A command-line runner for Go expressions


grun is a command-line tool for evaluating Go expressions. It was inspired by runner which does the same for Rust.

It constructs a little Go program printing out the expression and runs it using go run. This is normally fast but the first invocation may take a little while since it runs go list all first to make a package map.

$ grun -e 'strings.Split("hello world"," ")'
[hello world]

You can choose to display the results in JSON, which is good for presenting data structures like slices and maps neatly, although not so useful for types that don't have public fields.

$ grun -j -e 'strings.Split("hello world"," ")'

Go can be a bit verbose so there are some shortcuts

  • S.: strings.
  • M.: math.
  • C.: strconv.
  • R(rx): regexp.MustCompile(rx)
$ grun -e 'R(`[a-z]+`).MatchString("hello")'
$ grun -e 'M.Sin(1.2)'

In addition, these type aliases are defined:

type M = map[string]interface{}
type S = []interface{}

So we can say:

grun$ grun -e 'M{"one":1,"two":"zwei","three":S{1,2,3}}'
map[one:1 three:[1 2 3] two:zwei]

Expressions may of course return multiple results, commonly for error returns:

$ grun -e 'os.Open("nada.txt")'
open nada.txt: no such file or directory
$ grun -j -e 'os.Open("nada.txt")'
  "Op": "open",
  "Path": "nada.txt",
  "Err": 2

There is another option, which is to print the result(s) using the '%#v' format, as Go expressions:

$ grun -G -e 'os.Open("nada.txt")'
&fs.PathError{Op:"open", Path:"nada.txt", Err:0x2}

We resolve nested packages like io/ioutil using the package map:

$ cat tmp.txt
hello dolly
$ grun -e 'ioutil.ReadFile("tmp.txt")'
[104 101 108 108 111 32 100 111 108 108 121 10]

(These are not always unique but it's good enough for now)

There are limits to what a single Go expresion can do, so the expression may be preceded by one or more statements:

$ grun -e 's,_ := ioutil.ReadFile("tmp.txt"); string(s)'
hello dolly

Regular error handling is a little clumsy for one-liners, so there is an implicit shortcut. If there's a second var assigned, and it starts with 'e', then we put in a log.Fatal check:

$ grun -e 's,e := ioutil.ReadFile("nada.txt"); string(s)'
2021/04/21 16:03:07 open nada.txt: no such file or directory
exit status 1
2021/04/21 16:03:07 exit status 1

No self-respecting programming language designer would actually implement such a feature, but grun is about using Go in a very informal way.

It may feel more natural to actually edit these lines in a file:

$ cat read.go
// read.go
s,e := ioutil.ReadFile("nada.txt")

$ grun -f read.go
2021/04/21 16:17:24 open nada.txt: no such file or directory
exit status 1
2021/04/21 16:17:24 exit status 1

These are not really .go files, of course - the imports and boilerplate are implicit.

You can include a proper Go file using -i:

$ cat answer.go
package main

func answer() int {
	return 42
$ grun -e 'answer()' -i answer.go

Finally, after importing new packages that you would like to make available to grun, you will need to run grun -r to refresh the package list.

For example,

$ go get github.com/iancoleman/strcase
$ go doc strcase | tail
func ConfigureAcronym(key, val string)
func ToCamel(s string) string
func ToDelimited(s string, delimiter uint8) string
func ToKebab(s string) string
func ToLowerCamel(s string) string
func ToScreamingDelimited(s string, delimiter uint8, ignore uint8, screaming bool) string
func ToScreamingKebab(s string) string
func ToScreamingSnake(s string) string
func ToSnake(s string) string
func ToSnakeWithIgnore(s string, ignore uint8) string
$ grun -r
$ grun -e 'strcase.ToScreamingSnake("HelloWorld")'

This is really useful when exploring a new API - and remember any setup boilerplate can be put into a Go file linked in with -i.

Steve J Donovan
Always been fascinated by programming languages, and know a fair number. Have a serious open source hacking habit. Currently focusing on Rust
Steve J Donovan
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