4.13
      GitCommit:        9cc61520f4cd876b86e77edfeb88fbcd536d1f9d
      Version:          1.0.3
      GitCommit:        v1.0.3-0-gf46b6ba
      Version:          0.18.0
      GitCommit:        fec3683

    -k8s version:

    Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.4", GitCommit:"e6c093d87ea4cbb530a7b2ae91e54c0842d8308a", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-02-16T12:38:05Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
    Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.20", GitCommit:"1f3e19b7beb1cc0110255668c4238ed63dadb7ad", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-06-16T12:51:17Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


  • 镜像无法拉取!!!


    您好! wedatasphere/prophecis:metrics-0.2.0 wedatasphere/prophecis:jobmonitor-0.2.0 wedataspere/prophecis:minio-2020-06-14 wedatasphere/prophecis:lcm-0.2.0 wedatasphere/prophecis:trainer-0.2.0 这些镜像都无法拉取,请问仓库里有这些镜像吗?

  • I encountered the following problems:nginx: [emerg] host not found in resolver

    I encountered the following problems:nginx: [emerg] host not found in resolver "kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/ui.conf:46

    [root@node Prophecis]# kubectl logs -f bdap-ui-deployment-595f6c44bf-jmkb5 -n prophecis / /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration / Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/ / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ info: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf is not a file or does not exist / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ / Configuration complete; ready for start up nginx: [emerg] host not found in resolver "kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/ui.conf:46 [root@node Prophecis]#

  • which version of k8s supported?

    which version of k8s supported?

    I had test kubernetes v1.20.0 and v1.18.6 and it shows errors, and below is the detail information:

    run helm install notebook-controller . in folder Prophecis/helm-charts/k8s 1.18.6/notebook-controller it shows: Error: template: MLSS/templates/notebook-controller-0.5.1.yaml:115:24: executing "MLSS/templates/notebook-controller-0.5.1.yaml" at <.Values.aide.controller.notebook.repository>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.controller

    run helm install notebook-controller . in folder Prophecis/helm-charts/notebook-controller it shows: Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta1", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "StatefulSet" in version "apps/v1beta2"

  • Prophecis v0.3.2 release

    Prophecis v0.3.2 release

    [1] Update the MLFlow module, adapt to DataSphere Studio 1.1.0 version. [2] Update the Prophecis appconn , adapt to DataSphere Studio 1.1.0 version. [3] Update MLFlow user_manual. [4] Fix the error of model list interface. [5] Fix some wrong variables in helm chart installation.

  • feat(mllabis): Add resource modification and release in notebook server

    feat(mllabis): Add resource modification and release in notebook server

    1、Add resource modification and resource release in notebook server. 2、Optimize log and status viewing function. 3、Add notebook controller(From Kubeflow Controller).

  • 编译 di/lcm 模块报错

    编译 di/lcm 模块报错

    go build -v -o bin/main webank/DI/lcm/service/lcm webank/DI/lcm/service/lcm service/lcm/splitTraining.go:39:42: not enough arguments in call to learner.CreateServiceSpec have (string, string) want (string, string, kubernetes.Interface) service/lcm/splitTraining.go:78:17: t.helper undefined (type splitTraining has no field or method helper) service/lcm/splitTraining.go:117:50: too many arguments in call to newConstructLearnerContainer service/lcm/split_training.go:36:6: method redeclared: splitTraining.jobSpecForLearner method(splitTraining) func(string) ("".Job, error) method(splitTraining) func("".Service) (*"".Job, error) service/lcm/split_training.go:36:24: splitTraining.jobSpecForLearner redeclared in this block previous declaration at service/lcm/splitTraining.go:70:6 service/lcm/split_training.go:85:24: splitTraining.Start redeclared in this block previous declaration at service/lcm/splitTraining.go:37:6 service/lcm/split_training.go:122:33: cannot use serviceSpec (type *"".Service) as type string in argument to t.jobSpecForLearner service/lcm/split_training.go:149:25: (*splitTraining).NewCreateFromBOM redeclared in this block previous declaration at service/lcm/splitTraining.go:128:6 service/lcm/split_training.go:179:29: (*splitTraining).NewCreateFromBOM.func1 redeclared in this block previous declaration at service/lcm/splitTraining.go:137:33 service/lcm/split_training.go:200:25: (*splitTraining).CreateFromBOMForTFJob redeclared in this block previous declaration at service/lcm/splitTraining.go:179:6 service/lcm/split_training.go:179:29: too many errors


  • 经常出现“网络服务异常”报错,是给LDAP认证有关的吗?


    部署Prophecis版本: v0.3.0 Kubernetes版本: 1.18.6, 所有pod运行状态都Running 1.部署文档中说是: Prophecis使用LDAP来负责统一认证,但部署文档没有要求必须安装LDAP目录服务,有要求LDAP必须创建什么用户吗? 2.部署文档要求创建的超级管理员和用户密码,给t_superadmin表对应,t_superadmin表中有name字段,不需要密码字段存储吗?LDAP创建的用户要和t_superadmin表的超级管理员用户对应吗? 3.登录时,出现错误:原因是:LDAP目录服务器 用户认证没通过吗? 37dd7aeb1b376cfd4f22bcc705d56b2

    4.清除浏览器缓存后,重新打开登录页面,可以登录进去,但好多页面点击过程都会出现“网络服务异常”错误。 微信图片_20221027194135 请问这个给Auth_type:LDAP有关系吗?

    1. LDAP统一认证支持可配置吗?关闭或者开启。
  • Prophecis0.3.2对应DSS/Linkis平台Appconn插件部署包及初始化SQL缺失


    根据安装部署文档中的要求准备安装DSS/Linkis平台的Appconn插件部署包及初始化SQL发现存在异常。 release0.3.2未提供对应的插件包、并且0.3.2源码内appconn对应pom依赖为DSS1.0.1 Linkis1.0.3,尝试替换为7月DSS发布版本的DSS1.1.0 Linkis1.1.1进行编译发现代码存在报错:[XX,XX] error: camnot find symbol. 同时发现appconn初始化sql中需要操作的dss_appcation元数据表在DSS1.1.0 Linkis1.1.1的元数据表中已不存在

    源码包编译版本依赖DSS1 0 1Linkis1 0 3替换DSS1 1 1LINKIS1 1 0编译报错



  • docker hub missing images of some v0.3.2 components

    docker hub missing images of some v0.3.2 components

    The missing images in Prophecis/install/value.yaml:

    wedatasphere/prophecis:mllabis-v0.3.2 --> wedatasphere/prophecis:mllabis-v0.3.0 wedatasphere/prophecis:metrics-v0.3.2 --> wedatasphere/prophecis:metrics-v0.3.0 wedatasphere/prophecis:mf-server-v0.3.2 --> wedatasphere/prophecis:mf-server-v0.3.0

  • save model error, cannot connect to di-storage-rpc service

    save model error, cannot connect to di-storage-rpc service

    di-storage-rpc is running, and DNS is: di-storage-rpc.prophecis, but the address in log is: di-storage-rpc..svc.cluster.local:80, it looks like "prophecis" is missing in DNS

    image image image

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